I hope it's ok that I screenshot the last part of this article where you've listed the web of connections.

It's the easiest part of the article for me to share the text of; I might share this on Facebook and LinkedIn.

I will link back to your whole article so credit is to you as usual.

I hope you don't find me presumptuous.

Please don't be upset if some of your subscribers have left you.

I found your Substack through the most recent articles you have put out.

I subscribed for that reason and even though these things are disgusting, this is exactly the kind of things I want to become more aware of, so please don't be disheartened.

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“I hope those of you born before me, and after me, and even those of you who are also 80s babies can reflect upon your high school years and think through what was happening to further The Agenda without anyone realizing there was an Agenda at play.”

You know, I have flashbacks of certain things but I never write them down. I really should.

I did sense in my teens that there was an agenda and would occasionally purge certain things out of my life after I realized they weren’t doing me any good, like my collections of Seventeen and Glamour, and my impeccable pile of Rolling Stone magazines.

I often regretted throwing out my Rolling Stone rags. I’m sure I could have made some money from them if I sold them on eBay at some point in time. But now I’m glad I kept that crap out of circulation forever.

Outside of that, Sigmund Freud was/is a PsyOp.

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Did you know Alice In Wonderland was dedicated to an 11-year-old girl that Lewis Carrol was in love with?

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Lewis carrol was also a pedo, he took photographs of little children naked. If you look into his history about the actual Alice.. it gets pretty twisted.

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One of your best articles yet. When I was a kid my friends and I were all wondering why the guys in the band Poison were all wearing lipstick. Four decades later... now we know why. Several months ago, I learned that the term "Rock 'n' Roll" actually means "sexual intercourse." It is amazing to me that this isn't more widely known and the implications of that are not even considered. I don't intentionally listen to any of that "music" any more and if I happen to hear it somewhere all I can think of is mind control.

I also find it amazing how they managed to portray Hefner as a sweet old grandfatherly figure and "gentleman." According to interviews of people who spent a lot of time with him, he was absolutely depraved and cruel. I think they rolled out Penthouse and Hustler to make Playboy seem like the "wholesome" choice for "gentlemen." Good find regarding the NEA. I guess the laws about photography of nude children apply only to some and others are exempt.

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Hefner was a Jew too, Monica, and all of his Playboy "Bunnies" were (and are) male to female, transsexual androgynes. The rot, corruption, and perversion in this Talmudic Kali Yuga goes much deeper than the vast majority of sheeple can comprehend.

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Yeah, the depth and breadth of it is my guess as to why some people are unsubscribing here as of late. From what I've seen, it appears they've been playing the same game for millennia, regarding corruption and perversion. Have you seen the photos of Bill Maher with Hefner? They look the same. I wonder if Hefner is Maher's father or if this is an example of cloning.

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There has always been perversion and corruption, particularly at the top levels of society. However, it's never been so ubiquitous and out in the open, being rubbed in our faces. The Freemasons term this, "The revelation of the method" or, "The making manifest of things previously hidden." Come Ragnarok, those demonic scumfucks will get their just desserts.

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They certainly look the same. Probably related. A lot of "God's chosen" have that creepy pervert look to them.

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Hefner shares his quietly smug look with Jeffrey Epstein.

These evil ones either have that look ... or the Comey Eyes.

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Brilliantly done as usual.

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Wow. I remember Marilyn Manson as a wholly sickening individual. Never knew what people saw in it. I'd forgotten about the sad goths. Thank you for this most enlightening article! Can't say I'm surprised.

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Goths started ANTIFA.

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The fact that so many people are unsubscribing during this series is puzzling to me. I find it to be probably the least surprising, least revelatory (and I don't mean that in a harsh way--just that nothing in this series seems very controversial/all seems pretty plain and overtly awful) subject matter. Marilyn Manson, Madonna, Hefner, were all very controversial in their own time and all over the hill (or buried in it) at this point. Their agenda has always been overtly sexual and counter-cultural--though now mainstream since their goals have been achieved.

I was a young teenager right when Madonna hit the airwaves and initially amongst the teeny boppers we just giggled amongst ourselves at the sexual overtones, it was something that annoyed our elders so that made her cool and she seemed pretty harmless back in the mid-80s. I remember when her coffee table sex book was released but never saw it, did not have enough interest to pay that kind of money for it. Also remember when her Playboy issue was published (my high school sweetheart at the time bought it, though I never asked to peek). I'm told that yes, her armpits were indeed hairy in that issue--HA. That's what we were all focused on back then. But like everything else with these dark agendas, the messages start out fairly innocuous (compared to what is mainstream nowadays, the Madonna of the 80s was practically prudish), and slowly escalate to deep darkness. I was disappointed to watch her slowly disintegrate into her current pitiful and satanic level.

RE: Manson, I was a young adult when The Beautiful People was released (the only song of his I actually know). At the time I thought it encapsulated how I felt then about fake people (actually still feel that way). So it was relatable for some of us, without having satanic or greater overtones. I never thought more of him beyond he was just another artist trying to be over the top to sell records.

I mention my takes on these artists because I hope it provides some insight in how they get their foot in the door--by starting out just shocking enough to upset the elders (and make the kiddies giggle) or putting out relatable content that appeals to people who aren't even that far out of the mainstream culture. Then they ramp it up and by then I think the original fans have faded away and the more sinister overtones are attracting a darker and more disaffected crowd. Next thing you know, they're just out there doing their dark stuff and nobody is really paying any attention anymore. The darkness then levels up.

Last but not least, I also remember when MTV first started. My parents never had cable my entire childhood, birth to 18, so the only time I could watch MTV was when I was visiting friends. Back then we were just mesmerized by it. It was not all the reality programming and weirdness that crept in later in the 90s. In the beginning, it was pure music, all about the music and the artists. The sex was part of it but only in the sense that rock and roll was always about and intertwined with sex. Mostly back then it was just really cool to see your favorite bands playing their tunes (so many videos back then were just bands playing on a stage, the fancy concept videos evolved later). It was really just like Radio 2.0 for us back then. Does anyone else here remember waiting for Michael Jackson's Thriller video to be released? Oh my God, it was the height of excitement back in 1983. A lot of things I think started out somewhat innocent-ish (at least from the perspective of us teen consumers back then) and then stealthily morphed into the current evils we see today. Very sad. :(

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I sound very similar in age but my parents were more limiting in media. We didn't TV at all some years. It was odd. I had zero idea of who "Captain and Tenille" or "Starskey and Hutch" but everyone was talking about them. I felt a little left out but on the hand Journey was popular music then and it seemed like drivel to me.

I grew up with classical radio, folk music and musicals.

I wasn't familiar with Beatles music either. MT videos at first, yes, just the band and low tech special effects maybe. I saw a couple somewhere. Madonna was huge, girls at my little school mostly didn't go over the top with it. Trends I followed were the oversized men's jackets and a short skirt. So I was being groomed too - androgyny Pat on SNL, Grace Jones and David Bowie. The overt female sexuality of Madonna seemed repulsive more than sexy to me. Mixing it with religion just seemed odd. I wasn't religious so didn't really feel the blasphemy part of it, just saw it as abrasive - Why go that?

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Marilyn Manson is a female to male, transsexual androgyne as Madonna is a male to female one. Both are creations of military Intel and bloodline connected into the ruling classes. I'm not sure about Manson but Madonna is related to the Bush family dynasty (as is her first cousin, Lady Gaga, another Tranny of course.) The satanist Anton Lavey was a Jew whose real name was Howard Levey. No surprises here, never is. It is so much fun being ruled by a kosher Cryptocracy.

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I can't even look at the Marilyn Manson photos...

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I never could. I had to scroll through this quickly, but it helped make more sense of things to see just a glimpse of what I strongly avoided as an adult (I predate this stuff, b. 1950). Clearly, if I had been able to have children, it wouldn't have been possible to avoid it.

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Being near 60, I have had a front row seat; like in farming, these ideas were seeded and grown to produce the desired effects. And 99% of the people latching on to them believing they are being creative and original. It would be hilarious if it weren't so damaging to souls....

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I've been meaning to look into MTV and how they promoted heroin during the 90s. That entity is also responsible for causing the fentanyl crisis we have today. Promoting music to teens that glorified opiate use was key to marketing their bullshit.

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MTV is a Freemason construct. Their first building was an old Masonic Temple. It all goes back to this ancient occult Satanic organization.

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Cover K-POP please. People need to know how widespread these Satanic agendas are instead of just focusing solely on Hollywood.

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These links suggest that Marilyn Manson was programmed as a child too. The MK Ultra programming used an Alice in Wonderland set and do a lot of the pop stars have some variation of an Alice in Wonderland video. The pink wig phase we see in several pop stars is also from the DID programming. The butterfly is from the Project Monarch programming - sexual liberation wings opening and closing represent a girls knees spread out wide open.

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"Sir" Rod Stewart, Tonight's the Night lyrics: "Spread your wings and let me come inside". Released in May 1976. There is nothing new in this filth, only its increasing boldness.

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Maddona in wonderland, look at her non-curvy MALE body.

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I acrually went to a Manson concert.....after his breakup with Dita Von.....cannot recall her last full art name. So disappointing how he brushed off his fans outside of his trailer after the concert. His carreer at this point was on the sunset boulevard.

The 80's and 90's gen liked him because he always spoke up against the catholic church and seemed extreme anti-conformist. Madonna has been known to be an illuminati puppet for decades. C'mon the name Madonna was supposed to be a anti catholic. However the Madonna in Catholic religion is nothing more than is Semiramis (Nimrod's wife) or Ishtar or Isis. So u get people to venerate some other entity in disguise.

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