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Many allergic to gluten have found that when they go to a country where glyphosate isn't sprayed on wheat as a dessicant (eg. to kill it in preparation for harvest) they have no problem at all eating it. It is sprayed on wheat in particular so that it will all ripen at the same time for massive agri-business machine harvesting. The grain is then sent directly to mills where it is ground for flour. No washing. Glyphosate changes the proteins in gluten to the extent that our bodies don't recognise them as food and reject them, so cleverly the finger of focus can be pointed at something it isn't instead of what is REALLY happening -- just think how massive the non-gluten business has become!

Meanwhile glyphosate perferates the gut lining so that not just gluten but ALL food can leak into the abdomen (eg. "leaky gut") where it definitely does NOT belong, thus you get multiple and varying "allergies" with the body trying to deal with this awful situation and no route to expel what shouldn't be there. Along with Stephanie Senoff, Zach Bush has done more research than anyone on this than anyone. Here's a short very educational video of his:


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Leaky gut is an interesting theory presented to chronically I'll people by alternative practitioners who have no idea why people are really sick, just like their conventional counterparts. But if food molecules were actually leaking into your abdominal cavity, you'd be in the hospital dying of sepsis.

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Years ago i used to listen to all the alternative online health summits and there were many summits on IBS (which i suffered with for years) and chronic digestion problems including "gluten allergies", and NEVER ONCE DID I EVER HEAR A MENTION of glyphosate, which in my opinion was/is the number one cause of all these illnesses. As soon as we went all "organic" (for what it's worth) my gut issues were gone, as were a number of health issues my husband and i had, which included dry cracking skin, brain fog, and constantly running noses. It was Zach Bush who first clued us into this, explaining that glyphosate perforates all membranes including gut, nasal, blood/brain, blood vessels etc. and i have to say that for us all these issues are gone now, and only past memories. But i agree that "leaky gut" was an excuse for simply not having an answer. And it does explain why what people were "allergic to" seemed to change from day to day, cos it wasn't the food items themselves, it was the reaction of a damaged gut to anything and everything.

And BTW, the chemical BTK, okayed for organic use, works exactly the same as glyphosate. It kills all kinds of larve (including of those dangerous gypsy moths) by perforating their guts until they explode, so that over a few days time they can no longer eat or digest and they die. Unfortunately it does the same to humans who eat the sprayed plants, and to all butterflies, and birds who feed the larvae to their young, and every creature that walks on it and licks themselves, including pets, grazing animals and various beneficial insects. This is why TPTB are so darn persistent and keen on low level spraying every year for the "moth invasions". And despite this moth being a "forestry threat", they are determined to spray it on towns and cities and prime agricultural land. The many Notices of Liability that have bombarded TPTB in the last few years have had a small success in stopping a few of the sprays, but it still goes on all over Canada and many other places in the world.

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Interesting. It’s my understanding that BTK is a bacterium that doesn’t survive in warm-blooded organisms such as ourselves.

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Some people (including me) did an immense amount of research two years ago when our communities here in Canada were being aerial sprayed annually with BTK for the FAKE "gypsy moth invasion" -- altho in order to be politically correct, the NAME of the moth was changed to "spongy moth", thus making our research more difficult!!!!!! According to what we found BTK (which is a PATENTABLE derivative of the supposedly "natural" BT bacteria -- and i'm even doubting the existence of bacteria these days!) anyway BTK damages ALL living things from the tiniest pollinating insects to mammals. There was a fish hatchery in one local area that had just released 2000 young salmon in a holding pond and they all "mysteriously" died a day after the spray, as all ponds and watercourses and even the BEACH was sprayed here. This spraying goes on every spring just at pollination time, in countries all over the world, so there is research from there too. When we had gathered our irrefutable information many of us sent NOLs to the Dept. of Forestry officials who were running the poisoning campaign, plus the pilot who is a member of the Big Boys Club, who had held the govt. contract for many years. This was a mixed success, too long to go into here, but we'll see what happens this year. Except thank god i won't be here to see it, cos we're getting out of this crazy country as soon as our property sells. The grand plan of course is to kill ALL the pollinators, including bees who land on sprayed flowers and plants. the 5G frequency also kills insects and bees in particular. Without pollinators most of agriculture is finished.

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Thanks for this information!

While I don’t doubt the existence of bacteria, I do doubt the honesty of manufacturers. I try to grow most of my product and buy only from local farmers who don’t spray anything on food. But as I’m also in Canada, that’s impossible in winter.

I know BTK is sprayed on fruit trees. And that both nicotine and MSG are used on organic food grown in the US. Were you able to find out what other edibles BTK is typically used on?

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Hey Bird, if you are also a Canadian, be sure to watch this massively important video and spread it to every Canadian you know. I think i'll post it at the top too. The more people finding out the truth about this, the sooner Canadians can unite to get rid of these slave-driver fakes!

Find out the TRUE HISTORY of CANADA, and why we do NOT actually have a Constitution OR a Charter of Rights. Learn why this country is nothing but SMOKE and MIRRORS, and the govt. has NO POWER over any of us! CANADA the ILLUSION:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CanadaTheIllusion

or on Rumble: https://is.gd/CanadaTheIllusion

Re BTK the research we were doing was focussed on the 2% BTK and the other 98% of the ingredients in the spray that could not be revealed due to the "trade secrets act", so i'm not familiar with what crops in particular it would be used on, but i'm sure that info is available. Probably on anything that is commonly attacked by egg-laying insects? Like maybe the brassica family? Way back in the 60s it was approved for organic use since it was "naturally occurring", but pharma altered it slightly (probably making it more toxic!) so that they could then patent it, riding on the fact it had been approved for organic use becos it was a "natural" substance.

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