Good work, thank you. I’d rather know the ugly truth than be in denial.

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Not that anyone cares, but the merger of the state with big biz is, as defined by its creator Mussolini in his definitive, eponymous 1932 work The Doctrine of Fascism, is precisely that. Fascism. As in the National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party, aka the Nazis

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Just when I think I'm going to cry from the horror of it all -- you make me laugh! Thanks, I need that.

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Gotta say I love the comics, they had me cracking up 😂. But seriously, I realized the evil nature of General Mills when the glyphosate tests showed that Cheerios had the highest glyphosate levels of any of the foods tested at over 1000 ppb. To think that a food recommended for the elderly for “heart health” or as a new food for developing infants is absolutely criminal. It’s interesting their whole “Box Tops for Education” program. Curious exactly what they’re supporting or if this is basically their occult way of offsetting the harm they are doing, in which case the kids have been severely short changed.

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Guess I'll need a lot more than their carcinogenic lucky charms to avoid their evil!

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I love how you are so direct in your articles, no BS, just a huge solid punch. THANK YOU!

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Agent131711, You are in so DEEP - Just the way I like it. Thnx for coming into my life!

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Agent131711 - Thank you for connecting the many dots, I love your #ucK1nG $tup1D A$$!

Blessings from Mi. and beyond ~


Back in the seventies; I am able to recall the busses from all over the country, carting the school aged children to Battle Creek for a tour (mind altering) of induction to the masses. One more scientist escaped from the NAZI war era, making bombs, GeneralMillsOrganisms, and poisoning the next gen.

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That’s a deep dive and love it. Thanks for all this work, spiced up with a bit of humour.

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the funny thing is we all know this but nothing is ever gonna get done unless we become what god made us for freedom real fredom until people get together and hold this country down

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