Great article! That is some deep digging there.

People have no idea how bad it really is and how far they have actually advanced the entire agenda. All while the masses were arguing about trans rights,white privilege, vax/anti vax,masks,aliens.... the list is endless. The distractions are key. The useful idiots will soon realize that they are about to be in the same boat as the people they were screaming at lol.

Now that the Baltimore bridge has been taken out.. they can pin the incoming supply chain issues with food and other necessities on that. I’m sure they are just getting started with the “cyber attacks”….can I have hacked air traffic control for $1000 Alex. The powers that be are playing the End Game card right now, since they accidentally woke up a good portion of the world population with the plandemic. This has always been in the works for humanity (New World Order) but I think they have had to speed up their process significantly from the 2050 end date. When the WHO health takeover is signed at the end of May it will be a huge step towards the transition of the enslavement through. They are implementing the UN’s UNDRIP plan here in Canada now and returning control of the lands to the First Nations. 93% of British Columbia has been been declared First Nations territory giving them full rights to all resources..including water. Scary times indeed,if you are awake.

All I can say is spread the word and Do Not Comply with any of it! Mass non compliance could at least buy some more time.

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With Israel and its sponsor states (US, UK, EU) demonstrating complete disregard for international law with the genocide in Gaza, as well as the illegal seizure of land in both Gaza and the West Bank and its sale in US synagogues in violation of state and local laws, and the clear flouting of immigration laws in the US (10 million illegal immigrants in three years), the precedent has been clearly set. International, federal, state and local laws are not meant to be followed but rather are voluntary, according to this precedent (and precedent is the basis for the law). Note that the international community has gone along with the genocide and with the NWO agenda, so this precedent appears to be universal.

If laws are inconvenient, according to this precedent, it suggests that they can be ignored and openly flouted. So there appears to be legal ground for not complying with the law..

To take that one step further, it's becoming clear that the elections using voting machines were likely not legitimate on a number of important grounds, which calls into question any laws that have been passed since the voting machines were introduced. Yet more grounds for the case that the laws are voluntary.

But you're right that this needs to be mass non-compliance, not on an individual basis. It's only through numbers and a show of strength that this extreme perfidy can be fought, and individuals can avoid being persecuted and becoming martyrs.

I do believe these NWO idiots do not realize what they are unleashing and should turn back before it's too late. I predict that the French revolution will be nothing compared to what will happen to them if they persist in this madness because everyone I know is royally pissed.

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I agree. The corrupt laws enacted by illegitimate governments for decades have cornered us into this mess. One only needs to look at the draconian laws being tabled here in Canada at the moment.. a law placing citizens under house arrest for “future or thought crimes” and life sentences for “hate speech”.. which will be decided on by the government,as to what is deemed “hate speech”. Truly the stuff of dystopian Hollywood movies.

I believe you are correct in stating that they underestimate the power of the people once they are pushed to their limits. There’s not enough people in my circle who are aware of what’s coming down the pipe, no matter how hard you try and inform and many others, family included refuse to acknowledge that we are at the end stage of the process. If the criminals at the WHO are able to get their treaty passed in May,that will be a big step towards the end undoubtedly. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst case scenario at this point. Shit is going to hit the fan either way

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As a British Columbian landowner I am very concerned about UNDRIP.

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Ditto NZ.

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Truly scary shit. How on earth do we fight this? Though if they do come after the domestic pets I think the crazy cat ladies of the world will be their downfall. I’m going to share this with my CSA. I suggest that any one of your readers who belongs to a CSA also share.

Oh, and I have absolutely NO problem with the length and frequency of your posts! You are a priceless information resource!

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Oregon is actively going after farmers as well, closing down even small farms using CAFO (confined animal feeding operation) laws passed during the dark days of the covid lockdown. Might be time to plant a Victory garden again…

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I will tell you how this matter is to be handled ask your self if this were to take place in the year 1868 or around that time how do you suppose those living men/woman would of over come the Bill Gates , Basose , suckerbird , Soros , Bidens ,Turdo ETC , WEF , WHO , And all the other alphabet organizations hummmmmmmmmmm would it sound something like this click click BANG ???????????????????????? you can sign all the petitions , tape all the flags to hockey sticks jump up and down all you want & be key board warriors they are Laughing and saying to them selves look at the sheep buying time for us to get what we want , wake E wake E wake E......................... the F#%K UP AND STAND UP & COME TOGETHER .

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Everything about this 'green' climate change agenda goes against Mother Nature. Culling millions of livestock, wild animals and even pets, starving humans by taking away their food source, poisoning our trees, water and soil - I don't understand how people can't see what is going on - this is unbelievable. As someone else here said it will be the crazy cat ladies who finally get it when they come for their cats. Then maybe all hell will break loose.

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The Demons that rule are deliberately pushing us to eat Zzzz bugzz and their virtual food products while they buy-up pristine farmland where they’ll produce healthy organic foods for themselves. That’s why we see a ramp-up of prices for select foods and they’re only rising higher. All of this so they can kill us off and replace us with their hybrid human-GodKnowsWhat species. This is a worldwide species replacement program.

And all we do is bitch on social media platforms.

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The pretend wizard of the world, gates, is completely anti-human. Everything he touches with his billions goes towards the murder of a human...as many millions as he can destroy. Agendas 2030, 2050, 2100 or whatever the flavor of the month will all fail. The law of unintended consequences has a nasty way of making an appearance. These control freaks are on thin ice and when the food vanishes, the pitchforks come out.

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even though I'm not a fan of video based Nooz, there are some I would share in posts like this...

except that the embedding code blocks me from getting the URLs without completely dissecting the web page HTML code.

adding links to the embedded videos in the future would be rather helpful for getting the word out

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Excellent research. Solution? Obviously, all guvmints worldwide are the enemies of humanity. None of the harms occurring worldwide, (including wars and so-called terrorism) could manifest without complicity and cooperation of so-called guvmints and their armed and armored enforcement dept. The enemy of humanity is clearly visible.

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If you want to see how corrupt things are in terms of who gets elected, how the mainstream news media enables them, and how they deal with exposure, watch the Clinton Chronicles video on this Celia Farber substack -- https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/the-clinton-chronicles?publication_id=257742&post_id=142919743&isFreemail=true&r=2dxbad&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

It literally blew my mind.

Note that Tyson of Tyson Foods had a close relationship with Clinton.

It will not be a bad thing if, when all this shakes out, we get rid of Big Ag and keep smaller and family farms and home gardens. More control, less adulteration of our food supply by profit-driven sociopaths.

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Yes, smaller and more diverse farms is the way to go…

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What happens when Bill Gates takes his last breath and gets beamed up to hell? What happens to all his farmland?

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We co-opted into our local farms and it’s a billion times better tasting. I couldn’t support HEB anymore. On another note, we had to sell off all our ranch cattle because the price of feed was so high. To offset that we’re putting in wind and solar farms. It sucks royally but it’s the only way to keep the ranch, riddled with taxes!

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Great article. In NZ as you identified they're using germ theory (so far). But we're being hit hard by spraying (see my site for many photos) so who knows what the future holds. I suspect rain where I live. NZ farmers have massive debt; and we've seen in the last few years heavy heavy rain at critical times (harvest, planting) in unusual amounts for a number of years in my part of the country. And also very dry at unexpected and unwelcome times. Heavy dependence on (very expensive) centre pivot irrigation.

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Chi controlla l’approvvigionamento alimentare controlla la popolazione. Henry Kissinger e l'arma alimentare , , ecco comincerei da qui' ad esaminare i contenuti di questo allarmante prospettiva e programma di un totalitarismo tecnocratico dell'agenda 20030, si tratta effettivamente di un'arma non convenzionale perchè appunto sappiamo che le armi nucleari e bombe atomiche non potranno mai essere realizzate in nessuna guerra per una pura questione di fisica, solo propaganda e scenario apocalittico solamente per traumatizzare le masse dormienti ,una messinscena reciproca degli imperialismi, USA- BRITANNICO- RUSSO - FRANCIA e COREA DEL NORD...!!!!!!!!!!!, detto questo bisognerebbe a mio parere analizzare, un aspetto che sembra secondario , ma invece di primissima importanza , cioe' da dove avviene questo potere decisionale che sembra inarrestabile...!! prima pero' dovremmo dire "NO..", a questa presa di potere mondiale DA PARTE DI CORPORATION PRIVATE O NAZIONI CORROTTE delle tre risorrse per la sopravvivenza umana. ALIMENTAZIONE . ENERGIA ELETTRICA E ACQUA POTABILE, queste questioni appartengono alla popolazione e ai diritti umani punto....!!!!!!!.,Ma chi sono che devono dire di NO..., SIAMI TUTTI NOI CHE SIAMO UNA MAGGIORANZA IMMENSA RISPETTO AL LORO 1 % , TUTTAVIA DATE IL VOSTRO CONSENSO E DELEGATE OGNI VOLTA ED ELEGGETE CHI VI GOVERNA ( ho scritto in prima prsona perche non voto da 20 anni ), VOTARE O ADOPERARE LA VIA POLITICA NON HA PIU' SENSO... SI TRATTA DI AUTO LESIONISMO ,quindi non bisogna dare la colpa a questi pseudo governanti e pseudo stati -nazione, la vera colpa ricade sopra di voi ... solo voialtri siete i responsabilli e' inutile cercare scuse e piagnistei, non siete capaci di reagire e prendervi ugnuno le proprie responsabilita' in "UN EGOISMO INDIVIDUALE SENZA PARAGONI NELLA STORIA" , BISOGNA ASSOLUTAMENTE AGGREGARSI IN UNA UNICA UNIONE POPOLARE MONDIALE, noi siamo i veri padroni della nostra esistenza se capite e vi risvegliate dalla PSICOSI di MASSA CHE VI HANNO INDOTTO , forse questa arma potrebbe tornare nelle nostre mani.

con stima per l'autore di questo avviso..


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So many of us and so few of them...simple solution, start getting good people in at the local levels and build up. The federal level cannot overcome a multitude of localities and the mass number of citizens.

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