Hilarious! Love the snarky commentary. What a truly bullshit world we live in. If everything were done for the good of mankind what a different place this would be. This stack is one of my faves for sure keep up the good work!

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Iโ€™ve seen many YouTube videos about the faked moon landing but I have to admit your post made me long for part two. Well done

Definitely all the โ€œmoonโ€ photos are fake. You said it right, who took the photos.

One of the โ€œNo brainersโ€ proving the NASAH fakery is the admission they โ€œlostโ€ the technology to return to the moon. I guess they know we could dissect their photo, videos and conversations to prove they are fake.

I love the gold aluminum foil on the lunar modular. See I know all the propaganda terminology.

I was a star trek fan and have watched probably 200 of the 900 shows in the 12 series. NASA should have used the Star Trek stage for their photos. It would have been more realistic:)

Just from my experience Stars become much brighter and more of them as I went higher above sea level. I can only imagine how bright they would be after exiting our atmosphere.

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Iโ€™ve been to the South American rainforest and can tell you while sat in a carved out tree trunk on the river in the dark theyโ€™re bright, not only do they light up the sky but thereโ€™s tons of them and they look so close you feel that you can reach up and pluck one from the sky.

To say that it was a breathtaking sight is an understatement and I can remember it as vividly as been sat in that tree trunk today even though itโ€™s over 20yrs since it happened.

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Everyone I knew had a tv in the US in 1969. They were mostly black and white sets, but everyone had one.

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We were poor but had a TV in 1969. Black and white but it wasnโ€™t long before we had color

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I do think the moon landing is a big hoax, though.

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Yโ€™all are no doubt way ahead of me, but the late Dave McGowan has lots to say here: https://archive.org/stream/WaggingMoondoggieDavidMcgowan_201903/Wagging%20Moondoggie%20David%20Mcgowan_djvu.txt

He also takes deep dives into the (CIA) Laurel Canyon rock โ€˜n roll world of the โ€˜60s and the September 11 event.

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Great history lesson. I loved watching Star Trek growing up yes even the old episodes. The more I look into it from others including yourself I can see how it's predictive programming for NASA's space paradigm.

I've had my suspicions for while and after looking at a supposed NASA power point that went into military industrial complex territory I'm confident that they are using our money for something sinister.

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Wikipedia states 75% of households had a television in 1955.

From whence came your allegation of only 20% owned televisions in 1969?

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The numerology you mention in this article has a lot to do with the Illuminati and Freemasons. Maybe that's just a coincidence. Nah, all pre-planned and psyopped. ๐Ÿค”

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I was already aware of everything you said, but seeing it so well documented makes it all seem even more absurd! Thank you.

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oh and we are suppose to believe that all those men and the rover, other equipment needed and 400 kgs of rocks to take back... all fit inside that so call tin foil rocket & that tin foil also protected them from the van allen's belt and yet one of their videos the NASA bloke says we cannot go to space because of the van allen belt

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NASA (Never A Straight Answer) is a major psy-op of the Cryptocracy. NASA's space launches always go only so high and then turn, flying parallel with the earth out to the Atlantic Ocean where they ultimately fall into the drink. The earth is not a ball and it sure as Hell ain't spinning. Wouldn't you love to know where all of those billions of dollars NASA gets for being essentially a cardboard cutout program ultimately goes?

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Um, what about Neil Armstrong, Buzz Armstrongโ€™s brother? Wasnโ€™t he the first on the moon with his Kodachrome space camera? Did NADA accidentally send the wrong Buzz to the movie set?

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I DID see the broadcast, supposedly live, on television. I was eight, and in New York. My parents woke us all up to see the program. The program is not the only thing that I remember from that night. The "live video" of Armstrong stepping onto the moon's surface appeared on our TV upside down. Very few people remember that, but there was an upside-down transmission; you can look it up.

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"How the F do they always get such clear pictures of earth from space? The ball is spinning at 1,000 miles per hour. Do you remember how hard it used to be to take a clear photo of something in motion?"

The speed at which the Earth spins has to be considered in relation to its size. What really matters is that it takes 24 hours for Earth to make one full rotation, which makes it obvious why the photos wouldn't be blurry. Think about setting a camera close enough to a baseball that it fills the frame as much as the Earth does in a standard space photo, then think about how slow the baseball would be moving if you were spinning it at the rate of 1 rotation per 24 hours. You'd be able to get a perfectly clear photo of the baseball, because the spinning would be practically imperceptible.

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"Hereโ€™s a moon cave! Imagine what could be lurking in there! I hope he brought a light saber for protection."

I just peeeeeed myself laughing.


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gotta love the upside down umbrella... real high tech stuff there.

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Ahhhh, the double agent.

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I'd like to see the interior of this junk heap that Aldrin so daintily crawled out of as they yelled 'action!' - and the rare video of the CBS simulation is painful to watch. Having been in the entertainment industry and spent decades on set - it's a pretty bad, low budget B movie one....๐Ÿ˜‚

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