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I don't agree that there are no such thing as vitamins. A while back it was determined that vitamin B17, amygdalin or laetrile from apricot seeds can treat cancer. In fact G. Edward Griffin wrote a book on it titled A World Without Cancer.

If The Powers That Be work so hard at keeping B17 from us, in my way of thinking there is something beneficial to it. https://www.newsweek.com/apricot-seed-cancer-cure-long-history-leads-arrest-mother-son-1467414

We know that the "official" cancer treatments don't work. But doing things like taking bicarbonate of soda with water twice a day will raise pH levels to the alkaline side of the scale. I once talked with a radiation technician that told me that none of her patients had a tested pH in the alkaline range. They all had an acid pH. If you have a cancer diagnosis, test your pH.

We also have evidence that Carbon 60 extended the life of rats to twice the life span of the control group. Has anyone here looked into C60?

I agree that we should get most of our nutrition from food. But due to industrial farming methods our soils are depleted of nutrition.

Dr. Joel Wallach, a veterinarian studied problems with depleted soils that were making farm animals sick. He concluded that depleted soils cause nutrition deficiencies. Dr. Wallach advocates for the use of some supplements.

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Kenneth, not being snarky here. Do you have in your possession a foundational paper (with methods) for the discovery/identification of B17 or any other so-called vitamin? Everything I've seen wouldn't get a passing grade in a 7th grade science class. It's all just reductionist chemical voodoo lab sorcery and a manufacturing process. I like looking at these old papers (when/if I can find them). For me, the human-invented idea of vitamins is only something to be believed through intensive marketing.


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Thanks, Kenneth. Yes, I'm familiar with Pubmed and how to use it. I wasn't really looking for product animal studies for benefits and I don't have the time to skim through an entire book on miracle cures. I did a cursory research of my own on "B17" and I'll give you some quick notes on what I found.

1) Amygdalin was first discovered/produced by a French Chemist (Robiquet) in the 1800s. Obviously not considered a "vitamin" at the time, but these chemists were big on trying to get substances 'extracted' from foods by way of chemical lab odysseys.

2) Ernst Krebs patented a (more) synthetic version called Laetrile in 1952. It appears he wanted to give it a "vitamin" label because selling unregulated supplements is a hell of a lot easier than a FDA regulated drug. There seems to be much contention as to whether Amygaldin or Leatrile meet the current definitions of "vitamin" at all. It's another made up label in order to try and make a copy of mother nature and sell it in a bottle.

3) On that...the essence of a so-called vitamin is based on the faulty idea that a person is only sick because they are "deficient" in said compound. This idea has not held up to scientific scrutiny when you go through the literature. The idea that Cancer is a dis-ease of deficiency (merely a lack of something) rather than a toxicity disease is fallacious to me. What we call "Cancer" is actually a biological survival mechanism, and last ditch effort by the body to try and remove trash cans of toxins in an overburdened/clogged cleansing system. Does anyone believe that everyone who has been diagnosed with cancer has to take a look at whether or not they simply haven't had enough ground up and chemically extracted apricot seeds? When you closely examine all so-called "deficiency" diseases, the evidence typically points to toxicity diseases...the old switcharoo. When you are poisoning everyone, you need a good cover story.

4) While Amygdalin might be something found in nature...although debatable, because the harsh chemical solvents and processes and machines used for extraction likely leave a newly created product that in no way resembles what was originally in the apricot, I believe both it and the 'more' synthetic Laetrile to basically be pharmaceuticals. The supplements you can find will typically have magnesium stearate and cellulose fillers included (see Agent's work on this).


Amygdalin standard purity ≥97%, potassium bromide spectroscopic purity (Sigma-Aldrich, Munich, Germany), acetonitrile HPLC grade (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), methanol LC-MS purity (Avantor Performance Materials, Inc., Deventer, Netherlands), formic acid purity 99% (Carlo Erba Reagents, Val de Reuil, France), ethanol 96% (v/v) (Zorka Pharma, Šabac, Serbia), absolute ethanol (Alkaloid AD, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia), diethyl ether purity ≥99% (VWR International, Lutterworth, UK).

List of Top Amygdalin Companies

Salus Nutra (Chins)

Freshine Chem (China.)

Aktin Chemicals (China)

Xi’an Arisun ChemPharm (China)

Yangling Ciyuan Biotech (China)

Conclusion: These substances have the same issues as the others with regards to being "vitamins". B17 or B15 are just human labels being given to what was once food, or a copy attempt at the food. I personally am not interested in eating chopped up kernels and pits of food. I think the super bitter taste and indigestible shell of armor is likely a warning from Mother Nature. Now, if someone else wants to, I say go for it. If they think it helps with cancer symptoms, it probably can't be worse than the absurdity of chemo and radiation. Just know that most of the crap you are purchasing has been put through the usual suspects pharmaceutical labs and chemical companies and just because they call it a "vitamin"- doesn't make it have the special superpowers implied to go with that label.

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I think, Farmer Pete, as I have for quite some time, that yes, the so called "vitamins" are nothing of the sort, and that we cannot dissect, treat chemically, and pin down anything relating to the healthy functioning or state of any plant, animal, or being. It's all energy, it's all frequency and I have concluded that this is the basis of health. Many properly and naturally grown foods, whether berries, or plants, fruits, or animal products, supply us, (as well as sunlight, natural spring water, the earth's frequency, etc), with the needed frequencies to maintain our ph, our voltage, and our vitality. Trying to pin these down and assign labels to individual components is ridiculous and only modern man would attempt this in an attempt, once again, for control and manipulation. All naturally living animals, plants, and insects intuitively know this and live accordingly. That is, until, once again, humans have destroyed the environment in many ways and disrupt this to an unrecoverable degree. It always comes down to getting back to basics, to the fundamental source of life. Too often the frequency of thought, (which includes such things as childhood fears and trauma), is overlooked in it's contribution to dis-ease. Correction of these unhealthy and disharmonious frequencies, which are held in the emotional and physical body, will restore health and vitality.

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I take a half t-spoon of sodium bicarbonate twice daily to prevent cancer. An alkaline body does not contract cancer. In fact a body on the acid side of the pH scale may contract many diseases, not just cancer. This inexpensive remedy can correct a too-acid body due to poor diet.

Some cancers may in fact be parasites. That is why some have had success treating their cancers with ivermectin or fenbendazole. In fact there are many ways to treat cancer. Rick Simpson anecdotally proved that cannabis oil or Rick Simpson Oil RSO can cure cancer in himself and his neighbors. The Gerson method has had success. And a book Titled German Cancer Breakthrough highlighted boutique cancer centers in Germany that are outside the FDA's purview so they are free to use different different methods. Each of the 10 clinics covered in the book had success treating the patient, not just the disease. Each in their own unique way.

Dr. Ronald P. Drucker wrote The Code of Life, published in 2008. In it he makes a case for why we need supplementation. His point is that the cells in the body need nutrition; when they need it. The way we grow, transport and market food means it is deficient of nutrition when it reaches the dinner table.

I am a member of a group that is going to start up a permaculture garden in Florida. Permaculture farming methods do not rely on fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. Once started they produce nutrition with little or no attention, providing food security for the community.


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