Jul 18Liked by Agent131711

If you try really hard to make a new 'dis'-ease come from a "virus", but you can't, make it come from a lack of "vitamins"... then provide said "vitamin". Head down to the lab, gather the waste from the factory, mix it in a barrel, and put it in pill bottle. We are going to get these health miracles (jabs or vita-pills) into you one way or the other. I mean, how could all these sailor slaves eating chemical sewage food on long trips really be getting sick? It's a fucking mystery.

If you put a soldier in a WWI trench in a smog of weapons smoke, rotting dead bodies all around, and no real food to eat for 6 months, he may just get "The Spanish Flu".....LOL

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If anyone doesn't have time to read this article, here's the perfect summary. Farmer Pete flawlessly condensed six hours of work into a paragraph.

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Agent, your vigilant and well-executed citizen journalism that pulls back the curtains on these dubious c#nts sets up some wonderful opportunities for the sardonic. You deserve a lifetime supply of pesticide-free, freshly ground coffee...with a splash of 80 proof brown stuff.

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Jul 18Liked by Agent131711

I came upon your stack a while back when Ray Horvath mentioned you. After reading a number of your vitamin articles and checking your sources for myself, I realized I was consuming a multivitamin daily in the form of the fortified foods I was eating. That has ended. If it's fortified I don't buy it. Just so you know what you do changes lives.

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Jul 18Liked by Agent131711

Same. I am blown away by how difficult it is to find unfortified foods. Try finding milk anywhere without vitamin A&D added! And by extension, yogurt, cheese, etc. I'm depressed recalling a number of years ago when there was a panic among those of us in the "health food" circles, all trying to eat the right foods, take the right supplements, and supposedly the government was going to start regulating supplements and we were all going to die excruciating, unsupplemented deaths if that happened. I shouldn't have been worried, as the lobbyists and the Gatekeepers made sure that never even came close to happening. But of course the fake scare rallied the troops to double down on demanding unfettered (=unregulated, unproven, toxic) access to the Holy Supplements. Ugh.

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If you live in a state like I do, Michigan, it is illegal to sell unprocessed milk. This is why it is impossible for us to find. I switched to Almond Milk then learned that is all dangerous oil. I now don't buy either. If a recipe calls for milk you can usually sub with butter or real olive oil or something that isn't loaded with fertility reducing agents.

Regarding the panic you mentioned: I was part of the panic too. After learning the truth about vitamins I looked into the panic. Would you believe they run the same PSYOP every 8-10 years? Yep, every decade they put out a rumor that the UN / FDA is going to ban supplements. Vitamin sales soar. These people are beyond evil.

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Shameful and evil.

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Jul 19Liked by Agent131711

The "super market" has become an abyss. I'm getting older, but I notice the ingredients labels are now requiring a microscope to read. And then you still have to trust the language and definitions they employ. The only sure fire way out is to grow as much of your own as possible and/or bring lots of barter treats to your local neighbor farmers.

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You're not kidding about the language. Recently learned that "Natural strawberry flavor" comes from a beavers ass. Not kidding, wish I was. The fact that it comes from a beavers ass leads to so many more questions, like "WTF?" and "Where are they getting the beavers from?, for starters. And the craziest part is, that really IS a "natural" flavor...

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I'm starting to believe that every item found at the supermarket comes from one kind of ass or another. It's such a a joke.

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Good expose, looking forward to the next installment. I bet the brainwashing goes even further back, in choosing the word ‘refined’ to describe the process when ‘denatured’ would be more accurate. The aristocracy enjoyed their ‘white refinement’ foods and some of the earliest ‘medical’ texts meant to advise the doctors of the upper classes were looking to the peasants, who were in comparatively excellent and robust health. One of these famous ones is Arnold Lorand, taken often out of context to support vegetarianism, when that was not at all his position. In his popular book “Old Age Deferred” (1910) many interesting facts about the mindset become apparent, like considering old age and dying to be a disease in the first place, not a fact of nature. The very wealthy were extremely extravagant in their eating habits, then as now. Moderation was his overarching advice, not vegetarianism, and certainly the excess of ‘refined’ sugar in their diet was just as harmful. Now everyone is “rich” enough to afford these denatured foods and they have the same issues those early aristocrats had—simultaneously obese and under-nourished.

’ books

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I can't thank you enough for your time and deep research. I've been interested in vitamins for years now and it is indeed one of the toughest issues to find in the internet about.

I can't imagine the amount of time, patience, cleverness and strength you must have had to get into all the vitamins research.

About the subscription, in which section do I see the articles that are not on your free subscription?

Thnak you!

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Well, I definitely poisoned myself and ended up getting really sick. The doctors are baffled, but I’m happy to say going on almost 3 months all that shit flushed out of my system.

I’ve been using herbs to help support my kidneys, liver spleen, adrenal glands my blood pressures normal now.

The blood pressure medicine they gave me tried throughout the previously years each time I have an allergic reaction.

I can sleep through the night without getting up to go pee.

I’ve always eaten good organic food and exercise is probably why I’m not dead.

I’ve never drinking sodas . Just water beer some coffee and herb tea. A surprising amount of vitamins are found in herbs. And red meat has the full amino acid profile.

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I was feeling a little confused when I read this originally, no fault of yours. You wrote about beriberi, and I kept thinking about scurvy. Both were symptoms of nutritional deficiencies, but I was not remembering at the time what I had previously read about refined (white) flour and the demographics that were sickened by it. I myself grew up eating white bread, until the cult-church that my mother became involved with warned us about white bread and white flour, and we never ate it again. I was around 12 or 13 at the time, so c. 1962-4.

I have read so many books warning about processed food that I can't remember any longer what information came out of which books, or even the list of titles now, but one of them years ago delved into white flour. It was not inflicted just upon sailors. It would appear to be used as a weapon against "undesirable" (from our fine government's perspective) people groups. As I recall, which is pretty fuzzy now, one major target was Native Americans. This is touched upon in a section titled "Guts and Grease in a Glass" and a sidebar just below titled "Native Americans and Diabetes", in this article: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/traditional-diets/guts-and-grease-the-diet-of-native-americans

Here is an excerpt from the sidebar:


Thousands of American Indians depend on the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR). What do participants receive? It should come as no surprise that the commodities are loaded with carbohydrates with very little protein on the menu and even less fat. And the fats Indians do receive are loaded with trans fats. These foods are cheap and the multinational giants that produce them are equipped with lawyers and lobbyists to ensure that their products are the ones our government buys. The federal government feeds 53 million people per day. Is it any wonder they’re out to cut costs, whatever the consequences to our health?


The direct references to white flour are located in the section above the sidebar.

This sounds like the same program I read about in whatever book it was, that gave the history of this starve-them-then-poison-them "humanitarian" practice. They are out to do more than just cut costs.

So the word has gone out, but it didn't go very far. From the paucity of search results returned to me, I would guess it's possible that search engines might be burying it. It's hard to tell.

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