1918 Lockdown, Masking & Rushed Vaccine: How BIRDS Caused a Worldwide Pandemic 💉 Series Part 1
SERIES PART 1: Baffled Doctors. A Faulty Vaccine. Businesses Forced to Close. Masks. Here's the story of "THE PURPLE DEATH"...
It was Spring 1918 and a terrifying pandemic was suddenly sweeping the nation. In fact, it was the deadliest pandemic in history as of that time AND it was completely a birds fault. Let me explain…
The media reported that a new form of influenza (H1N1), in addition to a deadly strain of pneumonia, was killing people faster than Ted Bundy on a weekend murder spree.
At this point in time, the virus was still an overall mystery, so, to ease peoples fears the media named it “Purple Death”. With the new name, the newspapers immediately went to work, letting the public know their life expectancy was now going to be cut short BUT, lockdowns and masking might save them, or their grandma: (Actual 1918 propaganda, you gotta read these):
All we really knew about Purple Death is it was discovered when 21 Navy sailors abroad one ship suddenly became ill …because a pandemic has to start somewhere and it chose that ship in the middle of that ocean….
The Navy’s surgeon general described it as a “suspicious outbreak”, but who cares if it's sketchy AF? No sooner than that news broke, 700 influenza-with-pneumonia cases were reported, with a large quantity of them occurring at the US Naval School, but that was also irrelevant. You see, it didn't matter where the sickness was occurring, all that mattered was that it was occurring, and it had to be stopped, NOW, before Purple Death slaughters the whole nation.
“How are these pockets of outbreaks springing up everywhere?”, you ask. Well, according to the CDC, these damn birds contracted this shit from other birds that already contracted this shit, then they shed it all over humans through their salvia and snot. Apparently, the f*cking birds have runny noses and choose to fly around all willy-nilly instead of staying home and resting when they’re sick.
So many birds, so much avian-mucus dripping from the sky. Foolishly, all this time we thought it was just a high-humidity day. But now we know, thanks to the CDC, that after a full day of sick birds flapping across the land, a ship full of innocent sailors gets infected, then a town, then a state, then a world. No wonder it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to take birds seriously.
It would soon be discovered that this stealthy strain was extra-extra-terrifying because this breed, for the first time ever, hunted down young adults, ages 20 to 44, which just so happened to be the age of almost all military personal; sailors, marines, soldiers, pilots, physicians, nurses, and support staff, making this pandemic a national security issue. Lord have mercy on our souls, or more specifically, the souls of the nations hero’s, being that they are the exact demographic the evil virus wanted to take with it back to the pits of hell. It was clear, something had to be done to stop this killer, and FAST. If only there was a Dr. Fauci and Dr. Brix back then, these birds could have been stopped in their tracks and history would have unfolded much differently.
With the population completely terrorized by Purple Death, the states leapt into action to do their part. To stop the spread, the state of New York rushed to isolate and lockdown its citizens that it deemed infected. In Illinois, movie theaters were forced to close while public gatherings were forbidden. Minnesota followed suit but also closed schools and churches. Across the country, California was like “hold my beer”, while they did all that shit plus implemented face masking that ranged from encouraged to required. The American Public Health Association said public transportation should be completely avoided. Stay home, stay safe. Flatten the curve. Most importantly, don’t put out bird seed. It was truly a wretched time… and, little did the citizens know, this wretchedness would consume two entire years of their lives. (actual 1918 news:)
The news reported that hospitals were overloaded and more than 550,000 people had died just in the US. In fact, more military personnel died from influenza than from battlefield wounds, they said.
The media would later claim that approximately one-third of the world’s population became infected; cases, cases, cases. Let's all do The Sign of The Cross together.
By the grace of God and Science, a brave man would invent a “cure” that would ultimately save the human race … well, kind of… I guess… I suppose it depends on your definition of “cure” and “save”….
The bravest-ever doctor was none other than Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Edward C. Rosenow. Like a baseball player, stepping up to the plate on the final pitch of a tied World Series game, he was determined to hit it out of the park for humanity. This fearless man knew the only way we can ever get our movie theaters reopen is to locate this virus and shoot it pointblank in the f*cking face. Mr. Rosenow wasted no time inventing a brilliant “flu serum” to kill the virus dead.
Like the old saying goes, sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire, or in Mr. Rosenows case, fight virus with virus, so his incredible concoction was a vaccine mixture that included bacteria which he called pneumonia. The rapidly spreading pneumonia would be no match for Dr. Roseys pneumonia.
Dr. Rosenow whipped up his virus-fighting-bacteria and began giving his serum out for free, like Chicken Cordon Bleu samples at Costco on a Sunday morning. Rosenow generously gifted batches of his virus-vax to Minnesota and the Midwest too. Before you knew it, everyone had injectable virus at their disposal. It was only a matter of time before all the local churches could reopen their doors and resume ringing their noon bells.
Well, as shocking as this may be, and it truly is shocking, in the end, the serum actually didn't work as a vaccine to protect against the flu, let alone pneumonia. Yeah, it royally sucked that all these people shot bacteria and who-knows-what into their arms and it didn’t stop transmission but scientists reported (and still report) that it might have helped protect people against pneumonia AFTER having the flu. Apparently it's a multistage process, like putting a clay pot into a kiln, but only after you glaze it.
BAD NEWS FIRST: Death in the US had greatly increased by 1922. I guess people kept feeding those birds?
GOOD NEWS: BUT, the death wasn't from Influenza or Pneumonia because the good doctors virus-vaccine may have saved some lives (pot, glaze, kiln style)
BAD NEWS: BUT, this time around heart disease and cancer deaths were up tremendously and nobody knew why. Doctors that were already baffled were even more baffled.
GOOD NEWS (?): BUT, prior to the vaccine, 99 people out of every 100,000 got “influenza pneumonia”, but after the vaccine only 134 out of every 100,000 got it. Being that the vaccine is listed as a historic accomplishment, this must be good news…
BAD NEWS: Now there were also lots of additional deaths from tuberculosis, typhoid fever, puerperal septicemia, whooping cough and scarlet fever coming out of the blue, but who knows why. Could be variants. Could be new viruses. Could be more birds drooling.
GOOD NEWS: The important thing here was stopping the spread of influenza pneumonia. By 1924, the Department of Commerce announced that influenza and pneumonia deaths had decreased from 103 people per 100,000 down to 102 per 100,000, so that was outstanding news! Hooray for virus vaccines!
BAD NEWS: Son of a bitch. Now other causes of death were surging like never before. For example, diphtheria, malaria, cancer and other malignant tumors were at an all time high. Whatever comes after “baffled” is what the doctors were at this point. I assume some doctors debated if they should even bother going into work because it was just too damn confusing.
MORE BAD NEWS: Sick birds were flying like never before. By 1928, not even 10 years after the bravest-ever doctors virus-vax, “influenza-pneumonia deaths “ were soaring in the US.
“If only someone could make a vaccine to save these people!”, you scream, in between tears. As I unhook your suet block feeder and walk it to the trash for your safety, I say, “Next, we have to discuss that, during these same years, doctors were busted creating a fake pandemic. Click here for PART 2”
Feeling super generous? Be like T-Pain and buy me a drink:
Don’t want to read that one? How about this?:
This post was my short, sweet and comedic attempt at sharing f*cked up history. If you need a wealth of solid evidence and incredible research to anonymously mail to your Uncle Joe who won’t stop getting boosters, ViroLIEgy.com is the place to go. IMO, it’s the best resource on the entire internet for obtaining hard evidence to tape to the public bathroom stall wall or flyer all the cars in the grocery store parking lot on a Sunday afternoon. Additionally, you should subscribe to the ViroLIEgy Substack
Other Sources:
https://www.jstor.org/stable/4577023 but
almost equal pneu and flu deaths https://boomcalifornia.org/2020/06/18/california-and-the-1918-1920-influenza-pandemic/
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THE PLAYBOOK didn't change a bit did it...We be awake now...I think the playbook also includes trying this every 100 years due to a lifespan / a whole generation wont be around to warn/remind/remember the younger generations not to fall for it...
At the Time of the 1918 Pandemic. Commercial radio was rolled out world wide. Not birds.