As soon as you said lecithin is a way to make money from a waste product, I immediately thought of fluoride. Then you said it! Our city has added fluoride and it is difficult to filter out. They have been poisoning us for a very very long time.

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I use this to purify drinking water for myself and my pets and it gets out most of the fluoride: https://support.aquatruwater.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039446213--Does-AquaTru-remove-Fluoride

I bought it years ago when the company was just a startup and they offered the product for a really affordable price. I've been using it ever since and have been pleased with it. (I'm not a paid endorser or anything like that.) I would love to be able to get out 100% of the stuff at an economy price point.

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Thank you.

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The greatest danger of GMO crops is that they are resistant to known pests & pathogens.

What should happen if a new organism, bacteria or fungi or mould or pest evolves, (or is created) to feed off of GMO crops EXCLUSIVELY!

Since the first Monsanto frakencorn (there are decades of documentaries on this topic)! Monsanto was granted a patent on the GENE that is modified, any Monsanto frakencorn that lands on a neighbouring farm is patented and belongs to Monsanto.

Monsanto (owned by Billy boy) then files a patent violation against the neighbouring farm, lawsuit puts farmer out of business, Billy Boy swoops in and buys up the now bankrupt farm. This is how Bill Gates-Mengele becomes the largest land owner in the USA.

Agenda 21 lays out a specific and complex plan for depopulation by War casualties, Viral Pandemic, FOOD & WATER SHORTAGES and Climate crisis due to weather modification.

Need I say more?

The Universal Law of Cause - GMO’s, & Effect - Patent law suits, lost private farms, along with the Universal Law of Polarity (opposites) ie: Good (us) & Evil ( Elite World Order) Light & Dark etc. These are vibrational frequencies we used to know how to manipulate.

So let’s put 2 and 2 together…

If the Elite World Order can create a human virus to depopulate why wouldn’t they create a GMO “virus” as well? Doh 🙄

You can bet the Seed Vault in Norway with all the unmodified seeds is NOT for us.

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Your research rains on so many parades...in a good way.

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Share such info far and wide. The more people that know about it the more likely it is to have a positive affect.

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Perhaps you could just list the stuff we can still eat that might be halfway healthy. I imagine it's quite a short list. Home grown might be safe or using the local farm market, but who knows exactly what you are getting? There has to be a reason all this gunk comes from China or India. Two reasons actually...lower cost and much lower standards of safety.

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If you stay away from the "commodity" crops like corn, wheat, soy, beets you avoid GMO cross contamination and general tampering that isn't in your best interest. And since this is what processed foods are made from, you get immediate health benefits. Then focus on eating real, whole foods. You know, fruits and veggies, with small amounts of lean meat. Ideally home grown or from a farmer's market where you can ask what they're sprayed with.

Keep it simple, literally.

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Why are the Chinese and Indians involved in everything destroying America?

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Just plug me back into the Matrix 😞

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Another great piece of research...

I looked into phosphatidylcholine last year as I wondered why vitamin & mineral suppliers were pushing its use...What does phosphatidylcholine do for your body?

Because the body uses phosphatidylcholine to make a brain chemical called acetylcholine, there is some interest in using it for treating “brain-centered” conditions such as memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, manic-depressive disorders, and a movement disorder called tardive dyskinesia.

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Thanks for your great post!

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No more soy for this boy. I was still consuming a non-gmo soy sauce but soy isn’t as healthy as their producers claim.

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No lecithin in my almond milk. Alpro - UK. Plus ingredients states, Almonds.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

In 2021 the FAO reviewed the use of the enzyme PLA2 in egg yolks, lecithin (hence chocolate, cocoa based products), sauces, cheese, yoghurt, milk, ice cream, flour, and vegetable oil. PLA2 is made from bacteria. Said to be inactivated prior to final use in food. See - https://openknowledge.fao.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/444d32f7-2230-4bde-857f-b5e648a7281b/content.

svPLA2 is snake venom peptide.

Also in 2021 scientists at the University of Arizona used the amount of sPLA2-IIA in the blood of patients hospitalised with COVID as a marker. High levels indicated the patients would not survive. See - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/08/210824135358.htm

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This is serious and maybe no one told you : Things you write are great, but you need to change you autor's name: we just can't send to someone your articles to discuss it seriously cos' you sign "Agent111317" With a funny picture of "spy from comics". Even to repost you It's hard cos' it looks funny.

You can use a nickname but if you write serious things, use serious nickname and picture.

Please Think about it.

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