oh and we are suppose to believe that all those men and the rover, other equipment needed and 400 kgs of rocks to take back... all fit inside that so call tin foil rocket & that tin foil also protected them from the van allen's belt and yet one of their videos the NASA bloke says we cannot go to space because of the van allen belt
oh and we are suppose to believe that all those men and the rover, other equipment needed and 400 kgs of rocks to take back... all fit inside that so call tin foil rocket & that tin foil also protected them from the van allen's belt and yet one of their videos the NASA bloke says we cannot go to space because of the van allen belt
oh and we are suppose to believe that all those men and the rover, other equipment needed and 400 kgs of rocks to take back... all fit inside that so call tin foil rocket & that tin foil also protected them from the van allen's belt and yet one of their videos the NASA bloke says we cannot go to space because of the van allen belt