I'm interested in doing to microwave watering experiment. I have lot of plants that I can try it on.

To reheat most of my food, I just put the food in a slightly heated up pan (cast iron/enameled/glass/stainless steel) that has a little butter on the bottom and is on a low flame. I then put a few drops of water in the pan with the food if it needs it, then I place a lid (glass and stainless steel) on and wait until it's warm. Sometimes I stir it if needed. Some foods can be heated in the oven on a tray. I have a microwave but I probably only use it about 3 or 4 times a year, if that. And I don't stand next to it.

And I don't put my food in plastic containers as much as possible, even for storage. And I would never put acidic or hot food in plastic. Our world is so full of toxins. It's pretty overwhelming when you start learning about grooming supplies, cleaning supplies, the off gassing of products all around us, and so much more...

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Just steam your food in a steamer to reheat it

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Good suggestion. There's a lot of good ways to reheat that don't require a microwave. Sometimes I steam if it seems like the best option. I personally think butter and other saturated fats are healthy for humans so I don't mind using it to reheat food or to cook with. But if people want to steam, great. It's all good.

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Rite. Glass jars, including the freezer.

Warm food with butter or oil no stick and a little steam., or a small dependable toaster oven.

Relax- no hurry. Enjoy and be grateful to God for our blessing of food.

They wanted us to "hurry"!

Don't waste time- and kill us slow.

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Good thoughts! Just be careful with no-stick pans. If it's non-stick because it's coated in teflon or something similar, it's releasing toxic chemicals into the food and into the air.

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stipulation- gotcha.

I only use iron or stainless.

no-stick/T Kills-LOL-of course they knew.

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Good work.

Be advised I am PayWalled to subscribe and *They refused to “download the app” since I started January.

This only validates our “On a Mission From God” - God bless you. 🙏 C U N HVN🎸

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for some more truth bombs...please consider investing 4 hrs for the above. outstanding information.

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After watching more of the 4 hr video and also his "banned" ted talk, I am coming to the conclusion that Kruse is a major limited hangout. There are lots of mainstream beliefs that are BS that he touts as true that are clearly not to anyone with a thinking brain.

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Care to share examples?

I watched it too and found it really interesting and I heard a few new things that I'm mulling over in my mind. Having said that, I think he is completely delusional about Trump. Trump IS the swamp but pretends to be the anti-globalist to keep republicans tagging along with the program. He clearly did everything they needed him to do during the pandemic. So that was kind of nauseating to listen to.

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I view him as Robert Malone 2.0. He is dutifully sent to provide your next needed dose of mind control because the last one didn't work.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

I'm very suspicious of Malone. I don't believe that anyone who understood mRNA would ever allow it in their body.

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Yes, unfortunately.

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Also. Kruse was a super successful neurosurgeon at 357 pounds? Does that sound believable? I wouldn't allow an extremely obese doctor to do anything to anyone in my family. Who would? His entire story sounds like a lie.

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I was kind of wondering about that too. I do see a lot of sick doctors for sure, but not that many that are obese. I do see a lot of obese nurses. A family friend who was an active practicing doctor just slowly died in his 70s and it didn't even seem like he was sick but he just sort of faded away. I personally think it was some form of sepsis from having an extremely unbalanced microbiome and probably taking tons of antibiotics to fight off whatever it was they diagnosed him with. This friend didn't believe that diet played any roll in health. He was a family practitioner and a fertility specialist. (Maybe he changed his mind on that over time, but he made statements to that effect a few decades ago.)

The constant bragging of Kraus was a little over the top but this is the first time I had listened to him speak so I wasn't sure what to make of it. But very off putting for sure. People who are really intelligent and feel confident in themselves don't usually feel the need to speak like that. But, I have met all sorts of people so you never know. And he was recalling information pretty rapidly, so there's that. Very strange and also interesting.

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The first couple hours were good, but after that it was going downhill for me. He believes the trump "assassination attempts" were real? I definitively don't. He made some other remarks about NASA that did not agree with me. I'll have to rewatch part of it and comment later in more detail. I stopped watching around the 3 hour mark because it became ridiculous.

That has happened before when I've watched his videos in the past. The first part seems really good and truthful, but then it abruptly switches into utter bullshit.

Plus, why would you ever support RFK, Jr. if you believe the 2nd Amendment is important? Defies logic.

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I've been predicting that political persecution of Trump would continue to increase in order to solidify support for him since he can't run on his record. It makes him look like the anti-establishment candidate but he's anything but. And if the people pulling the strings didn't want him to be elected, they wouldn't have placed Harris as his opponent. That seems obvious.

And I was kind of wondering about some of the other things he was saying, like encouraging people to eat farm raised fish. Farm raised fish aren't high in DHA, I don't think, because they are fed corn and soy instead of algae and other DHA fatty rich foods.

I wasn't aware that RFK Jr was soft on 2nd amendment. I thought he was pretty strong on it from clips that I've heard but it's not an issue that I've followed very closely because I don't believe that anyone who is actually serving as president makes any difference. I used to. Now I see that the "elected" presidents just take direction on what to do in exchange for getting to be the president.

Honestly, he covered so many things that it was pretty tricky to stick with it all. But I definitely thought a lot of it was very interesting. His theory of why this all happened since 2020 is similar to Katherine Austin Fits. And all the stuff about blue light toxicity seems like it's probably pretty accurate. But I don't think it's 90/10 compared to food. I think food is higher. At least 50/50. But it would be hard to parch out because anyone who cares about food is probably also trying to limit other forms of toxins, like emfs and blue light.

Thanks for the response. Sounds like a lot of questions about him remain.

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I listened to it because kruse fascinates me. Good recommendation.

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Thanks for the link. Great stuff and well worth the time.

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I’ve known for 20 years that the microwave oven is a DANGEROUS piece of shit. Haven’t had one in the house since. I do have one in my ceramic studio for when my shino glazes crystallize in the winter. When I use it I leave the room!

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That’s funny because in the 70s everybody knew the microwave was bad for you.

But then all of a sudden in the 80s

They were everywhere and people saw a lot of people were doing some very fast cooking in it and pretty much everybody end up getting one.

Especially because they started forcing women to work long hours. They knew it was the perfect time for it to takeoff.

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In Dutch a microwave is called a magnetron. And still people use it. Threw mine out 20 years ago and never looked back.

Great article, Agent.

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I haven't had one since a friend told be back in the 90s that they were banned in the USSR. Never checked that info but I always felt distrustful of microwaves. They feel 'wrong' to me and always have.

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I threw mine out over 35 years ago after my mom threw hers out. She was the one who told me about the dangers of using them.. My mom lived to 84, and my father is still alive at 91. My in-laws both died at the age of 67/68. They cooked just about everything they ate and drank in the microwave, which was on top of their dishwasher on wheels, which sat right behind the kitchen chairs they sat in.

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Good info Agent. I've never liked the things. However, I've heard that they work well as faraday cages!!

I'll never buy an air fryer either. Something suspicious about them too....high temperatures, plastic components, teflon coatings sound like a recipe for another disaster.

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OK @Agent131711, thank you so much for the reminder. I am back to baking my potatoes in the convection oven. Today's will be ready in 40 minutes or so (plus standing time afterward).

Have you ever looked into what's in fast-brew electric coffee makers and tea kettles? In one word, "aluminum". And also plastics (through which the hot water runs) and other poisons, depending on what kind it is. I received a tip about the aluminum from another Substack a year or so ago, purchased a decent old-fashioned stainless steel stove top percolator, and have been using that for coffee and for tea water ever since.

It was not particularly easy to identify the aluminum. Nobody seems to think it is worth mentioning. I remember coming across a weird sounding website that "explained" the insides of these coffee makers in detail, but was obviously produced by a brain-dead AI bot. Not much help there. Finally, I found a do-it-yourself fix-it video on YouTube that showed how to repair these things, and it spilled the beans, for my specific model.

In retrospect, it should be obvious. There has to be a heating coil and a heat exchanger inside that transfers the heat to the water VERY rapidly. So, aluminum -- an aluminum tube that the water passes through. And yes, bits of aluminum will find their way from that into the water.

Not too bad if you don't use it very much. I used mine a lot, for years and years. I was on my third one when I found out. If you clean the coffee maker according to the directions, I expect that will create and loosen even more particles.

Now I'm bracing for the "coffee is poison" post.

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Ah aluminum, such a convenient unnatural product isn't it? Everyone's "crap in a can" is made from aluminum, then there's the foil and on and on it goes. Good info about the fast heating kettles and the like.

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Oh my goodness… Coffee is poison… Well, after what I just went through this past week, yes it is :-(

I’ve been a coffee drinker most of my life and it’s only because I really love the taste of it. And I would only use instant coffee because it has about half of the caffeine. I am caffeine sensitive, and 1 teaspoon of instant coffee only has 60 mg of caffeine. And I would only have 3 cups in the morning, making sure I finish them by 1200, so that I wasn’t activate during the rest of the day. And for the most part, I never felt the caffeine.

Fast-forward nearly 40 years of my life, and I am sick and tired of EMFs. I have tried everything under the sun to minimize the effect in my house. The technology has gotten better over the years, yet I have tried everything from crystals to the usual minimization of not using the Wi-Fi, no smart machines, Don’t put my phone to my head, wear headphones that blocked the EMF… Yet I couldn’t control all of my neighbors using their smart appliances, Wi-Fi, my house, Bluetooth…

So about two weeks ago, I installed MEMON technology in my house. Basically it plugs into the wall, harmonizes the frequencies in the house to make them less harmful. And I have to say it really does work because my kid used to wake up with a stuffy nose, the EMFs in his room were relatively high , we’re sleeping better. Like I swear to God, this stuff really really works. I stand by that. Here’s the link if you want to take a look, by the way it’s in German button on the top left. You can change it to English:


OK, so I just digress there, but will get back to the coffee… So after getting the technology installed, literally the next day I started losing control of my blood pressure. I was feeling anxious, nervous, and then more afraid, it was like I was at a rave party high on PCP and just out of control

And what I had installed, my home was the unit that goes directly into an electrical plug, smaller units on every device in the house, something special for the Wi-Fi router, and this little silver plate that you can put under food and underwater. And the little silver plate harmonizes the water, so it actually has a full snowflake structure… Because water between the chemicals and, the friction going through the house it changes its structure and it’s not considered “whole “.

So that was a Friday when I started getting wobbly, and then over the weekend it just went absolutely ballistic. I was like what the hell is happening to my body? I had added more iodine, salt, because I had muscle pain and tiredness for so many years and was feeling better… And I’m like OK time to do an elimination.

So I stopped adding iodine, stopped, augmenting, salt, and for some reason said OK let me just switch to decaffeinated coffee

And when I did that for several days, I was fine so I was like OK let me re-introduce shit

I remember because it was a Tuesday morning, I woke up around 5:30, I had my 1st cup of coffee starting at 6:30, and finished it around 740 when my kid walked out the door. And then I was like OK it must not be the coffee must be something else… And I went to start another cup and holy shit! All of the symptoms came back and I was once again on the rave party scene.

It took almost 7 hours to come down

And I think it’s because now that I have the MEMON technology in my house, that’s harmonizing the house and my food and my water… It enhances the effective caffeine and actually makes it more of like a poison

And for me switching to decaf is really no big deal, the main reason why I use such little caffeine in the past was because I’m quite energetic and I don’t need it, but I just love the taste of coffee. So I couldn’t imagine if I was someone that really needed the caffeine. Yet with this MEMON technology in the house, along with Other pathic things I’ve done over the years, I actually have more energy. And I can tell you that the iodine is a game changer.

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My comment about coffee was just speculation about what Agent131711 might ruin for us next. 🙄

I only drink black dark roast coffee now, typically three times a week depending on what I am doing, and choosing a good-quality grade. It helps with certain things, but then I sometimes crash the next day, hard, and it is difficult to know whether it was the coffee or the stresses of the day. I used to drink a lot of it, pretty much daily, light roast, and that may be much of the problem. Being in my 70s is even more of the problem. There are many things I would have done differently, had I known.

We have done a fair amount of EMF/EMI mitigation here. No gadgets other than Greenwave EMI filters and a Satic whole-house EMI filter and surge suppressor. These are just precautions -- we haven't noticed any significant health changes as a result. Fixing neutral wiring errors and eliminating the service panel bonded ground wire that ran under the floor under my bed DID make a difference. That wire was shooting a very significant AC magnetic field right up through the middle my bed, intermittently, depending on the amount of ground current flowing (probably a problem with the utility).

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Great info! Thank you 🙏🏻

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i use a toaster oven…… extremely rare to use my microwave…..

the toaster over makes food taste proper

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I hated microwaved food as a teen in the '90s and made my parents buy a toaster oven to heat up food...much better taste and properly heated throughout.

Our microwave went out a couple of years ago and I replaced it (for home resale value) with a Microwave/Convection oven and only use the convection feature, but mostly use the microwave as a breadbasket to store homemade loaves of bread or biscuits instead of leaving them on the counter.

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Once again, my mom was right… In the early 80s when microwaves got popular she refused to buy one. And then she bought one for the house and said we’re only allowed to heat water in it and not food.

I thought that was so whack and I asked her why… And she said that the microwave causes the molecules of the food to rub together to create heat like a nuclear fission… And she’s like why would you eat nuclear food

And that stuck with me and the last time I owned a microwave was over 30 years ago, when I was in my early 20s when I rented a home that already had it.

My mom was even the one who said we couldn’t have Diet Coke in the house cause she said aspartame turns into formaldehyde at temperatures of 76°F… And she’s like why the hell would you put that in your body? No, you can’t have it. This was in the early 80s when Diet Coke first came out.

And you know, I don’t know how my mom knew all of this stuff! Whenever new technology would come out, she would just rip on it and be like that’s not natural, don’t put that in your mouth, you can’t eat that. Don’t cook it that way. I was really lucky!

That’s why when people laugh about EMF sensitivity, saying it’s only in your head… I ask them would you stand in front of a microwave for 10 minutes and most people say like hell no you’re not supposed to be from the microwave for 10 minutes it’s not good for you…

And I’m like well turning on your Wi-Fi is like having 100 microwaves in your house. And Lord knows how many microwaves 5G is…

And people are now driving around in microwaves in their cars! We are being nuked from every single angle.

1015 years ago wasn’t so much of a problem because not everyone had Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth in their car… I live by a busy road and I pick up car Bluetooth in my house! So there’s hundreds of people driving by my house every day with their radiation just Waving to my house.

And I’ve tried everything for years to try to lower the amount of EMF in my house… No microwave, Wi-Fi is off, limited devices.

And then I took a look at MEMON technology, I was on my last leg thinking about getting a spooky machine I couldn’t take it anymore. The consultant came over and we did the RF test and there were parts of my house, so we’re just absolutely nuts.

And then we installed the MEMON technology, basically it’s a plug that you put in the wall that harmonizes the house. And like holy shit, what a difference! I sleep better, my kid no longer wakes up with a stuffy nose. They even have something to harmonize your food and I developed a caffeine sensitivity… Like this stuff is unbelievable.

So if there’s anyone who’s tired of getting nuked and havent found anything in your house, well, I’m your guinea pig cause I have tried all kinds of stuff for well over 20 years and the MEMON technology that they just put my house 10 days ago has been an absolute game changer: https://www.memon.eu/de-CH/?partnerCode=84923

And yes, it’s a partner code because I absolutely believe in this. Like I cannot even begin to explain how much better my family feels. Even have the little Watch thing that I wear outside, that has helped a lot. They even have a product for your car.

Apparently MEMON has been around for 30 years and I’m like why the hell did I not hear of it before? So I have to give a hat tip to the telegram group spooky, which is an RIFE machine, for telling me about the technology because dammit. I’ve been suffering for years.

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My mom was like that too! I am still in utter amazement how she was able to find all of that info in the 80’s! NO microwave, no answering machine, NO cordless phone, stainless steel pots only, only ceramic storage containers. In sink water filter in the early 80’s!!! Unfortunately she died of Leukemia when I was 14, even though she did ALL of the right things. It took me a very long time to come back to natural health, how I wish so badly I could talk to her about this tragic world we live in today 😰

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Oh, I’m so sorry you lost your mom at such a young age :-(

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My father was President of Raytheon Canada. We had an enormous prototype microwave oven the size of a refrigerator, all stainless steel with a small two inch thick glass windowed door in our kitchen. One could cook a twenty-five pound turkey in about half an hour with a further hour in the regular oven for browning.

Fortunately, my mother didn't use it very much as she preferred conventional cooking. We all considered it an oddity to show off to our friends and, once my father died, it was donated to the Raytheon museum in Canada. I have never used a microwave since as I experience the frequency as quite disturbing.

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Yes. I am not surprised by any of this, having learned about it long ago. I remember going to a food court with my mother -- might have been in the 60s -- where there was a Mexican food concession that used microwave ovens -- Ratheon RadarRanges -- back before microwave ovens became common consumer appliances.

If you have a Trifield meter (or something better) you can get an idea of how much leakage there is, and where not to stand. Our oven is both a microwave and a convection oven, and I stopped using the microwave part of it for a long time. But I cook everything, which is time consuming, and things got so crazy around here over this past year, time-wise, that I went back to microwaving potatoes rather than having to plan on starting them in the convection oven up to an hour in advance. Things have calmed down a little now, and I will probably quit microwaving again.

I have seen a lot of claims about what microwaving does to food, and I have no way to evaluate most of them. The best argument I have seen against microwaving, apart from radiation leakage, is that it de-structures the structured water found in foods. I have no doubt that it could do that to a greater degree than baking, or at least do it faster.

I gather that most people run microwaves at full continuous power, which is the default when starting one. To me this is kind of crazy. All of the microwaves I have seen control power by cycling the magnetron on and off at a fixed duty cycle of 10 to 100 percent (the latter being the default). This is unlike a gas oven whose heat output can be adjusted (whether it is or not I don't remember -- we have electric ovens).

Electric ovens, whether microwave or conventional, can't easily do this, so they cycle instead, but electric and gas ovens cycle so as to maintain a particular setpoint temperature -- the oven temperature that you set. Microwave ovens just cycle on and off (if you bother to select a power level) and do not control the oven temperature. This only makes sense to me if you are in a hurry and if you don't use it very much, which I don't. (I cook on a gas range except for baking potatoes.) I don't think this is a good way to treat food. I have been using mine on a 60% cycle (100% power applied 60% of the time) for potatoes only.

There has been speculation that the name "Raytheon" has a special meaning. Θεον ("theon") in the ancient Greek is the singular accusative inflection (indirect object form) of θεος ("theos"), meaning "god". "Ray" doesn't read to me as a Greek transliteration. It would be "rau", not "ray", but I'm no expert on that. If somebody wanted to make it "xxx of god", that would be the genitive, xxxθεου ("theou"), not "theon". Raytheon itself, now RTX, says it's just a made-up name.

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I chucked mine a few years ago when i heard this. Didn't use it much anyway, only really for heating baked beans maybe once a week. Replaced it with a slow cooker instead. I did hear some bad stuff about those air fryers too, though can't remember what it was.

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When my cheap microwave conked out on me, I never replaced it since I knew it was "bad for me". I just didn't know all this information, and who invented it.

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Fun facts!

The microwave oven was originally called the "Radarange" by Raytheon.

A significant chunk of the Wi-Fi in the world functions at 2.4 - 2.4835 GHz (2,400 - 2,483.5 MHz, usually spaced 5 MHz apart).

Bluetooth also uses the exact same range of 2.4 - 2.4835 GHz (2,400 - 2,483.5 MHz, spaced 1 MHz apart).

Which just so happens to be the frequency microwave ovens fire off (2.45 GHz = 2,450 MHz).

Which ALSO *just so happens* to be the exact frequency that works best to cause the "Frey Effect" (causing someone to hear sounds by causing thermo-expansion in their brain tissue via hitting their head with microwaves): 2,450 MHz = 2.45 GHz.

Bluetooth frequency-hops in its range *1,600 times per second.*

Bluetooth 5.1 (released Jan 2019) and later has beamforming capabilities.

...I'm suuuuuuure that's all just one long chain of coincidences, though. 😂🙄


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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

I worked in the Raytheon office in Amsterdam in 1979. It was the civilian / airline part of the company. I was told that the engineers working on radars discovered that they could warm up their food in front of their radars. I am sure many of them have died of cancer since then.

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