A very important post. Thank you for writing it.

We definitely need to understand the types of attacks we can expect in researching and sharing our findings and our truths. Your examples are very helpful in understanding the sources of attacks and the strategies they will use.

Also agree that we need to work together and not against one another in countering the biggest threat of all, which is an attack on humanity and all life forms on the planet. That attack feels like it is coming at our bodies, minds, and souls from so many directions (bioweapons, chemtrails, attack on agriculture, 5G, attack on religion, etc etc). We can't be distracted or divided by all the psyops and news distractions constantly coming at us or we will fail.

Imho, this is above all a spiritual battle, and as you say we must start from a place of compassion for one another. I think we need to realize that the people perpetrating or participating in evil acts, as the covidians did, are acting from a place of ignorance (your grandmother example), immaturity, or childhood injury and trauma. Even the elites. Especially the elites.

People may not realize, but it's standard practice among the English upper class to strip the kids from their home and send them to boarding schools at a young age. (Princess Di's brother, Charles Spencer, has just put out a book about his traumatic experiences of physical and sexual abuse and has pointed out that many UK leaders have been through the same. This is training that suppresses all human compassion and creates a class of sociopaths. See therapist Nick Duffel's books on this.) In the US and other western countries, extreme capitalism, a success at all costs and winner-take-all mentality, and desensitization from nonstop wars has contributed to the same thing.

We can't say that we haven't been complicit in this in one way or another. We've turned a blind eye to a lot that we knew was wrong. But as you say, we can do something now and rescue the world from a path built on hate and destruction.

Otherwise, sorry to say, but our karma load is going to be unbearable in our lives to come. And we're probably going to have a very unpleasant time while we're still here.

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Not exactly to your point, but for the sake of this lady (not that she'll read this), I read that the reason that smokers didn't die of covid, a so called 'respiratory' illness that should have taken them down in droves, is because there is one thing the 'ace-2-receptor' likes binding with more than any other thing in the universe, including the spike protein (either from the so-called illness or the vax)-- and that thing is nicotine. What if all the vax-damaged just start smoking??

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Smokers have built up a resistance to RADIATION over years of smoking. That is why smokers are not being diagnosed with the fake illness 'Covid 19'.

Smokers resist radiation and non-smokers don't. It is simple.

What you and many others are missing is the fact that the thing that is really making people ill is not an imaginary enemy, a 'virus' and it is not a fake vaccine full of dubious ingredients..... the thing that is making everyone sick is ELECTRO-MAGNETIC RADIATION from our wireless telecommunications. The cacophony of frequencies has reached overload with the roll out of 5G.

Read between the lines of this report:


Then read my article: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-elephant-is-in-the-room

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Ok, so smokers are getting a hit of radiation every time they take a puff and have built up a tolerance to radiation poisoning? Are people doing that now with the 5G radiation? Do you think some are becoming resistant?

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I think that the electro-magnetic radiation is now too extreme for the majority of us. Everyone is going to be affected because radiation is cumulative and the 5G towers are being erected in closer and closer patterns.

See my post and comments:


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I am a smoker and never got covid. In Kentucky a push for the smart meters were voted down in 2018. Then last year and this year the big push. Gas & Electric and Water company got approved. I was able to opt out of G&E not the water. 17.00 extra not to have it. One thing new they never did is a recorded call telling you of your current bill which is a heads up at least 3 weeks out. You can monitor it hourly, daily weekly or monthly. If a person has both, I see it that now they know your movements and of course if you have a cell phone they also know where you are in your home. When they say they will know you better than you know yourself. They mean it. I told a friend if you really want to fool them, fill up your potty and take it outside and dump it, if you get up at night use a flashlight. Just a few avenues LOL

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Well stated indeed. Remember that one of the principles of "fundamental change" is to divide the population and thus make them easier to conquer. The folks who designed the Gadsden flag centuries ago knew this.

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From what I have seen it is mostly other vaxxed people and brainwashed medical "professionals" who mock the vax injured, not the unvaxxed, other than internet trolls.

All of the people I know who got the shots have some sort of health issue and many of them have realized it was from the shots. I don't know anyone who is unvaxxed who insults them. Don't listen to internet trolls, I say. I, too, regret having my kids vaxxed up until 2020, but at least they are not anymore - that's when I say Thank God for "covid-19" or I likely wouldn't have found out about the dangers of vaccines, fluoride, school, media, "vitamins", radiation of all kinds, and all sorts of other things.

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I feel for the person who posted this (if it is genuine), but it sounds like he or she is trying to blame uninjected people for making her/him feel bad using terms like "toxic hatred and gloating" and talking about being "abused by total strangers" and that "they did not have to do a thing except sit back and watch us fall apart."

This sounds like a total victimhood plea to me -- someone who doesn't want to take responsibility for their own actions and is looking for a scapegoat. Are internet trolls worse for people who decided to take the shots than they are for everyone else? Is being called a "sheeple" such a horrible name to be called? I've seen worse.

And getting your vaccine batch numbers tattooed on your arm to show how much of a victim you are, that is to show that it is someone else's responsibility that you are harmed by your own decisions, not your responsibility. None of the people I know who took the covid shots are tattooing themselves and blaming other people for their decisions. They realize they were "sheeple" and now they are not. And they are not blaming unvaccinated people for making them feel bad in online forums.

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Very aligned with your take on the issue. I also deeply regret succumbing to the hive like pressure for the childhood vaccines for my children. I simply had a strong feeling that they had bad potential, with very little knowledge of what could happen, other than what they referred to as possible fever induced seizures (so they said to pump them up with ibuprofen or acetaminophen’s to keep it at bay).

I wish I’d stuck with my gut & refused them. My youngest (who received the most, as they’ve continually increased the new shots “needed”) ended up with the autoimmune disease Type 1 diabetes. No family history, none of the his siblings show even one of the markers for developing it all. I learned, largely from doing the research around Covid, that the huge increase in this & many other diseases & conditions just so happens to correlate with the increase in all those unnecessary toxic shots. My child (& millions of people) have shortened lifespans & all of the suffering that goes with an “incurable” condition (maybe it’s not incurable, but far more profitable to be kept so?) that requires 24/7 attention & constant flow of costly Rx…(sound like a familiar pattern??). Add to that the EXTRA pressure for those with autoimmune diseases to hurry up & get the covid shots when they were actually WORSE for those with compromised immune systems! They moved them to the head of the line with the fear tactics! Thankfully my son trusted his gut & didn’t get it…said his immune system had already turned against him & didn’t need any further messing with. Before we even knew the facts about all of it.

I don’t shame the masses who fell prey to the global fear tactics & now regret it because of the damage it did. Probably due to my own endless regret of what the childhood vaxxes did to my own child & I actually could have prevented it if I had not caved to pressure & had learned more in the face of fear tactics.

So I have compassion interwoven with resentment & outright hatred for the perpetrators who did know what they were doing to humanity. I also have a lot of trouble with the still heavy pressure to get more of these bioweapons injected after they’ve been clearly proven dangerous…even deadly. And we who choose not to are still maligned & mocked by the many.

This is a very painful awakening, where most of the ones warning & who were rather brutally silenced & maligned actually wished, hoped & perhaps even prayed that we were wrong. We wanted to eat the proverbial crow. I know I still do. I have a very heavy heart over all of this & the other heinous things that humanity does.

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Informational articles that have came out: https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4479232-if-china-dominates-5g-and-6g-no-defense-system-can-protect-america/

https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/11/rip-net-neutrality-fcc-chair-releases-plan-to-deregulate-isps/?itm_source=parsely-api (Then)

https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/10/fcc-moves-ahead-with-title-ii-net-neutrality-rules-in-3-2-party-line-vote/ (Now they are working at bringing it back)

https://broadbandbreakfast.com/fcc-to-vote-on-reinstating-net-neutrality-rules/ FCC to Vote on Reinstating Net Neutrality Rules The agency will take up the measure on April 25,2024. https://help.bdc.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/10468786141723-How-to-Use-the-FCC-Speed-Test-App-to-Challenge-Mobile-Coverage (read between the lines) Send FCC data


https://www.gizmochina.com/2021/09/16/china-accounts-for-40-of-6g-patent-applications-with-most-of-them-being-filed-by-huawei-survey-reveals/ This next piece is part of Wikipedia and we know about the "conspiracy theories around this"

COVID-19 claims

According to a report by Radio Free Asia, a number of athletes reported experiencing symptoms reminiscent of COVID-19 around the time of the games. French pentathlon champion Élodie Clouvel said that she, her boyfriend, and other French athletes were affected. Matteo Tagliariol and five roommates experienced breathing difficulties. Raphael Stacchiotti and some Swedish athletes also reported illnesses. Five athletes from the United States returned home early with a diagnosis of Malaria. No laboratory testing was performed on sick athletes in Wuhan. Jacques Reis, et al. wrote that the games were possibly a super spreader event. Conspiracy theories emerged in China that the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated in the United States and was brought to China by an American participant in the Military World Games. One version of the conspiracy theory states that the virus was created by the CIA. Lijian Zhao, a spokesman for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, claimed the virus originated in the United States. A U.S. Army athlete who attended the games was accused of being "patient zero" of the novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, and was harassed on social media, despite never having symptoms or testing positive. A coronavirus public health exercise in the United States called Event 201 was held at the same time as the games, and this is sometimes cited by conspiracy theorists as further evidence of misconduct. The main thing pointing out is when videos in China came out showing people standing, everything seemed fine then fell over out of the blue, a guy riding his bike then just falling over and that is what we expected was coming to the US.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCdAY-AOG-o New China TV LIVE: Opening ceremony of 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan, China Promotional film of the games at 1:17 This promotional film not aired on CGTN. Peace rose when conflicts ended. Founded in 2/18/1948

https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=cKIfgkxaJSE

Live: Grand opening ceremony of the 7th Military World Games YouTube (CGTN) Watch at 2:13 Stupendous display of UN/China 18.000 UN soldiers participated.

Visual presentation with Flashy technologies at a massive scale with projectiles and LED displays to

create the largest dimensional display the world has ever seen.

https://armedforcessports.defense.gov/Media/News-Stories/Article-View/Article/2246438/military-world-games-opens-with-dazzling-spectacle/ All wowed by the technology used.

The 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was observed with a series of ceremonial events including a grand military parade as its spotlight to celebrate National Day of the People's Republic of China that took place on 1 October 2019 in Beijing. It was the largest military parade and mass pageant in Chinese history.

https://apnews.com/article/united-nations-middle-east-china-government-and-politics-6014343ada529a978436dec343c1f04e Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China remains deeply committed to United Nations peacekeeping efforts, where more than 2,400 Chinese troops and police are serving a contribution that underscores China’s increasing prominence in the world body.


Since the rollout of commercial 5G services in October 2019, the combined number of 5G subscribers of China's top three telecoms has reached 420 million in April 2021. In addition, a total of 819,000 5G base stations have been built by these three telecom giants, accounting for 70% of the world's total.

http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-02/26/c_137852051.htm 5G technology features in Military World Games stadium Among the competition venues built for the 7th Military World Games this coming October, the Dongxihu Sports Center will be the first to be put into use.

The stadium will host its first event on March 1st when newly-promoted Wuhan Zall take on Beijing Guoan in the Chinese Super League. The venue features cutting edge technology, including 5G.

According to the stadium's management, 5G technology not only allows for facial recognition of attendees, but also provides multi-perspective live broadcasting. The field communication system will ensure that 50,000 people are able to communicate simultaneously.

https://news.cgtn.com/news/2019-06-12/Military-World-Games-venues-to-embrace-full-5G-coverage-HsvQ5PdzIA/index.html Efforts have also been made in exploring new applications of 5G technology, including 5G live video broadcast during the Games, and building a 5G technology experience center by combining VR, AI and other new technologies.

Wuhan is taking this opportunity to promote its 5G infrastructure construction, which will turn into a 5G network of nearly 10,000 stations covering the key areas of the city by the end of the year. (2019)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNH35Kcao60 FCC Chair Tom Wheeler speaks at The National Press Club - June 20, 2016 Big game changer higher frequency bands than previously thought. Said would roll out 2020. Wheeler wants to be very clear that the FCC is not defining 5G. In fact, there's still no 5G standard. As Wheeler puts it, "If anyone tells you they know the details of what 5G will deliver, walk the other way."

Last but not least: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NJKhrW7U8A Huawei Fire : Huawei’s lab caught fire in Dongguan, China - Sep. 25, 2020 Check the people out "no mask"

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