Well shyte Man! Now what?! I'm so fricken pissed off ,right now! They are waiting for all us older folks to die, not fast enough tho. M heart breaks for my grandkids

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This seriously makes me angry!

I have been seeing government do this in Ft. Collins, and Greeley CO.

I even heard a personal story from a Greeley man that beat them from taking his land because he had the money hidden to fight against the city “officials”! His property is directly across from a water treatment facility they decided to build across from him many years before! His property backs a water way (Stream)! I don’t remember the details he told me anymore but it angers me that these city politicians think they can bamboozle We The People from our freedoms and property whenever they want!!!

They manipulate and change rules and land laws. It is dishonest and deceptive which is evil!!!👿

Another way I see government taking land control is this failed wind turbine energy scam!!!

Huge swaths of thousands of acres get bought up at ridiculous prices that will never be used for food farms or cattle ranches!!! And now in Oregon they are shutting down every private farmer in the state because the government changed the food safety standards which forces the farms to shut down!!!! It’s FN criminal!!

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It breaks my heart to , to see where things are going. It’s history repeating itself and another blood bath will ensue until they wipe out an entire race of people who want freedom and God! Almost every kid these days lives in a false reality and will until the false reality becomes the reality!

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