Chemical reagents, whether derived from plants or rocks or alchemy, are not the same as compounds formed within the matrices of living plants and animals, in proper relationship to each other. The latter, suitably chosen, represent nutrients. The former do not, being of much lower order.
Note that many of these vitamin factories look EXACTLY like the "unauthorized" Covid test kit factory discovered in (where else) California a few months ago. Same sanitation standards (NONE), same skilled employees (NOT).
Don't forget the covid vaccine factories back in 2021 where all the workers were wearing diapers and crapping through them onto the floor (sorry to say, but that is what was reported).
My lord, this is bad..I am looking at my huge shelf from floor to ceiling full of vitamins, supplements etc, wow...after watch so many videos and reading books on how our food , water, and air are full of posions, now this, besides all the vaccines and medications loaded with nano technology, this is Genocide, no question about it. And it's been going on for atleast 60 years..well I am cleaning out this posion tomorrow, it all goes to the dump. I see in Pennsylvania the government is no longer allowing people to have gardens, stating that no food is safe except government foods..I think they are trying to kill us..thank are amazing.
Thinking about your amazing series on the "vitamins" and subsequent fortification programs.
Now we know that if you want to get "vitamins", you either have to get it from a chemical/manufacturing plant (inserted into food/cosmetic or put in a pill or shot), or grind up a fruit like an acerola cherry and suck in those vitamins (but why not just eat the cherry then?). Most, if informed on the former, would definitely go for the latter.
I for one would like to go back to the beginning to see who actually discovered the vitamin, and the science behind it. So far as I can tell, the discovery was mostly making chemical descriptions of nutrients and then making patents to match them synthetically in a laboratory. But did anyone ever pull the micronutrient (vitamin) out of the food and study and characterize it in isolation? How did they ever determine that the single component did whatever they say it can do? Sounds eerily similar to another pretend science about invading pathogens...I wonder if people (like my personal audience of about 9 people...LOL) might be receptive to the idea that the vitamin is an imaginary construct used for nefarious purposes.
The food fortification program got me to thinking about my days researching "fluoride" in the drinking water. The business model is the same. The fluorosilicates being a byproduct of phosphate scrubbers in the commercial fertilizer industry... they had a problem. You've got metric tons of industrial waste and nobody in the neighborhood wants you dumping it anywhere near them. What do you do? Package it up and resell it to the public as a "health measure". I see the perfect dump site! It's that big municipal water tower down off county line road! Industrial waste is good for your choppers. Little bit of good PR, a dash of store bought Govt. and incentives, and BOOM! You turn a problem and a loss into a solution and a gain. And if you're a special kind of evil corporate overlord, you get the added benefit of piping the poison directly into the peasants domiciles. Call your friends over at Merck. Get R & D on the phone. Gonna need a pill for any symptoms expressing from fluoride poisoning. Call your friends over at the Centers for Disease Creation. Gonna need some new disease classifications. Maybe have them come up with a new germ to take the fall.
The vitamin/fortification scam is the exact same racket.
Also, it's easy to get better quality supplements from natural food. For instance, naturally fermented sauerkraut has way more vitamin C than any supplement. One or two Brazil nuts per day have plenty of selenium. There are similar ways to get natural vitamins in a high quality way from natural food instead of pills.
Sauerkraut is the EASIEST thing to make for yourself. 2 ingredients (cabbage and salt). But don’t stop there, any veggies will work. You can even use fruit. One of my favorites is cabbage, pineapple, ginger and fresh turmeric. Only ever use sea salt or Himalayan salt.
I think the way to get rid of tinnitus is to stop taking injections, pharm drugs, supps, and eat plenty of grassfed butter and grassfed fatty meats and real raw milk from healthy cows.
Not sure if radio frequency levels could cause tinnitus, but some people do believe that. I recently installed Stetzerizers throughout my house to lower the RF and also replaced all fluorescent and LED bulbs with low RF full-spectrum incandescents. High RF levels can cause all sorts of maladies.
After I installed the Stetzerizers, my monthly electric bills went down by nearly half, also. I didn't expect that, but it's definitely a positive.
I'll see if I can find any other info on that. My late/previous husband had serious tinnitus for many years and he was into low fat/low red meat diet and took every injection and many pharm drugs, also was a Type 1 diabetic taking insulin constantly.
Arthur Firstenburg, who wrote "The Invisible Rainbow" says he has chronic tinnitus resulting from electricity exposure.
I just said "previous" because I have a current and excellent one and not alone now.
My house is fortunately in a valley with low affect from towers. It is hard to find a place like that nowadays. Arthur Firstenburg tells in his book that he moved to a town in West Virginia where there are very strict rules on no EMF due to some telescope project there, but he did not find respite there. I'd guess we'd have to go somewhere like Baffin Island to get away from it now. It's everywhere.
Grazing, yes get rid of your supplements which are drugs made by pHARMaceutical companies. Drugs clog up your internal systems/plumbing, and impair your ability to think clearly.
FYI, I've never had a problem watching any of your videos in your posts. I clicked on all of the vids in this one and they all played instantaneously. Although, my dad (and he's a guy who designs home theaters, private cable systems, and internet systems) just yesterday told me that some shows he normally watches on rumble on his TV via Roku are now being blocked, yet he can watch them in his house on his laptop (non-roku). He contacted Rumble and they are doing an investigation. He contacted Roku and they are also saying they don't do that and both Rumble and Roku are looking into whether the cable company is blocking things.
Damn Agent, you’re the best !
Chemical reagents, whether derived from plants or rocks or alchemy, are not the same as compounds formed within the matrices of living plants and animals, in proper relationship to each other. The latter, suitably chosen, represent nutrients. The former do not, being of much lower order.
Note that many of these vitamin factories look EXACTLY like the "unauthorized" Covid test kit factory discovered in (where else) California a few months ago. Same sanitation standards (NONE), same skilled employees (NOT).
Don't forget the covid vaccine factories back in 2021 where all the workers were wearing diapers and crapping through them onto the floor (sorry to say, but that is what was reported).
I use red iron oxide as a glaze ingredient for ceramics. It is literally powdered rust. I use a respirator and gloves when handling it! Yikes!!
My lord, this is bad..I am looking at my huge shelf from floor to ceiling full of vitamins, supplements etc, wow...after watch so many videos and reading books on how our food , water, and air are full of posions, now this, besides all the vaccines and medications loaded with nano technology, this is Genocide, no question about it. And it's been going on for atleast 60 years..well I am cleaning out this posion tomorrow, it all goes to the dump. I see in Pennsylvania the government is no longer allowing people to have gardens, stating that no food is safe except government foods..I think they are trying to kill us..thank are amazing.
Terry Lee, no doubt about it. So when you plant a garden, and the authorities come knockimg, it's your life or theirs.
No gardens! omg. Already!
Thinking about your amazing series on the "vitamins" and subsequent fortification programs.
Now we know that if you want to get "vitamins", you either have to get it from a chemical/manufacturing plant (inserted into food/cosmetic or put in a pill or shot), or grind up a fruit like an acerola cherry and suck in those vitamins (but why not just eat the cherry then?). Most, if informed on the former, would definitely go for the latter.
I for one would like to go back to the beginning to see who actually discovered the vitamin, and the science behind it. So far as I can tell, the discovery was mostly making chemical descriptions of nutrients and then making patents to match them synthetically in a laboratory. But did anyone ever pull the micronutrient (vitamin) out of the food and study and characterize it in isolation? How did they ever determine that the single component did whatever they say it can do? Sounds eerily similar to another pretend science about invading pathogens...I wonder if people (like my personal audience of about 9 people...LOL) might be receptive to the idea that the vitamin is an imaginary construct used for nefarious purposes.
The food fortification program got me to thinking about my days researching "fluoride" in the drinking water. The business model is the same. The fluorosilicates being a byproduct of phosphate scrubbers in the commercial fertilizer industry... they had a problem. You've got metric tons of industrial waste and nobody in the neighborhood wants you dumping it anywhere near them. What do you do? Package it up and resell it to the public as a "health measure". I see the perfect dump site! It's that big municipal water tower down off county line road! Industrial waste is good for your choppers. Little bit of good PR, a dash of store bought Govt. and incentives, and BOOM! You turn a problem and a loss into a solution and a gain. And if you're a special kind of evil corporate overlord, you get the added benefit of piping the poison directly into the peasants domiciles. Call your friends over at Merck. Get R & D on the phone. Gonna need a pill for any symptoms expressing from fluoride poisoning. Call your friends over at the Centers for Disease Creation. Gonna need some new disease classifications. Maybe have them come up with a new germ to take the fall.
The vitamin/fortification scam is the exact same racket.
Farmer Pete, you made a good case for 'government is your enemy'.
Years ago, I had no problem with dumping BigPharma, prescription drugs, thus doctors,
Now I should get rid of BigSupps? This will crack my routine, shater believes, my illusions will be lost.
I watched commercial, an emotional marketing masterpiece; 911! That’s how BigSupps gets us.
Also, it's easy to get better quality supplements from natural food. For instance, naturally fermented sauerkraut has way more vitamin C than any supplement. One or two Brazil nuts per day have plenty of selenium. There are similar ways to get natural vitamins in a high quality way from natural food instead of pills.
Spot on Monica!
Sauerkraut ( a good fermrnted one)
Yes on the Brazil nuts 2 maximum a day. Thats it. Do not go over (can result in a reaction)
Sauerkraut is the EASIEST thing to make for yourself. 2 ingredients (cabbage and salt). But don’t stop there, any veggies will work. You can even use fruit. One of my favorites is cabbage, pineapple, ginger and fresh turmeric. Only ever use sea salt or Himalayan salt.
I think the way to get rid of tinnitus is to stop taking injections, pharm drugs, supps, and eat plenty of grassfed butter and grassfed fatty meats and real raw milk from healthy cows.
Thanks! I've been for years on such "diet" - it doesn't help, importunately...
Not sure if radio frequency levels could cause tinnitus, but some people do believe that. I recently installed Stetzerizers throughout my house to lower the RF and also replaced all fluorescent and LED bulbs with low RF full-spectrum incandescents. High RF levels can cause all sorts of maladies.
After I installed the Stetzerizers, my monthly electric bills went down by nearly half, also. I didn't expect that, but it's definitely a positive.
Stetzerizers? I need to check it out; otherwise I'm on it.
I do NOT have a SMART meter!
I'll see if I can find any other info on that. My late/previous husband had serious tinnitus for many years and he was into low fat/low red meat diet and took every injection and many pharm drugs, also was a Type 1 diabetic taking insulin constantly.
Arthur Firstenburg, who wrote "The Invisible Rainbow" says he has chronic tinnitus resulting from electricity exposure.
"Previous" ? I guess it's good for you,
EMF is my main suspect, but can I move away the towers?
I just said "previous" because I have a current and excellent one and not alone now.
My house is fortunately in a valley with low affect from towers. It is hard to find a place like that nowadays. Arthur Firstenburg tells in his book that he moved to a town in West Virginia where there are very strict rules on no EMF due to some telescope project there, but he did not find respite there. I'd guess we'd have to go somewhere like Baffin Island to get away from it now. It's everywhere.
Grazing, yes get rid of your supplements which are drugs made by pHARMaceutical companies. Drugs clog up your internal systems/plumbing, and impair your ability to think clearly.
Thank you for providing all this evidence. I have trouble convincing some people to stop using supplements. This may help! xx
FYI, I've never had a problem watching any of your videos in your posts. I clicked on all of the vids in this one and they all played instantaneously. Although, my dad (and he's a guy who designs home theaters, private cable systems, and internet systems) just yesterday told me that some shows he normally watches on rumble on his TV via Roku are now being blocked, yet he can watch them in his house on his laptop (non-roku). He contacted Rumble and they are doing an investigation. He contacted Roku and they are also saying they don't do that and both Rumble and Roku are looking into whether the cable company is blocking things.
There's nothing to eat! It's all contaminated.
Holly Batman...this is crazy !
Exactly who is agent 131711?
Become a paid subscriber and when you make a payment you get to see the name of the person.
I was a paid sub…
The information is only provided once for a brief moment. Check your credit card receipt.
Thanks Astrid!
That is a great recipe!
Will try it!
Thats all I use too, is the pink Himalayan Salt.