Just a comment about the "plastic" lettuce in the clip where she accidentally froze the lettuce - lettuce that has been frozen does this naturally - it is because its leaves are made of cellulose, its not because it has been coated in plastic or made of plastic. I've had that happen to a lettuce that I know has come straight from the ground, been washed and put in the fridge where it was a bit too cold for it, and the leaves go translucent and plastic looking. So not everything in those clips is "wrong" or shows "fake food" and some of it is because people don't actually know anything about real food
Sustainability is just a word. I work in hospital Supply in Northwest PA. Due to the germ/virus scam... hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars are wasted on "one use" medically critical items. Blood pressure cuffs, electrodes, Pulsox (O2 monitors), IV start kits, Imed Tubing, and list goes on and on. (where does all this trash go?) We receive hundreds of Fed Ex and UPS packages Mon-Friday (costing thousands in freight fees) and loaded with tons of plastic, styrofoam and cardboard (you know boxes within boxes). This is not about the planet or anyone's health... evolution teaches survival of the fittest. Therefore, if the evolution crap is true... anything goes. They have revealed what they are doing for years. It is just so far-fetched and against common sense that it defies logic. Try sharing this with people you know. Thank you Agent. Who needs horror movies, just look around.
You write like someone who can sort things out. Please, please go looking for The Day Tapes or The New Order of Barbarians or look for the Day Tapes info at the substack of Sage Hana. Day Tapes: 1969, March, Dr. Richard Day speaking to a large room of pediatricians at LaMont in Pittsburgh during which time he tells them not to take notes or tape him as he is going to tell them what is in the future. Dr. Lawrence Dunegan speaks on the Day Tapes telling what he heard Day tell them all. If you accept this (I found both their obits on the web and know they existed) please analyze . I believe it happened. I've watched it all come about for the last 60 years.
One error in your post is found in paragraph #9 about grafting: My family ran a small citrus operation in central Florida for decades. We grafted desirable, higher-value fruit branches onto hardy, rot- and disease-resistant root stock: The usual graft is of temple orange, pink grapefruit and tangerine branches onto wild orange root stock. This grafting practice dates back at least two centuries. That root stock is 100% nature-made; wild orange trees grow in groves worldwide until they are either culled or used as grafting stock. The grafts were productive every season, yielding fine healthy high-value fruit year after year.
That's a description of real/honest grafting!! I wonder whether the grafting techniques shown here are of that genre or are "modern" techniques that are for the purposes described in this article. And... is there some way to tell either way???
I found the plastic rice noodles in my "prepper" stash. Noticeably different than real rice noodles. Also jasmine rice...fake (not all).
I have cut out more food and vitamins than I ever thought possible after reading your posts Agent. Please keep up the good work and inspiring me to do the same.
I'm 76 and my dad way back when was addicted to Velveta "cheese" slices, each rubbery perfect slice was wrapped in its own plastic sheet to peel off. YUCK!
We've been making our own cheese w/ Walcoren and raw milk for a while now. Tastes better than anything you can buy at a grocery story and is not that hard.
Bugs, lab- grown meat, GMO's, tons of pesticides/ vertilizer...
Someone posted a video of how plastic trash is being ground up and mixed in with the feed for pigs .. we are drowning in plastic trash. Micro plastic particles are now showing in drinking water ....
Yet the industry makes no changes .. we keep producing it and selling it..
Human kind really is on "self destruct" it seems..
I agree, water in plastic bottles is PURE MADNESS! People have no option -- they think/know tap water is toxic, and they THINK they are getting cleaner water in plastic bottles, but when you look into it you find it is just ordinary tap water in a plastic bottle, for which they charge MORE than juice etc. -- what a con!!! Nestle is the number one seller of bottled water, so that should give you a clue. But worst of all are the micro plastics, and anything acidic will leach plastic right out of the bottles into the product (just like aluminum will). Ditto for things that are poured hot into plastic containers and capped when cooled -- think about it! Ditto for "shrink-wrapped" items like cucumbers.
Glass has purposely been removed from the market, so that WE NAUGHTY HUMANS can be blamed for creating SO MUCH PLASTIC POLLUTION! Meanwhile they tell us (here in Canada at least) we can't have plastic straws or multi-use carry bags at that till, but you can go into the aisle where they sell boxes of 100 SINGLE USE garbage bags, kitchen bags, sandwich bags, etc. etc. -- where is people's common sense???? And if you know anything about commercial agri-business (including dairy silage bags) you will know that millions of mountains of single use plastic is involved and ends up in the dump. But NAUGHTY US for using so much plastic!
We're moving to Mexico soon, where water is said to not be potable, so everyone buys "filtered water" in big plastic jugs. Crates of these jugs reportedly sit outside in the hot sun all day. And we wonder why our bodies are filled up with microplastics......... reportedly they are even found in umbilical cords of newborns. Body products, laundry products, all contain microplastics which end up in water. Unless of course "microplastics" is yet another myth, too tiny for us regular folk without technology to detect? There's nothing you are told that you can trust.
And here it is today, the first sunny day in many weeks, and what are they up to? Filling the skies with microplastic chemtrails........ And WHY is the ocean and its fish supposedly chock full of microplastics? Becos planes spray them over the ocean.....
That's just it! People seem to be like zombies... this seems to be changing.. more amd more are waking up. It has become so utopian that even those that try to deny it now have to step back and rething or at least shut up.. it is a questiin of time.. the world is waking up, governments are cumbling .. if that won't do the trick and cause some serious change all around .. we will see war.
At least in this country... people are simply fed up.. out of control industry, healthcare is a danger, parasitic insurances causing bankruptcies, taxes that ruin existences, crazy court decisions, corrupt legal system, more and more electronic control ( technocracy ) and AI madness... if that will not wake up human kind,
Move us towards change then we do not deserve any better..
Actually,you know from experience 95 percentage plus of us even w our bad habits wouldnt be doing these extremes if it was just us humans,mortals here on Earth.Our biggest sin is the sin in the Garden of Eden we refused to recognize then and now and that is that God doesn't want us lukewarm in goodness ,he wants us choosing our very best so we can live in heaven besides him where slightly demonic doesn't works well at all,,so he exoses us to pure black evil in garden..A fallen angel,Satan and asks for repulsion from it completely,yet we partially fail,same now Elites controlled by same Satan Spirit reign over us and we only partially repulse them and play with their evil pleasures as they do extremes of evil centuries and then even shoot our children and selves up with satanic serpent DNA and nano bots to further our partial possession ie mark of beast shot across bow,next one for keeps real mark coming up with worst quantum to hell connections...This is our second chance to not get poisoned Satan's darkness into us, with Christ were free but this may be the most tempted ,cursed generation since Noah's seems.Hope your on board Noah2 ie no vaxx,no satanic ok to surrender my life and my sin,hate evil,love good .. purification powers here strongest now,so are corruption powers..ie the great divide and ain't about just political percentages .See it was never just us humans down here, the fallen angels really were represented by vicious predatory to full extremes dragons even to attack Christ, angels,then work on us with God's restraints in place.. ie Bible,every culture.eith ability to shape shift.checkout Atlas mtn ranges from satellite(balloon really) a perfect 1000 mile biometrically perfect dragon,including 14-17 mile scales hundreds perfectly spaced in classic snake form..original story of Atlas is Zeus relative cursed him to revert back to dragon form, enlarged and rock fossilized and story mentions Morocco as it was named then several thousand years ago..Likely was Christ,God himself that handled that dragon..all the Greek pantheon were fallen angels,liars ,dragons puffing themselves up in the first Hollywood play to draw us in .it worked..their still here! Heavenly wars not finished and we're the last prize..if we go with Christ!..Google Morocco dragon Atlas mtns or titan fossils Europe..they can't hide these! But proof of spiritual wars only help a tad with your own inner battles,but I'll take it! God doesn't need perfection from us,just dedication to his pure goodness,and a pretty damn close to perfect hate for evil!
I agree. Only spiritual guidance will lead us right, seeking guidance from that higher power, tempering that human ego, looking for balance in all things, living by those principals as they are explained by the St. Francis Prayer will save this world.
Religion though seems to have turned too many people away, church has not been a good example for too long.. hypocricy.. sanctimoniously .. forgotten the message.. many people shut down when they hear "bible" stuff..
We need to evolve spiritually, we seem to need a new language for that, the bible has too much controversial stuff, many of those hairraising stories in the bible can be explained with natural law and in terms like "energy", the actual message is in the commandmends, the rest is logic. It should be simple not in need of convoluted words that need endless studying.. this needs to be lived, every day as a way of life .. Not just read or heard on sundays.. and never fully grasped because it got lost in all that translation..
At the end of the day, all religions have the same goal, a spiritual awakening and a life that reflects that on a daily basis.
I think the church's purpose was to support Christ's offer of redemption thru simple repentance and Sacrafice of your evil connection to demons in sin specific to you..forget the church at that stage...we need to discern where church and society is failed always in areas ,every one ie God's criticism of the 7 churches showed none can as an institution wether Satan's attacks,only at the individual level is their true hope,church is only a crumbling footstool,needed to reach the next rungs necessary,if you depend on it's rotting in sin infiltrations as they teach you too you insist God must filter you through churchs sins too,that's not the offer of Christ,it's just you and him and God,no saints,no Mary,etc that's a energetic trap,false equation Satan has propped up ie idol worship..why so many of those Mary statues are possessed demonically...CATHOLICS and some Orthodox so deceived they not only orly pray to saints but they try to absorb their physical emanations by putting candles and oil above the saint corpses,and then ingesting said oils ie both forced spirit communication of sorts or energetic channeling forbidden as witchcraft and grave robbing,etc saints never consented to be robbed grimly so ya know?!-- these deceptions trick otherwise decent Christians to mingle w demons and they then find themselves hungering for perversions more ETC ETC..
No where in Bible is chanting or recurring same words prayers encouraged...always direct petitions and responses ie conversations or dream directions only is way of God,lord's prayer is only exception Christ permitted as an inclusionary of items in attitude that should be present in prayers ie reverence,forgiveness, repentance,etc -- then speak your mind .ie Please heal me of this do I may serve you and your better by next week so I can get that job..I offer you this fast or sacrifice of pleasure demons are connected to or this eliminatation of destructive drug addiction as the demons are always petitioning God for rights to enter you for your sins into realms they rule, ya know..it's fair,God is merciful but progress away from hellish is important in are grey status...
And that is why we have lost the spiritual way the believe in spirituality .. more and more people did not take the church seriously anymore.. they had the chance to save us..
One of the things that church has done is create division instead of "we are all Gods children"... there are how many churches in every little town and everybody insists on being different and right instead of coming together with commonalities .. insisting that their God is the only way and everyone else is wrong .. billions.. of Buddhists, Hindus, Jews Muslims.. yet God did create them too.. are they all wrong? funny isn't it.?.. and we are not supposed to judge or trow stones .. hmmmm
What does the St. Francis prayer really say?
Spritual growth does not involve arrogance and ignorance, judgment and condemnation.
Jesus had a different message.. and we all know who wrote and re- wrote the bible... I wonder why these people do us not give access to their vaults and libraries ...
objective thinking is paramount. The "church" is stuck in the "old" and we all know what happens if we refuse to evolve.. ask Charles Darwin.. oh right .. we don't accept science either... all because of a book that was written by questionable men with questionable motives .. how many women did they burn in Europe?
"Malaria is a hoax. Science could never prove mosquitoes carry the supposed virus nor could they prove mosquitoes carried any virus"
👉Malaria is indeed a hoax but it is supposedly caused by a protozoan not a virus:
"Plasmodium falciparum is a unicellular protozoan parasite of humans, and the deadliest species of Plasmodium that causes malaria in humans. Wikipedia"
Ok, wonder what my poor dad contracted after serving in WWII in Panama canal...it was a living hell for him...horrible debilitating night sweats, poor mom,
he soaked those sheets and parents replaced mattresses well in to the mid 1970's...it did eventually subside...by the early 1980's....
stands to reason he and his pals may have been poisoned or whatever ...
but like all of these 'hoaxes' sadly there are people who DO suffer...
Right, some chemical or insecticide etc. can make people very sick. Between the vaxes and chemicals the mil is subjected to, needless to say enemy fire, still kids line up every year to participate in ginned-up mutual genocide with the seal of approval of their parents.
The military (generally the youngest, healthiest young men of any nation, you know, the ones who might have a chance of overpowering a govt.) have always been kept by the controllers to function as the perfect lab rats, kept in a controlled environment and experimented on, just like the poor kids in India and Africa. Thus Gulf War syndrome, when they were injected with squalene amongst other terrible toxins just to see the results. These folks were severely debilitated for the rest of their lives, and abandoned by the military/govt. too. I would suggest these kind of experiments on the military could apply to your father's situation as well, And no military are allowed to opt out of the jabs (sometimes given 4 at a time, 2 in the arms, 2 in the bum). If they object they are "court martialed" becos they signed a contract when they joined the military that basically gave their bodies to the govt.
No virus has ever been found and plasmodium has not been shown to fulfill Koch's postulates proving it is a pathogen causing malaria. If you mean differential diagnoses of what else caused a persons symptoms, then I agree.
I mean, Sherlock holming the problem, using logic, evidence and reason to figure out what is actually happening rather than writing the latest prescription, with the most kickbacks by the drug pushing reps.
Yes that is a good idea. Though there may be more than one cause. We have already ruled-out viruses and plamodium though. And since no bacteria has been found to initiate illness in healthy persons, I suspect some toxic material: insecticide, chemical, etc. though not having done a deep dive. What I can say is that about 4 years ago when I asked a malaria professor friend of mine to show me a paper proving plasmodium was the cause he's been on radio silence since.
Plot must have always been to fake rampant viruses with lies and biolab spreading and profit from problem/solution vaccines,we just didn't want to believe in such organized extreme evil,to tough on our own illusions we use to not face our lesser sins and they use that fact!
I like your find on plasmodium being necessary for classic natural virus ie history of virus term and definition..can you please cite in short form your sources of this,others seem to infer a more wide spectrum of natural non parasitic sources may qualify especially if contagion or at least transferability is adequate ie evidence exists medical establishment evolved to change original definition to a wider spectrum of modalities,wether that's a good decision or not,if it became the norm after years decades typically either in science or medicine they don't go back to correct it as it would do more damage then good in terms of transmission of useful medical info to Dr,patient and responding drug manufacturer or to public keeping track in general...and yes I understand correcting abuse of seasonal or non seasonal illness and related pushed vaccines is key here-- but trying to eliminate entirely virus term cuz of broadening shifts and abusesl seems impossible vs adding clause abuses happening evidences and push that synthetic virus imitators of what a virus should be and acting as are the predominant,not the exception leading to rampant fraud,but that an appreciable amount of synthetic lab concoctions are reaching virus function and sometimes lite transferability and that there's evidence of intentional sprinklings or spreading s of viruses that we should fight back on., Alternative of saying no viruses exist ever but lookout for this thing their calling a virus cuz it's sickening or don't look out for this thing they call a virus because this one aint nothing at all cuz it's weak as a sniffle is confusing and won't help public we serve as TRUTHERS.Best to just notify : Hey people,you know some of those viruses they admit oare lab CONCOCTIONS,well hers evidence they were basically always lab concoctions and their not trustable,so in the future we're going to notify you of exactly how powerful the lab CONCOCTION is and to give you real antidotes,or antiparasitic s or remedies that work cuz the VACCINES make it all worse and our the same toxic kinda shit! Got it? Trying to eliminate virus term cuz their crooked with it ain't helping,their crooked with the whole combine ball of wax.
That said I'm glad your open to covid being a real increase in people since 2020 in certain extreme symptoms,prior to vaccine which came out mid December 2020..How do you feel about Dr Ardis Snake VENOM in covid and in vaxx claim?
It is an intracellular protozoa just like Babeosis (also known as cow malaria). It is not a hoax .....I had it...from tick bite. The pathogen can be seen CLEARLY ON THE MICROSCOPE inside RBC.
Thanks for your comment Atermix. Seeing the protozoa in a Tick or in an RBC itself is not proof of plasmodium causing malaria
To confirm that plasmodium is the cause and not just a stowaway in insect bites that have other toxins in them, we would need to have a pure sample of plasmodium and inject that into healthy hosts, and inject the same fluid the plasmodium is in without the plasmodium itself into hosts and see if the hosts get malaria. Then reisolate the plasmodium and reinfect another host to reproduce the disease.
It is possible I just don't know about this study, but to prove your point can you find a study like that and send it to us in this comment section?
Seems ALOT of so called viruses are EITHER parasites,ie a protozoan qualifys yes? Or synthetic lab concoctions neither contagious in extreme manner claimed...but yes lightly contagious by particle,item transmission ie spit a bunch of lab stew or parasites into a glass and pass it around some might meet critical mass level of toxin,or parasite to transfer.They hide parasites being as much a problem for humans as animals cuz theyuse the parasites to harm us and to be carriers for their lab CONCOCTIONs and encourage the No viruses exist so we can ignore all your crap..cuz then they won't be looking out for the lab stews and parasites or nanobots.
Best answer is detox ALOT and look for specific antidotes when it's specific toxins,etc don't go head in sand No Viruses so I'm not doing anything but eating good ,ain't enuff!!
A virus is a replication competent intracellular parasite able to infect others, by definition. Whether natural or made up, please provide a paper finding and characterizing a particle fitting the definition. So far no one has been able to show this so you are just making conjectures.
I've noticed a lot of the usual foods we would eat don't taste the same. Brands that we have used for a long time, know what they should taste like and no longer taste the same. And it's almost like intuitively we know that this is does not taste/look right. I've thrown so many things away. I should have kept a list, maybe I'll start keeping one now. It all boils down to us needing to go back to growing a lot of our own food and supporting local farmers. Thank you for expounding on this so thoroughly as usual! 🤓👏👏
If you were to keep your grocery store receipts and take the fake food back, that will hit them in the pocket book. Get your money back. Stop getting ripped off. Shop at your local farmstand.
Almost all water bottles are tainted, too. I wonder if people peeing a lot isn't from drinking a lot of water, but their body doing its job and filtering out toxins that are *in* the water they're drinking...
I don't know, does truly clean water make people pee a lot? I don't feel like it would myself.
This is becos the water they are drinking is "unstructured", eg. chaotic, if looked at under a microscope, and our bodies have no idea how to deal with it, thus we pee it straight out. Water has an amazing intelligence, and one drop can store more info than any computer chip. And no wonder it is under attack -- our bodies are at least 80% water. Just as the 5G frequency range purposely targets blood in particular (eg. the actual cause of c-v), the wifi frequency was purposely chosen becos it targets water. Meanwhile we are told that water is very scarce and has to be metered and rationed (at least in the summer where i live). And maybe you're familiar with the "toilet to tap" plan for the 15 minute cities --yes, just like it says, toilet water complete with shit, pee, paper, pharma drugs etc. put thru a "processing plant" and then coming out of the taps. You know, becos it is so scarce and running out, becos of "overpopulation" of course.......
Nature structures water beautifully into harmonious frequencies thru natural vortexes, flowing water, waterfalls, waves etc. and this is REAL water that our bodies can and do absorb and use. If you drink structured water out of non-plastic containers you will find you don't have to drink very much, or pee very much. Ways of structuring water include sitting it on an orgone plate, whizzing it in a glass blender with magnets on the sides, drinking it from copper cups, using a zapper on it, etc. etc.
Here is one of the most wonderful ever presentations about water:
Veda Austin's beautiful interview about the intelligence of water (actual interview starts around 6 minutes):
Fake eggs caught my attention, I guess these abominations explain why so many egg farms and egg processing facilities went up in flames the past 2-3 years. Prepping for the fake egg rollout
"Has glyphosate been found inside of a tomato? Because if the issue is the toxins on the outside, we should be able to wash them off ... so what exactly are we paying such a premium for?"
Glyphosate also gets inside produce via water from soil sprayed along with the plant. It's systemic. Most is on the surface but not all.
Secondly, it's not just toxic pesticides you're trying to avoid with organic, it's toxic chemical fertilizers and lack of nutrients due to soils only amended with only the 3 main nutrients.
Regarding gluten allergies, if your hypothesis was correct, they should be able to eat organic wheat. They can't. Even when ancient wheat varieties are grown on small farms away from farms that spray, those with gluten issues react. It's the protein not the spray. It's the protein with almost all allergies. Foreign protein is what activates our immune system.
Many allergic to gluten have found that when they go to a country where glyphosate isn't sprayed on wheat as a dessicant (eg. to kill it in preparation for harvest) they have no problem at all eating it. It is sprayed on wheat in particular so that it will all ripen at the same time for massive agri-business machine harvesting. The grain is then sent directly to mills where it is ground for flour. No washing. Glyphosate changes the proteins in gluten to the extent that our bodies don't recognise them as food and reject them, so cleverly the finger of focus can be pointed at something it isn't instead of what is REALLY happening -- just think how massive the non-gluten business has become!
Meanwhile glyphosate perferates the gut lining so that not just gluten but ALL food can leak into the abdomen (eg. "leaky gut") where it definitely does NOT belong, thus you get multiple and varying "allergies" with the body trying to deal with this awful situation and no route to expel what shouldn't be there. Along with Stephanie Senoff, Zach Bush has done more research than anyone on this than anyone. Here's a short very educational video of his:
Leaky gut is an interesting theory presented to chronically I'll people by alternative practitioners who have no idea why people are really sick, just like their conventional counterparts. But if food molecules were actually leaking into your abdominal cavity, you'd be in the hospital dying of sepsis.
Years ago i used to listen to all the alternative online health summits and there were many summits on IBS (which i suffered with for years) and chronic digestion problems including "gluten allergies", and NEVER ONCE DID I EVER HEAR A MENTION of glyphosate, which in my opinion was/is the number one cause of all these illnesses. As soon as we went all "organic" (for what it's worth) my gut issues were gone, as were a number of health issues my husband and i had, which included dry cracking skin, brain fog, and constantly running noses. It was Zach Bush who first clued us into this, explaining that glyphosate perforates all membranes including gut, nasal, blood/brain, blood vessels etc. and i have to say that for us all these issues are gone now, and only past memories. But i agree that "leaky gut" was an excuse for simply not having an answer. And it does explain why what people were "allergic to" seemed to change from day to day, cos it wasn't the food items themselves, it was the reaction of a damaged gut to anything and everything.
And BTW, the chemical BTK, okayed for organic use, works exactly the same as glyphosate. It kills all kinds of larve (including of those dangerous gypsy moths) by perforating their guts until they explode, so that over a few days time they can no longer eat or digest and they die. Unfortunately it does the same to humans who eat the sprayed plants, and to all butterflies, and birds who feed the larvae to their young, and every creature that walks on it and licks themselves, including pets, grazing animals and various beneficial insects. This is why TPTB are so darn persistent and keen on low level spraying every year for the "moth invasions". And despite this moth being a "forestry threat", they are determined to spray it on towns and cities and prime agricultural land. The many Notices of Liability that have bombarded TPTB in the last few years have had a small success in stopping a few of the sprays, but it still goes on all over Canada and many other places in the world.
Some people (including me) did an immense amount of research two years ago when our communities here in Canada were being aerial sprayed annually with BTK for the FAKE "gypsy moth invasion" -- altho in order to be politically correct, the NAME of the moth was changed to "spongy moth", thus making our research more difficult!!!!!! According to what we found BTK (which is a PATENTABLE derivative of the supposedly "natural" BT bacteria -- and i'm even doubting the existence of bacteria these days!) anyway BTK damages ALL living things from the tiniest pollinating insects to mammals. There was a fish hatchery in one local area that had just released 2000 young salmon in a holding pond and they all "mysteriously" died a day after the spray, as all ponds and watercourses and even the BEACH was sprayed here. This spraying goes on every spring just at pollination time, in countries all over the world, so there is research from there too. When we had gathered our irrefutable information many of us sent NOLs to the Dept. of Forestry officials who were running the poisoning campaign, plus the pilot who is a member of the Big Boys Club, who had held the govt. contract for many years. This was a mixed success, too long to go into here, but we'll see what happens this year. Except thank god i won't be here to see it, cos we're getting out of this crazy country as soon as our property sells. The grand plan of course is to kill ALL the pollinators, including bees who land on sprayed flowers and plants. the 5G frequency also kills insects and bees in particular. Without pollinators most of agriculture is finished.
While I don’t doubt the existence of bacteria, I do doubt the honesty of manufacturers. I try to grow most of my product and buy only from local farmers who don’t spray anything on food. But as I’m also in Canada, that’s impossible in winter.
I know BTK is sprayed on fruit trees. And that both nicotine and MSG are used on organic food grown in the US. Were you able to find out what other edibles BTK is typically used on?
Organic is showing maybe half reactionary for gluten intolerant majority so for some can squeeze by..solution is European Organic or exotic expensive wheat ls or other grains.
Percentage maybe 1/3 showing no big problems with sourdough,more if organic as it's kinda in predigested state so even though gluten is as high perhaps it slides thru less damage..other tricks including pectin or arginic acid or before meal to coat innards for hours,allowing less penetration by gluten and glkycos but nutritional absorption is perhaps reduced a third.
Certain supplements, enzymes can work to point of no major illness point..careful with the absolutes whole worlds polluted,it's all a compromise now unless your a millionaire and even then difficult...If you can reduce a illness,pain or condition 1/3 for many it's livable,by 2/3 most...
Gosh but I wish it had worked that way for me or the friends, neighbors and relatives with gluten intolerance, gluten allergy and celiac disease I've talked to about this. Because it's the protein that causes the reaction. If sour dough, European wheat and ancient varieties improve symptoms, it wasn't an allergy or celiac disease to begin with. It was an intolerance to some other ingredient in the bread. Or it's people who believe they're allergic when in fact they are intolerant to an ingredient. Our immune cells don't differentiate between organic and conventionally grown proteins when the makeup of the protein itself is the same. They don't have time to get that sophisticated when reacting to proteins.
I know that silicone is not silica but wanted to add the following:
Check your bagged soil products including OMRI listed products (for the garden). They all contain Silica, and the stated purpose is as a 'wetting agent'. WTF. I think the addition of silica is related to a Brave New World of nanoparticles and transhumanism.
Buying organic is not a waste—even if you peel the fruit. Land under organic management is far better for the soil, the water, the animals, and the people living nearby it than any kind of crop or ranch managed using conventional methods.
I live where conventional wheat, barley, canola, lentils, garbanzos, peas are grown. It’s heinous what they do to the food crops around here—a toxic nightmare. Organic management isn’t perfect and does allow for the use of certain inputs, but it is 1000% better for everyone. Full stop. And worth the money when you consider the alternative. Which I have been observing for 40 years.
I totally agree. Scroll down a little way to my comments with Bird's Brain about what changing to an organic-only diet did for my husband and i, it was by far THE BEST health decision we've ever made. When we saw such obvious results from removing glyphosate in particular from our diet, we could only imagine what improvements were also made to our inner tissues and organs. And our body-dowsing kinesiology will always pick an organic item over non-organic as better for us, even in our "double blind" studies, and this inner wisdom also tells us that some of these items require washing and some will benefit from restructuring with our Zapper (https://bestzapper.com)
The globalization and e-commercing of our food supply is making it nearly impossible to hold anyone accountable. You are right, Agent, that what we are buying is hope --
hope that human goodwill, honesty and faithfulness attends the food production process from start to finish, even in these times when we know it does not.
The food industry is a global mega business just like the "healthcare" industry and the biopharmaceutical complex. And the widely accepted and prevalent eugenics propaganda provides cover for what is, in essence, a license to kill, whitewashed by the infernal transmutation of the word "sustainability."
For starters, we must get out of the U.N. So write your state reps and senators. The new administration will likely be our only chance to do this.
Sadly, due to widespread corruption, I don't foresee any real changes until there are real prosecutions for the real crimes committed against the people.
A dismantling of the entire house of lies that allows such a vast and destructive systemic corruption as we now see in our essential food supply is necessary.
The public/private liaisons and their money laundering schemes to use food to accomplish agendas must be exposed and stopped.
Our essential food must again become primarily local, encompassing the needs of other nations as our surplus allows and human compassion demands.
A Professor who's name I will try to find and edit in later claims blu light and some related procedure or frequency can alter morphic forms in the womb and cause offspring to change form or seemingly species without DNA manipulation, or can alter or reshape diseased cells to healthy cells using blue light.
Coincidentally perhaps a lot of the nano bots especially the long tentacles ones are emitting exact same lite blue hue light!
Could these be not DNA editors but morphic field frequency influencers going cell to cell?! It should be possible to take enlargements of these microscopy photos and measure the exact color frequency it's giving off and correlate that to other examples including that professors photos I'll try and locate,could be a big lead!
There's been talk in about how Dragons and fallen angels can shape shift. into an angel of light.Dragons are generally red and fiery,if you were to shift and be convincing wouldn't you maybe want to change colors as well to a non red? What's the coolest opposite color? Whoa! It's light cool blue is it not? Coincidence? Maybe.
Strangely one of God's (old testament somewhere)major personal gripes was women who would wear same light blue hue eyeliners in ancient days inferring witchcraft/worship somehow..but I couldn't figure out why it might anger God on such a specific color of all things after all we have a beautiful God created blue sky right,it's not evil..But what if there's dragon channeled,possessive energy behind those eyes and blue is used to cool,and hide ie witchy shapeshift protocol hmmm they say the eyes are the windows to our soul maybe cooling and kinda translating hidden dragons energies... nah,can't be that weird right,??hmmm but wait dragons are in Bible,other ancient lore legit as main fallen creature w shape shifting ability ie can shift to appear as a gentle light angel kinda right? Humans main target..hmmm..also Edison, Tesla others beginning of electronics claim success w spirit box communications ie 1890+ and electronics react to ghosts everywhere ie ghost hunters hmmm?blue.computer screen tie in?- why can't we have full spectrum natural lighting better for our health Hmmm,hmmm,hmmm!!
Let DISCERNING minds decide if I'm onto something or paranoid crazy to even suggest possible dragons/, demons attempting to download on us on both the biological and digital realm tie in and their using very specific means and frequencies of light,color,sound,etc.
When you think about it there's actually very limited move options for these bad actors to to make when it comes to available frequencies and tie in colors!
But dude!! ,or dudesses they could revert back to a giant physical or ethereal dragon and burn your quizzical butt to a crisp in a moment if they didn't have a larger agenda to try to toast! ya think!? I do! But I admit it's a lot to try to take in as possible reality,yikes!!
..Both biblical and Helinistic dragon lore suggests such shape,size and color shifting allowed for fallen angels,now predator dragons to hybridize with humans,creating titans,then giants of old and some say a division of humans with a bit too much reptile going to feel comfy around the kiddies..ie no alien,other planet or endless dimension misdirection necessary...
So again few years back I found Professors studies showing blue light changing offspring forms without DNA interference using multiple lab experiments producing altered form rats,monkeys etc
Anyway other potential tie into light frequencies as recently our elite keepers have admitted stars have different light and color FREQUENCIES visible and are not just white when magnified and these run thru us daily,nightly,especially since Biblical lore and many other religions have stars either containing angels,fallen on their way down or good angels propped up like forever
Indeed,after examining the shapes and colors of say 20+ stars,I noticed first off some are not round but are triangles or squares interwoven sometimes and rotating so fast as to create a perfect round appearance from afar ,using stop action feature as some of the vibrations are ultra quick ,usually the ones that have lighter colors. The duller color stars vibrate slower and rotate slower. If one were to measure the different pulse and rotation speeds,correlate to colors, correlate to different shapes seen and label each star this with say 50 stars,wow you'd really really have something.
The highest,fastest vibe one appear as crystalline snowflakes almost but with sheen and depth of color like a not fully polished so too clear diamond or gem.,one of them so beautiful and close to classic crystaline angel art I've seen,im certain it's the model for it and access to powerful telescopes were used way,way back.likely hundreds of years unless that same angel came much closer sometimes ie lower portalling mission of God?
We were supposed to reject the serpent's deception this time with plenty of warning ie it was basically when you're forced to take a mark across the world it's the mark of the beast Dragon/hybrid monster thing doom, next time choice will be taken it or die or lose all access to wealth ie digital mark,first round covid shot was a shot across the bow ,those people can still refuse the deciding do or die shot I see evidence for...God favors mercy and creation where there's still hope does he not??Refuse demon bind pact vaxx shot and live with Gods spark of goodness still alive in your soul people,come-on!!!!?
Look up to God's way for truth and redemption/,repentance and a joyful life seperate from the hell ship obviously going down,what else people,look around...where else is there an offer of hope more tied to the virtues that always opposed these demons throughout time..God hated Baal worshippers and the other demi/demon God,false idols,fallen angels at every turn and the people that chose that evil,yet so many of us were told that was cruel not realizing these were demons and traitors to the core of life and goodness itself,deserving now of the hell that they are,God is innocent and so is Christ of all these charges found today in the anti Christian,new age etc movements regardless of the church failures, infiltrations inevitable,
God is life itself,always was the Alpha and Omega creator of all! And Jesus Christ was foretold long before his birth and matched over a dozen prophecies perfectly thousands of years old.His worth as the purest creation of God in chosen goodness, virtues was enough to pay for our sins, evils,ask God to be included in this salvation,but before you sincerely do offer your own sacrafice,the death of your sins that bind you to Satan to whatever degree you can,and petition God for him to accept your inclusion in Christ's Sacrafice for mankind that chooses repentance and rejection of the dragon monstrosity evils for it is a lie that you merely have to believe in Christ,no, you need to hate that evil in you until it dies and demons leaves and then pray for God's mercies to refill your emptiness with additional sparks of life ,holy spirit..
This matches the Book of Enoch s description of angel inside and on perimeter of the "outer darkness" ( ie dark matter,hello!).moving and going in and out of portals on a schedule to light and vibe us and the world- FREQUENCIES feed life or destroy it are are just about everything that matters so you cell phone,tower lovers need to check your math,your way off ,failing basic tests,deserving of a swat with teachers ruler,haha!
Ok So now way to believe I'm not just whacked unless you Yandex,com p1000 stars or stars are angels p1000,no way you can explain what your seeing by pushed science,please try and msg me and I'll ask audience if they buy your explanation.
Nikon stopped selling p1000 but available used for $1000-$1500 and ,p950 still in some stores,buy quick before gone and msg me it is so up there ,I'm right or I'm a crazy ninny and need to get properly fitted for a straight jacket so a bad one doesn't cut off my circulation when they come and get me -so compassionate for the crazies there thank you,haha!
.Strangely Nikon p1000 camera with 125 magnification or 250 mavg w custom adapter show movement in the stars core and in it's outer path quiver which don't match know,taught science.youtube search:Nikon p1000 stars are angels to see controversy we are a deep part of from way way way back!!
..Their job is to tempt us to illusions where morality isn't key to happiness with God and people/creation so we go evil like them more readily,our job is to hate evil and love God enuff to see past those deceptions and prove our hearts are redeemable to God from sin/demon connections....,our job is to love Goodness enuff to tune into where truth and God is really at,he loves that! Proves your for real to everything,everyone!
Could it be our morphic body species form is decided on a spiritual level and then contains light frequenies which support this form or not and are controllers don't want us to know that as that's spirituallly not physically based creation and how we are first grounded in forming spiritual vibe,a vibe that can be positively accentuated or negatively opposed ie cell towers,440 freq.music,etc.
This morphic body decided by frequency over physical DNA strands rings potentially truer with consciousness is downloaded from the ethereal not from brain synapse and such functions,that's more a backup hardware and antenna system so goes the theory.
I'm guessing DNA as told us is majority true however but I love exploring alternatives in truth searches.
Just a comment about the "plastic" lettuce in the clip where she accidentally froze the lettuce - lettuce that has been frozen does this naturally - it is because its leaves are made of cellulose, its not because it has been coated in plastic or made of plastic. I've had that happen to a lettuce that I know has come straight from the ground, been washed and put in the fridge where it was a bit too cold for it, and the leaves go translucent and plastic looking. So not everything in those clips is "wrong" or shows "fake food" and some of it is because people don't actually know anything about real food
And yet still the article remains up with the 'evidence' and no question marks about the claims?
Sustainability is just a word. I work in hospital Supply in Northwest PA. Due to the germ/virus scam... hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars are wasted on "one use" medically critical items. Blood pressure cuffs, electrodes, Pulsox (O2 monitors), IV start kits, Imed Tubing, and list goes on and on. (where does all this trash go?) We receive hundreds of Fed Ex and UPS packages Mon-Friday (costing thousands in freight fees) and loaded with tons of plastic, styrofoam and cardboard (you know boxes within boxes). This is not about the planet or anyone's health... evolution teaches survival of the fittest. Therefore, if the evolution crap is true... anything goes. They have revealed what they are doing for years. It is just so far-fetched and against common sense that it defies logic. Try sharing this with people you know. Thank you Agent. Who needs horror movies, just look around.
You write like someone who can sort things out. Please, please go looking for The Day Tapes or The New Order of Barbarians or look for the Day Tapes info at the substack of Sage Hana. Day Tapes: 1969, March, Dr. Richard Day speaking to a large room of pediatricians at LaMont in Pittsburgh during which time he tells them not to take notes or tape him as he is going to tell them what is in the future. Dr. Lawrence Dunegan speaks on the Day Tapes telling what he heard Day tell them all. If you accept this (I found both their obits on the web and know they existed) please analyze . I believe it happened. I've watched it all come about for the last 60 years.
One error in your post is found in paragraph #9 about grafting: My family ran a small citrus operation in central Florida for decades. We grafted desirable, higher-value fruit branches onto hardy, rot- and disease-resistant root stock: The usual graft is of temple orange, pink grapefruit and tangerine branches onto wild orange root stock. This grafting practice dates back at least two centuries. That root stock is 100% nature-made; wild orange trees grow in groves worldwide until they are either culled or used as grafting stock. The grafts were productive every season, yielding fine healthy high-value fruit year after year.
That's a description of real/honest grafting!! I wonder whether the grafting techniques shown here are of that genre or are "modern" techniques that are for the purposes described in this article. And... is there some way to tell either way???
Cool lead.
I found the plastic rice noodles in my "prepper" stash. Noticeably different than real rice noodles. Also jasmine rice...fake (not all).
I have cut out more food and vitamins than I ever thought possible after reading your posts Agent. Please keep up the good work and inspiring me to do the same.
They’ve been faking cheese for decades now. It started with adding cellophane and “vegetable rennet”.
Cheese slices and cheee spread are cheese flavored mystery substance, I remember reading it was chemically identical/symilar to plastic garbage bags.
Here is a link discussion it ( processed cheese being platic) lol:
I'm 76 and my dad way back when was addicted to Velveta "cheese" slices, each rubbery perfect slice was wrapped in its own plastic sheet to peel off. YUCK!
We've been making our own cheese w/ Walcoren and raw milk for a while now. Tastes better than anything you can buy at a grocery story and is not that hard.
Bugs, lab- grown meat, GMO's, tons of pesticides/ vertilizer...
Someone posted a video of how plastic trash is being ground up and mixed in with the feed for pigs .. we are drowning in plastic trash. Micro plastic particles are now showing in drinking water ....
Yet the industry makes no changes .. we keep producing it and selling it..
Human kind really is on "self destruct" it seems..
Water bottles have tons of plastic in the water itself, it's ridiculous how heavily they taste like plastic. Yet NO ONE complains...
I agree, water in plastic bottles is PURE MADNESS! People have no option -- they think/know tap water is toxic, and they THINK they are getting cleaner water in plastic bottles, but when you look into it you find it is just ordinary tap water in a plastic bottle, for which they charge MORE than juice etc. -- what a con!!! Nestle is the number one seller of bottled water, so that should give you a clue. But worst of all are the micro plastics, and anything acidic will leach plastic right out of the bottles into the product (just like aluminum will). Ditto for things that are poured hot into plastic containers and capped when cooled -- think about it! Ditto for "shrink-wrapped" items like cucumbers.
Glass has purposely been removed from the market, so that WE NAUGHTY HUMANS can be blamed for creating SO MUCH PLASTIC POLLUTION! Meanwhile they tell us (here in Canada at least) we can't have plastic straws or multi-use carry bags at that till, but you can go into the aisle where they sell boxes of 100 SINGLE USE garbage bags, kitchen bags, sandwich bags, etc. etc. -- where is people's common sense???? And if you know anything about commercial agri-business (including dairy silage bags) you will know that millions of mountains of single use plastic is involved and ends up in the dump. But NAUGHTY US for using so much plastic!
We're moving to Mexico soon, where water is said to not be potable, so everyone buys "filtered water" in big plastic jugs. Crates of these jugs reportedly sit outside in the hot sun all day. And we wonder why our bodies are filled up with microplastics......... reportedly they are even found in umbilical cords of newborns. Body products, laundry products, all contain microplastics which end up in water. Unless of course "microplastics" is yet another myth, too tiny for us regular folk without technology to detect? There's nothing you are told that you can trust.
And here it is today, the first sunny day in many weeks, and what are they up to? Filling the skies with microplastic chemtrails........ And WHY is the ocean and its fish supposedly chock full of microplastics? Becos planes spray them over the ocean.....
That's just it! People seem to be like zombies... this seems to be changing.. more amd more are waking up. It has become so utopian that even those that try to deny it now have to step back and rething or at least shut up.. it is a questiin of time.. the world is waking up, governments are cumbling .. if that won't do the trick and cause some serious change all around .. we will see war.
At least in this country... people are simply fed up.. out of control industry, healthcare is a danger, parasitic insurances causing bankruptcies, taxes that ruin existences, crazy court decisions, corrupt legal system, more and more electronic control ( technocracy ) and AI madness... if that will not wake up human kind,
Move us towards change then we do not deserve any better..
Not even our children are save anymore ...
Actually,you know from experience 95 percentage plus of us even w our bad habits wouldnt be doing these extremes if it was just us humans,mortals here on Earth.Our biggest sin is the sin in the Garden of Eden we refused to recognize then and now and that is that God doesn't want us lukewarm in goodness ,he wants us choosing our very best so we can live in heaven besides him where slightly demonic doesn't works well at all,,so he exoses us to pure black evil in garden..A fallen angel,Satan and asks for repulsion from it completely,yet we partially fail,same now Elites controlled by same Satan Spirit reign over us and we only partially repulse them and play with their evil pleasures as they do extremes of evil centuries and then even shoot our children and selves up with satanic serpent DNA and nano bots to further our partial possession ie mark of beast shot across bow,next one for keeps real mark coming up with worst quantum to hell connections...This is our second chance to not get poisoned Satan's darkness into us, with Christ were free but this may be the most tempted ,cursed generation since Noah's seems.Hope your on board Noah2 ie no vaxx,no satanic ok to surrender my life and my sin,hate evil,love good .. purification powers here strongest now,so are corruption powers..ie the great divide and ain't about just political percentages .See it was never just us humans down here, the fallen angels really were represented by vicious predatory to full extremes dragons even to attack Christ, angels,then work on us with God's restraints in place.. ie Bible,every culture.eith ability to shape shift.checkout Atlas mtn ranges from satellite(balloon really) a perfect 1000 mile biometrically perfect dragon,including 14-17 mile scales hundreds perfectly spaced in classic snake form..original story of Atlas is Zeus relative cursed him to revert back to dragon form, enlarged and rock fossilized and story mentions Morocco as it was named then several thousand years ago..Likely was Christ,God himself that handled that dragon..all the Greek pantheon were fallen angels,liars ,dragons puffing themselves up in the first Hollywood play to draw us in .it worked..their still here! Heavenly wars not finished and we're the last prize..if we go with Christ!..Google Morocco dragon Atlas mtns or titan fossils Europe..they can't hide these! But proof of spiritual wars only help a tad with your own inner battles,but I'll take it! God doesn't need perfection from us,just dedication to his pure goodness,and a pretty damn close to perfect hate for evil!
I agree. Only spiritual guidance will lead us right, seeking guidance from that higher power, tempering that human ego, looking for balance in all things, living by those principals as they are explained by the St. Francis Prayer will save this world.
Religion though seems to have turned too many people away, church has not been a good example for too long.. hypocricy.. sanctimoniously .. forgotten the message.. many people shut down when they hear "bible" stuff..
We need to evolve spiritually, we seem to need a new language for that, the bible has too much controversial stuff, many of those hairraising stories in the bible can be explained with natural law and in terms like "energy", the actual message is in the commandmends, the rest is logic. It should be simple not in need of convoluted words that need endless studying.. this needs to be lived, every day as a way of life .. Not just read or heard on sundays.. and never fully grasped because it got lost in all that translation..
At the end of the day, all religions have the same goal, a spiritual awakening and a life that reflects that on a daily basis.
I think the church's purpose was to support Christ's offer of redemption thru simple repentance and Sacrafice of your evil connection to demons in sin specific to you..forget the church at that stage...we need to discern where church and society is failed always in areas ,every one ie God's criticism of the 7 churches showed none can as an institution wether Satan's attacks,only at the individual level is their true hope,church is only a crumbling footstool,needed to reach the next rungs necessary,if you depend on it's rotting in sin infiltrations as they teach you too you insist God must filter you through churchs sins too,that's not the offer of Christ,it's just you and him and God,no saints,no Mary,etc that's a energetic trap,false equation Satan has propped up ie idol worship..why so many of those Mary statues are possessed demonically...CATHOLICS and some Orthodox so deceived they not only orly pray to saints but they try to absorb their physical emanations by putting candles and oil above the saint corpses,and then ingesting said oils ie both forced spirit communication of sorts or energetic channeling forbidden as witchcraft and grave robbing,etc saints never consented to be robbed grimly so ya know?!-- these deceptions trick otherwise decent Christians to mingle w demons and they then find themselves hungering for perversions more ETC ETC..
No where in Bible is chanting or recurring same words prayers encouraged...always direct petitions and responses ie conversations or dream directions only is way of God,lord's prayer is only exception Christ permitted as an inclusionary of items in attitude that should be present in prayers ie reverence,forgiveness, repentance,etc -- then speak your mind .ie Please heal me of this do I may serve you and your better by next week so I can get that job..I offer you this fast or sacrifice of pleasure demons are connected to or this eliminatation of destructive drug addiction as the demons are always petitioning God for rights to enter you for your sins into realms they rule, ya know..it's fair,God is merciful but progress away from hellish is important in are grey status...
And that is why we have lost the spiritual way the believe in spirituality .. more and more people did not take the church seriously anymore.. they had the chance to save us..
One of the things that church has done is create division instead of "we are all Gods children"... there are how many churches in every little town and everybody insists on being different and right instead of coming together with commonalities .. insisting that their God is the only way and everyone else is wrong .. billions.. of Buddhists, Hindus, Jews Muslims.. yet God did create them too.. are they all wrong? funny isn't it.?.. and we are not supposed to judge or trow stones .. hmmmm
What does the St. Francis prayer really say?
Spritual growth does not involve arrogance and ignorance, judgment and condemnation.
Jesus had a different message.. and we all know who wrote and re- wrote the bible... I wonder why these people do us not give access to their vaults and libraries ...
objective thinking is paramount. The "church" is stuck in the "old" and we all know what happens if we refuse to evolve.. ask Charles Darwin.. oh right .. we don't accept science either... all because of a book that was written by questionable men with questionable motives .. how many women did they burn in Europe?
"Malaria is a hoax. Science could never prove mosquitoes carry the supposed virus nor could they prove mosquitoes carried any virus"
👉Malaria is indeed a hoax but it is supposedly caused by a protozoan not a virus:
"Plasmodium falciparum is a unicellular protozoan parasite of humans, and the deadliest species of Plasmodium that causes malaria in humans. Wikipedia"
Ok, wonder what my poor dad contracted after serving in WWII in Panama canal...it was a living hell for him...horrible debilitating night sweats, poor mom,
he soaked those sheets and parents replaced mattresses well in to the mid 1970's...it did eventually subside...by the early 1980's....
stands to reason he and his pals may have been poisoned or whatever ...
but like all of these 'hoaxes' sadly there are people who DO suffer...
Right, some chemical or insecticide etc. can make people very sick. Between the vaxes and chemicals the mil is subjected to, needless to say enemy fire, still kids line up every year to participate in ginned-up mutual genocide with the seal of approval of their parents.
The military (generally the youngest, healthiest young men of any nation, you know, the ones who might have a chance of overpowering a govt.) have always been kept by the controllers to function as the perfect lab rats, kept in a controlled environment and experimented on, just like the poor kids in India and Africa. Thus Gulf War syndrome, when they were injected with squalene amongst other terrible toxins just to see the results. These folks were severely debilitated for the rest of their lives, and abandoned by the military/govt. too. I would suggest these kind of experiments on the military could apply to your father's situation as well, And no military are allowed to opt out of the jabs (sometimes given 4 at a time, 2 in the arms, 2 in the bum). If they object they are "court martialed" becos they signed a contract when they joined the military that basically gave their bodies to the govt.
Differencial diagnosis would have been helpful. Instead of assuming.
No virus has ever been found and plasmodium has not been shown to fulfill Koch's postulates proving it is a pathogen causing malaria. If you mean differential diagnoses of what else caused a persons symptoms, then I agree.
I mean, Sherlock holming the problem, using logic, evidence and reason to figure out what is actually happening rather than writing the latest prescription, with the most kickbacks by the drug pushing reps.
Yes that is a good idea. Though there may be more than one cause. We have already ruled-out viruses and plamodium though. And since no bacteria has been found to initiate illness in healthy persons, I suspect some toxic material: insecticide, chemical, etc. though not having done a deep dive. What I can say is that about 4 years ago when I asked a malaria professor friend of mine to show me a paper proving plasmodium was the cause he's been on radio silence since.
Plot must have always been to fake rampant viruses with lies and biolab spreading and profit from problem/solution vaccines,we just didn't want to believe in such organized extreme evil,to tough on our own illusions we use to not face our lesser sins and they use that fact!
I like your find on plasmodium being necessary for classic natural virus ie history of virus term and definition..can you please cite in short form your sources of this,others seem to infer a more wide spectrum of natural non parasitic sources may qualify especially if contagion or at least transferability is adequate ie evidence exists medical establishment evolved to change original definition to a wider spectrum of modalities,wether that's a good decision or not,if it became the norm after years decades typically either in science or medicine they don't go back to correct it as it would do more damage then good in terms of transmission of useful medical info to Dr,patient and responding drug manufacturer or to public keeping track in general...and yes I understand correcting abuse of seasonal or non seasonal illness and related pushed vaccines is key here-- but trying to eliminate entirely virus term cuz of broadening shifts and abusesl seems impossible vs adding clause abuses happening evidences and push that synthetic virus imitators of what a virus should be and acting as are the predominant,not the exception leading to rampant fraud,but that an appreciable amount of synthetic lab concoctions are reaching virus function and sometimes lite transferability and that there's evidence of intentional sprinklings or spreading s of viruses that we should fight back on., Alternative of saying no viruses exist ever but lookout for this thing their calling a virus cuz it's sickening or don't look out for this thing they call a virus because this one aint nothing at all cuz it's weak as a sniffle is confusing and won't help public we serve as TRUTHERS.Best to just notify : Hey people,you know some of those viruses they admit oare lab CONCOCTIONS,well hers evidence they were basically always lab concoctions and their not trustable,so in the future we're going to notify you of exactly how powerful the lab CONCOCTION is and to give you real antidotes,or antiparasitic s or remedies that work cuz the VACCINES make it all worse and our the same toxic kinda shit! Got it? Trying to eliminate virus term cuz their crooked with it ain't helping,their crooked with the whole combine ball of wax.
That said I'm glad your open to covid being a real increase in people since 2020 in certain extreme symptoms,prior to vaccine which came out mid December 2020..How do you feel about Dr Ardis Snake VENOM in covid and in vaxx claim?
Malaria was never classified as a virus.
It is an intracellular protozoa just like Babeosis (also known as cow malaria). It is not a hoax .....I had it...from tick bite. The pathogen can be seen CLEARLY ON THE MICROSCOPE inside RBC.
Thanks for your comment Atermix. Seeing the protozoa in a Tick or in an RBC itself is not proof of plasmodium causing malaria
To confirm that plasmodium is the cause and not just a stowaway in insect bites that have other toxins in them, we would need to have a pure sample of plasmodium and inject that into healthy hosts, and inject the same fluid the plasmodium is in without the plasmodium itself into hosts and see if the hosts get malaria. Then reisolate the plasmodium and reinfect another host to reproduce the disease.
It is possible I just don't know about this study, but to prove your point can you find a study like that and send it to us in this comment section?
Seems ALOT of so called viruses are EITHER parasites,ie a protozoan qualifys yes? Or synthetic lab concoctions neither contagious in extreme manner claimed...but yes lightly contagious by particle,item transmission ie spit a bunch of lab stew or parasites into a glass and pass it around some might meet critical mass level of toxin,or parasite to transfer.They hide parasites being as much a problem for humans as animals cuz theyuse the parasites to harm us and to be carriers for their lab CONCOCTIONs and encourage the No viruses exist so we can ignore all your crap..cuz then they won't be looking out for the lab stews and parasites or nanobots.
Best answer is detox ALOT and look for specific antidotes when it's specific toxins,etc don't go head in sand No Viruses so I'm not doing anything but eating good ,ain't enuff!!
A virus is a replication competent intracellular parasite able to infect others, by definition. Whether natural or made up, please provide a paper finding and characterizing a particle fitting the definition. So far no one has been able to show this so you are just making conjectures.
I've noticed a lot of the usual foods we would eat don't taste the same. Brands that we have used for a long time, know what they should taste like and no longer taste the same. And it's almost like intuitively we know that this is does not taste/look right. I've thrown so many things away. I should have kept a list, maybe I'll start keeping one now. It all boils down to us needing to go back to growing a lot of our own food and supporting local farmers. Thank you for expounding on this so thoroughly as usual! 🤓👏👏
If you were to keep your grocery store receipts and take the fake food back, that will hit them in the pocket book. Get your money back. Stop getting ripped off. Shop at your local farmstand.
Almost all water bottles are tainted, too. I wonder if people peeing a lot isn't from drinking a lot of water, but their body doing its job and filtering out toxins that are *in* the water they're drinking...
I don't know, does truly clean water make people pee a lot? I don't feel like it would myself.
This is becos the water they are drinking is "unstructured", eg. chaotic, if looked at under a microscope, and our bodies have no idea how to deal with it, thus we pee it straight out. Water has an amazing intelligence, and one drop can store more info than any computer chip. And no wonder it is under attack -- our bodies are at least 80% water. Just as the 5G frequency range purposely targets blood in particular (eg. the actual cause of c-v), the wifi frequency was purposely chosen becos it targets water. Meanwhile we are told that water is very scarce and has to be metered and rationed (at least in the summer where i live). And maybe you're familiar with the "toilet to tap" plan for the 15 minute cities --yes, just like it says, toilet water complete with shit, pee, paper, pharma drugs etc. put thru a "processing plant" and then coming out of the taps. You know, becos it is so scarce and running out, becos of "overpopulation" of course.......
Nature structures water beautifully into harmonious frequencies thru natural vortexes, flowing water, waterfalls, waves etc. and this is REAL water that our bodies can and do absorb and use. If you drink structured water out of non-plastic containers you will find you don't have to drink very much, or pee very much. Ways of structuring water include sitting it on an orgone plate, whizzing it in a glass blender with magnets on the sides, drinking it from copper cups, using a zapper on it, etc. etc.
Here is one of the most wonderful ever presentations about water:
Veda Austin's beautiful interview about the intelligence of water (actual interview starts around 6 minutes):
PET bottles leach PET slowly into the water. Don't use water kept in these too long. You'll have to look up the graphs.
Literally I went through this with the' Plastic Eggs' not from Walmart.
Fake eggs caught my attention, I guess these abominations explain why so many egg farms and egg processing facilities went up in flames the past 2-3 years. Prepping for the fake egg rollout
"Has glyphosate been found inside of a tomato? Because if the issue is the toxins on the outside, we should be able to wash them off ... so what exactly are we paying such a premium for?"
Glyphosate also gets inside produce via water from soil sprayed along with the plant. It's systemic. Most is on the surface but not all.
Secondly, it's not just toxic pesticides you're trying to avoid with organic, it's toxic chemical fertilizers and lack of nutrients due to soils only amended with only the 3 main nutrients.
Regarding gluten allergies, if your hypothesis was correct, they should be able to eat organic wheat. They can't. Even when ancient wheat varieties are grown on small farms away from farms that spray, those with gluten issues react. It's the protein not the spray. It's the protein with almost all allergies. Foreign protein is what activates our immune system.
Many allergic to gluten have found that when they go to a country where glyphosate isn't sprayed on wheat as a dessicant (eg. to kill it in preparation for harvest) they have no problem at all eating it. It is sprayed on wheat in particular so that it will all ripen at the same time for massive agri-business machine harvesting. The grain is then sent directly to mills where it is ground for flour. No washing. Glyphosate changes the proteins in gluten to the extent that our bodies don't recognise them as food and reject them, so cleverly the finger of focus can be pointed at something it isn't instead of what is REALLY happening -- just think how massive the non-gluten business has become!
Meanwhile glyphosate perferates the gut lining so that not just gluten but ALL food can leak into the abdomen (eg. "leaky gut") where it definitely does NOT belong, thus you get multiple and varying "allergies" with the body trying to deal with this awful situation and no route to expel what shouldn't be there. Along with Stephanie Senoff, Zach Bush has done more research than anyone on this than anyone. Here's a short very educational video of his:
Leaky gut is an interesting theory presented to chronically I'll people by alternative practitioners who have no idea why people are really sick, just like their conventional counterparts. But if food molecules were actually leaking into your abdominal cavity, you'd be in the hospital dying of sepsis.
Years ago i used to listen to all the alternative online health summits and there were many summits on IBS (which i suffered with for years) and chronic digestion problems including "gluten allergies", and NEVER ONCE DID I EVER HEAR A MENTION of glyphosate, which in my opinion was/is the number one cause of all these illnesses. As soon as we went all "organic" (for what it's worth) my gut issues were gone, as were a number of health issues my husband and i had, which included dry cracking skin, brain fog, and constantly running noses. It was Zach Bush who first clued us into this, explaining that glyphosate perforates all membranes including gut, nasal, blood/brain, blood vessels etc. and i have to say that for us all these issues are gone now, and only past memories. But i agree that "leaky gut" was an excuse for simply not having an answer. And it does explain why what people were "allergic to" seemed to change from day to day, cos it wasn't the food items themselves, it was the reaction of a damaged gut to anything and everything.
And BTW, the chemical BTK, okayed for organic use, works exactly the same as glyphosate. It kills all kinds of larve (including of those dangerous gypsy moths) by perforating their guts until they explode, so that over a few days time they can no longer eat or digest and they die. Unfortunately it does the same to humans who eat the sprayed plants, and to all butterflies, and birds who feed the larvae to their young, and every creature that walks on it and licks themselves, including pets, grazing animals and various beneficial insects. This is why TPTB are so darn persistent and keen on low level spraying every year for the "moth invasions". And despite this moth being a "forestry threat", they are determined to spray it on towns and cities and prime agricultural land. The many Notices of Liability that have bombarded TPTB in the last few years have had a small success in stopping a few of the sprays, but it still goes on all over Canada and many other places in the world.
Interesting. It’s my understanding that BTK is a bacterium that doesn’t survive in warm-blooded organisms such as ourselves.
Some people (including me) did an immense amount of research two years ago when our communities here in Canada were being aerial sprayed annually with BTK for the FAKE "gypsy moth invasion" -- altho in order to be politically correct, the NAME of the moth was changed to "spongy moth", thus making our research more difficult!!!!!! According to what we found BTK (which is a PATENTABLE derivative of the supposedly "natural" BT bacteria -- and i'm even doubting the existence of bacteria these days!) anyway BTK damages ALL living things from the tiniest pollinating insects to mammals. There was a fish hatchery in one local area that had just released 2000 young salmon in a holding pond and they all "mysteriously" died a day after the spray, as all ponds and watercourses and even the BEACH was sprayed here. This spraying goes on every spring just at pollination time, in countries all over the world, so there is research from there too. When we had gathered our irrefutable information many of us sent NOLs to the Dept. of Forestry officials who were running the poisoning campaign, plus the pilot who is a member of the Big Boys Club, who had held the govt. contract for many years. This was a mixed success, too long to go into here, but we'll see what happens this year. Except thank god i won't be here to see it, cos we're getting out of this crazy country as soon as our property sells. The grand plan of course is to kill ALL the pollinators, including bees who land on sprayed flowers and plants. the 5G frequency also kills insects and bees in particular. Without pollinators most of agriculture is finished.
Thanks for this information!
While I don’t doubt the existence of bacteria, I do doubt the honesty of manufacturers. I try to grow most of my product and buy only from local farmers who don’t spray anything on food. But as I’m also in Canada, that’s impossible in winter.
I know BTK is sprayed on fruit trees. And that both nicotine and MSG are used on organic food grown in the US. Were you able to find out what other edibles BTK is typically used on?
Organic is showing maybe half reactionary for gluten intolerant majority so for some can squeeze by..solution is European Organic or exotic expensive wheat ls or other grains.
Percentage maybe 1/3 showing no big problems with sourdough,more if organic as it's kinda in predigested state so even though gluten is as high perhaps it slides thru less damage..other tricks including pectin or arginic acid or before meal to coat innards for hours,allowing less penetration by gluten and glkycos but nutritional absorption is perhaps reduced a third.
Certain supplements, enzymes can work to point of no major illness point..careful with the absolutes whole worlds polluted,it's all a compromise now unless your a millionaire and even then difficult...If you can reduce a illness,pain or condition 1/3 for many it's livable,by 2/3 most...
Gosh but I wish it had worked that way for me or the friends, neighbors and relatives with gluten intolerance, gluten allergy and celiac disease I've talked to about this. Because it's the protein that causes the reaction. If sour dough, European wheat and ancient varieties improve symptoms, it wasn't an allergy or celiac disease to begin with. It was an intolerance to some other ingredient in the bread. Or it's people who believe they're allergic when in fact they are intolerant to an ingredient. Our immune cells don't differentiate between organic and conventionally grown proteins when the makeup of the protein itself is the same. They don't have time to get that sophisticated when reacting to proteins.
I looked up "silicone in nature" its abundant and is even found in certain foods including fruits and vegetables.
I know that silicone is not silica but wanted to add the following:
Check your bagged soil products including OMRI listed products (for the garden). They all contain Silica, and the stated purpose is as a 'wetting agent'. WTF. I think the addition of silica is related to a Brave New World of nanoparticles and transhumanism.
after I posted that comment, I was thinking to myself about all the people who inject this stuff into their faces boobs and butts. WTF.
That got me thinking of Angelina Botix-lips Jolie. Lol.
or even more hideous Madonna. All this points to an agenda of acceptance, with our hellywood actors leading the way of mind control
Johnny Depp a Satanist, close friends with Marylin Manson, a priest of the church of Satan. Private message me for link.
Don't you think SS collates all the links and key words in private chat? Following us is the purpose of SS.
Likely they are graphene nano a whole lot but have you specific evidence silica is compromised,it's already a carcinogen
Buying organic is not a waste—even if you peel the fruit. Land under organic management is far better for the soil, the water, the animals, and the people living nearby it than any kind of crop or ranch managed using conventional methods.
I live where conventional wheat, barley, canola, lentils, garbanzos, peas are grown. It’s heinous what they do to the food crops around here—a toxic nightmare. Organic management isn’t perfect and does allow for the use of certain inputs, but it is 1000% better for everyone. Full stop. And worth the money when you consider the alternative. Which I have been observing for 40 years.
I totally agree. Scroll down a little way to my comments with Bird's Brain about what changing to an organic-only diet did for my husband and i, it was by far THE BEST health decision we've ever made. When we saw such obvious results from removing glyphosate in particular from our diet, we could only imagine what improvements were also made to our inner tissues and organs. And our body-dowsing kinesiology will always pick an organic item over non-organic as better for us, even in our "double blind" studies, and this inner wisdom also tells us that some of these items require washing and some will benefit from restructuring with our Zapper (https://bestzapper.com)
The globalization and e-commercing of our food supply is making it nearly impossible to hold anyone accountable. You are right, Agent, that what we are buying is hope --
hope that human goodwill, honesty and faithfulness attends the food production process from start to finish, even in these times when we know it does not.
The food industry is a global mega business just like the "healthcare" industry and the biopharmaceutical complex. And the widely accepted and prevalent eugenics propaganda provides cover for what is, in essence, a license to kill, whitewashed by the infernal transmutation of the word "sustainability."
For starters, we must get out of the U.N. So write your state reps and senators. The new administration will likely be our only chance to do this.
Sadly, due to widespread corruption, I don't foresee any real changes until there are real prosecutions for the real crimes committed against the people.
A dismantling of the entire house of lies that allows such a vast and destructive systemic corruption as we now see in our essential food supply is necessary.
The public/private liaisons and their money laundering schemes to use food to accomplish agendas must be exposed and stopped.
Our essential food must again become primarily local, encompassing the needs of other nations as our surplus allows and human compassion demands.
A Professor who's name I will try to find and edit in later claims blu light and some related procedure or frequency can alter morphic forms in the womb and cause offspring to change form or seemingly species without DNA manipulation, or can alter or reshape diseased cells to healthy cells using blue light.
Coincidentally perhaps a lot of the nano bots especially the long tentacles ones are emitting exact same lite blue hue light!
Could these be not DNA editors but morphic field frequency influencers going cell to cell?! It should be possible to take enlargements of these microscopy photos and measure the exact color frequency it's giving off and correlate that to other examples including that professors photos I'll try and locate,could be a big lead!
There's been talk in about how Dragons and fallen angels can shape shift. into an angel of light.Dragons are generally red and fiery,if you were to shift and be convincing wouldn't you maybe want to change colors as well to a non red? What's the coolest opposite color? Whoa! It's light cool blue is it not? Coincidence? Maybe.
Strangely one of God's (old testament somewhere)major personal gripes was women who would wear same light blue hue eyeliners in ancient days inferring witchcraft/worship somehow..but I couldn't figure out why it might anger God on such a specific color of all things after all we have a beautiful God created blue sky right,it's not evil..But what if there's dragon channeled,possessive energy behind those eyes and blue is used to cool,and hide ie witchy shapeshift protocol hmmm they say the eyes are the windows to our soul maybe cooling and kinda translating hidden dragons energies... nah,can't be that weird right,??hmmm but wait dragons are in Bible,other ancient lore legit as main fallen creature w shape shifting ability ie can shift to appear as a gentle light angel kinda right? Humans main target..hmmm..also Edison, Tesla others beginning of electronics claim success w spirit box communications ie 1890+ and electronics react to ghosts everywhere ie ghost hunters hmmm?blue.computer screen tie in?- why can't we have full spectrum natural lighting better for our health Hmmm,hmmm,hmmm!!
Let DISCERNING minds decide if I'm onto something or paranoid crazy to even suggest possible dragons/, demons attempting to download on us on both the biological and digital realm tie in and their using very specific means and frequencies of light,color,sound,etc.
When you think about it there's actually very limited move options for these bad actors to to make when it comes to available frequencies and tie in colors!
But dude!! ,or dudesses they could revert back to a giant physical or ethereal dragon and burn your quizzical butt to a crisp in a moment if they didn't have a larger agenda to try to toast! ya think!? I do! But I admit it's a lot to try to take in as possible reality,yikes!!
..Both biblical and Helinistic dragon lore suggests such shape,size and color shifting allowed for fallen angels,now predator dragons to hybridize with humans,creating titans,then giants of old and some say a division of humans with a bit too much reptile going to feel comfy around the kiddies..ie no alien,other planet or endless dimension misdirection necessary...
So again few years back I found Professors studies showing blue light changing offspring forms without DNA interference using multiple lab experiments producing altered form rats,monkeys etc
Anyway other potential tie into light frequencies as recently our elite keepers have admitted stars have different light and color FREQUENCIES visible and are not just white when magnified and these run thru us daily,nightly,especially since Biblical lore and many other religions have stars either containing angels,fallen on their way down or good angels propped up like forever
Indeed,after examining the shapes and colors of say 20+ stars,I noticed first off some are not round but are triangles or squares interwoven sometimes and rotating so fast as to create a perfect round appearance from afar ,using stop action feature as some of the vibrations are ultra quick ,usually the ones that have lighter colors. The duller color stars vibrate slower and rotate slower. If one were to measure the different pulse and rotation speeds,correlate to colors, correlate to different shapes seen and label each star this with say 50 stars,wow you'd really really have something.
The highest,fastest vibe one appear as crystalline snowflakes almost but with sheen and depth of color like a not fully polished so too clear diamond or gem.,one of them so beautiful and close to classic crystaline angel art I've seen,im certain it's the model for it and access to powerful telescopes were used way,way back.likely hundreds of years unless that same angel came much closer sometimes ie lower portalling mission of God?
We were supposed to reject the serpent's deception this time with plenty of warning ie it was basically when you're forced to take a mark across the world it's the mark of the beast Dragon/hybrid monster thing doom, next time choice will be taken it or die or lose all access to wealth ie digital mark,first round covid shot was a shot across the bow ,those people can still refuse the deciding do or die shot I see evidence for...God favors mercy and creation where there's still hope does he not??Refuse demon bind pact vaxx shot and live with Gods spark of goodness still alive in your soul people,come-on!!!!?
Look up to God's way for truth and redemption/,repentance and a joyful life seperate from the hell ship obviously going down,what else people,look around...where else is there an offer of hope more tied to the virtues that always opposed these demons throughout time..God hated Baal worshippers and the other demi/demon God,false idols,fallen angels at every turn and the people that chose that evil,yet so many of us were told that was cruel not realizing these were demons and traitors to the core of life and goodness itself,deserving now of the hell that they are,God is innocent and so is Christ of all these charges found today in the anti Christian,new age etc movements regardless of the church failures, infiltrations inevitable,
God is life itself,always was the Alpha and Omega creator of all! And Jesus Christ was foretold long before his birth and matched over a dozen prophecies perfectly thousands of years old.His worth as the purest creation of God in chosen goodness, virtues was enough to pay for our sins, evils,ask God to be included in this salvation,but before you sincerely do offer your own sacrafice,the death of your sins that bind you to Satan to whatever degree you can,and petition God for him to accept your inclusion in Christ's Sacrafice for mankind that chooses repentance and rejection of the dragon monstrosity evils for it is a lie that you merely have to believe in Christ,no, you need to hate that evil in you until it dies and demons leaves and then pray for God's mercies to refill your emptiness with additional sparks of life ,holy spirit..
This matches the Book of Enoch s description of angel inside and on perimeter of the "outer darkness" ( ie dark matter,hello!).moving and going in and out of portals on a schedule to light and vibe us and the world- FREQUENCIES feed life or destroy it are are just about everything that matters so you cell phone,tower lovers need to check your math,your way off ,failing basic tests,deserving of a swat with teachers ruler,haha!
Ok So now way to believe I'm not just whacked unless you Yandex,com p1000 stars or stars are angels p1000,no way you can explain what your seeing by pushed science,please try and msg me and I'll ask audience if they buy your explanation.
Nikon stopped selling p1000 but available used for $1000-$1500 and ,p950 still in some stores,buy quick before gone and msg me it is so up there ,I'm right or I'm a crazy ninny and need to get properly fitted for a straight jacket so a bad one doesn't cut off my circulation when they come and get me -so compassionate for the crazies there thank you,haha!
.Strangely Nikon p1000 camera with 125 magnification or 250 mavg w custom adapter show movement in the stars core and in it's outer path quiver which don't match know,taught science.youtube search:Nikon p1000 stars are angels to see controversy we are a deep part of from way way way back!!
..Their job is to tempt us to illusions where morality isn't key to happiness with God and people/creation so we go evil like them more readily,our job is to hate evil and love God enuff to see past those deceptions and prove our hearts are redeemable to God from sin/demon connections....,our job is to love Goodness enuff to tune into where truth and God is really at,he loves that! Proves your for real to everything,everyone!
Could it be our morphic body species form is decided on a spiritual level and then contains light frequenies which support this form or not and are controllers don't want us to know that as that's spirituallly not physically based creation and how we are first grounded in forming spiritual vibe,a vibe that can be positively accentuated or negatively opposed ie cell towers,440 freq.music,etc.
This morphic body decided by frequency over physical DNA strands rings potentially truer with consciousness is downloaded from the ethereal not from brain synapse and such functions,that's more a backup hardware and antenna system so goes the theory.
I'm guessing DNA as told us is majority true however but I love exploring alternatives in truth searches.