Thanks for making me laugh, once again, in the midst of all the horror, Agent (may I call you Agent?).

And thanks for such good work.

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*tips hat*. You can call me anything you want, sweet cheeks.

Want a funny story about my name? I had to make an account with some scientific research site so I could access their content. In the name box, I typed "A. Gent".

The following day I got an email from the website saying they linked my profile to all the content I wrote. I was like, "Huh?". It turns brilliant physicist scholar Stephen-Hawking-type authored all these papers and his actual name is A. Gent.

For weeks I have been trying to unassociate myself with this dudes life's work.

Poor guy is going to be devastated when he finds out a cartoon avatar unintentionally hijacked 40 years of his brilliant papers.

With that being said,

The day we can no longer laugh is the day we have chosen to surrender.

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Oh, that's a great story! More laughter. If Mr. Gent ever does find out let's hope he has a sense of humor.

Never surrendering.

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100% my philosophy and experience too!

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An excellent compilation, and yes, it's not digest-able without whiskey...

I think the COVID vaccination are in DOD jurisdiction, not only DOE. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Service reports to DOD.

"the unfortunate many… " Unfortunately our nation (not only) suffers from the epidemic of mass stupidity...

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The vaccine contracts are a tangled mess. I started trying to unravel them for a post but it's a massive undertaking because they date back to the early 2000s, maybe even earlier than that. There's so many entities involved, but I do believe the DOD is spearheading the extravaganza.


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I have yet to watch the Ian F Akyildiz video, but Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/ and Sasha Latypova at Due Diligence and Art https://sashalatypova.substack.com/ have done amazing scholarship together on the topic of the contracts.

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Sasha L has declared on her most recent stack article she is firmly in the camp of "nanotech is nonsense and psyoppery". Obviously this is an absurd and intentionally divisive claim to be making - especially for an industry insider who has investments and expertise in the field of implantible medical technology.

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Thanks, Buckminister. I just read the article you mentioned and I'm just not sure what to think.

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Understandable. People like Sasha L, who appear on the scene as trailblazing truthtellers are unfortunately, more often than not, some variation on a controlled actor working a particular subset of the opposition narrative. Sasha L has a history of working as a subcontractor for Pfizer and many other big pharma and DOD/medical tech/ military intel startup. She is a shareholder in several medical sensor device implant companies that specialize in heart monitoring (and other organs). Her husband is also involved in big pharma and also technology related to medical implant devices among other things. Sasha claims to be "retired" from the "business". This reminds me a little too much of ex CIA people who claim to be "retired" when in fact most people are never "retired" but rather their cover is simply changed to present them as "retired" so they can be inserted into the alt truth community as "ex CIA rogue whistleblower" etc. Another detail that concerms me is Sashas daughter was groomed and launched as a very prolific ("successful") teen TikTok / uTube influencer which is another red flag given that it is well known that any and all social media accounts that appear to be hugely popular are synthetic creations that are either co-opted and controlled or created from the ground- up and controlled. I was originally open to Sasha possibly being a legit truther speaking out, I even became guardedly optomistic- especially her joining forces with Katherine Watt. But her ad hominem attacks on researchers who were approaching her with more and more evidence regarding weaponized nanotech, I had to admit to myself I had been allowing myself to "hope" she was on our side. Because we need people like Sasha, people who did play inside baseball and know the game and had a change of heart. But wishing for that hero is EXACTLY what the enemy is banking on to make it possible to insert a Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Brett Weinstein, an Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan- the entire pantheon of truth heroes- ALL controlled in one way or another- consciously complicit, unknowingly complicit idiots(none of the people I mentioned are idiots btw), blackmailed and theatened into complicity, redirected and steered for personal gain, spiritually morally vacant and gleefully enrichening themselves, etc - every variation and combination imaginable. I see Sasha as intended to divide and confuse the scientific materialists from the truly awake and aware who realize we are engaged in a spiritual war against unseen forces that we do not fully comprehend. Sasha is positioned as a religious person (a believer in spiritual war aspect) who actively denies the evidence of demonic/ Ai sentient forces at work. That tells me we are getting very close to the truth, otherwise they wouldn't be trying so hard to distract us.

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Dr Mike Yeadon seems legitimate

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would add that Teriza Coraggio over at Third Paradigm (substack) has done a very effective and thorough deconstruction on the Sasha L operation - when you expose these scumbags they blow their own cover in spectacular fashion -which is what Tereza managed to get the character "Sasha L" to do. Very revealing, very sad- especially the daughter - appears to be a confused unfortunate soul, funded supported and run by state level psyops, intellectually precocious but spiritually vacant, feverishly misguided and so angry (openly threatening to murder various people on social media) = basically a standard profile child MK ultra candidate in the making.

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brilliant summary - thankyou for it. Agreed.

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The Ian video explains it all. I haven’t really slept since I watched it 🥹

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I feel like this is happening to me... becoming more and more zombie-like with my constant sleep disruptions.

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Can I ask what your sleep disruptions are specifically? Mine started in 2014/2015. I've been working on a deep post about this.

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Several times I just wake up, other times there is an "audio hallucination", like my name being called, the doorbell, knocking, other noises, someone yelling "hey"... that scares me awake. 3-4 times a night... I don't think I had REM sleep for over two weeks now. All dream shit... just garbage dreams that are not fun. This past year is when I started having problems. I'm making a feriday cage canopy bed contraption... out of desperation! Just feeling tired all the time.

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Holy shit that is exactly what was happening to me. Mine was music. Random music. Songs ive never heard, without lyrics, that blast so loud, the moment I'm a about to fall asleep. It seriously sounded like my son was jamming on his electric guitar at midnight, which he would never do. It was so loud that i would get out of bed to scold my teen, just to discover a dead silent house.

Other times, I'll be asleep, not yet in REM, and theres a huge boom, bang or clap noise. When I get out of bed, it's dead silent again. At my breaking point, I ultimately confided in a life-long friend and he stated he was experiencing the same, except he would hear his TV blasting or "people talking in the living room". Being that he lives alone, it was horrifying for him.

My dreams, as well as my friends, either disappeared or turned into night terrors. We started posting morning updates to each other on discord and the wildest part was, we discovered it was happening to us on the same nights.

For years we thought we were going crazy then, by complete fluke, I came across a low budget, d-grade documentary about this topic. That led me down a crazy multi-year rabbit hole.

I ultimately took a Twitter poll and discovered this is occurring world wide.

Eventually, not only did I figure it out, but I found a solution.

You just motivated me to pour a Whiskey and get this article banged out tonight for you.

Do you mind if I quote you in the post?

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Certainly, quote away! I went to answer check the door too! My clue that it was "in my head" was that the cats were in a dead sleep and were not disturbed! I've confided in couple of friends too, and they too have experienced similar things. It's connected t 5g, I'm sure of it... WE ARE ALL "targeted individuals" . I"m not that special for them to 'do it' to just me... must be a "broadcast" that hits every one... One night I noticed the clock was at 3:22! (after 11:30 something 1:30 something!)

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Hi Gregory, I am working on the "noises that are there" article. I was wondering if you mind shooting me an email so I can tell you what worked for me, you can try it and give me your honest feedback for the article? AGENT131711@proton.me

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My husband and I both started hearing odd sounds a few months ago. It was just creaking at night , but louder noises during the day. We finally decided it was evil and we both started calling it out and saying “stop and leave in the name of Jesus”. I hope this works for you both as it has helped us. Satan is surely behind this evil agenda.

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Call on Jesus for sure, I was confronted in my dark nightime house alone and sensed and felt someone was inside - then all of a sudden this dreadful entity came right up to my face (almost knocked me to the floor) and I screamed out "Jesus" repeatedly as loud as I could...and it went away. Turned on all of the lights in the house and left them on. I moved not long after as I figured I did not want to meet that thing again as it could have been a resident evil, you never know. And I'm not a scaredy-cat either !

Respect goes a long way in any situation, "it" hasn't visited me again.

Jesus rocks !

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I have had unvisible entities haunting me since I was a child. When I was 30 something I visited a well-known clearvoyant in Helsinki, Finland where I lived at that time.

The clairvoyant saw that the entities are empty astral shells who have been trapped in the Earth's astral field. She said that they seek my help to reach the light and it is my job to help them.

She advised me how to talk to these unfortunate souls and when I did what she advised the creatures slowly stopped coming.

I now live in Spain in the countryside on a small farm and here I am haunted by a bunch of evil entities. At night or in the evening when it's dark, sometimes also during the day they come to my yard and try to get close to me. At night, they sometimes also come inside the house. I can't see them and they don't make any noise, but I can feel their presence exactly.

As soon as they come into the yard or inside, I tell them to go to hell where they belong and never come back. I say this in the name of Jesus. I add that this is a house belonging to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and you have no business being here. Go to Hell. I don't have to say this out loud just thinking, but sometimes I shout at them because I'm so furious for them haunting me repeatedly. It helps.

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It feel malicious.

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Thank you for your work.

Ive been watching those chemtrails in Minnesota for decades,me personally i find my memory is affected,i get sick more than ever since 2020( thank God i did not take the jab

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Have you watched the Ian F Akyildiz video yet on Nonvaxxer420 on Rumble. He’s the Iranian scientist who developed the jab 😐😐

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I have not but Nonvaxxer is my Twitter DM buddy. I will check it out. That dude finds great content.

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Lol. I’m still not allowed back on Twitter

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Shockingly, I'm not banned again yet, but I'm so shadow-banned that it's pointless. I cant even reply to Nonvaxx because Twitter took away my DM button as punishment for truthing. lol

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So much for the savior Elon

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That's why I follow his channel on Rumble. 😎

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Please you must. Today 🙏

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it's just the one X in nonvaxer420.... just thought I'd clarify as I know if him and went looking again for his channel and thought it was scrubbed

https://rumble.com/user/nonvaxer420 (hopefully posting a link is ok - I'll edit out if not)

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Omg. Thank you 🤪🤪🤪

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I love this Substack because it make you laugh like hell at horrors almost beyond human comprehension.

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That's the only upside.

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I’m enjoying your writing! Keep it coming please!

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Mandate away... versus the 2nd Amendment. You vile, evil, disgusting, satanic deep state unhumans

They will get the vax into my body over my cold, dead clammy hands clutching my 2nd Amendment rights.

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Have you looked into the work of Sabrina Wallace? Here's a good sample from just yesterday:


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Perhaps the Matrix is closer to the truth than we thought.

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Hey!!!! Does the interagency fire module use NWS assets and NWS gagged employees to make fire go?


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This is great. Please help me to figure out why the HI NEXRADS are going bonkers and what it has to do with the fire.


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