Aug 25Liked by Agent131711

I remember watching news feed of ISIS all driving brand new Dodge Ram pickup trucks. I thought it strange that dodge trucks were chosen and purchased by ISIS .....and had to be shipped all the way to the Middle East. Now I know that the news clip was most likely recorded here in the USA.

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I didn't consider the importing cost but that makes so much sense. Someone said they recognized the background of one of the videos as Colorado Desert in California. I have no way to confirm that.

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Wonder if the videos were filmed in the AZ deserts to look like the Middle East or Nevada 🤔

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We need to watch the background of the terrorist desert scene for the Mars Rover.

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It doesn’t really matter because they use green screen and can insert any background they want.

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Been faking every terror attack since day one. Same with school shootings, and unfortunately the same with assassination attempt on Trump. Everything is fake, and gay.

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As someone who reviews footage and is very knowledgeable of PSYOPS, I personally do not believe it was fake. That is my opinion. I completely understand why people believe it was a hoax, I just disagree.

Thanks for reading!

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The Trump ear drama is one of the most obvious stagings ever...

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The Controllers had the press publish a clear photo of the ear just nine or so days later at talks in France, I think. The profile "shot" showed not a mark on it.

It's a miracle! And mockery.

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I would like to know who the REAL shooter was and just how many of them were there posted around the area. I don't believe it was fake at all either. Trump could have been easily taken out, this was a warning.

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There was NO shooter. Communications Act and Smith Mundt make all of these fake shootings and terror attacks completely legal.

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Okay, then show me the shooter who can take a safe graze shot to the ear without actually hurting him. Not very credible. If the shot had been in the leg, you could believe the intimidation story. But a hit in the ear, where millimeters make the difference between life and death? No way.

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My oldest brother used to go hunting. A bullet whizzed past his head and he never went hunting again. And this was not someone aiming at him either. Only a sharp shooter from that far away could make such a shot. Perhaps they were trying to murder Trump, I just made a suggestion, so don't go off the rails. You won't intimidate someone with a shot in the leg. We'll never get the truth, that I can guarantee.

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Had he announced JD Vance yet as his running mate? The one guy who has all kinds of questionable ties and his wife is a member of the Pilgrim Society?

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Trump made the official announcement at the RNC here in Milwaukee. I am not aware of any Pilgrim Society, but what "elite" person isn't a member of some nefarious group. There is a price to pay for being rich, whether you earned the good old fashioned way or not. You either follow along with the program, or else.

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Here's what I have on the Pilgrim Society:

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj36/02.html This one is the best one of all.

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td2_4/05b-mcdonald.html Members of from the McDonald Illuminati bloodline

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td14/05a.html Pilgrim Society is a cover organization for American & British 6° Princes of the Illuminati. I believe at least five Astor's are now members of the Pilgrim Society.

As for Trump, see these two:

This link exposes the Colonna Crime Corporation that Trump is in:


This link does too:



Arlene Johnson



To access my work, which may contain ALL the reasons why JFK was assassinated, click on the icon that says Magazine.

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Thank you for all those links. I will have to check them out.

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[comments deleted here and below and apologies to Fran who made some good responses!]

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I agree, thats why I do not believe that voters have any say in who is Selected as President. Besides, he takes orders from those above him. CIA is heavily involved. Eisenhower did warn us, didn't he? Most politicians are owned by AIPAC, they bow to Israel. It all runs so deep with many fingers in the pie.

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I think it was very much a real scenario. There are just so many questions surrounding it, for me. I'm a Trump supporter, so I watch most of his rallies and such, and I was watching when this happened. The crowd's reactions, the incompetent SS agents around him, and lack of what I usually see around him...military men in fatigues with big weapons. Even when he went to NY for the trial, and in Fast Food restaurants. Why weren't they there that day?

CNN has never live- streamed any of his events, yet they were there in Butler. Someone knew something was going to happen that day, I believe they wanted to be the first to show his brains being blown out on live TV. Again, I don't believe it was fake, but there was some fookery afoot! How deep, who was involved...can't say, but thankful he wasn't killed, and thankful no more casualties than there were. Was Cory Comporatore a crisis actor? He was supposed to be a fireman of 20 yrs or so, yet when Trump spoke of him at the RNC, with his helmet and uniform on stage...his name was spelled wrong on it. ? Just sayin...too many questions without answers.

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I found it interesting that camera people were right there, snapping photos. Without any fear of losing their lives. CNN was at Mar A Lago when the Feds came a calling, so yes, they knew. They hate Trump, so totally in bed with CIA/FBI. I agree, lots of questions, forget getting an honest answer.

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The crowd was full of obvious crisis actors and when they were filming their phones weren't even pointed in the right direction. Also, the "BlackRock" shooter is completely unrealistic, like Lanza. Just another very convenient white dork/nerd acting alone which negates any associations and lawsuits. It's also incredibly obvious Trump didn't get hit by a bullet; and it's incredibly easy to fake random casualty deaths.

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It was the most obvious staging I've ever seen. You can "think" it's real but everyone will know you're just saying that to protect yourself, because you're obviously not an idiot.

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Seven signs Trump’s assassination attempt was faked Psychological operation is aimed at the religious and unintelligent, say analysts (Updated 7/18/24) JAMES HILL, MD


They fake everything and they get away with it no matter how sloppy the operation:




Watch the no-talent crisis actors in. . . action!


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So many thanks for these links !!!👍👍

Substack community gets more & more eyes every day ...

Hopefully its principals can withstand the pressure from the globalist's evil cabal for a long time to come ... 🤞🤞🤞

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You're so right !!

The bullet that nibbled Donald's ear turned out to be queer ...

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Aug 25Liked by Agent131711

Excellent post!!

Thank you for compiling all of this info!

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I second that “thank you”. You put out some excellent, thought provoking info and I look forward to every post. Cheers to you!

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Thank you Agent 131711 for this very revealing exposé with excellent video illustrations. Although many were already very skeptical of the MSM and US government and it's allies, after seeing this, it will be even easier to see through the deceptions and lies.

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Putin is not the best resource for showing fraud. For example, Chabad has him in their pockets...

And Russia showed who they really are with with pushing of CBDCs and SputnikV.

Russia's opposition to USA is a spiel that was created postWW2 to keep the world in a state of continuous fear.

All in all, the TRUE owners behind the entire system have nicely revealed themselves with the plandemic of 2020.

Crazy demented inbred kabbalah riding freaks that they are!

Christ welcomes all ;)

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fascinating video-thank you

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WOW! Just WOW! Great reporting!

This fookery just sickens me! Our so called government has been using our tax dollars for this shit...how many trillions now...while veterans live and die on the streets? Not to mention the myriad of issues American citizens have that they get no help for...we have voted for criminals to send to DC to make laws to limit our freedoms based on these lies....WHY can't we get people to take to the streets, to take back our country? Because they have been beaten down, emotionally by all of the lies, the fear, the propaganda... so many Americans don't even know what it means to be an American. I'm going to share this everywhere I can and to everyone I can. Thank you for your excellent work.

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So in 2012 The Lightbringer was arming ISIS. And in 2023 Sniffin' Joe re-armed them with the American materiel he ordered our military to abandon at Baghram Air Base. With "enemies" like the US, radical Islam does not need friends.

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It's not tax dollars, it's federal budget dollars. We really, really, really need to learn how money works in America.

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Does the federal government have an income? Where do Federal Budget $ come from? Other than borrowing from the Fed, money printed out of thin air with no backing, that doesn't really exist...that the US taxpayers pay interest on...making it taxpayer $$. Since we are the only ones working, and contributing to another ponzi scheme.

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You forgot to add "we really, really, really need to learn how money works in America"

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Thank you sooooo much for all your time and research for this truly BEAUTIFUL compilation !!👍💯

Antony J. Blinken, still being incumbent Head of State Dept. since 26.01.21 is the best guarantor to making sure that Agent131711 does not run-out of topics anytime soon ...

That highly rabid Zionist creature working 24/7/365, maybe you better ventilate the idea of enlarging your team in order to cover with same detail and quality all the upcoming events ...🤣🤣

Btw: I just wonder that these highly compromising vids for the cabal are still to be found on YT ...🤔

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Brilliant! Thank you!

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Speaking of terrorists, have you seen this thing that Musk posted on X...I'm not on it but it came from another substack....I will post the video and then article.....



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Thanks for BOTH links !!!

You're a star even on land ...

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What's to say that both sides of the so called Ukraine war is not being funded by the CIA and the U.S. Government? You always need a Good Guy (Zelensky) vs. a Bad Guy (Putin) to gin up a war in order to receive tax payer support.

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And indeed, We created humankind from an extract of clay, then placed each ˹human˺ as a sperm-drop in a secure place, then We developed the drop into a clinging clot, then developed the clot into a lump ˹of flesh˺, then developed the lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, then We brought it into being as a new creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators.

Al-Mu'minun 23: 12 - 14

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Just found out about an 8hr!!!! documentary on Rumble called The Impact that discusses this subject. https://rumble.com/v5749hh-the-impact-groundbreaking-documentary.html?e9s=src_v1_cw&playlist_id=watch-history

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C'mon kids. You don't need the rabbit holes. You can clearly see who the terrorists truly are.

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