Have you and Geoff Pain connected on Substack yet? His work on the endotoxins used within the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is superb. Oh and if you haven't connected with Headly Ree's (also on Substack), you should talk to him about the non-existent checks and balances within the General Manufacturing Process (GMP) for pharma, that as you also pointed out, make a lot of the vitamins that all those super healthy peeps are munching 24/7 🤔🤨😑🤦‍♂️, you know, those ones that are screaming at you for being "conspiracy theorist".

These days, that just translates to.....AKA basedAF. 😉

#keepdoingwhatyoudo #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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This just gets more insane. I guess if big pharma drugs don't do you in, your fake vitamins will.

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Thank you!

Ever since I learned from you I quit taking my stash of vitamins. I FEEL BETTER.

And I'm a very good HOME cook only. Simple - basic from scratch - 100% fresh - NO GMO- Never processed.

No sugar or soft drinks- filtered water 30 years. NO PHARMAkeia MeddZ from hell all my life.

And "they" still need to Genocide *7 Billion useless eaters, "to save lives"!

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Thank you for sharing this info. Are you going to cover other 'so called' better vitamins such as Benfotiamine, P-5-P, Methylfolate (Quatrefolic) Adenosylcobalamin etc. or is it likely to be much of the same but you're just paying more for the privilege. My thinking before this series of articles was there was maybe a possibility that these 'vitamins' could actually attach to receptors and prevent the naturally occurring vitamins in our food from doing so.

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"My thinking before this series of articles was there was maybe a possibility that these 'vitamins' could actually attach to receptors and prevent the naturally occurring vitamins in our food from doing so"

Bingo! That is exactly what happens in the gut biome. Destroy the gut biome bacteria receptors , the brain signal is interfered with. It is a very delicate process but does not require much poison to delete the connection.

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So I have been attempting to locate proof of isolated vitamins since I began reading your articles. I was an RN for over 7 years so I have a background in the healthcare industry as well as experience doing medical research reviewing. As I locate anything that seems like isolation has occurred, I will share it. I'm looking through peer reviewed journals, which may or may not also be a method of yours, but it is a perspective that could prove useful in this mission. Here's a link to one article from 2016 indicating B12 isolation, though without photographic evidence. As I am not currently associated with any "institution" I don't have full access to many articles or databases for that matter. But where there's a will there's a way, and I have a few ideas for how I might gain access soon. Anyway, here's the link:


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That is the same process from my article about how they "isolate". Dump a bunch of chemicals on it. Photos are in my piece: https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/how-vitamins-are-isolated-the-nail

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If you search for the title of the paper you find (but can’t access) on a browser and type “filetype:pdf” without quotes you can sometimes find them and if not that you can email the original authors who will usually give it (for free since they make no money from all the BS paywalls for research papers)

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What about the claims of vitamin manufacturers who use eGMP? Is that a sham as well?

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It just means their methods of manufacturing are closely monitored and controlled so contamination is not likely. The product is still an unnatural product manufactured in a factory. Real nutrients come from good food. Invest in that. Especially, invest in the soil that it's grown in, so the plant/animals actually takes in those nutrients. This is a fantastic movie about it: https://www.marijnpoels.com/return-to-eden

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Thanks for sharing. Right I am all about doing things organically and I’ve tried taking measures to supplement in ways that doesn’t include these synthetic supplements but I am sure we are being deceived. We basically need to grow all our own food because even “organic” products are deceiving. All it means when it comes to meats is that they were fed organic grain. If you want the best unmolested animal products they have to be grass fed and grass finished. Best to just grow all our own stuff.

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The amount of deception and malevolence of TPTB is staggering once you begin to notice the patterns of faked history.

I've looked into the science behind the Vitamin A and B1, and was able to disclose absolute lack of anything resembling true research. My findings greatly complement yours - vitamins are as elusive as viruses.


Keep up the good work!!

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Hi Agent, just joined as a paid subscriber after Delingpole linked your substack. I'm going to chuck vit tablets. But as a vegan where can I get vits like b12 (other than eating meat). Thanks

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Thanks for another interesting (read scary as heck) article. I have cutback my supplement use by 2/3's over the past year or so, and I still have work to do!

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Any thoughts on “Garden of Life” supplements?

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I know someone who took them their entire life and lived til his 90’s.

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not all

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Keep writing and sharing! Thank you so much 🌟

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As a life-long vitamin taker and believer that our food sources are depleted from vitamins, I really, REALLY am trying to get my mind around your very informative articles. Would you be willing to tell us how you eat to keep healthy?

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What if we neeed methylated vitamins ? I have MTHFR and food fortification caused me deficiencies in folate and b12 and on a blood cancer watch.

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I was told I need that shit too. More bs to sell expensive poison.

Eat real food instead.

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My homocysteine went down to perfect with the supps. Folic acid caused me a dvt !!! And macrocytic anemia ignored for 15+ years bc zero

Doctors know a damn thing

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Folic acid is poison, but establishing cause and effect with these things is very tricky.

Lab values are designed to sell supplements, the whole paradigm needs questioning. It's all based on the theory that we are bags of chemicals and the biochemists pretend to know how it all works but evidence is severely lacking and there are many contradictions.

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Lab values are all wrong. Made up of sick and healthy people and not for optimal levels unless you use functional lab values . Thats how we get sick. We need prevention before lab values are at sick level. Enriched foods is what has caused the explosion of autoimmune and cancers

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Yes you need to control homocysteine

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Yes. I know. I am heading towards a blood cancer bc the med system denies MTHFR and they don’t test homocysteine and know nothing about enriched foods killing people. I have been spreading this everywhere

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I have a MTHR gene mutation also. I just get bloods done from a third party

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What do

You mean

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There are like 100’s of places in the state where you can pay to have whatever bloodwork you want done. Like Merk health for example

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I live in New York. It’s communism over here. Can’t do a lot. But if you want to do heroine they will supply the needles. No joke. I am literally poisoned from folic acid. It leads to cancer. I have so much research on it and know so many with the same shit. Doctors are assholes and clueless. So brainwashed. I have macrocytic anemia ignored for over 15 years. So many in my shoes. It’s scary

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Cyp 450 . Uptake will increase when you stop eating gmo and glyphosate!! Both destroys Cyp 450 the protein that breaks down B-12 and vit D <> side note b-12 = cobalt.

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Thank you!! Glyphosates are in the air. They’re everywhere but NAC and msm helped. Destroyed my gut.

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