I can’t imagine the level of EMFs emanating from the new house with all of the latest high tech gadgets that a neighbor built.

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Hopefully you’re not right next door

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How many parents nuke the toxic baby formula made with toxic water and even nuke healthier expressed breast milk for their infants?

They're getting so many of us to participate in their crimes against humanity. Thanks for the schooling. This article should be sent to websites for new moms.

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You vill eat zee micro-vaved Bugz!

Klaus Barbi Schwab

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So….maybe Russia was right to ban microwaves!

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Another excellent article that will hopefully save some lives from the kitchen appliance that’s slowly killing people. This post is a good match with my most recent post about harmful EMFs.


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I was thinking about your admission of how much you loathe cooking and I think a lot of folks are in that boat. I think that’s partially how we ended up in this horrid health mess. I’ve been going through newspapers from the very early 1900s and it was a very popular thing here to have cooking schools and classes. Seems as if lots of folks were suddenly thrown into the kitchen against their will?

As someone who LOVES cooking and is married to someone who loves it just as much, I feel sorry for you and such folks! But how silly to think the solution would be to teach/force someone to learn to cook who doesn’t like it. So in comes the solution in the form of all these convenience foods. But in other countries where this did not happen they have a culture of really delicious and nutritious ‘street food’ vendors—very inexpensive too. Someone else must’ve thought of this too, so they’ve recently opened up a ‘food truck’ lot in our city. Except the sandwiches they are offering cost the same as those in the restaurants, where you actually get to sit down in the a/c and have a place to wash your hands afterward.

Why can’t Hubby and I cook for our neighbors? Well, besides the law, there is the fact that very few have tastebuds left, so they wouldn’t like what we cook b/c it doesn’t taste like chemicals! 🤪

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

.... cooking for the neighbors you'd have us believe is "breaking the law"? Teaching people to cook - people hate cooking - what a mighty solution you have for your fight against a dire warning of extinction taking place- more extinction rebellion please... wow.

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Actually it is breaking many laws. And many people do hate cooking, and I do teach those who don’t hate it to cook! Extinction rebellion? I have no clue how you got there from my comment.

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Laws broken: raw milk, processed on property without any license, animals processed on property without any license, you really think you can operate in this state beyond the law? You are quite wrong.

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You know what's really funny? People can easily talk about the danger of microwave ovens without saying a word about all the other microwave devices they have in their homes and that are now situated in every nook and cranny of our society. These devices include, but are not limited to, cell phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, wifi routers and devices that use wifi, smart meters, bluetooth devices, smart TVs, smart appliances of all kinds, smart thermostats, GPS devices, and much more. They are even making smart beds!!! And smart diapers!!! People need to wake up and smash every single one of these devices with a sledgehammer so that they are no longer functional.

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Got rid of the microwave at the same time as I ditched the TV. Life is better without either.

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Microwave ovens make great letter boxes for rural properties in particular. Keeps post safe from the rain.

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I really appreciate the timing of your microwave articles. I read your articles out loud to my husband. He was fixing to buy a new microwave for his popcorn and now he's not! In two articles you accomplished what I haven't been able to in years - to get him to quit using a microwave.

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Now tell him about microwave popcorn!! Worse stuff ever.

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I have, almost to the point of nagging. I do think it won't be long now until he gives that up too. The convenience of a microwave is what I think is taking him so long to let it go.

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Agent, excellent series and thanks for the information, data, and metrics.

I encourage everyone to embrace a whole food diet, organic foods, and prepare your own foods.

If man made it, don't eat it!

God Bless

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So true and me too!

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I use mine to kill bacteria on sponges. No longer use it for food. I have been using it to warm up tea and coffee, but thanks to your article, I won't do that anymore.

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Nice and juicy details...

Wrote my article to complement this right away:


Here are some details:

Imagine cells to be shaken out of existence, which is what microwaves do. As a result, the body cannot recognize what it’s consuming, and the intake mostly goes to adipose tissue... Have you ever heard that microwaved food makes you fat? This is probably the first time. After all, what is “nutritional value”?

The sooner-or-later lethal injections varied by the batch, so plausible deniability is always there, and if some damage or a death happens to be proven, it can always be blamed on “contamination” (as if the stuff was not toxic enough) or “human error” (which is weird, because the concoctions seem to have been mixed by AI without any human intervention...).

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I'm looking forward to the "macrowave oven". Hmmm - wonder what that one will do?

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Thank you so much for this article, and the previous one about the danger of microwave. I eat very healthy and prepare my own meals, veggies and fruits from our own yard, meat from our paddocks, I don't eat process food or take any supplements, and definitely no death jab for me, yet I still end up with thyroid cancer. Now I know what might be the cause, I thaw frozen meat in the microwave and I always stay in close proximity while it's being thawed. I've gotten rid of it. Thank you.

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I would love for you (my favourite Agent) to take on the mask issue. I have talked a lot about this in my podcast. Here is a link to a newly released study. It is just ghoulish at this point.


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My bluetooth speaker won’t work in the kitchen when the microwave is going. 🤔

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So the question should be, why am I using a microwave AND a wireless speaker?

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