Great article Agent.

It presses the point home, that it has always been and will always be about who controls the information - what is in the news and what is taught in schools and universities.

Freedom of information is vital for our survival - knowledge is king.

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A book written in the 1950s "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr. (Audible actually has it) but you can down load the pdf at https://archive.org/details/pawnsinthegame_201708/page/n17/mode/2up

This book takes the conspiracy back before Weissman and the Illuminati and the infiltration into freemasonry. It is interesting that Carr sent copies to the FBI and there is file posted on the archives as to their response to him. He also did a great article on Fluoride. If you want to understand the World Revolutionary movement - IMHO this book is the place to start.

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I purchased this book. When I found it, I could not believe how much he was telling us. But we don't seem to pay attention.

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Amazing book - you may want to check out the FBI files

FBI Files


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Thanks for the link. Definitely looks interesting. Right now I am overwhelmed with depressing information. I must limit my intake or no one will tolerate me. Fortunately, I am happy with myself.

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Another parallel to the times that we are in! Truly there is nothing new Under the Sun! 🎯☀️

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Suppressing the truth---- seems it's nothing new.

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I've noticed Mormon temples are being forced on towns now. They used to be much more laid back and less pushy about where they built temples. They have the money, and I'm sure, the Freemasonry connections to sue these towns as needed to build their temples. The weird crap that goes on in the temples is touted as "sacred", which means if you question it, you're being sacreligious and viewed as a dissenter. I have experienced this for myself as an ex-Mormon. They tout special Freemason hand signs and other Freemasonry-linked rituals as being the keys necessary to ensure your family will be together for eternity. I mention this because it's very concerning to me that they seem so insistent on building these temples in specific locations when they don't even have enough church members to staff them, so it's obviously not for the church members.

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All 33 degree Mason jews, know the globe does not exist! All actornauts are 33rd degree masons!!!

99% of globe deniers did not get the Frankenshot!🤔🦧😂😎🤣

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Thank you for another wonderful article. Blessings ~ https://youtu.be/xW21Az8iSOE?feature=shared

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Augustin Barruel was a Jesuit. The Jesuit Order used Grand Orient Freemasonry to facilitate the French Revolution and then scapegoated Freemasonry to exonerate themselves.

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If they control 80% of the press back then… how much do they own nowaday? If we think who controls the media is deepstate and government true power… it circle backs to they may be liars but they still own all. And finaly masonery may be officialised in 1700 but the idea of occult group that lead to them is quite older. Hiram is way before like the jachim and boaz stuff related to solomon temple. All this pure folklore? Just wondering if an elite evil group who control’s university… and many of them were started in the 1080 or so. They altho being consolidated in the late years, they still hold knowledge of the past. Maturity is not marked by the years spent for human and probly the same for group persona. What do you think of all this i said? And by the way i am anti macons to the bone and i cant wait another article related to that subject thanks!

One last thing: all the links sent me to the same archive document at the same page. I think this dillema of masonery cant be covered with that one book. Hope you got More goodie’s in the bag

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You might like the latest video from NYSTV (Now You See TV) on YT. David Carrico has been researching them for years and they talked about how the brotherhood helps cover each others' crimes (which we all knew anyway) and exactly where it's worded in the Royal Arch. They also discussed the generational curses, possession and other that Masons are 'gifted' with when they perform the rituals. So many Masons have gotten out into Christianity (not Catholicism, meaning 'all' or pagan) and rid themselves of the generational curses and spiritual oppression. That should say a lot to people on the fence.

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