Was listening to Critically Thinking podcast the other day and heard Dr Palevsky and Dr Northrop discussing “someone” who was disparaging the supplement industry. No names were mentioned, but I’m going to bet it was you. They implied that you had no idea what you were talking about. I’m pretty sure none of the 5 docs have actually bothered to read your Substacks on vitamins. If I’m wrong and they have read your investigative reporting then I’m betting that their cognitive dissonance is off the charts. This whole deep dive is a REALLY tough one to get your head around. I would think it’s even tougher if you are someone who actually sells supplements.

Again, another big thanks for going down these rabbit holes to the extent that you do!

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That's really interesting because two more people sent me the exact same info about other "trusted sources" saying the exact same things in the past week. Interesting that they are all speaking out against me, without naming me or sharing links to my content. Why wouldn't they provide my links so people can read it and see just how "wrong" I am? But if I am wrong, then that would mean the manufacturer is wrong, because that is where the information comes from...

I wasn't kidding when I said you cannot question this industry.

Just curious, do these doctors saying these things sell supplements?

I agree, I don't know how you can actually read this stuff, look into the sources (which I always provide) then continue to say these supplements are great.

Btw, I look forward to my whiskey glasses!

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They promote a supplement called “cardio miracle”:


“Looks” good.

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Can you do me a big favor an email me the link to that podcast? I refuse to listen to it because it bums me out, but my buddy @dpl wants to. He's one of the few railing against the supplement industry and hearing people talking sh*t motivates me. Agent131711@proton.me

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I’m curious about Magnesium Glycinate. 200MG 2 hours before bed and I am able to fall asleep almost immediately 6 out of 7 nights. The older one gets the more difficult this is, so this discovery has been a huge deal.

I buy any supplements I use (not many) from NowFoods. www.nowfoods.com Which is a family owned, US firm, based in Illinois, that claims to do 100% of their own production. And has a 100k sq ft test lab where they examine the purity of their own offerings and the adulteration of other brands. They have written extensively on the adulteration, lack of stated ingredients, fillers, heavy metals, etc found in many products sold on Amazon and elsewhere. Been in business for like 70 years.

I’m not endorsing them and have no ties. But they are one of only a handful of (<6) of Us based firms who still produce most of their own products. They have one a lot of awards and have been credited with initiating the effort to get Amazon to address quality issues.

Their website is comprehensive. Their prices for direct ship are 10-20% less than in a store.

Link below is to their 2021-2022 test results on other brands of Mag Glycinate. For anyone interested.


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I have been trying to look into Magnesium as a whole. It is incredibly difficult. All I really know thus far is that it is made via "chemical reaction" and almost all magnesium supplements contain Magnesium Stearate, which we discussed in the Natural Vitamins Scam article https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/the-natural-vitamin-scam-eating-byproduct

I have done no research into Glycinate (I don't even know what exactly it is) but I would suggest opening google and typing "Glycinate MSDS Fisher" and opening the link to Fisher Scientifics Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet. Actually, here, I did it for you: https://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/10490.htm

Here's Mag Gly in bulk from china: https://www.made-in-china.com/productdirectory.do?subaction=hunt&style=b&mode=and&code=0&comProvince=nolimit&order=0&isOpenCorrection=1&org=top&keyword=&file=&searchType=0&word=Magnesium+Glycinate#word#

I'm going to keep picking away at Magnesium supplements research, but it is very time consuming

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OMG!!!!!!! I opened the glycinate link and what the hell? Flammable? Is anything chemically made safe?

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Unfortunately, Nicolina, I don't think any of it is safe. I think nutrients come from the ground, from nature, not from a lab.

I cleaned out my desk drawer at work yesterday and can't believe how much money I spent on supplements over a decade. Bottle after bottle after bottle.

If I could post a pic here I would. I'll add it to my next piece about supplements.

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Maybe start a special donation for researching more about our vitamins and mineral supplements as it goes back many generations of poisoning.

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That's a great idea. Did you check out my piece The History of Food Fortification? That's some crazy sh*t! Link should be above the Sources section in this post.

What I would like to do is scrape together some donation money, buy some of these "supplements" from Trusted Sources and send them off to labs for independent verification. Is that too evil? Lol.

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Yes I did read it. I’m going through all your posts. So far I’ve read all the vitamin and supplements posts about 4 times each.

I’m still sitting here with my open mouth as I am a health “freak” and I feel so dumb. Even great natural doctors I follow recommend vitamin D. I watched Cowan’s video about that and when I told Dr Ruby on her telegram, I got blocked. Nobody wants to know, nobody who sells supplements I mean. 😉

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I felt dumb for a few months, now I'm just angry. I'm not sure if I'm more angry at the supplement industry or myself for being so naive and never asking questions about any of it. It is astounding how deeply we have been lied to about, quite literally, everything.

I tried telling readers that you can not speak out against "vitamins"; I don't know if people believe me, but your comment about being blocked is proof.

Btw, that Dr. Cowan video, if I recall correctly, that is the same video where even he admits that he had to go through the supplements he was selling and check for a bad ingredient... I'm a big fan of Dr. C, but it's proof that Trusted Sources don't know what they're selling.

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Thank you for the link.

By the way, the best way to take magnesium is soaking in an epsom salt bath. Ingested magnesium is a waste because the body does not absorb it well internally.

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Thanks. I did ask a NOW rep and she said no magnesium stearate, although it does contain stearin acid made from a veg source. The only one I’ve found w/o Swarovski acid is made be BestVite. She also told me they manufacture almost all their own labeled products and source most ingredients in North America. Very little fro China and what ever they source it gets tested in their lab in any event. She said they do a lot of independent testing for other firms.

I guess you never know. But for the 2-3 things I take, I’d rather take me chances with a 70 year old US firm, family owned for 70 years, that was at the apex of outing Amazon.

Magnesium. Quercetin. NAC. Those are the three things I use. After decades of using antibiotics for sinus issues it’s been 5 years since I took one. Which I attribute to the above 3 supplements. Could be healthy user bias or placebo. But whatever it seems to work.

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I also have low phosphorus level and since my Vit D is 100ng/ml with the fake test, magnesium can help raise low phosphorus

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Phosphorus is very dangerous. It is a byproduct from the phosphate mining industry (just like fluoride, it's literally the same industry). Phos is what leads to kidney disease then dialysis. I am working with a whistleblower now (I can't say too much about at this moment, but), there are very powerful companies that are putting phos into the water supply. These companies show up in unmarked trucks and pump in unmarked jugs of it (blended with unknown chemicals), directly into the "water wells", which are substations that branch off from the main water distribution plant. This means they are not putting it in at the main water processing branch, they are basically feeding it into neighborhoods. These same powerful companies also own pharmaceutical-related companies, therefore, when we get sick, they get enriched financially. Slight conflict of interest? I say YES.

I have personally confirmed the evidence I have been provided by the whistleblower to be true. The whistleblower even has government communications regarding these unmarked trucks and jugs.

Just be careful, because even if you don't drink tap water, we all bathe in it. Our skin is our biggest organ, so we absorb it. We are also consuming it through pretty much all fresh produce that has been watered with tap water or "fertilized" (fertilizer contains added phos). Phos has been added to all processed foods. We intake a lot without ever realizing it.

Regarding the "Animal Source", check out The Natural Vitamin Scam https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/the-natural-vitamin-scam-eating-byproduct

And finally, if these supplements are working for you, fantastic! I want everyone to do what they feel is right. I support whatever you feel works for you, and if you like the company and the product is helping you, that's awesome! Keep fighting the good fight!

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This addition to water does not surprise me at all. It is all so evil. In NZ they drop deadly 1080 into waterways (that folk depend upon for their animals and human consumption) and around public water supply catchments. They want us dead.

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Yeah I’m mostly aware of phosphorus dangers in a general sense. I also know that in 1995 my measured levels were very low. Which led to some additional tests. Which led to discovering stage 4 papillary thyroid cancer. I also have GAD off and on and low phosphate levels can be a major contributor to that. So sometime you got to take the good with the bad.

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Your investigation has change my life for the better.

Thank you.

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I've heard that people can be sick from the additives to supplements. Never really thought about the whole process being toxic. Letting the FDA control it is not the answer. My eyes are crossed attempting to absorb all the rabbit holes you dive into. Herbs are more the answer, they have been here for millennia.

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Agree... and healthy food.

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You disgusted me with supplements so effectively that I stopped taking them. I checked what is rich in what. C - citrus fruits, so I increased their consumption; D - I bought Sperti Vit D Lamp, Fe is spinach, etc. Nevertheless, my immune system weakened so much that various diseases started to bother me. Now I add a few basic supplements to my diet...

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I like the yarn analogy for Suppy makers and sellers.

I know one. Used to buy some of his magic pills. He sells a "Vitamin E" that is "derived" from Sunflower oil. That's apparently fantastic because it is not made from soy. One imagines him sitting in his kitchen with a press, smashing sunflowers/seeds into a health oil that is allegedly good for you. Then he's really good at making graphic art, so he designs a label himself and does everything for the product nose to tail.

But what is more likely, he's purchased some base product (from China/India factory) of heavily chemically adulterated- what used to be- sunflower seeds running through the lab gauntlet (you have so aptly described) and put it in his recipe for 'tocopherol'. Slap the pretty wrapping on it, and boom. And he certainly thinks he is selling health miracles in a bottle. He even cites 'scientific' literature to support his product!

Think I'll just eat a handful of sunflower seeds, thanks. Nice work....again... Agent. Sharing your work far and wide to anyone who will listen.

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