Freemasons & Illuminati: the Battle for the PRESS and Censorship of the 1800s (Untold History)
Not "conspiracy theory", this information is from government records from 1830. A True story of how the media was captured and wielded as a weapon against the people...
Although Freemasonry claims to have existed essentially since the beginning of time, even claiming to have books written by Hermes (yes, the Greek Mythology Hermes), researchers of the early 1800s could only trace evidence of Masonry back to the early 1700s. “By cunning and falsehood of the craft... (the Masons) led a portion of the world to believe that their institution was very ancient, scientific, moral, charitable, divine and religious; patronized by all the patriarchs, prophets, wise men, and saints of old… and that it was a greater blessing upon mankind than any other institution on earth; even greater than the Christian religion.”, they wrote.
In 1730, a little over a dozen years after the official formation of the Freemasons, one of its members, Samuel Prichard, defected and fully disclosed all of the secrets of the fraternity. At the time, the Masonic organization was a small, fringe group so nobody cared and Prichard’s warnings of the dangers of this entity fell on deaf ears. The researchers of the 1800s write, “no one supposed that an organization so insignificant and unworthy of notice, was ever to become so extensive and powerful as to revolutionize kingdoms, cause the most potent monarchs to tremble upon their thrones, and even to defy “the world in arms””.
A handful of years later another warning, “Jachin and Boaz”, was released by a different defector. The author of this work, as well as those who published it in America, were assassinated. Despite the warnings and murders, most of the public still considered the organization to be a joke. In London, “Young lads frequently appeared in the streets of London, clad in aprons, and adorned with pebles, in mimicry of a class of men, whom they considered supremely ridiculous”.
The mockery didn’t detour the Masons. Their numbers slowly grew. The principals of the order were transplanted into France, Germany and other kingdoms in Europe and had begun to take a deep and extensive root in America. The French Revolutionary war, a time of complete upheaval in France, was both a catalyst for the organization and a time of Awakening for many members. While distraught men, angered by war, joined under the belief that they were going to discover answers in the form of enlightenment, grow their relationship with God and be an asset in their communities, many who were already embedded in the organization saw clearly the goals of the Masons. During the so-called French revolution, “some had the sagacity to discern that this deluge of human blood and the subsequent anarchy of that nation resulted not so much from the true spirit of national liberty, as from the principles of infidelity extensively propagated in every country of Europe, by means of secret associations.” - the people were already beginning to see the war was not what it seemed and the shadowy entity, operating in secrecy behind lodge doors, just might be a massive f*cking problem.
Although many were brave enough to abandon the fraternity, few were willing to speak out, for all knew the punishment should they break their oath to the brotherhood. Among those who risked their lives to expose the secrets of the Masons was Abbe Barruel and Professor Robison. Both men were deeply involved with the Freemasons and extensively acquainted with the secrets of the craft.
Professor Robison said, “I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing and mixing with all the different systems of freemasonry, till at last, an association had been formed, for the express purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all the existing governments of Europe”. He added, “In short, we may assert with confidence that the mason lodges in France were the hot-beds where the seeds were sown and tenderly reared, of all the pernicious doctrines which soon choked every moral or religious cultivation and have made society worse than a waste, have made it into a marsh of human corruption, filled with every rank and poisonous weed”. According to Robison, this is what gave rise to the Illuminati and the Illuminees.
Abbe Barruel and Professor Robison saw the organization as such a danger that they began publishing different works on the topic. Their work Awakened many. An official countermovement against the masons had been set in motion, and this time around, some were interested. Surprisingly, even British Parliament took interest. They passed an act that prohibited no more than three degrees of masonry being conferred in any lodge in the kingdom and provided a statute against the administration of extra-judicial oaths. This statute meant that, providing the law is followed, no member of government could also be a Freemason.
When the Professor and Barruel’s works began being read in America, “many intelligent men, both civilians and divines, were awakened to impending danger, filled with fearful apprehensions in the view of the rapid growth of Freemasonry and sounded the alarm both from the pulpit and the forum.”. This is what lead to the war of the press…
The Illumnees in France and Germany were already actively engaged in psychological warfare via the press. When multiple news columns were speaking ill of them, they formed slandering committees throughout the countries. The Masons in America followed suit; anyone who dared to speak against the brotherhood would be vilified, their character assassinated. The accusations didn’t need to be truthful, they simply needed to permanently destroy the credibility of the defector and anyone aiding in the publication of the materials.
When Robison’s writings appeared in American publications, a news column appeared in a paper printed in Hartford, Connecticut. It informed readers that Robison “had lived too fast for his income, and to supply deficiencies, has undertaken to alter a bank bill”. It stated that when Robison was caught committing fraud by altering the bill he fled to France where he participated in a Lodge. The news column claimed that Robison was expelled from the lodge, so he went to a different lodge and applied for membership but was denied. Desperately longing to be a Mason, the professor then went to Germany and Russia, but never succeeded at gaining membership, and this is what drove Robison to “the bitterest hatred for masonry”, resulting in him making up these awful, untrue claims about the brotherhood. The paper went on to say that his book (the anti-mason book) was nothing more than a way to escape his crime of fraud. They claimed Robison presented his book to the government to have the charges against him dropped in exchange for his knowledge. The column ends by saying, “He now lives upon a handsome pension”, leading the reader to believe that either a payment from the government for his information, or sales from his book, were so lucrative he was able to retire wealthy. - Of course, not a word of this was true. There never were charges against Robison. By all accounts, he was an honorable man, respected by his colleagues, many of which spoke publicly of his favorable character during the slanderous attacks.
In another hit piece against the professor, the same false allegations of forgery were made. This time around, they upped the ante by labeling him insane. The Masons had these columns copied into other papers (mockingbird media 1.0), and it was only a matter of time before the professor became known as a dishonest basket case and the colleagues who came to his defense were considered to be birds of a feather. All of these lunatics were the conspiracy theorists of the time and all should be laughed at and ignored.
Shortly after the Robison debacle, a professor at Yale College prepared an abstract from Barruel’s work, which he sent for publication in the Connecticut Curant newspaper, also printed in Hartford. The paper published a total of eight of the Yale teachers abstracts, then suddenly he was blocked from submitting further content and the eight articles would never be republished.
The same year, Reverend Dr. Morse of Charlestown, a highly respected and very well-known man from Massachusetts, preached and published a sermon in which he pointed out the dangers of Illuminism and the rapid and powerful influence which it was obtaining in America. He expressed the importance of the American people to open their eyes to impending evils. The Reverend recommended people read “Proof of a Conspiracy”. Due to the great reputation of Reverend Dr. Morse, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts stepped up to run damage control. He penned several pieces for the American Mercury newspaper, none of which refuted the knowledge of the preacher, but instead attacked his character.
When the Grand Master’s articles appeared in the Mercury, a brave and moral judge, Honorable Samuel Dexter of Boston, stepped up to defend Reverend Dr. Morse. The judge wrote a scathing article as a response to the Grand Master, but the Mercury refused to publish it. The controversy continued until, eventually, a writer in the Mercury stated, “Dr. Morse has been censured as being unfriendly to masonry” and informed readers that anti-masonic writings were being banned from appearing in the paper.
Another writer in the same paper stated that the articles the Masons were publishing were skillfully crafted to create suspicion against those who spoke out against the fraternity. “Why should they be so determined to extinguish the light which is shed upon this subject, unless they considered the masonic institution as having an intimate connection with illuminism”. As expected, this was immediately followed by a rebuttal stating the Illuminati are the genuine philosophists. The researchers of the 1800s wrote, “…one principal mode of masonic warfare, and the most efficient means, adopted by the masonic fraternity, to suppress the work of investigation, has been a thoroughly organized system of slander and calumny”
As of 1830, researchers reported, there were a total of 983 aggregate newspapers. They divided them into three classes:
free press publishing nonbiased news and founded on the opposition to masonry
100% controlled masonic press
and the third class was papers that publish both types of content; nonbiased, anti-mason and masonic-controlled.
Researchers of that time discovered that only 124 of the papers were anti-masonic and unbiased. The remaining 859 newspapers were either partially or fully controlled by the Freemasons. COMING NEXT: Anti-Masons vs Everybody: The Rise of the Anti-Masonic Party in the United States
Great article Agent.
It presses the point home, that it has always been and will always be about who controls the information - what is in the news and what is taught in schools and universities.
Freedom of information is vital for our survival - knowledge is king.
A book written in the 1950s "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr. (Audible actually has it) but you can down load the pdf at
This book takes the conspiracy back before Weissman and the Illuminati and the infiltration into freemasonry. It is interesting that Carr sent copies to the FBI and there is file posted on the archives as to their response to him. He also did a great article on Fluoride. If you want to understand the World Revolutionary movement - IMHO this book is the place to start.