"A force to be reckoned with" but, then, infiltration.

Psychology, conversion, fraud, blackmail, bribery, slander, and threats are all tools stashed under those aprons to get more men to wear aprons or to at least not touch theirs, until Fun Friday night at the lodge.

The whole world has been bricked and mortared into a house of dark corruption. Even the breakaways from Western economic dominance are BRICS nations. Coincidence? Likely not.

They will play their part in Orwellian global realignment. Even the UK had to breakaway from the EU in order to become the "Airstrip One" member of the Americas' Oceania.

Allegedly a warning, 1984 reads more as predictive programming, considering the significant number of high profile Freemasons who've joined with the Fabians, as well. The Freemason writer of the article linked below claims their ethos of "universal brotherhood" stands in stark contrast to the eugenics of the Fabians. However, in reality, there doesn't seem to be any real contention between the two secret societies with respect to aggregating power and assets via any means necessary and furthering a globalist agenda of lethal eugenics and "resetting" the fundamentals of this civilization into a totalitarian nightmare.

The essay reads as a Masonic apologia, replete with misdirection and deception, and even accusing the Fabians of "infiltration," a tactic the Masons know well:


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Thank you for this intriguing and thought provoking article. I had never heard of the anti-Masonic party and learned much. The 9/11 coincidence is huge and sheds even more light on one of the biggest cons ever pulled on us. 9/11 ushered in the Patriot Act and our ‘rights’ have been slowly stripped away each year since. Learning about the censorship happening so long ago shouldn’t have shocked me but it did. Our entire history is a lie and the powers that be have gone to great lengths to hide the truth of our reality from us. Am I the only one who wonders why? What is so important for us not to know that so many lies about our history are told? It’s astounding to me that the lies have been so effective. We have all lied and know how hard it is to keep the truth secret. The bigger the lie the harder it is. So much effort has gone into keeping the truth from us about countless things. Why? Surely it has to be worth it for the powers that be.

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"Strangely, authentic Anti-Mason documentation seems to nearly vanish from existence after massive victory in Rhode Island, hence the 27 year time-gap"

The anti-Mason movement was co-opted before the official victory. There is no authentic literature to be found because none was written, the authentic movement having been lulled to sleep after the Grand Lodge de-chartered itself. That is my opinion. It's either that or our forebears really rested on their laurels after making such headway in the beginning. Lessons to be learned either way. Never relent, chief among them. Also, know your enemy.

Excellent series, by the way!

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Eugenics is behind most of these “Progressive” groups. Progressive doesn’t necessarily mean communism, but it does usually mean a form of totalitarianism. At root and stem, evil.

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Too bad it didn’t stick

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I didn't recall any of this about an Anti-Mason party from school or from any of the history that I have studied since, so I looked it up using different sources and it is as you say. Very good!

OK, now, who gave us the Masons? I've read their creation fable, but where did they actually come from? There is more to this rabbit hole.

And by the way, there were the Articles of Confederation, an arrangement that was unlawfully overthrown by the rigged Constitutional Convention and the adoption of the resulting Constitution, without so much as a war. The reasons for that are not exactly what we have been told. It might just be worth looking into too.

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Agree! Michael Gaddy, a Substack author, has great works on the AOC debacle.

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I think this is someone I have been looking for. Thank you!

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Wow, fascinating info! And on 9/11. Hmm, not likely a coincidence.

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You took the words right out of my mouth!

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Wow. Just wow. Thank you.

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Interesting article Agent. What is very said is the huge number of people now joining the masonic cult. Everywhere people flashing the sign that they are in the club. Even the local council in my town has the one showing everyone he's in it, except no one seems to notice (or don't have a clue).

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The people in this organization all need to be arrested. They are the architects and perpetrators of evil and have infiltrated every organization on earth.

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Thank you for teaching me something I didn't know which is that the press has been controlled since 1830. The professor of Mass Communications in whose class I enrolled in 1984 said that the advertisers have been controlling the press for 80 years.

Now, Trump is a 33rd degree Freemason. See https://stateofthenation.co/?p=242532 so we can't trust him to do what's right for the American people. And Kamala Harris is a communist.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Kinda feels like checkmate, eh? Hopefully the Ace we are counting is a true card!

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Yes, indeed, checkmate.

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