Excellent article, "A". Yes, I definitely think the Controllers are changing everything. They fuck us 7 ways to Sunday in every way imaginable, and that includes mindfucking, in all its manifestations. Ultimately the goal is to confuse, bewilder, and befuddle the masses so that they won't believe any hard evidence of what is being done to them, only what they are told and programmed to believe. We are really at that point now, with a few glaring exceptions hither and yon. In that pathetic mental state of being, they will wear their cyber shackles well.
I couldn't have said it any better than your comment. If you want to get really deep, all that confusion, bewilderment and befuddlement is negative energy in addition to people fighting each other over whose memory is right instead of everyone taking a step back and saying, "why the F do all these strangers, all over the world, remember it differently?"
Thanks, "A", and I couldn't have said your reply any better, it's right on the mark. The goal of the wire pullers from so very long ago was to alter and control behavioral perception so that people would be incapable of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from lies. Again with a few glaring, renegade exceptions, that is the case. The countless examples of this notwithstanding, these satanic, pig fucking, oligarchic swine really nailed it down with 9/11 and "Stupid-19". They even have the sheeple disbelieving and refusing to acknowledge what is happening right before their very eyes in the skies with their demonic geoengineering. Stay tuned for the next mass mind fuck.
Personally I don't believe in the Mandela effect, just another form of mind control and mind fuckery by the gas-lighting no so intelligence corporations. All this is just gas-lighting the sheeple. My father use to make tile...he would make a 12 inch tile...then some years later cut it back to 11 and 5/8's. Less product all adds up to money in his pocket and many times the customer would have to replace an entire area if a 12 inch tile was cracked or became broken. Very good article...these Globalist are nothing but ass wipes who have nothing better to do then fuck with you!
Yes the so called mandella effect is nothing more than gaslighting, a tool used by psychopaths and we all know we are being ruled over by a group pf parasitic psychopaths. If you want to learn the enemy’s playbook, study narcissistic abuse.
What about all the face-changing leaders? Putin not original Putin' Biden not original Biden. I think they may have switched out body double for Trump and for his wife several times (maybe for security?); and most recently, I sense "Gruesome Newsome" has changed features, especially his upper teeth in one speech I saw recently. They are screwing with us. Ghosting us; gaslighting us. They think we are idiots. Nothing better to do with their time than try to control the masses. And they want to live forever; why would anyone want to continue in the hell-hole forever? Not me.
I remember it being the Mississippi river, and that's the only reason I remember that mnemonic for spelling Mississippi, which I remember all these decades later, because I had to learn it in order to spell the name of the river! I didn't even remember/know there was a Missouri River.
I'm sure they have re-measured these things with more accurate technical tools, like laser rangefinders, gps co-ordinates and complex math performed by some complex computer algorithm. And of course the information could have been wrong, intentionally or innocently. But the fact is that whatever the truth was deemed to be when we were kids, we were schooled by the system.
WE WERE TAUGHT it was the Mississippi. We know that wasn't the only thing they lied to us about. But now the way it's being spun is - no you remember it wrong, the Missouri river is the longest. That's the gaslighting part of it. Regardless of what the truth is or was ever deemed to be, that's irrelevant in this case. We know and remember what we were TAUGHT. Now they are trying to convince us that our memories are wrong, we can't trust what we remember. Nothing wrong with our memories. They told us one thing, and now are telling us the truth is something different, and the fault is with us, we are flawed. No. It's the crappy school system teaching us based on the corrupt science that is flawed. Classic gaslighting. The truth is we cannot trust what we have been and are still being currently told by the 'authorities' and 'experts'. This is how they get us to question ourselves and think something is wrong with us. We need to keep this in perspective and call them out for teaching us something they now say is incorrect and for gaslighting us to try to make us believe the flaw is with us.
However, that encyclopedia entry the way it is written looks to me like it's saying the Missouri river is the longest. I re-read it several times. It's ambiguous at best. Something about the way my brain is wired things that are written ambiguously really stand out for me and I get stuck on them. I'm taking out the fluff (which really isn't very good writing and helps with the ambiguity and I think helps to pull off these misinformation mind fucks, but keep in mind that part of the fluff I have removed says the Missouri is the parent/feeds the Mississippi.
This is what the encyclopedia says,
"From the headquarters of the Missouri, ... to the mouth of the Mississippi is a distance of 4200 miles, the longest river course in the world".
'Headquarters' seems a strange word to use in this context, and correct me if I'm wrong and you know a lot more about this river terminology, but this is how I read it. From the start of the Missouri, to where it feeds into the Mississippi (and presumably where the Mississippi begins, thus the Missouri ends) is 4,200 miles. So, from the start of the Missouri until it ends (at the Mississippi) is 4,200 miles. So they are talking about the Missouri there, not the Mississippi. I hope I have explained myself well enough. What I find when people are gaslighting and making up stories to lie about something, it gets very confusing and mind-muddling to me. It can actually affect my ability to think until I get away from that person or people/environment where it's taking place. I know this feeling well and have come to recognize it as a fairly definitive sign that what I am being told is a lie, and possibly that I'm being gaslighted.
I do however remember the FlinTstones and JC PennEy. But perhaps a clue is that I have lived over half my 65 year old life outside of the US, without much contact or influence from the US (not watching news, etc). I think that especially since the internet, they have used viral videos and memes, etc to change the memories of the masses. The inability to check and call out their lies relies on everything being digital (easily changeable) - all of the old hard copy books - gone. All of the vinyl albums - gone. All of the VCRs - gone. You see how everything being digitized which they sell to us as convenient, cheaper, is crucial for them to be able to pull this off, and right now they are normalizing it with all these little, not really important or crucial things. There will come the time when they try to pull off much bigger and more important mind fucks. Think about how a gaslighter works their victim... starting with small and not very significant things. Moving the keys and telling them, no you never left them there, you always put them here.
Question for you Agent131711... where did you get the two graphics for all of these? Why was it easy enough to find two graphics that looked almost identical except for the 'difference' between what we remember and what we are being told? Why are both forms available? Unless someone took the time to mockup the 'what you remember' versions, were those versions really out there at some point? Is it because they really did do a switcheroo on us?
How deep can an average person research on trademarks at the trademark office and the changes in trademarks over the years? Because a lot of these are brand and product names, they will have been trademarked.
I have been feeling this for a while as I have been listening to channels talking about revisionist history, showing photos of old buildings and things like this, I have been feeling like people really need to somehow get the microfiche images of EVERYTHING their public and school libraries have on file. There are a lot of old newspapers there that will totally disappear if anything happens to those microfiche, including if they are digitized and then the originals somehow destroyed (thrown away, fire, etc). It's the same for all old film footage, books, everything. This is how they pull off these resets... they get rid of the older people who remember things, and move the orphans into cities and the areas they are resetting and the young orphans have no living history or memory of times past, they are indoctrinated afresh with the new historical fantasy made up by the controllers.
I saw that motion picture three times in the theater in my teens. She had braces, I remember the audience laughing or groaning at the joke when she wins the heart of super-villain henchman Jaws. Maybe it was somehow changed in the years between the late 1970s and the first production of VHS tapes in the 1980s.
I was also a high school page at a library in New Jersey, paid to put books back on the shelves. I re-shelved hundreds and hundreds of BerenSTEIN Bears books. I was not BerenSTAIN.
if you are trying to fathom why they wish to mess with your reality, perhaps it is becuase they are building a new one for you, but truly understand that you need to understand that the one we are in is already a copy....
You, I and every sentient creature come from Source, but We were all tricked to come here to this copy, this copy still allows for the possibility of any of Us to go Home... with me so far?
"they" who control the overlay/matrix/soul and energy harvest find the possibility of our escape most annoying (especially as their over worked software program (re-incarnation) is failing big time)... with me so far?
In order to deal with this annoying issue they are constructing via c.e.r.n (which allows demons to enter this realm) a whole new "perfect prison" realm, one from which there (possibly) can never be any escape, harder than this fucker that is for sure...
In order to get us to enter they need to adjust our frequency, our frequency is related to our "dna" which is our "source code" and path back to Creator, by fucking with source code and utilising "consent" (which is what all the fools who took the jab authorised them to do) they have the "cosmic permission" to do with those Souls as they wish....
Only through fear and cooercion and outright foolishness (educated/indoctrinated/cultured foolishness) can they convince Souls to join the new, all shiny, "fun" satanic sub realm... from which return will be all but impossible..
As someone Awake or awakening some of this is very obvious, other aspects... less so, the "battle" if you will has ramifications far beyond your current incarnation, which is why many "gifted" people mention this incarnation as possibly the last any of Us may experience in This current plane..
This chap explains alot about it all and if interested you may find listening to the whole series fills in the whole picture:
I was having this Lion, Lamb, Wolf convo with somebody a few years back & they simply looked at me as IF I were incredibly stupid & said... Well Yeah, It's all MATTER. Matter has molecular structure. Ice changes to water & evaporates into gas.... So OF COURSE words made from ink which is MATTER can change into a different form.
I’m 52 and I remember Mississippi, Lion, etc. This is so strange. What’s the goal here? The companies/product’s changing their logo and spellings for what reason? How is this beneficial? 🧐
THEY are gaslighting the masses, it is a form of psychological abuse that makes the victim doubt themselves and their own observations so that they don’t trust themselves. It makes one easier to MANipulate and CONtrol.
I remember most things the way you do (the ones I don't remember I didn't really come into contact with at all to have an opinion). I DO remember it being the LION and the lamb in the Bible. No way was it ever "wolf".
No, I distinctly remember watching the movie where Sinbad plays a genie as a kid. I think it may have just been a straight to television movie but that could be incorrect. However, when I first started reading about the Mandela effect and saw that this was one of them (along with Berenstein Bears, JC Penny, Looney Toons, and Fruit of the Loom def had the cornucopia) I immediately went on the hunt. After scouring the internet and friends' memories, for what could've been hours, the only thing I had to show for my work was a flat denial from Sinbad himself that he'd ever played a genie in a movie..... A week or so later I started searching again, this time I found the needle in the haystack I was looking for; I ran across a video on YouTube that happened to capture a tv screen in the background on which Sinbad's genie movie was playing.
This is a great topic. So many discrepancies - although I have an old monopoly game that my mom's ex husband gave me when I must have been in my early teens (I'm now 50). It's a special edition, all fancy with the fancy tin box. I used to play it often and have dragged it with me move after move over the years. When I came across the Mandela effect (I recall him becoming president after his release from prison and dying a free man) - one of the first things this person spoke of was the Monoply guy. And he showed what he called residual, by searching everywhere for opposite of what is now presented. He showed old photos of people dressed up as the Monopoly guy for Halloween - WITH the monocle. Pictures of people playing monopoly, older games sets etc.... I thought well I have an old game, it's right here I KNOW he has the monocle. I pulled the game out and almost passed out. The fuckin monocle was gone!!! 😳🤣 it was a very strange feeling and what ever is going on it's for sure to gaslight or make you not trust yourself and your memory. Just more of the same 'you're a POS and don't know anything'.....Quantum of Conscience has the perspective/theory of 'we live in a conspiracy generation machine' and whatever you look for, it will give you more of it. And if you show someone who's 'on the other side' of whatever topic it is whatever side it is, they just won't see what you're seeing. And if they research what you're researching they won't find it because the machine gives them only what they want to see or believe....I find this theory interesting. Could be the bigger agenda to keep us all fighting each other and divided. Down to the minutiae of life....again great articles!
The Fruit of the loom had a cornucopia
Kit Kat had a dash
Not a big Bible reader but it's the lion and the lamb - many old statues depict this and the wolf makes no sense.
C3p0 did NOT have a silver leg (even though our old Star Wars movies have suddenly changed!)
And many more! It's all just so bizarre and funny!
Excellent article, "A". Yes, I definitely think the Controllers are changing everything. They fuck us 7 ways to Sunday in every way imaginable, and that includes mindfucking, in all its manifestations. Ultimately the goal is to confuse, bewilder, and befuddle the masses so that they won't believe any hard evidence of what is being done to them, only what they are told and programmed to believe. We are really at that point now, with a few glaring exceptions hither and yon. In that pathetic mental state of being, they will wear their cyber shackles well.
I couldn't have said it any better than your comment. If you want to get really deep, all that confusion, bewilderment and befuddlement is negative energy in addition to people fighting each other over whose memory is right instead of everyone taking a step back and saying, "why the F do all these strangers, all over the world, remember it differently?"
Thanks, "A", and I couldn't have said your reply any better, it's right on the mark. The goal of the wire pullers from so very long ago was to alter and control behavioral perception so that people would be incapable of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from lies. Again with a few glaring, renegade exceptions, that is the case. The countless examples of this notwithstanding, these satanic, pig fucking, oligarchic swine really nailed it down with 9/11 and "Stupid-19". They even have the sheeple disbelieving and refusing to acknowledge what is happening right before their very eyes in the skies with their demonic geoengineering. Stay tuned for the next mass mind fuck.
Personally I don't believe in the Mandela effect, just another form of mind control and mind fuckery by the gas-lighting no so intelligence corporations. All this is just gas-lighting the sheeple. My father use to make tile...he would make a 12 inch tile...then some years later cut it back to 11 and 5/8's. Less product all adds up to money in his pocket and many times the customer would have to replace an entire area if a 12 inch tile was cracked or became broken. Very good article...these Globalist are nothing but ass wipes who have nothing better to do then fuck with you!
Yes the so called mandella effect is nothing more than gaslighting, a tool used by psychopaths and we all know we are being ruled over by a group pf parasitic psychopaths. If you want to learn the enemy’s playbook, study narcissistic abuse.
What about all the face-changing leaders? Putin not original Putin' Biden not original Biden. I think they may have switched out body double for Trump and for his wife several times (maybe for security?); and most recently, I sense "Gruesome Newsome" has changed features, especially his upper teeth in one speech I saw recently. They are screwing with us. Ghosting us; gaslighting us. They think we are idiots. Nothing better to do with their time than try to control the masses. And they want to live forever; why would anyone want to continue in the hell-hole forever? Not me.
& my vote is still Mississippi. ( I’m 57)
I remember it being the Mississippi river, and that's the only reason I remember that mnemonic for spelling Mississippi, which I remember all these decades later, because I had to learn it in order to spell the name of the river! I didn't even remember/know there was a Missouri River.
I'm sure they have re-measured these things with more accurate technical tools, like laser rangefinders, gps co-ordinates and complex math performed by some complex computer algorithm. And of course the information could have been wrong, intentionally or innocently. But the fact is that whatever the truth was deemed to be when we were kids, we were schooled by the system.
WE WERE TAUGHT it was the Mississippi. We know that wasn't the only thing they lied to us about. But now the way it's being spun is - no you remember it wrong, the Missouri river is the longest. That's the gaslighting part of it. Regardless of what the truth is or was ever deemed to be, that's irrelevant in this case. We know and remember what we were TAUGHT. Now they are trying to convince us that our memories are wrong, we can't trust what we remember. Nothing wrong with our memories. They told us one thing, and now are telling us the truth is something different, and the fault is with us, we are flawed. No. It's the crappy school system teaching us based on the corrupt science that is flawed. Classic gaslighting. The truth is we cannot trust what we have been and are still being currently told by the 'authorities' and 'experts'. This is how they get us to question ourselves and think something is wrong with us. We need to keep this in perspective and call them out for teaching us something they now say is incorrect and for gaslighting us to try to make us believe the flaw is with us.
However, that encyclopedia entry the way it is written looks to me like it's saying the Missouri river is the longest. I re-read it several times. It's ambiguous at best. Something about the way my brain is wired things that are written ambiguously really stand out for me and I get stuck on them. I'm taking out the fluff (which really isn't very good writing and helps with the ambiguity and I think helps to pull off these misinformation mind fucks, but keep in mind that part of the fluff I have removed says the Missouri is the parent/feeds the Mississippi.
This is what the encyclopedia says,
"From the headquarters of the Missouri, ... to the mouth of the Mississippi is a distance of 4200 miles, the longest river course in the world".
'Headquarters' seems a strange word to use in this context, and correct me if I'm wrong and you know a lot more about this river terminology, but this is how I read it. From the start of the Missouri, to where it feeds into the Mississippi (and presumably where the Mississippi begins, thus the Missouri ends) is 4,200 miles. So, from the start of the Missouri until it ends (at the Mississippi) is 4,200 miles. So they are talking about the Missouri there, not the Mississippi. I hope I have explained myself well enough. What I find when people are gaslighting and making up stories to lie about something, it gets very confusing and mind-muddling to me. It can actually affect my ability to think until I get away from that person or people/environment where it's taking place. I know this feeling well and have come to recognize it as a fairly definitive sign that what I am being told is a lie, and possibly that I'm being gaslighted.
I do however remember the FlinTstones and JC PennEy. But perhaps a clue is that I have lived over half my 65 year old life outside of the US, without much contact or influence from the US (not watching news, etc). I think that especially since the internet, they have used viral videos and memes, etc to change the memories of the masses. The inability to check and call out their lies relies on everything being digital (easily changeable) - all of the old hard copy books - gone. All of the vinyl albums - gone. All of the VCRs - gone. You see how everything being digitized which they sell to us as convenient, cheaper, is crucial for them to be able to pull this off, and right now they are normalizing it with all these little, not really important or crucial things. There will come the time when they try to pull off much bigger and more important mind fucks. Think about how a gaslighter works their victim... starting with small and not very significant things. Moving the keys and telling them, no you never left them there, you always put them here.
Question for you Agent131711... where did you get the two graphics for all of these? Why was it easy enough to find two graphics that looked almost identical except for the 'difference' between what we remember and what we are being told? Why are both forms available? Unless someone took the time to mockup the 'what you remember' versions, were those versions really out there at some point? Is it because they really did do a switcheroo on us?
How deep can an average person research on trademarks at the trademark office and the changes in trademarks over the years? Because a lot of these are brand and product names, they will have been trademarked.
I have been feeling this for a while as I have been listening to channels talking about revisionist history, showing photos of old buildings and things like this, I have been feeling like people really need to somehow get the microfiche images of EVERYTHING their public and school libraries have on file. There are a lot of old newspapers there that will totally disappear if anything happens to those microfiche, including if they are digitized and then the originals somehow destroyed (thrown away, fire, etc). It's the same for all old film footage, books, everything. This is how they pull off these resets... they get rid of the older people who remember things, and move the orphans into cities and the areas they are resetting and the young orphans have no living history or memory of times past, they are indoctrinated afresh with the new historical fantasy made up by the controllers.
Dolly's braces in the James Bond movie MOONRAKER.
I saw that motion picture three times in the theater in my teens. She had braces, I remember the audience laughing or groaning at the joke when she wins the heart of super-villain henchman Jaws. Maybe it was somehow changed in the years between the late 1970s and the first production of VHS tapes in the 1980s.
I was also a high school page at a library in New Jersey, paid to put books back on the shelves. I re-shelved hundreds and hundreds of BerenSTEIN Bears books. I was not BerenSTAIN.
I remember “ I began to pray “
NOT “ I pretend to pray “
I also remember BEGAN to pray.
That was the best line in the song. One word changed and Boom they deleted God.
I HAVE the ALBUM....It IS BEGAN to pray !
if you are trying to fathom why they wish to mess with your reality, perhaps it is becuase they are building a new one for you, but truly understand that you need to understand that the one we are in is already a copy....
You, I and every sentient creature come from Source, but We were all tricked to come here to this copy, this copy still allows for the possibility of any of Us to go Home... with me so far?
"they" who control the overlay/matrix/soul and energy harvest find the possibility of our escape most annoying (especially as their over worked software program (re-incarnation) is failing big time)... with me so far?
In order to deal with this annoying issue they are constructing via c.e.r.n (which allows demons to enter this realm) a whole new "perfect prison" realm, one from which there (possibly) can never be any escape, harder than this fucker that is for sure...
In order to get us to enter they need to adjust our frequency, our frequency is related to our "dna" which is our "source code" and path back to Creator, by fucking with source code and utilising "consent" (which is what all the fools who took the jab authorised them to do) they have the "cosmic permission" to do with those Souls as they wish....
Only through fear and cooercion and outright foolishness (educated/indoctrinated/cultured foolishness) can they convince Souls to join the new, all shiny, "fun" satanic sub realm... from which return will be all but impossible..
As someone Awake or awakening some of this is very obvious, other aspects... less so, the "battle" if you will has ramifications far beyond your current incarnation, which is why many "gifted" people mention this incarnation as possibly the last any of Us may experience in This current plane..
This chap explains alot about it all and if interested you may find listening to the whole series fills in the whole picture:
JC Penney is correct
I was having this Lion, Lamb, Wolf convo with somebody a few years back & they simply looked at me as IF I were incredibly stupid & said... Well Yeah, It's all MATTER. Matter has molecular structure. Ice changes to water & evaporates into gas.... So OF COURSE words made from ink which is MATTER can change into a different form.
I’m 52 and I remember Mississippi, Lion, etc. This is so strange. What’s the goal here? The companies/product’s changing their logo and spellings for what reason? How is this beneficial? 🧐
THEY are gaslighting the masses, it is a form of psychological abuse that makes the victim doubt themselves and their own observations so that they don’t trust themselves. It makes one easier to MANipulate and CONtrol.
I remember most things the way you do (the ones I don't remember I didn't really come into contact with at all to have an opinion). I DO remember it being the LION and the lamb in the Bible. No way was it ever "wolf".
No, I distinctly remember watching the movie where Sinbad plays a genie as a kid. I think it may have just been a straight to television movie but that could be incorrect. However, when I first started reading about the Mandela effect and saw that this was one of them (along with Berenstein Bears, JC Penny, Looney Toons, and Fruit of the Loom def had the cornucopia) I immediately went on the hunt. After scouring the internet and friends' memories, for what could've been hours, the only thing I had to show for my work was a flat denial from Sinbad himself that he'd ever played a genie in a movie..... A week or so later I started searching again, this time I found the needle in the haystack I was looking for; I ran across a video on YouTube that happened to capture a tv screen in the background on which Sinbad's genie movie was playing.
This is a great topic. So many discrepancies - although I have an old monopoly game that my mom's ex husband gave me when I must have been in my early teens (I'm now 50). It's a special edition, all fancy with the fancy tin box. I used to play it often and have dragged it with me move after move over the years. When I came across the Mandela effect (I recall him becoming president after his release from prison and dying a free man) - one of the first things this person spoke of was the Monoply guy. And he showed what he called residual, by searching everywhere for opposite of what is now presented. He showed old photos of people dressed up as the Monopoly guy for Halloween - WITH the monocle. Pictures of people playing monopoly, older games sets etc.... I thought well I have an old game, it's right here I KNOW he has the monocle. I pulled the game out and almost passed out. The fuckin monocle was gone!!! 😳🤣 it was a very strange feeling and what ever is going on it's for sure to gaslight or make you not trust yourself and your memory. Just more of the same 'you're a POS and don't know anything'.....Quantum of Conscience has the perspective/theory of 'we live in a conspiracy generation machine' and whatever you look for, it will give you more of it. And if you show someone who's 'on the other side' of whatever topic it is whatever side it is, they just won't see what you're seeing. And if they research what you're researching they won't find it because the machine gives them only what they want to see or believe....I find this theory interesting. Could be the bigger agenda to keep us all fighting each other and divided. Down to the minutiae of life....again great articles!
The Fruit of the loom had a cornucopia
Kit Kat had a dash
Not a big Bible reader but it's the lion and the lamb - many old statues depict this and the wolf makes no sense.
C3p0 did NOT have a silver leg (even though our old Star Wars movies have suddenly changed!)
And many more! It's all just so bizarre and funny!