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Bugs, lab- grown meat, GMO's, tons of pesticides/ vertilizer...
Someone posted a video of how plastic trash is being ground up and mixed in with the feed for pigs .. we are drowning in plastic trash. Micro plastic particles are now showing in drinking water ....
Yet the industry makes no changes .. we keep producing it and selling it..
Human kind really is on "self destruct" it seems..
© 2025 Agent131711
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Bugs, lab- grown meat, GMO's, tons of pesticides/ vertilizer...
Someone posted a video of how plastic trash is being ground up and mixed in with the feed for pigs .. we are drowning in plastic trash. Micro plastic particles are now showing in drinking water ....
Yet the industry makes no changes .. we keep producing it and selling it..
Human kind really is on "self destruct" it seems..
Water bottles have tons of plastic in the water itself, it's ridiculous how heavily they taste like plastic. Yet NO ONE complains...
I agree, water in plastic bottles is PURE MADNESS! People have no option -- they think/know tap water is toxic, and they THINK they are getting cleaner water in plastic bottles, but when you look into it you find it is just ordinary tap water in a plastic bottle, for which they charge MORE than juice etc. -- what a con!!! Nestle is the number one seller of bottled water, so that should give you a clue. But worst of all are the micro plastics, and anything acidic will leach plastic right out of the bottles into the product (just like aluminum will). Ditto for things that are poured hot into plastic containers and capped when cooled -- think about it! Ditto for "shrink-wrapped" items like cucumbers.
Glass has purposely been removed from the market, so that WE NAUGHTY HUMANS can be blamed for creating SO MUCH PLASTIC POLLUTION! Meanwhile they tell us (here in Canada at least) we can't have plastic straws or multi-use carry bags at that till, but you can go into the aisle where they sell boxes of 100 SINGLE USE garbage bags, kitchen bags, sandwich bags, etc. etc. -- where is people's common sense???? And if you know anything about commercial agri-business (including dairy silage bags) you will know that millions of mountains of single use plastic is involved and ends up in the dump. But NAUGHTY US for using so much plastic!
We're moving to Mexico soon, where water is said to not be potable, so everyone buys "filtered water" in big plastic jugs. Crates of these jugs reportedly sit outside in the hot sun all day. And we wonder why our bodies are filled up with microplastics......... reportedly they are even found in umbilical cords of newborns. Body products, laundry products, all contain microplastics which end up in water. Unless of course "microplastics" is yet another myth, too tiny for us regular folk without technology to detect? There's nothing you are told that you can trust.
And here it is today, the first sunny day in many weeks, and what are they up to? Filling the skies with microplastic chemtrails........ And WHY is the ocean and its fish supposedly chock full of microplastics? Becos planes spray them over the ocean.....
That's just it! People seem to be like zombies... this seems to be changing.. more amd more are waking up. It has become so utopian that even those that try to deny it now have to step back and rething or at least shut up.. it is a questiin of time.. the world is waking up, governments are cumbling .. if that won't do the trick and cause some serious change all around .. we will see war.
At least in this country... people are simply fed up.. out of control industry, healthcare is a danger, parasitic insurances causing bankruptcies, taxes that ruin existences, crazy court decisions, corrupt legal system, more and more electronic control ( technocracy ) and AI madness... if that will not wake up human kind,
Move us towards change then we do not deserve any better..
Not even our children are save anymore ...
Actually,you know from experience 95 percentage plus of us even w our bad habits wouldnt be doing these extremes if it was just us humans,mortals here on Earth.Our biggest sin is the sin in the Garden of Eden we refused to recognize then and now and that is that God doesn't want us lukewarm in goodness ,he wants us choosing our very best so we can live in heaven besides him where slightly demonic doesn't works well at all,,so he exoses us to pure black evil in garden..A fallen angel,Satan and asks for repulsion from it completely,yet we partially fail,same now Elites controlled by same Satan Spirit reign over us and we only partially repulse them and play with their evil pleasures as they do extremes of evil centuries and then even shoot our children and selves up with satanic serpent DNA and nano bots to further our partial possession ie mark of beast shot across bow,next one for keeps real mark coming up with worst quantum to hell connections...This is our second chance to not get poisoned Satan's darkness into us, with Christ were free but this may be the most tempted ,cursed generation since Noah's seems.Hope your on board Noah2 ie no vaxx,no satanic ok to surrender my life and my sin,hate evil,love good .. purification powers here strongest now,so are corruption the great divide and ain't about just political percentages .See it was never just us humans down here, the fallen angels really were represented by vicious predatory to full extremes dragons even to attack Christ, angels,then work on us with God's restraints in place.. ie Bible,every culture.eith ability to shape shift.checkout Atlas mtn ranges from satellite(balloon really) a perfect 1000 mile biometrically perfect dragon,including 14-17 mile scales hundreds perfectly spaced in classic snake form..original story of Atlas is Zeus relative cursed him to revert back to dragon form, enlarged and rock fossilized and story mentions Morocco as it was named then several thousand years ago..Likely was Christ,God himself that handled that dragon..all the Greek pantheon were fallen angels,liars ,dragons puffing themselves up in the first Hollywood play to draw us in .it worked..their still here! Heavenly wars not finished and we're the last prize..if we go with Christ!..Google Morocco dragon Atlas mtns or titan fossils Europe..they can't hide these! But proof of spiritual wars only help a tad with your own inner battles,but I'll take it! God doesn't need perfection from us,just dedication to his pure goodness,and a pretty damn close to perfect hate for evil!
I agree. Only spiritual guidance will lead us right, seeking guidance from that higher power, tempering that human ego, looking for balance in all things, living by those principals as they are explained by the St. Francis Prayer will save this world.
Religion though seems to have turned too many people away, church has not been a good example for too long.. hypocricy.. sanctimoniously .. forgotten the message.. many people shut down when they hear "bible" stuff..
We need to evolve spiritually, we seem to need a new language for that, the bible has too much controversial stuff, many of those hairraising stories in the bible can be explained with natural law and in terms like "energy", the actual message is in the commandmends, the rest is logic. It should be simple not in need of convoluted words that need endless studying.. this needs to be lived, every day as a way of life .. Not just read or heard on sundays.. and never fully grasped because it got lost in all that translation..
At the end of the day, all religions have the same goal, a spiritual awakening and a life that reflects that on a daily basis.
I think the church's purpose was to support Christ's offer of redemption thru simple repentance and Sacrafice of your evil connection to demons in sin specific to you..forget the church at that stage...we need to discern where church and society is failed always in areas ,every one ie God's criticism of the 7 churches showed none can as an institution wether Satan's attacks,only at the individual level is their true hope,church is only a crumbling footstool,needed to reach the next rungs necessary,if you depend on it's rotting in sin infiltrations as they teach you too you insist God must filter you through churchs sins too,that's not the offer of Christ,it's just you and him and God,no saints,no Mary,etc that's a energetic trap,false equation Satan has propped up ie idol worship..why so many of those Mary statues are possessed demonically...CATHOLICS and some Orthodox so deceived they not only orly pray to saints but they try to absorb their physical emanations by putting candles and oil above the saint corpses,and then ingesting said oils ie both forced spirit communication of sorts or energetic channeling forbidden as witchcraft and grave robbing,etc saints never consented to be robbed grimly so ya know?!-- these deceptions trick otherwise decent Christians to mingle w demons and they then find themselves hungering for perversions more ETC ETC..
No where in Bible is chanting or recurring same words prayers encouraged...always direct petitions and responses ie conversations or dream directions only is way of God,lord's prayer is only exception Christ permitted as an inclusionary of items in attitude that should be present in prayers ie reverence,forgiveness, repentance,etc -- then speak your mind .ie Please heal me of this do I may serve you and your better by next week so I can get that job..I offer you this fast or sacrifice of pleasure demons are connected to or this eliminatation of destructive drug addiction as the demons are always petitioning God for rights to enter you for your sins into realms they rule, ya's fair,God is merciful but progress away from hellish is important in are grey status...
And that is why we have lost the spiritual way the believe in spirituality .. more and more people did not take the church seriously anymore.. they had the chance to save us..
One of the things that church has done is create division instead of "we are all Gods children"... there are how many churches in every little town and everybody insists on being different and right instead of coming together with commonalities .. insisting that their God is the only way and everyone else is wrong .. billions.. of Buddhists, Hindus, Jews Muslims.. yet God did create them too.. are they all wrong? funny isn't it.?.. and we are not supposed to judge or trow stones .. hmmmm
What does the St. Francis prayer really say?
Spritual growth does not involve arrogance and ignorance, judgment and condemnation.
Jesus had a different message.. and we all know who wrote and re- wrote the bible... I wonder why these people do us not give access to their vaults and libraries ...
objective thinking is paramount. The "church" is stuck in the "old" and we all know what happens if we refuse to evolve.. ask Charles Darwin.. oh right .. we don't accept science either... all because of a book that was written by questionable men with questionable motives .. how many women did they burn in Europe?