This is an excellent piece of work.

I personally, don’t trust anything our Pharma and doctors recommend. I am almost 70, but am not on any medication, don’t do any screenings, no mammograms, have never done a colonoscopy. Have taken two vaccines in 40 years, a tetanus shot and one flu jab, which I regret.

I don’t use sunscreen and don’t wear sunglasses.

If something is wrong in the body I seek alternative remedies.

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Walmart pharmacy aggressively started pushing seniors with lists of recommended vaccines over the past year. It started with them affixing a sticker to the prescription you were picking up flagging you for “needed vaccines.” I removed the sticker in front of the pharmacist and silently adhered it to the countertop as the pharmacist watched.

Next they went with a computer generated list using AI to make age-based “recommendations.”

The latest iteration is a pre-printed customizable check-the-box form. In each instance they also try to ply you for personal medical information.

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CVS is also pushing various vaccines. Usually shingles, flu, and covid. Pneumovax is the latest. They aren’t too aggressive about it, yet.

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so devious...they will never stop coming...we didn't stop them...

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This actually makes me feel hopeful that there might be some humans left by then to even try to procreate...

My paranoia knows no bounds...

Great stack, as always...

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My wife and I have 11 kids, the oldest 38 and the youngest 12. I have 24 grandchildren already and two on the way. And five boys yet to get married. I'm expecting at least 100 grandkids!

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wow...you've done your part...I chose to not have children...never regretted it...but I'm an animal rescuer so there's always a houseful of furkids...

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Not everyone is cut out for it, lol. I just wanted to give you hope that there's a few of us nuts out here. 😁

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OMG...I would lose it...I'd be in jail for stalking my own kids...just to keep them safe...I bet you are a great Dad and grandpa...

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Well, you might get pushback on that great dad thing. 😁 My grandkids love me though. I have 18 granddaughters and they are just the sweetest things. Grandkids and grandparents get along great because they have a common enemy. 😂

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I had hepatitis A in 1990, once you’ve had it, you don’t get it again.

I’m now “ over due” for my hepatitis A “ vaccine”, I’ve been reminded 3 times now.

I just told western medicine to take a flying f@ck, after this whole murderna shot crap I just barely survived, the next person who even thinks about coming near me with a hypodermic needle had better watch out!!

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Another addition to your 1990s timeline:

1992: The US Institute of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine) recommended that women of childbearing age consume 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily to prevent neural tube defects (NTDs).

1996: The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that all women of childbearing age take 400 mcg of folic acid daily to prevent NTDs.

1998: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandated that all grain products be fortified with folic acid, which led to a significant increase in folic acid intake among women of childbearing age.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3257747/

Folic acid is not folate, although routinely stated synonymously, and takes -CH3 (methyl) groups from homocysteine, needed to for methionine conversion. High homocysteine can damage blood vessels and elevated levels are associated with heart disease and stroke risk, among others.

Taking methylated folate or simply eating a diet rich in folate is the much better option...but you won't get this advice from your typical doctor.

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The infertility and sterility that is causing this massive decline in births is being caused by RADIATION. They started exposing developing babies to ultrasonic radiation in the 1970s knowing full well it causes infertility and sterility. And then they introduced cell phones and other wireless devices in the mid-1990s which sealed the deal. They have been putting up more and more cell towers all over the Earth to insure that not only humans become infertile, but that all living things are negatively affected, especially with genetic defects. Radiation is the main reason for the bee and butterfly decline, in addition to billions of other insects. It is also the reason birds are dropping dead out of the sky by the millions all across the US and elsewhere. It is why pets are living shorter and shorter lives and why human chlidren are so bloody damaged. Ultrasound is the #1 driving force behind the autism epidemic, with "vaccination" a close second. People need to wake up to what is going on. How can anyone look at these cell towers and not see they are part of a death trap? Ooops. I forgot. People don't even notice the towers cause they're too busy staring at their phones/scrying mirrors. Please see my website for more info: www.RadiationDangers.com

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I only had time to skim through this report. Yes, this stuff is ongoing. But fertility is tanking now, as country after country drops below "replacement". I don't know, but I've read that historically, there is no going back from that. So population is dropping now where it is targeted to do so, perhaps according to the least wanted/"most useless" first.

I don't know what their models are. They make them up according to the stories (lies) they mean to tell. If they have any use, it is to discern something about the intentions and plans of those publishing them.

This world's got some really serious problems. It's high time for all of us to take a hard look at our own habits, beliefs, and assumptions.

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I'm sorry that I have a life and cannot read this entire report today. I learned enough in the first couple of paragraphs to form an opinion. The time is right (ripe?) to abolish the United Nations and the entire delirium of 'one world government' nonsense. People do not need to be led, fed or lied to to be content and happy. Such government(s) are OR are CREATING the problems.

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Dr Luke Mclindon Head of Fertility Mater Hospital Brisbane saw failure rate of 16% become 74% after the shots.

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If we did not make it ....we do not know its content. That applies to EVERYTHING.

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Poison depends on dose. Poisons can combine to non-poison. Please re-write with those thoughts in mind. Some synthetics might be poison, but processed by body in a proper dose to something useful or critical to the body. On the other hand, some synthetics might be harmful especially when compared to natural. Vaccines: All doubtful. Probably most more risk that benefit.

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All this is laughably obvious. The same people going on and on about carbon emissions and such already “predict” a mass-wipeout of the global population.

So what’s the problem? Why the handwringing?

Because *they* need humanity to comply and kill large parts of itself. *they* want us to embrace it.

An aside: just how much energy is being produced to run their plan? And all the robotics and data and CBDC and the rest won’t produce *deadly* carbon? And the flights and the rest?

What a disgusting ruse.

A last note: they are right, in a sense… if they indeed can manipulate adult populations so thoroughly throughout the globe to kill off themselves and their future generations, just how different are humans from sheep?

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