Chemtrails Chapter 1: Why are They Spraying?
An introduction to the chemtrail programs purpose. The views expressed in this post are my own opinions based on my research. Nothing I say should be taken as "fact", unless it is labeled as such.
Before we can look at overwhelming amounts of evidence regarding the global GeoEngineering Program (AKA "Chemtrails”), we must first discuss one of the most popular questions people ask, which is, "Why? Why would someone want to secretly spray us?".
Although none of us can conclusively answer this question, I can tell you what I have concluded after many years of deep research.
Chances are, if you are on this blog, you are already aware of Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050. If you are unaware, you can learn a lot on BitChute, Oddysee and Rumble, but I will summarize it as this:
The "One World Government" wants citizens to "own nothing", and to "be happy" with owning nothing. This concept involves removing us from our homes and packing us into "15 Minute Cities", which will be a complete loss of freedom and rights, extreme surveillance. Once in the cities, the Social Credit Score System will govern what "privileges" we have, which determines if we can eat, if we can leave, what we are allowed to purchase, an so on. Although this may sound completely laughable, it's not a joke to "them". In fact, they are all-in on this evil plan and they surprisingly don't keep it a secret.
If you sit through the 11 HOUR United Nations "Biodiversity" presentation from 2020, you will see all of the UN member nations swearing allegiance to the UN and Agenda 2030 / 2050. Each country vowed to strip its people of 30%-70% of their land, in the name of "Nature"; yes, in the name of Nature. The stated goal is to close public access to parks, nature reserves, beaches and more, so these areas can become "nature", because, people are horrible and we are destroying the earth, therefore we have lost our rights to enjoy it. See some clips below:
A quick opinion: isn’t it interesting that you and I are being blamed for destroying the world by mowing our lawn on a Tuesday, drinking with a plastic straw or watering during daylight hours, meanwhile, not a peep about the real polluters; DuPont, Walmart, Amazon, Rockefellers, Celebrities, India, to name a few.
"Ok, but what do this have to do with Chemtrails?", you ask. Well, let's think about this: How can you conquer 7.9 BILLION people? War isn't an option, clearly you are outnumbered and those crazy Westerners all have guns, additionally, the world is too large for a genuine "World War" consisting of the 1% versus the 99%. The easiest option is to control the food and water supply. People will comply to eat. The problem with this concept is people farming; whether it be actual farms, or people like myself who plant during the summer, then can for the winter. You also have hunters, fishers, gatherers, preppers. If people can obtain their own food, you cannot control them. So, how do you take away the food? Answer: Kill the pollinators. Without pollination there is no produce. Make the soil dry and void of nutrients. Kill the microorganisms and worms. Poison the lakes. Boil the oceans. Kill the trees to take away oxygen. Oh, I forgot to mention, part of the agenda is to only have manmade trees that are actually machines (for real… they actually want this… for us, not for themselves). Anyways, everything must die to force compliance. The next step is implementing worldwide death and destruction, and GeoEngineering is the ultimate solution.
All GeoEngineering is diabolical. Perhaps it started out with good intentions, but even in the early 1900s it was already causing chaos when a man flooded San Diego, California.
Seeding involves spraying chemicals into the clouds in hopes of creating rain (or hail, or fog, sleet, snow). Cloud seeding is, and has been, taking place since at least 1919. This is not "conspiracy theory", it's not a "hoax". It's not even a secret, you can go to YouTube right now and search for "Cloud Seeding to Make Rain" and you'll find everything from news broadcasts to lawsuits over it to cloud seeding chemicals for sale.
Speaking of seeding ingredients; Cloud Seeding Flare ingredients are literal insecticide (which is why there is now a mass decrease in insects...including pollinators… how convenient).
Cloud Seeding is highly toxic to water. Additionally, it causes extreme drought. In future posts I will tell you more about this, but for now, let's keep going.
Stratospheric Aerosol Injections ("SAI"), Albedo Modification and Solar Radiation Management are a couple names for the "chemtrail" program. The stated purpose of this program is to block the sun, because, they CLAIM, the suns rays are simply "too harmful", therefore by blocking the sun we will "stop climate change", thus saving the world. Yes, it is utter insanity, but this is also not a hoax. In fact, in 1959 scientists were already discussing (in the newspaper!) that they wanted to use nuclear blasts to create "a world-enveloping dust cloud" in the upper air to reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth...
The chemtrail program began being tested in the late 1990s in the USA. The contents of the aerosol spray are heavy metals (and more, but primarily metals). When it rains or snows, these metals come down at "sky high" levels, pun intended. They sink into the ground, killing the microorganism and making the soil dry. Grasses die and the dead foliage becomes brittle. Trees and plants absorb these metals through their root systems. Not only does it slowly kill the plant, but trees also become highly flammable because their core is loaded with highly flammable particles. You may have seen pictures of trees burning from the inside-out.
All of this foliage turns into, essentially, fire kindle. This is one of the reasons why "wildfires" are now uncontrollable.
In addition to cloud seeding chemicals and SAI (chemtrails) chemicals, there are also frequency devices, such as HAARP, SBX and NEXRAD being used to steer hurricanes, move tornadoes, alter the jet stream, move clouds, increase storms / wind, you name it, they can do it. These frequencies work in tandem with an "ionized" atmosphere; this is where chemtrails come in. The fine metal particles have an additional purpose. Barium, one of the particles in chemtrails, is used in the atmosphere for military communication signals. Despite their use, they are highly destructive... and they are well aware of this.
HAARP is also used as an "Ionospheric Heater". It can "heat" the atmosphere to levels we cannot comprehend. This is exactly why we are witnessing worldwide record temperatures they are literally cooking us. Weather chaos is occurring world wide, the headlines below are from August 2nd and 3rd, 2023:
This past April, here in Michigan, we had a week where the temperature hit 80 degrees. I have lived here my whole life and have never seen 80F in April! The prior Easter we had snow. The recent 80 degree week woke up the bees. All 9 of my bee houses began buzzing with life... until the following week, when the temperature was plummeted down to below freezing. Bees cannot fly under 50F, and bees cannot go without food for more than a day or two. The temp stayed steady at below-freezing for a full week... just enough time to insure the death of the freshly-hatched pollinators... yep, 100% of my bees died and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I admit, I cried two nights in a row because the gravity of what was occurring sunk in.
So, to get back to answering the question, "Why are they spraying?"; the answer is because, food is the only way to control the world without ever firing a shot. Meanwhile, you may have noticed, "wildfires" are breaking out everywhere, ocean life is washing up dead on shore, "zombie forests" are being discovered, farms are being sprayed with poison in the middle of the night, thousands of birds are dropping out of the sky, dead. This is intentional chaos. Everything must be destroyed to force us into the 15 Minute Cities. World-wide, trees are snapping in half and falling over, people are reporting "no bees!" in their gardens, invasive species are suddenly appearing all across the world, 75 pound hail balls in Michigan, unprecedented drought in Mexico, 9 different countries in Europe are flooding, fires are burning people out of their cities, multiple chemical spills in the Ohio River in 2023, food plants exploding across the nation... this is not by accident and it is not due to "climate change", the "climate" in 2023 is no different than the "climate" in 2019 and all hell wasn't breaking loose then.
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I'm starting here to learn more on my existing base knowledge of geoengineering. Thank you so much for sharing this info and being a moral person. The world needs more of you. Cheers.