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I agree, water in plastic bottles is PURE MADNESS! People have no option -- they think/know tap water is toxic, and they THINK they are getting cleaner water in plastic bottles, but when you look into it you find it is just ordinary tap water in a plastic bottle, for which they charge MORE than juice etc. -- what a con!!! Nestle is the number one seller of bottled water, so that should give you a clue. But worst of all are the micro plastics, and anything acidic will leach plastic right out of the bottles into the product (just like aluminum will). Ditto for things that are poured hot into plastic containers and capped when cooled -- think about it! Ditto for "shrink-wrapped" items like cucumbers.

Glass has purposely been removed from the market, so that WE NAUGHTY HUMANS can be blamed for creating SO MUCH PLASTIC POLLUTION! Meanwhile they tell us (here in Canada at least) we can't have plastic straws or multi-use carry bags at that till, but you can go into the aisle where they sell boxes of 100 SINGLE USE garbage bags, kitchen bags, sandwich bags, etc. etc. -- where is people's common sense???? And if you know anything about commercial agri-business (including dairy silage bags) you will know that millions of mountains of single use plastic is involved and ends up in the dump. But NAUGHTY US for using so much plastic!

We're moving to Mexico soon, where water is said to not be potable, so everyone buys "filtered water" in big plastic jugs. Crates of these jugs reportedly sit outside in the hot sun all day. And we wonder why our bodies are filled up with microplastics......... reportedly they are even found in umbilical cords of newborns. Body products, laundry products, all contain microplastics which end up in water. Unless of course "microplastics" is yet another myth, too tiny for us regular folk without technology to detect? There's nothing you are told that you can trust.

And here it is today, the first sunny day in many weeks, and what are they up to? Filling the skies with microplastic chemtrails........ And WHY is the ocean and its fish supposedly chock full of microplastics? Becos planes spray them over the ocean.....

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