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Several times I just wake up, other times there is an "audio hallucination", like my name being called, the doorbell, knocking, other noises, someone yelling "hey"... that scares me awake. 3-4 times a night... I don't think I had REM sleep for over two weeks now. All dream shit... just garbage dreams that are not fun. This past year is w…
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Several times I just wake up, other times there is an "audio hallucination", like my name being called, the doorbell, knocking, other noises, someone yelling "hey"... that scares me awake. 3-4 times a night... I don't think I had REM sleep for over two weeks now. All dream shit... just garbage dreams that are not fun. This past year is when I started having problems. I'm making a feriday cage canopy bed contraption... out of desperation! Just feeling tired all the time.
Holy shit that is exactly what was happening to me. Mine was music. Random music. Songs ive never heard, without lyrics, that blast so loud, the moment I'm a about to fall asleep. It seriously sounded like my son was jamming on his electric guitar at midnight, which he would never do. It was so loud that i would get out of bed to scold my teen, just to discover a dead silent house.
Other times, I'll be asleep, not yet in REM, and theres a huge boom, bang or clap noise. When I get out of bed, it's dead silent again. At my breaking point, I ultimately confided in a life-long friend and he stated he was experiencing the same, except he would hear his TV blasting or "people talking in the living room". Being that he lives alone, it was horrifying for him.
My dreams, as well as my friends, either disappeared or turned into night terrors. We started posting morning updates to each other on discord and the wildest part was, we discovered it was happening to us on the same nights.
For years we thought we were going crazy then, by complete fluke, I came across a low budget, d-grade documentary about this topic. That led me down a crazy multi-year rabbit hole.
I ultimately took a Twitter poll and discovered this is occurring world wide.
Eventually, not only did I figure it out, but I found a solution.
You just motivated me to pour a Whiskey and get this article banged out tonight for you.
Do you mind if I quote you in the post?
Certainly, quote away! I went to answer check the door too! My clue that it was "in my head" was that the cats were in a dead sleep and were not disturbed! I've confided in couple of friends too, and they too have experienced similar things. It's connected t 5g, I'm sure of it... WE ARE ALL "targeted individuals" . I"m not that special for them to 'do it' to just me... must be a "broadcast" that hits every one... One night I noticed the clock was at 3:22! (after 11:30 something 1:30 something!)
Hi Gregory, I am working on the "noises that are there" article. I was wondering if you mind shooting me an email so I can tell you what worked for me, you can try it and give me your honest feedback for the article?
My husband and I both started hearing odd sounds a few months ago. It was just creaking at night , but louder noises during the day. We finally decided it was evil and we both started calling it out and saying “stop and leave in the name of Jesus”. I hope this works for you both as it has helped us. Satan is surely behind this evil agenda.
Call on Jesus for sure, I was confronted in my dark nightime house alone and sensed and felt someone was inside - then all of a sudden this dreadful entity came right up to my face (almost knocked me to the floor) and I screamed out "Jesus" repeatedly as loud as I could...and it went away. Turned on all of the lights in the house and left them on. I moved not long after as I figured I did not want to meet that thing again as it could have been a resident evil, you never know. And I'm not a scaredy-cat either !
Respect goes a long way in any situation, "it" hasn't visited me again.
Jesus rocks !
I have had unvisible entities haunting me since I was a child. When I was 30 something I visited a well-known clearvoyant in Helsinki, Finland where I lived at that time.
The clairvoyant saw that the entities are empty astral shells who have been trapped in the Earth's astral field. She said that they seek my help to reach the light and it is my job to help them.
She advised me how to talk to these unfortunate souls and when I did what she advised the creatures slowly stopped coming.
I now live in Spain in the countryside on a small farm and here I am haunted by a bunch of evil entities. At night or in the evening when it's dark, sometimes also during the day they come to my yard and try to get close to me. At night, they sometimes also come inside the house. I can't see them and they don't make any noise, but I can feel their presence exactly.
As soon as they come into the yard or inside, I tell them to go to hell where they belong and never come back. I say this in the name of Jesus. I add that this is a house belonging to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and you have no business being here. Go to Hell. I don't have to say this out loud just thinking, but sometimes I shout at them because I'm so furious for them haunting me repeatedly. It helps.
It feel malicious.