Thanks Agent. On and on it goes!

Exactly what they are doing with the dead folks from the jibby-juice. Pharma not responsible for jibby deaths. Deaths listed as suicide. Insurance goes back in the pockets of the evil ones.

Been sucking off of us since birth!

We were all enslaved and owned, traded and sold on the futures markets via your Cestui Que Vie Number which is the red number on your birth certificate which at birth your parents registered you as "lost cargo at sea "under Cannon/Maritime/Admiralty Law. (one foot on the land, one foot in the sea) A Cestui Que Vie Trust was then made in your name. This is why THE WORLD TRADE CENTRE was attacked and destroyed. Every attempt has been made to hide and keep this information from you and the push to vaccinate the whole planet is to use reverse transcriptase and transfection to alter the genome rendering individuals genetically modified and therefore patentable under the law a kin to Monsanto's Round Up ready corn and thus owned property by the patent holder which is the Pirbright Institute a Crown Corporation owned by the Monarchy. This removes your human rights and voids the Magna Carta which is why they are trying to now ratify what's called the Terra Carta.

Years ago I was able to locate thru my social number and find myself being traded on the Stock Exchange . My net worth was quite high.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap ............hmmmm

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How did you lookup your ssn? Any ideas of how we can escape their slave system? I do my best to not be a part of all their programs but have a birth certificate. I was also born on a marine base which probably gave them even more rights over me.

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Years ago there was a link on Deborah Taveras's site stopthecrime.net where you could place in you ss number and it would bring up your global world trades and net value. Not sure if the link is still up on her site?

There is a system a person can go thru to claim back their rights as a real person. Very lengthy. Some not doing the process correctly have ended up doing prison time. I think Santos Bonacci was one of them.

I was going to start my own process, however at the time my job had me overseas for many years. Not sure with the way things are going today with the so-called gov. if its even worth doing the steps "legally" anymore"?

This link may shed some more light on the subject.


It is to me, the deepest 'dive' to investigate.

But then again with all the other garbage going on in the world today one has to ask themselves is it worth the effort to pursue?

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I remember looking up GMEI Utility.org to check my ss number (National Insurance number here in UK). Just checked it again now and funnily enough it was closed down in 2023 (too many hits maybe??).

Another thing related to the insurance scam, Banks do this with mortgages (prob even loans too, it wouldn't surprise me). If you default on your mortgage, they usually give u a period of grace, around 3 months, before they start getting nasty. Then they default, seize your property, sell it at a lower price then come after you for the outstanding balance. BUT, they have a insurance policy that pays out the total amount of the outstanding mortgage on day 91 of you not paying. So they get paid, then get the cash for the sale of the house, plus anything else they can grab from you. Not to mention, your signature at the beginning (of the house purchase) on the deed is a promissory note and actually creates the money for the bank to 'loan' back you. So they didn't actually loan anything, you created the money for them. And then pay them extra every month for fun for 25 years. If you don't default that is. They scam us every way they can think of.

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Crap! Thats so interesting. Thanks for the information. I will add it to my sh*t

pile. Seems to be growing by the day!

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Thanks! I kinda agree. What’s to keep anyone from recognizing us a sovereign citizen when they are actively trampling on all of our constitutional rights? How bout this… if men can identify as women then I can identify as a sovereign citizen immune from all of this craziness!

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Exactly! Yes you can and so can the rest of us because we are. These freaks have NO brain functioning abilities with anything that comes close to 'human' . Bunch of envious parasites hatched from a petri dish.

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It just get better and better 😢thank you for all your research and work

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Just more unbelievable by the day...surrounded by monsters

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Many banks do this same thing regarding buying life insurance as a “courtesy” to account holders. Mine automatically carry’s a $25k life insurance policy unless of course I want to contribute an extra $25-$60 a month for higher policy payouts. When I worked at Budweiser years ago they too took life insurance policies out on employees. It’s very common.

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someone I know is part of a group that purchases life insurance policies on older people, paying on them till they collect the death benefit. I don't know that there is anything else involved as there clearly is with these COLI policies.

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Sounds similar to reverse mortgages, which allow older people with little cash flow to take out money up to the equity they have in their property. Then when they pass away, the lender gets the property and the entire resale value.

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Eyebrow raising indeed!

Every single time.

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Just when I thought I had heard everything… Dead peasants insurance!?!? What in the actual f#$k?? Mind blown

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