Wow, this is a hard article to swallow. It’s great, but that “sea foam” I saw in lakes and rivers in 2018. I have pictures. I noticed dead fish around it, the ducks would not go by it, I can only think what is going to happen to our marine life. The eco systems of eco systems???? I couldn’t put myself through the whole article, just yet. I will save, but a big shoutout to Agent for getting this article out! One question, who in their right mind would think this would work? We are not that stupid. NOAA has joined all the nwo agencies, I guess I am not surprised, I fell betrayed. 😢😢😢😢☦️

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My sentiments exactly.. Thank you!

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IMHO - the BP oil spill was intentional - it refocused people from the wealth transfer that occurred with the programed bank "bailout" and the 24/7 media coverage - pushed society towards embracing a "green energy solution" and acceptance of "climate change". The "technology" employed to clean up the ecological disaster led more people to into the belief that science can solve all problems. The new regulations and the money thrown at "prevention" and "solutions" helped push the agenda and captured the academic and fueled development of more "green/sustainable" businesses. Like all technology - the long term effects are either hidden from view or garner a paragraph in a remote section of the paper. The impact on the younger generations was exactly what was needed to have society endorse the national laws and global treaties that followed. Problem, reaction, solution - rinse and repeat.

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"Rinse and repeat" - with micro bubbles!! Who doesnt want a giant chemy ocean bath?

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Yes it was. “No blood for oil”

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At what point do we begin to fight the authors of the curriculum/ manuals for democide/ecocide, those approving and funding the programs, and those carrying out their instructions?


by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy — willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.

It will not swiftly abate.

Through the chilled years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date

That the Saxon began to hate.

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I love your sarcastic writing style. You’re making me laugh with their stupidity. They claim to be intellectual elites who know all the answers on how to “save the planet…yet this bs is the best they got? Seriously?? Sounds more like a 12 year old’s science project. You know, the kid that got the “participation” trophy? These crazy ideas they’re coming up with are just bizarre. Maybe AI came up with this? You can’t make this sh$t up. Great reporting Agent! I needed the laugh. 😂

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My sentiments exactly.

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This is beyond stupidity, it is worse, it is evil.

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The ocean doesn’t absorb heat well like the land does.

But I have a better idea, round up all the elites & other satanists, throw them in wood chippers, and spread their remains to feed the fish and block the sun. Genius.

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Now that’s an idea I can get behind. I’m getting juiced up just thinking about it. Nuremberg 2.0 wood chippers for everyone (in my most demonic Oprah voice)…

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Bill Nye has been snorting too many bubbles. I’m not sure which is worse: that he said what he was told to say or that he actually believes what he said🤔

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Thanks for keeping track of these crazy assholes, Agent. My initial thought was, "But the ocean is huge. How could they possibly hope to cover the surface in bubbles?" Then I realized that the sky is also huge and they are doing a pretty good job of covering it using military and commercial aircraft to spray chemicals to block the sun. I found a ship tracking website. Just like there are a lot of planes in the sky, there are a lot of ships on the ocean. https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:33.4/centery:11.5/zoom:2

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I think a word was left out. It should be--

"Poisoning the Oceans to Stop FICTIONAL Climate Change..."

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Nano soap to save the Planet. Drinking bleach to cure COVID was a better idea.

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Never mind that half of our oxygen comes from the oceans. We're already dimming the sun to help stop oxygen production. Let's double-dim the oceans just to make sure, and perhaps kill off what's left of the plankton while we're at it. What could go wrong?

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I think I read 30 years ago that 90% of our oxygen comes from photosynthesis by algae in the water.

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I pulled the 50% figure from NOAA. We have our choice of deceptions. They say that plankton include algae among other things, and claim that marine life consumes the oxygen produced there. (See https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/ocean-oxygen.html -- read this site like you were reading a work of fiction. Also see https://www.britannica.com/science/plankton.)

Marine life is being destroyed, including plankton, and it would be reasonable to expect that oceanic oxygen production has declined as a result, something the "experts" don't necessarily highlight. This could be related to rising ocean temperatures or not. I don't know. Trying to peer through the deceptions makes my head hurt and I just want to take a nap. That's an intended effect.

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