Paleontology is so well funded - just like Virology.

These guys must have had so much fun inventing all this nonsense.

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This lie is invented to confirm how we supposedly live in a VERY OLD world! Haha! Now think which theories would fall apart if there were NO dinosaurs!?

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evolution & big bang

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In the Bible, they have creatures called dragons.

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Dragon is satan in the Bible

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I dont think the Bible talks about movie dragons. It is the designation for the Serpent.

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Linda O, Yes, they love to mock us! But sadly, some of their minions in those fields are obviously MK-ULTRA mind-controlled into actually believing the fake foundations of their cushy jobs.

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Great and astute observation, Sharine.

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lol good exemple since both are fake. and rich by this means. yeah, sometimes i wonder to myself why all this lies. well...if not no money would been made no construction ben made, no storytelling at night either, the countless hours spent in space dazing ,watching sci phi movie thats why they did it, but wow! no shame in turning evryones mind into a mess. if it keeps up, guys in asilum will have a better view of reality then suposedly sane citizen .

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I have a 4 year old who has had a serious dinosaur love phase. Having suspected these things were made up years ago, I started to wonder why half the children's books and cartoons all had so many fucking dinosaurs in them (as you know, you got to start'm with the conditioning early). They are everywhere. I've started to tell the lil feller they aren't/weren't real now, before the big Santa Claus reveal has to happen. He says "but they exist in another world..." I tell him exactly. Definitely not this one. There's gonna be a lot of disappointed toddlers.

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Peppa Pig cartoons are to blame for the current craze. Peppa Pig has a younger brother who has a toy dinosaur and all he ever seems to say is "Raur!" loudly. That is how my son was roped into talking about dinosaurs to one of his kids. He took his kids to the Natural History Museum and he saw a plaque which stated that the exhibits are not real dinosaur bones, the originals are stored in a vault. He asked the curator why the originals are not displayed anywhere and was told that they are radio-active. He is now very upset that he took part in misleading his kids into believing in bloody dinosaurs!!

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Me too about the kids being flooded with dinosaurs., they never did seem like a real thing to me. So glad to read this. Lies everywhere about everything.

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They market this to kids.... I played with dinosaurs when I was a kid...

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If I don't laugh at this stuff, I'll cry. Is there anything we have not been lied to about?

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Yes, the existence of God. God exists.

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They lied to us about God plenty. I was told He doesn’t exist a lot more than I was told He does.

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We should all be praying to God to help save humanity from the socio-psychopaths who run this world. Evil does not triumph but it does win battles if we let it.

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I don't think so.

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You're free to not believe in God. I know God exists with absolute certainty.

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I am sure you do believe that. My concept of this Universe is different from yours. I recognise the microcosm within the macrocosm and I do not dare to label it with a name. I think it amounts to the same power, ultimately. The only difference is I do not see that power as separate from me in any way. I believe in reincarnation with the same level of absolute certainty as you assert about your beliefs. So when you answered that we have not been lied to about 'God'.... I would say that we have been lied to quite deliberately.

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You're quite naive.

The evidence for reincarnation is extensive. The University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies has thousands of documented cases, rigorously researched, since the 1960's of children who recall a previous life. It's incredible work.

"As above so below" is the label typically used for your belief about the macrocosm, and microcosm. It's ancient knowledge increasingly being verified by research in modern physics. You'd do well to read the Kybalion to learn more of this ancuent knowledge. There's nothing inherently wrong with labels.

You'd also do well to read the extensive works of Edgar Cayce, and Rudolf Steiner. Both could read the Akashic Record in great detail. They both knew the incredible importance to humanity's evolution of Christ Jesus, the Logos made flesh who dwelt among us. Steiner also covers the spiritual hierarchy in great detail.

The Bible is largely an occult document. The Gospel of John, and The Revelation are particularly occulted, and beautiful.

You're clearly unaware that mystery schools of the right hand path began releasing occult knowledge to humanity beginning in the mid-to-late 19th Century. You don't have to believe in God but people with far more knowledge than you do so I'll study their insights, and evidence because "seek, and ye shall find."

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Reincarnation should be more accurately called, Recycling. The goal is to transcend and break free of it and cease being chow for the Demiurge and his Archons.

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Do you always talk down to people? That is so vain.

You assumed too much.... a sign of conviction in your superiority. You reveal far more about your hypocrisy with every word than I can ever achieve in naivete.

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Everything we’ve ever been told is a lie….EVERYTHING. Once you see that, then the Matrix unravels. Now to deal with the rest of the world who still believes and thinks I’m the weirdo for not. Such an interesting turn through the meat suit this time around. 😳

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How I try to convey EVERYTHING:


(It's Annie from community yelling everything, I laugh every time)

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Outstanding comment, Mary.

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This is even better than the anthropogenic climate change hoax, the Covid19/modRNA bioweapon scamdemic, and slaves in Ancient Egypt mined massive blocks of stone, and polished them with laser like cutting tool precision to construct the Great Pyramids of Giza only a few thousand years ago, until of course, it was learned they're much older, and are not at all what the archeologists claim them to be.

Next up the fossil fuel scam. These ancient dinosaurs decayed and magically evolved into petroleum.

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Have you seen the study of the "stratigraphy" of the Mount St. Helen eruption deposits?

You should be able to find it on the Institute for Creation Science, or the Creation Science Institute websites. Those stony stripes only six months old would tell a tale of millions of years according to conventional stratigraphic analysis.

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I'm not familiar with that. I do know that much of what we learn from "science" is propaganda, and deception. Much of human history is hidden from us.

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Wow. So dinosaurs are fake and manufactured, but actual giant human skeletons are whisked away to the back of the Smithsonian whenever they are found and their existance is denied. Getting really hard to trust any science or history at this point.

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Yes, Smithsonians were caught destroying the giant skeletons - which could be the Nefilim! And now we know that they invented dinosaurs!?

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Do you have a link? I want to read about giant human skeletons~ sure it blows holes in their Evo~ ape man trash

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I have it as a meme. Which says how it was a US Supreme Court ruling from 2017 that made the Smithsonian admit to it.

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Whenever I see names like Carnegie or Rockefeller I know some hot garbage is soon to follow lol.

I avoided the Santa psy-op but fell for the dinosaur one.

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Fantastic post, nice work!

The THEORY of evolution, is the biggest pork pie ever, in erm'

his-story.(Aka the richest person alive).


I've always wondered how "fossil" imprinting works.....

Let's look at the options...

a) the fossils were "crushed" with massive rocks and left a perfect clear mark in solid stone......

The survey says.... He-Haw...😂

Wrong answer.

The physics of the much harder granite material would have ground them to a biological pulp, leaving very little markings, if at all, any patterns.

b) some remarkable stonemasons and artists have been going around old sites," making their mark " with golden ratios and matchstick men.

Most likely Darwinians on a 322 year crusade to eradicate God and replace him with themselves.

Ding! Correct answer.

Interesting tidbits..

"Only a fluid state of rock, like plaster of Paris could generate such patterns...."

I'm begining to think we could pour and shape rock with ancient technolgy, just like on the amazing stonework of the cathedrals.

Like a laser beam rock sculpting device. Or sand solidification device.

Very handy for pyramids, turning formed piles of sand into rock instantaneously.No need for transport or mass slave labour, hauling huge blocks.

Pile the sand into the shape you want, then Zap, it turns to stone.

The rabbit hole goes much deeper than digging for Dino's me thinks 😂

Look forward to more👍


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Excellent stuff! Hilarious as well ;)

Man, if only I could find the guy with the comment how carbon dating is actually good only for dating 4YEAR OLD STUFF!!! I came across it while I'm doing research for a stack and I did not save it!! And it looked like the guy knows his carbon dating!

Funnily enough, it was related to dinosaurs!

Maybe youve heard of this case? A professor of archeology who found "soft tissue in dinosaur bones" got sacked, sued the university and got 100k compensation.

This story will be in above mentioned stack as well.)

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I've heard of the recent soft tissue discovery in presumed dinosaur fossils found in Montana. For material critical of carbon dating, you might look up either the Creation Research Institute or the Institution for Creation Research -- one or the other has been presenting critiques of carbon dating for over thirty years.

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Thanks, will do! Check out my latest stack about ancient Vinča civilization, you might like it.


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This link has pictures of a team of scientists rappelling down the cliff.https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12914169/Sir-David-Attenborough-discovery-HUGE-skull-monster-excavate-fossil-cliff.html. So many lies. Vitamins, moon landings, and now dinosaurs. Keep up the good work.

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Yes, one of the biggest lies in history. Junk science throughout, just like today. And people base their lives upon it. Thank you for doing this work.

I point this out on various blogs from time to time. On one of them in particular, over and over, although I'm giving that one a break right now. Never that I can recall have I received a solid response. Silence is the usual one. People "believe in evolution" and they do not question that part of the science. And they are free to do that, but oh what a price to pay.

I'm not just talking about other people. I fell into the same trap for something like 10 years, in spite of having been raised differently. In high school I was one of those that objected openly in biology class to the "theory" (you can't have a theory without evidence and controls). That was c. 1965 -- I don't know if it would be such a good idea to try that today. So I had something to fall back on. But imagine how it must be for people that never heard it any other way. This is what was intended. The deception worked and it still works.

The lie, though, is larger than just evolutionary theory. It's a cosmological lie. This universe supposedly just happened into existence out of nothing -- run THAT through the "scientific process". And it did so in accordance with pre-existing laws. What a joke. Never mind that it is completely untestable. If the big bang was following laws, then something already existed. It doesn't really matter, though. The point is to convince people that we are all alone here, nobody is coming to save us, and it is up to us to save ourselves, a recipe for disaster.

The point is to attempt to kick God right out of the universe, leaving us in bizarro world or whatever you'd like to call it. With Him out of the picture, evolution could proceed slowly, randomly, and sloppily, giving birth to all the money-making science and industry around fixing evolution's mistakes (such as rampant mutant viruses terrorizing the planet, to mention just one minor example).

It's really sad that people are so willing and eager to believe lies. This human tendency can be exploited almost without limit, as history suggests. As we have seen recently, it is the people that empower the liars. What a convenient setup for fraudsters everywhere.

There is a better way. It begins with admitting our own shortcomings.

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The “Big Bang” theory was created by a priest.

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With an Altar Boy on his lap.

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deletedApr 6
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I read a post in another Substack recently that brought back a flood of college memories. It is incredible now to see how much there was of what I knew when I entered college, from what I had been taught and what I had learned from the culture (with which I was not not even particularly engaged), that eventually proved to be false. It's staggering.

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Laughed my head off. Thanks for that. My sister is firmly convinced that dinosaurs have never existed but I'm on the fence. I must say your post certainly makes them seem like a complete hoax, however, I watched a documentary Dinosaur 13 where you see them digging the dinosaur out of the earth. I guess it could have been faked.

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Hey Petra, I suggest turning your head around and work backwards -this worked for me. Think things are fake first THEN put the onus on the official story to prove itself true, that's how you will find the truth. Naturally there are both real and fake things. Governments don't go out of their way to push obviously real things as real-so that' a hint when they do (like fake virus pictures and Powell's fake anthrax vial), and follow the money.

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There's always some sleight of hand or other distraction to make things that aren't real seem real. These people are master magicians.

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True, but then there's Revelation of the Method where they let you know underneath the magic propaganda ... if you care to look properly. When I went to see Dinosaur 13 I think I wanted them to be real in opposition to my sister - it's not that I totally believed in dinosaurs against my sister's hoax claim so much as it irritates me the way she doesn't believe things without doing due diligence and so, perhaps, for that reason I wanted their reality and didn't apply the psyop lens as I probably should have watching the film. I'd love to see it again actually.

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Yes Petra, The Revelation of the Method or The Making Manifest Things Previously Hidden. Freemasonic swine.

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there were most likely larger animals but definitely no dinosaurs.

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When they dig up these bones isn’t it amazing that they all fit in a museum? They never find a giant species that is too big to put together without mechanical equipment. They’re just the right size to make people go wow but without being unmanageable.

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A cursory investigation into great philanthropist Mr Carnegie also raises lots of questions. Why does he have all these dinosaur skeletons squirrelled away in his museums? Why did he invest so much money brainwashing, sorry I mean erm, ‘educating’ children? Was he the first to create a foundation to evade tax? Dodgy AF if you ask me.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

"Great philanthropist"? Read a bit of history of the pint-sized Scottish billionaire, and you'll likely conclude Andrew was assuaging his conscience for years of abusing his employees.

Iron industry workers in Pittsburgh put in 12 hour days 7 days a week. Carnegie's partner Henry Clay Frick brought an armed private militia to the Braddock iron and steel works, to shoot ironworkers who were striking, demanding the right to form unions and bargain for humane working hours. Frick not only shut down the union demands, he reduced the protesting workers' hourly wages.

Carnegie commented in an early interview that his millions of dollars earned interest faster than he could spend it or give it away. He also stated that he wanted to expand the cultural horizons of his workforce; thus he built public baths (in an era when workers' homes did not have running water), libraries, museums and concert halls.

Seems to me that if he had ceased causing the destruction of workers' families by keeping them on the job every waking hour of the week, he could have accomplished more good for more people.

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I think your sarcasm detector might need adjustment 😉

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I'm going to spend more time with your article -- the first is amazingly good.

Even before I could read, the dinosaur thing was hard to keep together in my imagination, as was the Time-Life illustrated timeline of the birth and the death of the sun, leaving the gleam of a white dwarf over the frozen landscape of an earth which somehow managed to retain its water during its presumed red giant phase.

Before I continue reading, I'll mention one memory I have of a paleontologist giving testimony. Stephen Jay Gould, addressing the creationist heresy, appeared before the Harvard paleontology collection as one annoyed, having been disturbed from his normally peaceful and uncontroversial pursuits. In dismissing the arguments of his ignorant critics, he gestured back toward the Harvard collection as if the physical weight of the evidence contained on its shelves should simply bury the objections of any ill-funded opposition.

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Well.. my hubby discovered a mammoth molar on our ranch in south texas. It’s huge and clearly a molar, verified by a paleontologist. Maybe some more research into the texas paleo finds? Not saying I believe in anything other than the Bible but regular folks do find giant bones 🤷‍♀️.

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Mammoths aren't dinos

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Ah good point

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Might be better to seek an independent opinion.

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Actually, Eric Dubay wrote about this topic years ago... http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/09/dinosaur-hoax-dinosaurs-never-existed.html

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Now that i had time to read it, i see you used some of Eric's work. Great article!

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