According to the media, this is just a "conspiracy theory" conjured up by people desperate to get clicks on TikTok, but is it? Let's find out...
I kept seeing videos like this, farmers claiming they are being paid to not farm or to destroy their crops: (1:22 video)
(54 second video)
And this isn’t limited to farms. Here’s being forced to dump oil: (1:10 video)
I then came across a headline saying all of those videos are fake and that the people in the videos admitted they hoaxed Americans, which means the first video of the man with the giant book showing exactly which areas needed to be demolished was fake:
Are we to believe some guy printed all of this stuff up to make a TikTok video claiming the government told him to destroy his land when no such thing occurred?
Are we to believe he sat at a computer designing all of these meticulous maps, then went to Kinkos to run off copies? There’s gotta be no less than 300 pages in those binders along with full-color brochures.
Sure seems like an awful lotta work to hoax Americans, but the government and Snopes insist absolutely nothing is going on:
So I decided to look into it myself. Here’s what I found…
Quote from the Wyoming piece, “Citing concerns over climate change, the USDA announced in April 2021 that it would seek to add four million new acres into the program’s designated fallow ground by raising annual rental payments and adding incentive payments.”. Let’s get a definition of “fallow”:
Translation: “we will pay you to leave your land vacant”. This sure seems to count as paying farmers to not farm. Interestingly, back in 2008 The Council on Foreign Relations met to discuss converting land to nothingness through a concept called, “Land Cover Modification”. Yep, they wanted to rip out forests and convert them to “steppe” which is the same thing as fallow land but I’m sure it’s just coincidence.
Then there’s this article:
Which talks about the Conservation Reserve Program and says that making this land off-limits is part of a “…government-wide effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. The new initiative will incentivize farmers to take land out of production by raising rental rates and incentive payments.“ ✅ Paying farmers to not farm.
But sometimes the reason to not-farm isn’t greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, it’s drought:
(Btw, read my piece, 400 Farmers vs Weather Modification: You Stole Our Rain! BAN THE PLANES! Untold History of Geoengineering - They cause the problem then sell us the solution which causes more problems.)
To recap, the reason for not-farming is climate change and/or drought, take your pick, and because we live in one big insane asylum where those who own the asylum are trying to kill us, the solution is to stop producing food and the climate will stop changing (because yeah, that makes sense…). I then looked into the Conservation Reserve Program a little more and learned this program wasn’t started for climate change or drought. When it began the reason was completely different…
“The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) was created in 1985 to incentivize landowners to leave some of their land unplanted, a plan meant to protect the environment by reducing agricultural runoff into streams and rivers, preserving wildlife habitats, and preventing erosion.” - Ok, so back in the 1980s, before climate change was a thing, we started paying farmers to not farm to stop fertilizer from destroying everything, which in itself is really f*cking interesting because “fertilizer” always was manure… until the day it wasn’t. Turds worked great for all of history, until around the 1960s, when the phosphate mining industry realized they could make a killing by getting governments to pay them for their toxic Fluoride waste. Governments then greenlighted the dumping of the hazardous waste into the water supply to strengthen our teeth and fight cavities. This was a financial windfall for the phosphate miners because Fluoride is so damn toxic that it cannot be released into the environment. Mega-toxic stuff has to be disposed of in a very expensive fashion to prevent the chemicals from destroying the world, and this costs the waste-producer a ton of money. By finding a way to sell the waste, not only do they prevent having to pay to dispose of it, but they turn a monetary loss into a gain.
The same industry wanted to sell more of its garbage products so suddenly manure was demonized and “fertilizer” became what is sold in a bag with flashy graphics; a product which has deadly consequences for nature. (Here’s Scotts Turf Builder “Lawn Food” Fertilizer:)
So, they told us 100%-all-natural feces was bad, sold us bagged “fertilizer”, then told us we have to farm less because the runoff from the good-phosphate-mine-fertilizer-product was killing the ecosystem. But paying farmers to not farm cuz runoff ended when we decided to pay them to not farm cuz drought and that ended when cuz climate change began. Basically, there are a bunch of reasons we shouldn’t farm, choose the reason you like best and celebrate by throwing your corn seeds in the trash (or the lake, so they can hang out with the fertilizer runoff).
All of you who are 1980s babies like me probably remember the D.A.R.E program, in which our schools nonstop pumped “Drug Abuse Resistance Education” (because so many 8 and 9-year-olds needed to learn all about snorting cocaine and how crystal meth is smoked). I’m envisioning the modern-day twist, the F.A.R.E program. Instead of “just say no to drugs”, it’s “just say no to farms”:
Getting back to modern times: According to Chuck Abbott, a reporter at FERN News, as of 2021, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) “rents” about 21 million acres of farmland from landowners, typically for 10 years at a time (10 YEARS! A DECADE!). Renting land is exactly what it sounds like, tax dollars are allotted to farmers and ranchers as annual rent payments in exchange for not farming or not allowing grazing on what the government had deemed “environmentally unstable land”. ✅ Paying farmers to not farm
And this isn’t just the USA, this scheme is worldwide.
As I have written about in The Worldwide Attack on Farms, in Africa they are outright killing farmers. The ones who get to live have the land they lease to farm on taken back by the landlord. Whether it be through the Conservation Reserve Program, making the costs of farming so high that it financially breaks farmers, stealing their land, or murdering them, the end result is the same; less farmers, less food. What people must realize is how thoroughly thought-out this program is and how long ago it began. This entire scheme is part of the United Nations “30x30” Agenda which, if successful, will change the world by, or in, 2030. The clock goes tick… tick… tick…
THE UN, 1992 AND 30x30
Back in 1992, a history-changing United Nations meeting took place called the Earth Summit:
Much of what we see going on now links back to the Earth Summit, such as Agenda 21. Here’s a little video clip I have shared many times regarding Agenda 21: (1:12 video)
This brings us to “30x30”:
The United Nations “thirty by thirty” (30x30) scheme is a deadline within Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050. 30x30 means to remove no less than 30% of their land from the people of United Nations member nations by 2030. A few years back, at the United Nations BioDiversity Summit (a dreadfully boring, over 10-hours long presentation), each nation pledged allegiance to the UN and 30x30.
The methods by which they take the land are left to the country itself. What have we seen happen since the Summit? The insane Worldwide War on Farmers, (alleged) train derailments causing chemical spills, weather chaos such as the manmade Arctic Freeze of 2024, Maui burned to rubble (I wrote many articles about this craziness), Chili burned, making up fake animals to shut down farms and ranches, the EPA seizing control of all water in the USA, using frequency to move clouds to keep the sun blocked, “chemtrails”, and all of these tactics: (6:41 video)
I then stumbled across a new scheme that is so complex I had to step away from researching it for a little while. When I finally forced myself to resume document reading, what I discovered shocked me to the core because nobody realizes what is happening right this very moment. Coming next: FARMERS CARBON CREDIT SCHEME: THE CONTRACT IS TERRIFYING - But first:
As a life-long farmer, tree-hugger and NOT fan of gubmint I have a few comments.
Lots of farmers do CRP because it pays them more than actually growing crops on the land. Lot less labor as well and when you farm BIG, labor is a big deal!
But, there are conditions to be met. One has to apply and be approved into the CRP program. Then there is the management of the land once it's in the program. Every year the "landowner" has to either burn it off, apply a weak solution of glyphosate to all of it, run a disc over the ground (which makes it so rough you can't hardly walk it) and/or mow at least a third to half of it. This supposedly observes natures cycles so as to not disturb native critters. Nothing about native plant growth as far as I know. Oh and one has to keep seedling trees from growing on the land as well which looks like a Bobcat coming in and literally ripping them out and making big burn piles out of them.
Sometimes in a drought situation the USDA will allow farmers to make hay after July 17th here in MO. That sounds nice but the hay quality is crap by then and you can usually only make half of the acreage and are NOT allowed to sell any of it.
What a racket and most farmers that I have talked to only see the money in it. So many don't even think about the ramifications on the native critters/plants at all.
I liken this to welfare for farmers. Nothing is free or a good deal if the feds are behind it. But it is a highly successful program.
Grow your own food and/or network with others. The barter system is still used in rural areas. Self sufficiency is key.