Feb 6Liked by Agent131711

Thank you once again.. Off to toss the Vit C in my cabinet. .. I picked omegas on your poll.. But I will read whichever one you post about. Something tells me I will have an empty vitamin cabinet by the time you're done. In fact I have stopped taking them all period. Unless of course something turns out to actually be good for us.

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Omegas coming Sunday! Feb 11, 2024!

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Feb 7Liked by Agent131711

I didn't know any of this, but I've heard (from a Chinese-American engineer) that we shouldn't ingest anything from China.

Georgi Dinkov (Haidut website), on a podcast, warns against any food product labeled to contain citric acid or ascorbic acid. They're both typically produced by large manufacturing processes and contaminated with heavy metals. One example are bottled fruit juices which typically contain citric acid if made from fruit *concentrate* rather than the actual fruit.

Studies have also shown that some plant compounds show anti-oxidant activity in test tubes, but are actually pro-oxidant in the human body.

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I 100% agree with that engineer.

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I've recently read that naturally fermented sauerkraut using either salt or whey has way more vitamin C than any pills you can buy. Most of the sauerkraut in the grocery store won't count as it is not fermented and likely pasteurized.

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Feb 6Liked by Agent131711

Lately I've been seeing comments on other substacks touting MMS or chlorine dioxide. Giving links such as https://www.heartmindhealing.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/MMS-Jim-Humble-book.pdf and https://theuniversalantidote.com

I've started to research stuff as you've been demonstrating with vitamins, and found that chlorine dioxide is another chemical and was first developed by Sir Humphry Davy, a president of the Royal Society. Enough for me to say no thanks, not interested.

I appreciate the lesson in how to research these substances. It's very useful! (Although not as humorous and fun as reading your posts.)

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FANTASTIC FIND, EZ! President of the f*cking Royal Society! I now wonder, can all of these supplements be traced back to those evil bastards? Thank you so much for helping with this research. If you dig more and find more links, please share. You can email them to me. I don't usually respond, but I do read 100% of emails Agent131711@Proton.me

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Feb 7Liked by Agent131711

Happy to share whatever I find and glad to help.

I have gone through all the vitamins and supplements in my cupboard to research the sources, and found that even the small family-owned organic brands have been bought out by big pharma or venture capital firms. You have to go to the website for the brand and read the history and 'who we are' sections. For one small brand I researched, if you looked at most of the site it looked like it was still being run by the couple who founded it. But under 'who we are' it mentioned that they were 'still' on the board of directors. Red flag! So I did a google search asking 'who owns ...' (I can't remember the name of the company now) and it came up with the name of a venture capital firm in Seattle. When I went to the VC firm, their website showed that their focus was on 'growth.' Which of course means reducing the quality of ingredients to reduce costs and make more profits. More of the toxic ingredients that you've pointed out!

I have a friend who's been taking more and more supplements and having more and more debilitating fatigue episodes. I think it might be the supplements, so this stuff is important! I'm going to advise her to eliminate them for a week and see if the episodes go away.

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You are a phenomenal researcher! I think I'll put together an article showing exactly how to investigate this tangled web of chaos called "Supplements" and I will use your example of locating the website and cross-referencing names to find out who actually owns it (which, in itself is ridiculous). I had no idea that firms are owning this sh*t.

Another thing I noticed is that people say "Doctor-so-and-so-who-I-trust-because-he's-a-good-man-who-is-exposing-vaccines is selling this supplement, so it must be safe!", I don't think Doctor-so-and-so is spending his evenings in his kitchen making Vitamin C from dehydrating oranges and no other ingredients.

A fellow reader began looking into a hugely trusted brand, Balance of Nature, and discovered that although these are (allegedly) fruits and vegetables, they are also full of fillers which include wood and soy. I checked my bottles, yep. He's right. Soy is in the veg blend as filler, and wood is in the fruit blend. Both of these ingredients are legally "all natural", despite wood being a byproduct that we are not supposed to consume.

Reality: Think of when you put fresh spinach in a pan and cook it. It turns into such a tiny amount. It would cost way too much to dehydrate 100% organic produce (which dehydrates down to nothing) then put it into pills. Nobody is going to pay $300 for a bottle of vitamins. People don't even want to pay $70 a month for Balance of Nature.

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Feb 7Liked by Agent131711

That would be so useful! I'd love to have that and restack it.

I had read a while back that everything organic is being hoovered up by big food, big pharma, VCs, and even big fashion (makeup etc.). They're now trying to buy out all the local organic farms and have complete control of the food supply. And as you know, local farmers are being devastated by the crazy weather patterns from geo-eng, so they're being primed to sell out.

The example I gave was Herb Pharm. If you go to their 'Our History' page, there are all these down-home pics of the founders, but at the very bottom you find that those wholesome-looking founders are mentioned as still being on the board and consulting to the company. See https://www.herb-pharm.com/pages/our-history. When I did a google query on who owned them, it's Montlake Capital - https://meridianllc.com/deals/herb-pharm-llc-has-been-acquired-by-montlake-capital-llc/

If you do a search on who owns Balance of Nature, you come up with some interesting info: https://www.forbes.com/health/supplements/balance-of-nature-review/

They have the same emphasis on their founder, Dr Howard: https://www.balanceofnature.com/balance-of-nature-about

The company is owned by Evig LLC (it looks like the parent company is in Berlin) and Premium Production LLC, which is into pharma and chemicals.

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I will check into those links!

I was just thinking, it would be interesting to have a timeline with the Eugenics movement and the Royal Society /"Vitamins".

I wrote this, Eugenics insanity late 1800s, which I just realized, might actually be the testing they used for what would become "Vitamins":


After this (1900-1930's), we have the "Vitamin Discoveries" and Royal Society / Eugenics

During the same timeframe, the USA Eugenics program was in gaining steam, which I wrote about here: https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/usa-eugenics-sterilization-program. This takes us through the 1940s, maybe 1950.

While that is going on, (1930s-1950s) there's the "Fortification and Enrichment" program, which I am currently developing articles on. = dump "Vitamins" into our food. +Water fluoridation begins being tested because Fluoride is labeled a "Supplement" by the United Nations.

By 1990, "Vitamins" began being something we all need to take every day. Are "Supplements" nothing more than an extension of the Eugenics program that they were forced to close in the late 1940s / early 50s? It sure would make sense.

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That's a very interesting hypothesis and a timeline might be very revealing. You might want to throw in the start of the Fed and the rise of the Rockefellers (and their takeover of medicine and pushing out of homeopathy), which all seem related in that early 1900s period.

I also wonder if it's eugenics combined with the rapid expansion of the milit-ind complex after ww2 when they were looking for any possible use of industrial byproducts. I just read that most vit E in the US came from an Eastman Kodak plant as "a by-product of an emulsification process used to manufacture film." (from p.137 of The Hundred-Year Lie: How to Protect Yourself from Chemicals that are Destroying Your Health by Randall Fitzgerald) The book came out in 2006 and things have moved on a lot since them, but that's pretty startling. It's a really good book -- he makes the case against vitamins on the basis of journal articles showing problems with nutritional value. Worth getting ahold of a copy if you can.

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If you remember the name of the brand, let me know

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E.Z. I've been thinking about your comment. I think it's possible MMS is different- all the promoters, and people curing with this, were persecuted, imprisoned, or worse for decades. It's only recently that people are speaking more publicly without apparent repercussions. I've never heard of someone being imprisoned for talking about how great Vitamin A,B,C is. So, I wonder if Dr. Humble stumbled on a secret- perhaps MMS is one of those remedies the Powers That Be use and want to keep for themselves? Just a thought. I had no idea it was a product of the Royal Society- thanks for that info!

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I did not do a deep dive, so you could be right. But then I remember how high-dose vitamin C was a big thing in the alternative community for a while but the medical community was vilifying it. Now we see from Agent131711's post that vit C is not good even in the small doses the med community recommends.

So I've just decided to stick to what comes straight from nature and unprocessed by others as much as possible. (So I have more control over nutritional value.) It seems the safest route.

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Plus if we just ate the orange (and other real food) obesity would disappear Bc you cannot physically consume that many oranges. You’d get full before you’d get fat.

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wow,one proof more

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Feb 6Liked by Agent131711

What do you say about the discoveries made my Thomas Levy MD about the highly beneficial effect of ascorbic acid based on his personal experience?


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Me, personally, I can't get past not wanting these ingredients in me, so what studies show for these chemicals doesn't matter to me. But that's just me. I encourage anyone who is being helped by these chemicals to take them.

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I'll eat an Orange.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Liked by Agent131711

Grant Generaux, a structural engineer/geologist in Canada, hasn't consumed any retinol (Vitamin A) in eleven years, and no vitamin C for several years--in foods or otherwise. He's not blind--his vision only improved and his terminal kidney disease and eczema were completely reversed. (No scurvy, either.)

He's only eaten beef/bison, rice and beans--three meals per day for 11 years--to avoid "vitamin A" which he considers a poison.

He says that the three vitamin A depletion trials in the 20th century were botched. The animals (all died) were being fed cooked casein which studies have shown can release retinoic acid and so the trials actually demonstrated that vitamin A was a potential poison and that the trials were not about vitamin A depletion at all.

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I had no idea about Vitamin A, but it's so crazy you mention this. I am in the middle of investigating Omega-3s and the trials sound nearly identical. The trials also demonstrated synthetic vitamins are poison, but the way they could be "less poison" was by adding a fatty oil, to help your body handle the poison. Boom, Omega-3's, baby! And typing this just jogged my memory of the Rabies vaccine trials, where were also similar. Thanks a mill for sharing this. If I ever have to look into Vitamin A, you gave me a head start.

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Feb 6Liked by Agent131711

Isn't whiskey made from potatoes?

Investigate Magnesium.

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Feb 6Liked by Agent131711

I think that's Vodka!

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Whiskey is corn, so its safe to say I consume a lot of vegetables :)

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Better be sure it is from ORGANIC Corn!

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Feb 7Liked by Agent131711

I’m really impressed by the depth of your research and glad to have this info. Thank you! So I kept clicking on your donation links but none of them worked. They just took me to more articles. Fix ‘em. I’ll try again another time.

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The donation link may have worked, otherwise you wouldn't be able to post on this article.

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Hello Agent,

Thank you for your outstanding research.

My background is in the pharmaceutical industry.

I removed ALL my so called vitamins about 7 months ago based on what you are writing/researching.

I am looking forward to your segment on Omega 3's.

Been delving into this .

I can share some findings and will send you via your email.

Perhaps it can add to your work.

Much respect and gratitude!

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Hello there, dear Agent!

Thank for your fantastic in-depth articles!

I am an ND and without any doubt used vitamin C, vitamin D, recommended pts high dose vitamin C. Had a book by Pauling. I am so glad you are writing about it. I am so glad the time has come for the truth. We are waking up, seeing through all the lies and deception thankful to investigations like yours! II truly appreciate it!

These days I am thinking more and more how we heal through energy. I am pursuing to study iridology, Biofield Tuning, detox from nano, etc. I do still enjoy using classical homeopathy.

Thank you again!

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How can I buy you a whiskey? I wasn't able to find a delivery method...

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I quit ALL medications, prescription drugs and OTC stuff years ago. Now I'm making inventory in my supplements safe. I'd like to ask about C, which wasn't listed -- Ester C plus by Solgar; main ingredient Citrus Bioflavonoid -- what do you think?

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250iu of D3 made a night and day improvement to getting out of bed for me. Hip, joint, shoulder, back, and leg pain made me want to die every morning trying to get out of bed to go to work. D3 did the trick. I tested it twice, and within 2 weeks the pain returned.

Naturally, I went nuts, taking 10,000iu per day of D3 (which provided no additional benefit), and increased every other available vitamin and mineral supplement on the store shelf, EN-MASS, to no benefit. Eventually, my supplement ADDICTION become so extreme that I LOST ALL MY STRENGTH.

I read your article about vitamin toxicity, stopped all supplements, with the exception of the 250iu of D3 that had made the big difference 10 years ago, and have gained back my strength and health. And, my wallet.

Thank you. Keep up the good work.

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pourriez vous investiguer sur cette marque SUNDAY NATURAL ou je prend beaucoup de supplements soi disant ils sont naturels ou non OGM ni produits chimiques

jai deja supprime tout ce qui etait vit B, vit D, vitamines C

j'aimerais que vous regardiez si vous avez le temps .. les 3 que je prend encore..

Acide Hyaluronique vegan , sans coq , sans animaux = fermentation.. ..oui mais avec QUOI?


et le MSM (souffre dit naturel pour douleurs articulaires )


et le Tryptophane ( dit 'naturel ) et vegan

"L-tryptophane vegan issu de la fermentation du maïs (sans OGM)

Seules des matières premières purement végétales servent de base alimentaire aux micro-organismes utilisés pour la fermentation (sans OGM)"


J'espere que investiguer sur les supplements de ce site tres connu en Europe et soi disant tres "safe", vous passionnera

mais evidemment ça va demander du temps et je comprend combien c'est usant, et fatiguant car je fais ca aussi souvent et les infos sont tres cachees,il faut etre detective !!

ca prend des heures, et presque personne ne fait ça. sauf Vous,

aussi Shawn Paul Melville sur substack ,

je fais aussi cela parfois à mon petit niveau en France

j'ai pris un abonnement payant, pour vous remercier

Merci !!


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