ZIKA: Crazy Rabbit Hole Exposing a Scheme That Has NOTHING to do with VACCINES, "VIRUSES" or Big Pharma! Mindf*ck Monday ep4
I uncovered a diabolical program currently being operated under the guise of "Zika Virus". This scheme is probably as wild as the GWEN Towers PSYOP I wrote about. Come along for this super deep dive
When I started writing this, I had no idea how deep this would go and what I would uncover. This article is not going to go where you think it will. I promise, this isn’t yawn-worthy fake-virus and bad-vaccine content. This may seem dull for a few minutes but I promise you your mind will be blown in the end. Without further ado, I present to you my 4th installment of the Mindf*ck Monday series; content so wild that it completely changes how you viewed something - content which, for reasons I cannot explain, has never been published on an actual Monday… (and in case you’re wondering, episode 3 was Hey! I Found Isis! A Military Contractor, ep 2 was What if They’re NOT 5G Towers? The Untold Story of The GWEN Towers and the first ever Mindf*ck Monday ever was The Elites Meditation Room Proves Everything is a Lie) Enjoy! -
I was neck-deep in researching for a crazy article I am working on, which I was going to call something like “WTF does the Red Cross ACTUALLY Do? Apparently THIS…” - You def don’t want to miss that because we will be looking at some really insane stuff that nobody else is talking about, like, why are they involved in Geoengineering? Why were they caught throwing away massive loads of donations? Why are employees instructed to use their vehicles literal props for photo ops instead of going to tragedies? And more. Anyway, it’s some wild stuff, so be sure to sub:
So, as I was saying, I was researching for the Red Cross exposé and I came across this video: (34 seconds, I added in the photos)
Yep, Red Cross was staying at a 5-Star hotel while on their Zika mission which involved keeping the people of Texas safe by spraying them with chemicals.
Seeing that video made me remember that in July of 2023 my buddy
was looking into insecticides being sprayed in Florida and I had sent him an email containing some of my research.The email I sent was about my alarming discovery into just how massive the government-ran mosquito spraying program is. For example, here were a few spraying locations from Ohio, just from July 2023:
My home state of Michigan began spraying in mid-April that year:
SOUTH CAROLINA had an interactive spray map because they spray so often:
NEW YORK offered a schedule:
NEW JERSEY sprayed their entire state:
TENNESSEE began spraying in late April last year. An interactive map is offered.
And come 2024, DELEWARE had already started cloaking the state in chemicals when insects weren’t even out yet.
That’s just a few states. From what I could see, it seems they’re all spraying. ALL.
The reason I found this quick research to be so interesting is because I had never heard a peep about Michigan being sprayed. Shouldn’t dousing us with aerosolized chemicals be front page news? Shouldn’t all residents be notified, at a minimum, via mail? Or informed, somehow? A flier placed on their door or attached to their mailbox? I wanted to see if other people knew they were being sprayed, so I ran a Twitter Poll in summer 2023:
As you can see, out of 159 votes thus far, people either didn’t know when they will be sprayed or never knew they are being sprayed, either way, 94% of the public was completely uninformed, and from my experience as a researcher, when such a large percentage of the population has no idea the government is doing something, there’s a reason why…
So, after I looked at that old email I sent to Tim, I had two questions that needed answers:
How are they determining which areas need to be sprayed?
What exactly are they spraying?
…and that was going to be what this article was about, until it took a turn, when it led to uncovering worldwide, diabolical programs currently being operated under the guise of Zika Virus...
Let’s start with the basics: We know, from my series Yellow Fever Fraud, science never was able to prove infection through a mosquito bite. No matter how many experiments scientists ran, transmission of “the virus” via a mosquito bite never occurred. What happened next was massive fraud that changed history; this next-level-corruption is still, to this day, the entire reason the Yellow Fever Vaccine. (Btw, we also know, from my Ivermectin: Miracle Drug or Population Control Weapon deep dive, they never were able to prove transmission of illness caused by fly bites either, which was the entire foundation for Ivermectin, a lab-made fertility-reducing chemical concoction invented by Merck and peddled to us by Freedom-loving Doctors as a cure for everything)
With that being said, how exactly are they (meaning the powers that be and science) determining which areas need to be sprayed? Are you ready to hear some mind-numbingly stupid sh*t?
I located a Florida Zika Outbreak article from 2020 on the CDC website. The publication states, in 2016 four clusters of local Zika virus transmissions were identified. These identifications generated Red Zones. Want some hardcore fear porn? Here you go: A Red Zone is so dangerous that pregnant women are advised against entering them:
So apparently, if you live here and need to get here…
…you just have to swim (or die)
BUT because mosquitoes recognize boundaries and stay within the borders, as long as you avoid their turf, you’re totally fine! Just pay attention to street signs…
When a Red Zone is identified it triggers a chain of events: “Intensive control activities” spring into action, which consist of property inspections, community education and spraying larvicide chemicals followed by spraying adulticide chemicals in those areas. However, Red Zones are so dangerous that the mosquito experts insist on expanding the spray zone to include surrounding areas because you can never be too safe, you know? You might get Zika just looking at this clipart:
According to the same CDC document, from July through December, Florida’s Miami-Dade County Health Department (MCD) inspected over 350,000 properties, in effort to locate mosquitoes and kill ‘em dead.
They claim that out of the ten total different species of mosquito in Florida, Ae. Aegypti are the only type that carry the alleged Zika virus, however, when any larvae is discovered by MCD, no effort is made to identify the type of larvae. Instead, these discoveries are recorded as a presence of larvae, then killed with chemicals.
Out of 24,795 Red Zone inspections, 2,720 clusters of larvae were discovered, all of which were assumed to be Ae. Aegypti mosquitoes and killed. In addition to killing the 2,720 clusters of larvae they sprayed the entire area with aerosolized chemicals dispersed from airplanes and/or trucks (SAFETY!). And, if you’re not paying attention, you probably will never notice they are spraying. Look how fast this thing cruises down the street under the cover of darkness: (43 second video)
Now that we know what happens when a couple sick people are logged as having “Zika virus”, we must ask:
According to the CDC, Zika virus, “When occurring, clinical illness is generally mild and characterized by acute onset of fever, rash, arthralgia, or nonpurulent conjunctivitis. Symptoms usually last from several days to a week. Severe disease requiring hospitalization is uncommon, and deaths are rare.” - Ok, so if you have a rash (which is what 98% of people reported having), a fever (82%), joint pain (66%) or Pink Eye (37%), you have Zika and you might have to live with that fever, rash or inflammation for a couple days to a week! Lord have mercy on our souls.
If you and your rash go to the doctor because you’re not sure if it is from your new brand of laundry detergent or a stealthy mosquito that infected you with a horrible virus, Science will help you figure it out. Do you want to know how Science helps you figure it out? Well, it turns out that 24% of Zika cases were determined by a PCR test, yet the manufacturer of the tests states the tests have a high false positive rate so doctors should not rely strictly on the tests. 76% were determined by a serum test despite that test also stating it should not be used to diagnose Zika, and 2% of cases, “had serologic evidence of a recent unspecified flavivirus infection and were classified as Zika virus disease cases based on their epidemiologic link to a confirmed case” = “we guessed”.
So, someone has a rash, they take a serum test which is not meant to be used to diagnose Zika, if the test is positive it then sets into motion trucks or planes being loaded with chemical tanks then sent out to cloak the city with aerosolized stuff, but what specifically is in the stuff?
According to Rhode Island government, the most commonly used commercial mosquito insecticide is “Anvil 10+10”. Massachusetts government confirms Anvil 10+10 is what they also use and goes on to say “Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina and Texas” do as well. For the sake of easiest research, we are going to focus on Anvil 10+10.
ANVIL 10+10
Anvil 10+10 is typically sprayed on us from airplanes whereas Anvil 2+2 is dispersed from trucks:
(24 second video)
Anvil 10+10 is marketed as a wonderful insecticide that kills all kinds of “pests”:
Not only does it kill mosquitoes but it also kills bed bugs, dust mites, fleas, ticks, houseflies and “stored product pest”. YAY! Let’s assassinate it all because they bother us.
According to the internet, Anvil contains “just two ingredients”, Sumithrin and Piperonyo Butoxide.
I was able to locate the manufacturers safety data sheet for Anvil 10+10, which lists it as Category 1 Aspiration Toxicity which means it’s mega-fatal if inhaled, but other than being super deadly if we breathe it in, it sounds like a fabulous product:
If we scroll down the safety data sheet we find a list of ingredients, and here we see SUMITHRIN is also known as “d-Phenothrin”. I’m not a mathematician, but it seems like there are more than “just two ingredients” on this list and I see coal tar byproduct is in here too…
When we pull up the safety data sheet for d-Phenothrin and we discover this chemical compound, which we are covering cities in, is:
harmful if inhaled
very toxic to aquatic organisms
can cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments
In fact, it is so highly toxic to water-life, even an empty container of it, if in contact with water, could contaminate it
Toxic to birds
It readily absorbs into soil
But that’s not all. We also discover this is toxic to bees:
In fact, it is so toxic to bees that the manufacturers safety data sheet does not even offer any form of testing information. They only list it as three total words, hidden at the bottom of the list…
A product that kills mosquitoes, flies and stored product pests is obviously going to kill all insects. Every state spraying this stuff is yet another reason our pollinator population is dwindling down to nothing and they know it’s killing bees (and everything else), so the time has come to blame you and I for the death of pollinators. Yes, my friends, the media is now saying it is our fault because citizens are hiring companies to spray their back yards to stop the mosquitoes the media has made them terrified of. Not once do they mention the government spraying us and our yards, our trees, our forests, our rivers and streams, our lakes, without our knowledge, let alone our permission… (43 second video)
Let’s recap what we learned thus far, because it’s super important for what is coming next:
If you have a fever, a rash, joint pain, Pink Eye or any combination of those issues, you are going to take a PCR or serum test and likely be diagnosed with Zika Virus. Even if you don’t take a test, you still might be diagnosed if other people in your area have been labeled infected. Your diagnosis is sent to a bunch of entities who then say “WE MUST STOP THE ZIKA!”. To prevent people from catching Zika, tax dollars are funding massive nationwide spraying campaigns, but even with the spraying, people are still catching Zika hence the reason for Red Zones and additional kill-missions. And the icing on the cake is, the spray is incredibly toxic to nature, especially bees, and it is fatal to humans if inhaled… all to unsuccessfully prevent a rash and pink eye for a week or less… and 94% of citizens are either unaware that they are spraying or do not know when the spraying is taking place…
And let me point out, the whole time these Zika spraying programs have been going on, there was no Zika vaccine available in the USA and there wasn’t even a medical treatment they could sell us, so, for the first time ever, we can say, “they didn’t have a financial incentive”, which in itself, should send up red flags. If they’re not doing it for the money or to inject us with stuff, then WTF are they doing it for?
Remember how I started off this article by saying, “I had no idea how deep this would go and what I would uncover”, well, this is about to get WTF, real fast...
Before we can get into the really crazy stuff, we have to look at some quick history, because it is the foundation for everything.
The American public first heard about DDT in early 1944, when newspapers across the country suddenly reported that typhus (body lice) were being killed easily in Italy using a new louse-killing powder. It was reported that this miracle powder saved Italy from a lice epidemic.
Shortly after, the American media went to work informing the public that DDT was a Godsend. The new pesticide was, “killing malaria-carrying mosquitoes throughout the South and preserving Arizona vineyards, West Virginia orchards, Oregon potato fields, Illinois cornfields, and Iowa dairies—and even a historic Massachusetts stagecoach with moth-infested upholstery”. This incredible treatment would, “prevent human disease and protect victory gardens, commercial crops, and livestock from infestations as it turned schools, restaurants, hotels, and homes into more comfortable, pest-free places for people and their pets”. - Ok, so this stuff was a miracle made by Jesus himself. Without this new louse-killing powder, the world would end and everyone would die, kapish?
In October of 1945, National Geographic published a piece praising DDT but also stated that it “has a drawback—it kills many beneficial and harmless insects, but it does not kill all insect pests”. It was admitted that crops, flowers and trees dependent on pollinators could die off, as could birds and fish, but that didn’t matter as DDT spraying commenced…
…all the way until 1972, when it was discovered to be toxic AF and recalled because it was proven to be doing serious harm to humans:
After the recall people were skeptical of spraying so the government was no longer able to openly cloak communities in chemicals….
… so RoundUp with glyphosate were released. This allowed us to spray ourselves (read my piece on that insanity). But asking farmers to spray the food people will eat and asking gardeners to spray weeds wasn’t enough. Something more needed to be done to resurrect the government spraying operations… and when you find out the real reason why, it will be a massive AH-HA moment…
It was almost the year 2000, Y2K, baby! Remember that stupid sh*t where they told us our banks would all crash because computers wouldn’t be able to change from 1999 to 2000? Because it was 1999, it had almost been 30 years since the DDT recall, this meant that people born in 1980 had absolutely no idea what DDT was, let alone the damage it caused, which also meant it was the perfect time to run the mass PSYOP on the American population all over again. (1 minute 49 second video)
Yes, West Nile Virus suddenly appeared in the USA. As usual, the media and government did a phenomenal job terrifying the people and they made it official; mosquitoes in the USA were no longer just annoying, they were now deadly and they want to hurt you. But once again, there was no West Nile Vaccine or medical treatment so there was suspiciously no financial incentive for Big Pharma. Let’s bring ‘em in again:
Several years later, “Zika Virus” magically appeared in Brazil thanks to the PCR tests we discussed earlier (3 minute video)
Some people claim my videos won’t play, so incase it didn’t play for you, they needed to find a new “virus” in Brazil so they literally sent virus hunters to Brazil find that new virus. They then used the Brazilian media to promote the new Zika virus, exactly like the 1999 USA PSYOP from several years prior. Now it was official, deadly Zika was in Brazil, deadly West Nile was in the United States. No vaccine existed for either virus. Now this is where sh*t starts to take a massive turn…
During the same time Zika was ravishing Brazil, the American media was for begging for DDT to be brought back to the USA. Why? You can’t make this sh*t up, they claimed…
“To save the babies...”
Suddenly, everyone wanted DDT to be sprayed again… for the babies…? (look at the dates)
Even the WHO recommended bring it back, but they said to “control Malaria” (to save the adults and the babies - because they care about everyone):
So yeah, after the 1999 PSYOP was ran, convincing the American public that mosquitoes have consequences, boom!, Zika appeared in Brazil and the media, in unison, fought on behalf of a super-hazardous chemical agent that was causing grave harm because we must save the babies... from Zika Virus… that allegedly comes from mosquito bites… and causes a rash… that might last a week…
And the interim solution? This truck, doing a quick Anvil spray as it speeds down the street (32 second video)
And this plane, releasing poison into the atmosphere over a 10 mile area, then assuming it will fall straight down and kill all of the virus-filled mosquitoes… (28 seconds)
I think we can agree, none of this makes a damn bit of sense, and now it is time to reveal why…
I promise my paid subs two awesome paywalled articles per month and trust me, this one won’t disappoint, so meet me on the other side of this paywall to have your mind blown as much as mine was - this truly is one of the most shockingly calculated operations I have ever researched: