As a life-long farmer, tree-hugger and NOT fan of gubmint I have a few comments.

Lots of farmers do CRP because it pays them more than actually growing crops on the land. Lot less labor as well and when you farm BIG, labor is a big deal!

But, there are conditions to be met. One has to apply and be approved into the CRP program. Then there is the management of the land once it's in the program. Every year the "landowner" has to either burn it off, apply a weak solution of glyphosate to all of it, run a disc over the ground (which makes it so rough you can't hardly walk it) and/or mow at least a third to half of it. This supposedly observes natures cycles so as to not disturb native critters. Nothing about native plant growth as far as I know. Oh and one has to keep seedling trees from growing on the land as well which looks like a Bobcat coming in and literally ripping them out and making big burn piles out of them.

Sometimes in a drought situation the USDA will allow farmers to make hay after July 17th here in MO. That sounds nice but the hay quality is crap by then and you can usually only make half of the acreage and are NOT allowed to sell any of it.

What a racket and most farmers that I have talked to only see the money in it. So many don't even think about the ramifications on the native critters/plants at all.

I liken this to welfare for farmers. Nothing is free or a good deal if the feds are behind it. But it is a highly successful program.

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Grow your own food and/or network with others. The barter system is still used in rural areas. Self sufficiency is key.

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It is time to support Community or Co-Op Farms, which we, the people, become affiliated with! It's time to take a stance and stand up to the Government; otherwise, the Tyranny will get worse. This is our food supply, people. Furthermore, the Government is allowing China and Bill Gates to buy up farmland and control the food supply! This is your kids' and grandkids' future.

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Time to eliminate 99% of the governments....most are worthless tax consuming pedos and Baby raping Jews

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You're a sick fook. Stop stealing good people's oxygen!

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They're coming at in too many ways to count----the poison shots, bringing in millions of illegal immigrants, spraying the skies with poison, blasting us w/frequencies (HAARP 5G, etc), lying to us day and night......feel I need the FULL ARMOR OF GOD.

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This video is three years old. What's the update? Still happening? Why are famers willingly doing this? For the same reason pilots are spraying aluminum and graphene oxide in our skies?!

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The farmers who go along with this scheme are just as culpable as the governments that come up with it.

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!!!!!!!!!! REVOLUTION !!!!!!!!!!! Time to Kill off 99% the world's governments.....use guns , hammers baseball bats rocks in a sock , ice pick, cars , trucks, shovels , hatchet,l 2X4, knives, .....I like Hammers, they work well :) & Ice-Pick :)

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Its `time to get out the Lead-Implant-Units...........governments need to DIE!!!!!!! 99.9999% the Government on earth need to b e culled off.......most governments and run and owned by Baby Raping Jews and Pedo Jesuits, AKA as Freemasons....

First Move is to eradicate ALL of DARPA...and that will eliminate CIA FBI and FDA FCC FDA nd 99% the USA problems.....Next is remove the FED......Lead-Implant-Units or Rope will work

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1950s60s the same crooked slim did the same thing...........p[aid farmers to dump mil;k and quit farming....called it ;Soil Banking'....we were virtually forced to sell out ........I lived thru this BULLSDHIT,,,,,,,FUCK the FDA and the entire fucked up USA....and F U C K -Y O U DARPA

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This is so alarming, I can hardly bear it! 🤯😱

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This is happening because they will be manufacturing synthetic food for the synthetic cyborgs once they depop the planet of all biological life according to Celeste Solum who has done research, has all the documents to back this up & she worked for FEMA.

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Correct. The deeper plan according to updated FEMA disclosure is to feed the children of the NWO "us". Basically, turn all humans into fertilizer.

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Wait, what???

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They started publicizing this a few years ago to gain gradual acceptance by the

general public. However, their plan as usual is deeper.


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The feds have no right to intervene in state land or production whatsoever. The Constitution allows them to possess 10 sq. miles of d.c. unless a state gives or sells land to them. This means the Dept of Ag and whomever else is perpetrating this crime upon America, has no right to do anything, much less get paid by us. No right to have an office. No right to print out threats like this at our expense. No right to earn a paycheck. No right to intervene in farming.

Except, for that unlawful National Defense Resource Preparedness Act, E.O. 13603, written by the 1950 traitor-in-chief, and which is also unlawful, that allows them to take over everything: resources, production, transportation, etc. Unlawful. This is at the order of the real DS, the UN, NATO, Schwab, etc., all demonic rats. Oh, and then there is the PREP act, passed by biteme, allowing public health emergencies to be dictated by them. People need to wake up and unite and stand up against them. Pull their Oaths from the office of the SOS or AG, and get constitutional sheriffs to arrest them. It will only take a few......

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Here in the heartland of “fielding” it’s been going on for some time now.geoengineering has taken over our farmers. Rain? No rain? It’s up to them! Them?

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This happened to my grandparents during the Great Depression. Then the government stole their Nebraska farm and they were forced to move to Montana. They had to start over.

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In the part of the country where we farm, we have ALWAYS had fallow ground. We grow a wheat crop every other year because we do not get much rainfall. This has been the way we farm for the past 70 years as I know it. When my great, great grandparents broke out the ground in the 1860’s, they didn’t farm the same way, because they used horses and mules instead of modern day machinery. The farmers here who had/have CRP, put their land in the program that didn’t produce good yields. They planted native grasses in the place of a wheat crop and got payed yearly for it. In our county, a lot of people who had CRP could not get their contracts renewed. This was our first year of our CRP ground that was seeded to wheat. That 30 year rest period, gave us a nice wheat crop with a high yield. The problem is now the price of wheat is the same as it what was in the 1970’s. $4.70/bushel. That is 60 lbs of wheat for $4.70! Farmers don’t farm because they want to get rich, they farm because that is their way of life. Some farmers now are getting starry-eyed at the promise of big $$$ to take their land out of production to put solar panels or windmills on it.

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