Thus confirming my opinion.... that the world is dominated by dickheads.

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They are the opposition as they show up as they are. Only choice is two fold, ignoring and a higher power over them, love. No need to forgive as that acknowledgment negates ignorance.

Thus giving an iota of my consciousness.

I need my attention to not be infiltrated by there demonic “stuff” as it will find a way to reside and manifest into victim mentality.

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Uh, you are in their meditation room if you are not in Christ. I mean the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible, who Hermes tempted when He was on earth two thousand years ago. What you may not know is, Christ defeated this "prince of the power of the air" at the cross, when he revealed to the Apostle Paul that all who trust in Christ are redeemed from heading to that place underground spoken of in this article.

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Maybe but the women folk in our gov'ts have not exactly shown themselves to be anything different which has been a big disappointment to me.

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Women can be dickheads too! More is the pity!

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LOL, you made my day, Francis!

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I do wish we would stop referring to these beings as the "Elites". They are just gilded dross on the basest and most worthless metal.

"All that glisters is not gold;

Often have you heard that told.

Many a man his life hath sold

But my outside to behold.

Gilded tombs do worms enfold."

Oh, and by the by, the Empire State Building resembles a hypodermic needle. Mind you, so does a phallus, hence we currently exist within a world civilization practicing a religion that sacrifices its victims via needle rape.

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Quote: resembles a hypodermic needle.

Maybe that is why they call them little pricks?

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Well you know I am one of the few who calls them “fucking psychopaths”. I totally refuse to call them elite.

How about we start calling ourselves ELITE.

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Absolutely! Elite derives from the French "elite", meaning selection, choice of the best. I don't recall ever choosing those who deem themselves "The Elite".

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Correct the EL……Eloim….Elos

the one above.

Who uses “EL” in our realm?

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Well said. It's significant that the rape of that needle is intended to sterilize its victim.

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As always though, there are layers of symbolism. The caduceus also represents the spinal column and the two nadis, Ida and Pingala rising up to the winged disc (third eye) and symbolises the awakening of the kundalini. Awakening the kundalini renews and restores the body = health.

Like everything sacred, the elites invert and subvert, and by doing so stop people recognising the path to enlightenment and freedom, in an attempt to trap our souls and prevent us from accessing our true power.

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Like the chakras through the spine which goes back thousands of years. The stairway to enlightenment in meditation.

Purloined by the Satanists.

Sometime a banana is just a banana.

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And, if we re-arrange the word “spine” we get “penis”. Perhaps that’s why we have all the giant d*cks world wide?

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You have fallen for a great lie, my friend. Everything you just stated is a part of the Hermetic language to deceive man and keep him in darkness. The only escape is to know the truth found in a King James Bible by the Apostle to the Gentiles, Paul, in his 13 epistles, Romans thru Philemon. I kid you not. You will find yourself in that place beneath the earth describes in this article if you carry on in that deception.

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You know nothing John Snow.

It’s actually ancient yogic practices that go back thousands of years before the bible.

And if you actually understood the bible instead of condemning people to hell for own ignorance you’d know that the story of the Christ is actually an allegory for this very same process.

To quote Jesus “The kingdom of God is within you”.

Those who would be our rulers have been at this game a long time and they subvert all good things to keep you in chains. But go ahead, argue for your own enslavement. After the last four years I’ve come to see it’s pretty pointless trying to show people the walls of their prison because they are so attached to it.

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Don't know who John Snow is, but ancient yogic practices are merely a method to open yourself up to demonic possession.

It's so typical of unbelievers to take God's Word out of context and use it to their destruction. The Lord Jesus Christ was speaking to the self-righteous, hypocritical Pharisees when he was speaking about the Kingdom. Christ, who is the King that will sit on King David's throne on earth one day, was right there among them, but they could not see it for their unbelief.

The kingdom cometh not with observation to these Pharisees because they reject the very one who will bring it. The one standing with them, doing miracles in their midst, was the Son of Man preaching the kingdom come.

Luke 17:20-21 is much clearer when we rightly divide Jesus’ audience... the House of Israel.

It is you who are enslaved. I am set at liberty by faith in the One who died for your sins and mine. I have been made alive for ever more by his righteousness given me. You will see death and feel torment for eternity without Christ. Trust him and live.

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gentlemen….lets face it….both side need to go cuz they all from same stem.

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the bible was put together by the romans at the council of nicea. they selected the 66 books they wanted to be used for their own purposes, not for the enlightenment or spiritual enrichment of those they deem below them. for that reason the stories held therein have likely been amended and omitted to manipulate the story of the man known as Jesus and what his message actually was.

looking at the text with an objective eye rather than through the lens of religious doctrine makes this quite evident. man sins, lies, and cheats, that is clear. Jesus showed this fact many times. he was murdered by those he challenged regarding their sin and hypocrisy, in the same way that those who show the wrong doings of others today are readily dispatched or ruined.

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Yes, the Roman Catholic Church has had a big hand in corrupting God's Word. But God has promised to preserve what He inspired forever, and it stands perfectly preserved in our English language in the 1611 King James Bible. If you get a hold of one and begin studying it, you will change your tune. Start with the Books that contain our doctrine and the gospel of our salvation by grace through faith alone... Romans thru Philemon.

Don't need a pastor or priest to interpret it for you. Just ask the Holy Spirit to open your understanding.

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Oh no, no, …..King James is the father of free mansonry…it was thee who commissioned a version of the bible that was more family and layman friendly.

We got to stop to bash the Roman Catholic Church so much. At the end the Jesuits will win the battle…..

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King James Bible?

I love it, but what does that specific translation have to do with a life of faith? I can't find our Agent's observations offensive, though they are necessarily incomplete.

One of my favorite books is the Divine Comedy. There's no time now to read it, since we're so far into the Apocalypse, but I appreciated one observation about it -- that Dante's map of the world and of the heavens is diabolo-centric. Hardly anyone reads past the Inferno chapters -- it's a shame, since Purgatory and Paradise are so beautiful.

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It has everything to do with it. Faith alone accounts for nothing. It must have an object, and the object of perfect faith is Christ Jesus alone.

I was, in my comment, replying to Boots' wily use of Scripture when he stated "the kingdom of God is within you," taking that verse out of context.

Not sure what you mean by "apocalypse." We're certainly not in the Biblical time frame of "Jacob's Trouble." You will either be in heaven bc of your belief in Christ's redemption at the cross, or literally in the time of God's unleashed wrath and judgement upon all the earth... and there is no grace offered at that time. All will be condemned or will have to come back under the law and not take the mark of the Beast to be saved, along with the remnant of true Israel. It's clear in the King James Bible, but messed up in all counterfeits.

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I had never been much for word studies -- serious protestant pastors would frequently point to an English translation, KJV or otherwise, saying, essentially: "You might think it means 'this', but it really means 'that'.

I did recently look into the original language -- Greek -- of the New Testament to discover that the color of the Last Horseman of the Apocalypse is, in fact, green, not merely pale. I'm not aware of any translation in which the horse is green, but I read only English. And that's just one word.

Concerning the Apocalypse, my feeling is that it is a process which has been going on since the 19th century, but I'm no scholar and can't insist on that interpretation.

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I kind of like “Mindf*ck Mondays”

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I do, too. But I also suggested "Soul-Suck Sundays"😆

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Me too!!

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I do not think these people calling themselves are actually elites.. they are Parasites …eating us. Literally.

BTW wonderful work. Enjoyed your MFM article.

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This entity is from a conflict planetary by nature, possibly from source,meaning opposition manifesting to our consciousness. Their objective is control of consciousness individually to accept sacrifice. I do not allow any such manipulation as ok. I chose heart based love. Very personal and independent of your choices…

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I couldn't sit in a room like that for 2 seconds. Not considered art to me in any fashion. Its boring, cold, ugly, and there is no way I could meditate. There is no life, beauty, or love in that room.

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Have you heard of Hermes Trismagistus? Hermes means two. As in the word hermaphrodite, meaning two sexes. It's about two sexes and three magics, or magisters. What is 2/3? (.666666666)

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Reminds me of the saying "two out of three ain't bad".

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Two out of three is a solid D.

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Very interesting.

My father's name was Ermete, the Italian form of Hermes but I don't think his dirt-poor parents named him that for any esoteric reasons. I think he was named after a famous actor. It's not a common name in Italy now, I think it's considered old-fashioned.

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and Italy has also very strong hermetic roots…….I agree with your post.

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We went to Pompeii in 2019- penis’s everywhere. Over every door header, on the wells, frescos etc. Don’t remember reading about that in the guide books! When I asked about its meaning to our guide, she said it was a symbol of fertility.

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Another great article, thank you. It’s clearly a room for ritual magic.

The title Lodestone is telling as I’m sure it refers to the altar which is a slab of just that, lodestone aka magnetic iron ore, renamed magnetite.

The significance I think is that magnetic iron ore is used in ritual to “draw down the power of the gods”.

Add in all the other elements of the room and this is some dark sh&t.

Coincidentally I believe there is another type of iron ore that is a less magnetic version called Hermetite.

I think (but I’m not sure) that those black mirrors used in evil dark magic is made of the material Hermetite.

What the heck goes on in that room ?

The UN is evil.

On another not this got me thinking about the mercury dime. I know it is alleged that it’s not mercury/hermes depicted on the dime but that it is a young Liberty.

Why would they put the winged helmet of mercury/hermes on her head !!! Their bull story makes zero sense.

What was the significance of having that dime with mercury/hermes on it in circulation during the years it was because I’m doubtful that its a young Liberty ?

I like Mind F*ck Monday by the way. It’s aptly titled for any day of the week !

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During the pandemic, remember they put a giant "end-times beast" statue named

"A Guardian for International Peace and Security"

in front of the UN building in NY. They finally had to remove it due to all the complaints, claiming it was just there "temporaily" anyway.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV‬

[3] For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


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At first glance of this (so called) “art” (?) - it didn’t resonate well with myself, at all!

What I saw was the sin(e) wave.

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Another excellent piece. How about "Soul-Suck Sundays"?

The truncated pyramid found on the US dollar has precisely 13 layers prior to the capstone being detached. Not at all surprisingly, 13 is the number used by the Luciferians to symbolize the Mastery of Time, which of course has to do with their butt-sex practice to "achieve illumination," which is symbolized by the one-eye. And we know that the phrase "one-eye" refers to the dick. It never ends with these demon-worshiping psychopaths.

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The next to the last picture (Colonne Vendôme. From the Rue de la Paix) looks like a penis entering the vaginal opening of a uterus.

The Washington monument and the Capitol Dome also share that special relationship from a certain angle. A good documentary about all the occult imagery, layout and statues in Washington DC is called The Belly of the Beast by the Faull Brothers. It makes you question the story that the United States was founded as a Christian nation.

There's a large obilesk (and a huge pinecone) in the Vatican. (couldn't tell if that was in your list). The symbolism of the decorative pinecone is pretty interesting. Sometimes a pinecone sits atop the caduceus. It represents the pineal gland, or the "third eye" and is also associated with Osiris.

I don't remember where I read it but one of these creeps "listed goals" was to corrupt the real beauty of "art", make it look so ridiculously stupid but claim if YOU couldn't "see the beauty" then YOU weren't as refined and sophisticated as the ones who "could" (ie, the ones who faked it). Demoralization via gaslighting - "the emporer has no clothes" style.

Nothing is as it seems or what we were taught. But it was all planned. We're living in the culmination of centuries of that planning and it kicked into high gear in 2020.

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That is EXACTLY what it is.

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Well that was a mind bender for sure! I was previously going to meditate this morning & now I’m rethinking everything! 🙃

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Once I saw the giant d**ks I started looking for the “Tower” at Eastern Michigan University. Campus lore said if a virgin ever graduated from EMU the tower would fall. The tower was the seventh photo. As a student, I was appalled at the shape of it.

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Is elite another word for Jew? https://www.bitchute.com/video/mymq41tMxbpS/

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hmmmm ….no. It is another word for psychopath who feels they are “special”….cuz they need selective treatments.

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