"You may think I am being hyperbolic when I say the research was a bunch of pedo’s molesting babies so let me show you some excerpts from Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and you can decide for yourself if I am exaggerating or not."

I think we've learned that if you lay the groundwork first (done) that science replaces the divine as ultimate authority, then you can slap 'research' or 'science-based' on pretty much anything and get away with it.

I don't think you're being hyperbolic.

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Wow! Clearly these “researchers” were getting their rocks off by seeing how young & how often they could jack off babies! No wonder this world is so f*cked up! What the hell were the parents doing? It would be very interesting to learn how the “subjects”lives developed & if they themselves became predators.

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My father was a university administrator. The professors truly believe in what the University was doing., I attended "lab schools" for music, and was an early trial of fluoride tablets for children (thanks, Dad). This was at University of Cincinnati, where they ran some awful "bipolar trials," and other egregious studies on children. The professors see that a university is running a study, and make their children available. THEY MAY NOT KNOW what goes on "in the room."

But as a mother, when I got my child back, surely I would NOTICE?

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I thank you for your research & putting this together 🙏

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Seems like any time we lift a rock off the muddy ground, we see the name Rockefeller amongst the worms and maggots.

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Many of these evildoers have died or are likely close to it. Remember this as you feel your anger, as I do as while reading this: None of us will escape the consequences of our actions.

There is the Righteous Judge who restores those injured to wholeness and provides merited consequences in just a little while.

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.”

Revelation 22:12

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Be that as it may, the practices have certainly been passed down to the next generations. These people had families and cohorts with children as well. Just like the elites who have always held power they keep their bloodlines strong. Just because the patriarch dies doesn't mean the ones left behind aren't continuing the cycle. Otherwise we wouldn't STILL be hearing about Kinsey, the Rockefellers, and all the other old families who are still much too prominent for my liking in this world

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True. It’s like a never ending nightmare here, at times.

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I come from one of those families and you are exactly right.

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Trauma is not genetic. It's generational.

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Join your local Moms for Liberty 🗽. We are trying to get porno out of schools. Real porno not sex Ed

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Better to get all the children out of the schools. Otherwise, in knowing this is going on, constitutes felony child abuse by the parents...

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The teachers are handing out the books

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Our Govenor is working on it

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So angry about this. I recently listened to a podcast about a man who converted from Muslim to Christianity wether you have a faith or not isn’t the point I’m about to make but they believe that they have to earn their way to their “heaven” but it’s impossible to be good enough and they are punished if they step out of line… they could and do beat their wives and have multiple wives and concubines (their words not mine) so the Christian values that we grew up with love your neighbour and your enemies they don’t understand and don’t see anything wrong with what they are doing…. This is what happens when we stray from the righteousness rule of law found in the Bible this behaviour doesn’t lead to freedom it leads to insanity degrading women and children turning them to mere objects having no regard for the weaker but just as valuable members of our society no boundaries leads to lunacy

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You notice how they left this part out of his HBO series

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Thank you for this series. We need it now more than ever. God Bless.

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I lived in Bloomington, Indiana for a good part of my young adult life.

Herman Wells is revered in that city, and has a bronze statue. I'm sure Kinsey has a bronze statue somewhere, too (but I haven't been back for a decade, so can't remember).

I met Herman Wells, shortly before his death, as I was employed at the IU School of Music and attended certain functions with my boss.

I can see the dollar signs in his eyes when Rockefeller offered. That is what he saw, not Kinsey. Funding. Always funding.

Remember, too, the times were - different. "Gay" was underground, evil, forbidden. Gay men, in particular, are grateful to Kinsey that they no longer have to hide. Lesbians benefitted to a lesser extent.

But the levels of flaming that this has brought up in Pride, Library Storytime, DEI & the White House lawn - well, Kinsey would be proud.

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Kinsey wasn't the one with a stopwatch, it was a pedophile. Kinsey collected data from the pedophile. Kinsey Institute records are closely protected tl this day. Court orders haven't worked to access the files to find out who the stopwatch guy was. Child survivors remember the watch. Higher level government is protecting Kinsey Institute as if its name was Jeffrey Epstein's client list.

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Your research is so good and goes into such detail that I apologize for leeching it onto my site with cross-posting all the time. Most of it is must-read stuff. Not even red pill, more like black pill revelations.

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I couldn't keep reading...

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The substack of Sage Hana exposes The Rockefeller bunch behind so much evil. Have you read some of it?

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deletedJun 6·edited Jun 6
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I've often thought the same thing. Makes you wonder if P Diddy might be CIA as well. From the research I've done, these undercover agents have to almost become monsters themselves to be convincing enough to get other pedophiles to trust them. I don't think they actually "partake" in the abuse of children, but they have to act like they enjoy it. I don't know how they do it. If they bust a ring and save children that's wonderful, but the mental anguish must be immense

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It may be slightly different in the entertainment industry, where a performer is funnelled into humiliation for the sake of control.

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deletedJun 6
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I came from a similar sort of family though mine were Freemasons. They all work hand in hand. I think the Freemasons see themselves as the top due to the ancient origins of their "religion" which they adamantly declare is not a religion though they indeed worship an entity. The intelligence agencies were intertwined with my family, but were considered more of a career path than a calling as they believed Masonry to be. You could say Freemasonry is the religion of the intelligence agencies. Pedophilia figures large in both. Which is interesting in that all secretive occult power mongering groups like the intelligence agencies and the Freemasons and Kabbalists and Mormons and Satanists and eugenicists and cults, etc., always have pedophilia at their center and as a commonality. I have no need to wonder why. By attempting to make pedophilia mainstream, those same groups are initiating the world into their darkness. At the expense of innocent children and every living soul.

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They're everywhere aren't they?! I live in a tiny rural-ish town on the outskirts of a small city. Even we have a free mason "temple" in town. There's a larger one in the city. I didn't even know what it was until I started going down rabbit holes about 8 years ago. My in laws used to rent out the basement for family gatherings, and all the symbolism is displayed prominently all over the damn place. We had no idea. Just thought it was some kind of, "church" that rented their space out. It's also crazy how many people my husband went to school with who are part of the brotherhood now. The reach is MUCH further and wider than I ever expected

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deletedJun 8
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I think God will take them all down when the time is right. I don't think any person or persons will.

What I do see is an ever increasing expansion of their grip on the world.

Which we all need to resist though God will eliminate them. Because if I were able to eliminate the evil individuals, I know full well others would step into their shoes immediately. It seems logical to me only God has the power necessary to stop evil.

I agree. They will be taken down before they completely destroy us. I have no doubt of that. I pray that day comes soon. God Bless.

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Well said

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Don't forget the gay J. Edgar & his alphabet department as well. I heard he had a big black book! ;-)

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