Have you checked out Sabrina Wallace? She’s the expert on this stuff.

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Body Area Network (BAN)

This is one of many. Hard to follow.


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i didnt realise someone had already asked this question lol i just asked about sabrina too! I understand some of it but not fully, do you know of anyone who can explain sabrinas stuff more in simpleton terms? lol

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Juxtaposition does a good job. He did a series with her.. and then continued it without her- she will be back. He also talks about a lot of other things but here is part 1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/I1U2bvtfOtvq

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Oh! Thank you so much il have a wee look 🙏🏼🙂

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it's weird but the doctor who prescribed the DMSA took the MURDERNA shots and got too sick to continue to practice...closed both offices , one in KIRKLAND,WA and one in PORT TOWNSEND, WA. He was/is the creator/publisher of THE TOWNSEND LETTER a premier alternative health magazine. You would have thought he would have known better than to succumb to the propaganda

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There is alot of needed information here that needs to be read and shared. We all have to be aware of what the club were not in is trying do to control us or get rid of us. It’s sad! 😡

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i had an "arsenic in our well" problem in the past so i had high arsenic levels in my body. I was put on compounded DMSA and have continued to take it 2x a week for years...no metal in my body now and removed from teeth. get yourself some. Without a body full of heavy metals the "nanotech" might be foiled...

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Speaking of TEETH.... I find it interesting that Medi-not-care was pushing FREE implant dentures to seniors. The posts attached to the teeth are METAL.

Also, I question ALL joint replacements & have heard that they barcode each & every one. Need we ask WHY?

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Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), a non-toxic, water-soluble treatment for heavy metal toxicity

--this was new to me.

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I was his patient for many years but ran out and never looked back after he told me he and his assistant took the poison...so disappointing

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Yes we hope people will read something that makes them realize the danger but there was (and still is) so much propaganda-many people , even those with ties to alternative health can’t seem to see past the story they were given.

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yeah, check out Sabrina Wallace. Here's a link to one of her vids that gives you a good idea as to how and what they're using it for...


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Agent, you continue to move the yardsticks(in the direction of 'full disclosure') & this outing forces me to weigh in; the confluence of 'diet' & 'energy generation is too rich to ignore, given the hunches I've been working with in order to solve a longstanding "mystery."

First off, let me say that meddling with the human consciousness & soma via "fortified" foods is not so new a phenomena as we might think. Likewise, "energy generation" via parasitization of the body - there's a reason Mary Shelley & her group were hypothesizing about things that would lead to her presentation of "Frankenstein" - the "vibe" was in the air(ether?)so to speak. C19th science was moving in directions that would soon deviate into 'spiritualism' and similar hoaxes, but for a time was full of surprisingly advanced connections tween 'natural' and 'supernatural' science - of the type which our current crop of madmen(DocFrankens)in lab coats are alchemic masters!

Think, for instance, the famous name of Faraday. No one more 'orthodox' or 'christian' can be found in the annals of scientific achievement. So, if I told ye's there was an 'occultic Faraday' it would considered outlandish. Such is hijacked 'history;' orthodoxy scrubs EVERYTHING vital to a full understanding of where we are at - and how we got there. Electromagnetism is at the core of every element of what you discuss here - even the "Pidgeon Process" and associated applications have roots in the ROYAL SOCIETIES' investigation of physical & chemical phenomena in the interests of BRITAIN'S commercial ascendancy(though we know well that "Britain" is simply a proxy term employed to obfuscate the true protagonists). And it was through well known agencies such as the "ADMIRALTY" that these "advances"(read diabolic applications of modern 'wizardry, lol!)were sent out into the "real world" for fun & profit.

The close personal connections tween Faraday & Franklin(of the illfated "expedition")revealed to my wondering yeux just how these procedures worked - "in vivo" - and how they were built up into 'en situ' experiments using real live 'human' guinea pigs to convey the results of their experiments in "social conditioning" which some 150 years later have blossomed into 'GREAT RESET' realities. Even the mention by another commentator here of the "vitamin A" poison phenomna resonates with these earlier efforts to acquire knowledge of how to control mensch via diet and modern machineries(see- for example, the bizarre story of tea merchant James Tilley Mathews & the "Air Loom"!

Though they might seem quite 'primitive' to us today, all that was left after these "successful" human sacrificial delvings was to insert the 'genetic' angle of manipulation for the true "Pandora's Box" what be "modern science" be opened. A long "process," in other words, by which our world has been purposely devolved into a nightmare realm - all in the name of a 'science' which has supposedly been "improving" our lives all the while!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

At some point, bodies begin to release toxic substances via urine, feces, and sweat. People who stop eating green veg often experience "keto flu" symptoms -- their bodies release and eliminate oxalates sequestered from the natural toxins in greens. This causes an "unwell" feeling until the toxins pass.

Although I have no doubts about the mess industrial food & Ag have created, I wonder about the lack of info on the compensatory release/detox that is also likely occuring. Would be interesting and useful to find out what happens and how to facilitate it.

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Since we are each 'made' into a corporate/commercial entity upon our birth, (being our name in capitol letters), we have already been entered into the harvest machine if our birth was 'registered'. The rest of the harvest follows. I think we have to prevent the initial incorporation at infancy to prevent the rest.

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Laws and rules like that only apply to controlled minds. They are easily broken and changed at "their" whim.

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have you seen this


he claims auto immune scurvy (think sensitive gums) and most modern disease is "vitamin" A poisoning

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many thanks. I spent yesterday reviewing his work; he is extremely well placed - via personal experiment/empiric observation - to cut through the multifarious layers of bs and (finally)deliver the goods! Highly recommended for anyone in the benighted wester world, wondering why their life is now dogged by demoralizing physical and pyschic symptomsIeven if not 'shot-blotted').

Might be ominous that the exact moment you bring this to general attention, the guy is closing down his longstanding forum - having been double-crossed by some agent of corruption, of the kind which inevitably infect any/every site with worthwhile information.

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I was wondering if you have ever come across sabrina wallace? im sure thats her name, she talks about how they have been using our bodies since the 90's, she helped install all the internet etc I can understand some of it but not all of it. You would probably understand it better lol :)

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Presumably Humanity to be added to the Carbon based fuels list 'Zero-carbon'

Carbon-based fuels, such as coal, natural gas, diesel and gasoline, are principally derived from the oxidation or combustion of carbon.

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We, Humans ARE the carbon they want to rid the planet of.

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Vaguely related:

I noticed pretty heavy and obvious chemtrailing through the early and midsummer. But over the last few weeks, it's changed: blue sky mornings have persisted into perfect blue sky afternoons. The occasional jet passing overhead doesn't leave that permanent, ever fattenning and lowering cloud, but instead any contrail fades within seconds. I'm in New England.

Oddly, it seems even more ominous than barium showers. Anyone else notice this? What are they up to next?

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You are over the target.

The phenomena began(localised observation which may be pertinent only to Balkan Europe -or not)immediately of June turning into July, this year. A heavy overcast imposed daily by overflights of clearly visible SH**Birds dropping the usual poisonous concoctions went away.

In it's place, a total absence of planes(which has CONTINUED ever since!)replaced by a "blue" sky which isn't(really)blue at all - just a remarkable 'simulacra' of what we oldsters remember of such.

The entire tech platform being used to degrade "us" & our environment appears to have been "upgraded" at that point - we are being 'treated' to a fake summer of open skies\fake 'real' clouds etc., wherein the poisons continue to be applied, but much more surreptitiously. As to why/how/etc., your guess is as good as mine - we are however, doubtless being 'prepared' for the final stage of devolution/depopulation/disappearance/whatever madcap scenario the usual suspects have in mind for the final episode of this cheap sci-fi horror remake of 50s b-movie prognostication!

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You are right there is much what is poisoned.But what should people doe when the are poisoned with the technology?Like me since 2 years magneticed at my face,forhead you can put coins on my face they wouldnt Fall down.I know I have the technology in my body but what can I doe?

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Just a wee note. Silica does not come from silicone. Silica is used in the manufacture of silicone.


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