
I live in a good rural growing area in the Pacific Northwest. Surrounded by bee keepers, so there are lots of bees. Vegetables grew this year, although they have been stunted (for the past few years). The yield has been less for the past couple of years, but still managed to harvest all that I planted. The 2024 frost in winter killed all soft fruit tree buds (cherry, peach) and grapes. The rain that falls actually has very little moisture, just like the snow in winter...filled with their concoctions of poison. My biggest enemy this year was either voles or rats, eating my potatoes, tomatoes and carrots, they even chewed up a mammoth jalapeno!

The community rallied around and had a 5G tower installation thwarted, so I believe that helped the bees stay alive. Dumb asses thought they could get that one past us...hell no.

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I'm also in the Pacific NW - I had bees in my garden, but it was so delayed - I really didn't get much until September in way of beans - my tomatoes were horrible this year - my bil is a little further north than I am and he had a healthier harvest than I did - but he also used a large tunnel. I've heard production was really poor this year in Western WA

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I'm not far out of Longview, WA and have a pretty good sized garden. We struggled with temperatures at night getting too cold for the tomatoes and peppers which I always grow a ton of. Beans planted in May didn't start to produce until September which is totally bizarre. We had a ton of insects in the garden especially different types of pollinators which was awesome but it was definitely a strange start and my fall crops may or may not produce at all.

One thing I noticed is that almost everything planted in the garden space closest to the road was extremely stunted. I had red cabbage stay the same damn size for 4 months before I pulled them and fed them to my chickens. I think the smart meter on the neighbor's well pump house is to blame. The readings in that section on my Electrosmog meter were at the top of the scale. We may take the time to move the beds and planters we installed in that area if we're still alive and have any kind of energy next year which is highly unlikely at this point.

The big thing I noticed is that our lawn in front is damn near dead and filled with noxious weeds. There are big bald spots that weren't like that in previous years. Our back lawn has been better but is filling with clover and our pastures, despite heavily overseeding in spring is really baren with weeds taking over.

We've also had sick animals and I seem to get sick at the same time. I am getting frequent ear infections as are my dogs and my last remaining goat. My dogs and I are also having a ton of gastrointestinal issues. We're not sharing food or water (I drink distilled water and theirs is from our spring filtered through our Berkey) so I find it strange that we're all feeling these symptoms at the same time. The only explanation is that it's environmental. And it seems to be fungal for the ear infections.

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Read up on Chlorine Dioxide. It will kill a fungus in a human or animal; and is the most effective killer of mold/fungi/pathogenic bacteria known to man, yet with no side effects and not the least harm. I've used it myself for about 3 years now, and cured my dog of Lyme Disease with a week of dosing. There are protocols for both animals and people. Get the book - The MMS Handbook by Antjie Olswald; Or Jim Humble's book 'The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium'. (I have copies available of the latter.)

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CDS is fantastic.

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Thank you for sharing that tip. I've heard I needed to try that for a number of reasons and have actually had the ingredients for years now. Unfortunately, I can type and write far better than I can read and retain. I have brain damage courtesy of doctors and pHARMa which leaves me only able to grasp so much. I'm afraid I'll make a mistake with mixing or dosing and it seems like it could be a pretty big deal if I do. When I can't seem to read and follow a simple recipe for a soup, I'm pretty sure I'm unsafe making CD. :-(

I think I bought the ingredients from Jim Humble's website. Is that even still up? I can't remember the name of it. I was trying to look it up the other day.

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I have no doubt that you are correct about smart meters. All I need to tell you is that smart is an acronym which stands for SMART=Surveillance Marketed As Revolutionary Technology. Avoid anything SMART like the plague.

Over here in England my partner got a TV screen for free from a woman who was buying a SMART TV.


Arlene Johnson



To access my work, which is top secret history, click on the icon that says Magazine. It's free.

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I couldn't agree with you more. And we do avoid any SMART device or WiFi or Bluetooth enabled. We don't have a SMART meter. Been there, done that. Damage done in a few short months. And we no longer have cell phones. People think we're nuts. I know I have EHS. I prove it to myself every time I lean too close to even my Foodsaver that isn't even on - just plugged in. It took me months to figure out what was causing my heart to feel like it was going to rattle out of my damn chest. And I have an electro smog meter to find these things. I thought I'd removed all offending electronics from my livings space. NOPE! Nothing like finding out I'm a prime candidate for a heart attack courtesy of nearly every electronic device in my house! This hasn't always been the case. It's what happens when you've been over irradiated.

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Amen. No 🐝 bees no one to spread life's powder. And some still think there is no intelligent design. The Creator made this.

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Hey Todd, how do you feel about the US and the military today? Did you see geoengineering activity performed by the military before you retired?

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Juliet Hotel - Sorry I’m traveling….will try to respond better asap. But as I’m wracked with pain consider this for the time being. While I’m wracked with pain from exposure to Sarin, Anthrax, depleted uranium, etc. Hindsight I am now wondering how did Satan permeate and wield the power of the world so covertly? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-CNQ-1gyLs

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I’m in central Europe and I start having problems growing cucumbers about eight years ago. Prior to that I had so many cucumbers, I was able to make a very tasty pickles that would last until the following summer.

I have not been able to do that in eight years. The cucumber plants were the first ones that started having trouble and I knew something was going on.

They started mass, spraying us here about four years ago, and they continue to do it, even now in the fall all day and all night

I can no longer grow strawberries, tomatoes, pumpkins, broccoli

I stopped planting a garden two summers ago because it was just ridiculous. We get tons of rain and then we get lots of mold, we have no sunshine. And then add to the fact all the chemicals coming from the sky food is poisoned.

I’ve noticed a bit of a decline of bees, but I’ve noticed was how aggressive bees and wasps are becoming now

This summer, I was out in the garden and bees were attacking each other mid air fighting in a ball and landing on the ground to continue fighting. And the wasps are doing the same with each other too. I felt it was too unsafe to continue to sit outside because I didn’t want to get stung so I went back inside.

And I was shocked because I have never seen these creatures attack each other!

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Poisoning the soil and the seeds is by design and part of the Elite plan Agenda 21. Look for "Heirloom" seeds. The package will be specifically marked, otherwise the seeds are GMO. Heirloom seeds are more $$ usually. Find a reputable seller and order from them. Our next problem, the soil. The Weather Modification (chem-trails) chemicals contain a compound called Silver Iodide. Separately, Silver and Iodine are fairly harmless, together they bind to DNA and alter its structure.

I think container farming like on a balcony or backyard in a covered area (green house) will be the only way to stay poison free pretty soon. I have seen so many inventive ways to grow an abundance of food plants in covered or small spaces on the Socials. Stock up on Bags of planting soil. Buy Heirloom seeds. Learn how to harvest & store seeds for the winter for use the next spring. We are ALL going to need to know how to do this covertly, the New World Order is Totalitarian, they control Everything and will dole it out based on your Social Credit Score that includes food.

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Totally agree! In fact, I thought about building a greenhouse. Yeah I started wonder, Does the soil in bags have containment issues? And then also the water source. How can we purify the water other than adding iodine to it?

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So here's how I planned for the water 🙂 I live in an apartment so I bought a 100 gallon rain barrel for water collection for my balcony and filled it with tap water, after that runs out I have a solar generator to run the refrigerator, a toaster oven or Instant pot to cook. Then a stock pot to boil the rain water and then I am going to use my Brita stand up water cooler to filter out whats left.

Soil, good question but we can't know for sure without a chemical assay and well that likely won't be available. I chose Miracle Grow soil just because I have always used it and it always works so well and for now anyways the Brand would suffer if it stopped miraculously growing 😉 but it can be pretty expensive so I suppose if they have such a thing, Organic potting soil?

The PTB have been ripping out the medicinal plants in my area as well, there are were so many around me from pain killers to constipation I collected as much as I could but its all tainted by the weather modification now.

I plan to use clear plastic sheeting to make the balcony into a greenhouse (I have a really big balcony and I face South).

The Solar Power Station will run everything but the stove as it's 22O Volts but it will charge all your devices and run any 110 volt appliance. I bought a 200w Solar panel. The more solar the better. Of course we can't get caught because I am sure the penalties for feeding yourself will be quite high.

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Thanks for that comprehensive reply! So indeed, I could boil the water. I also have MEMON technology, where it actually changes the structure of the water to make it more pure in addition to the BRITA.

The country I live in there’s a lot of people that have solar panels… However, I don’t know how they’re working because they’re spraying is so much. It’s cloudy every single day. In fact, we went almost 4 months without sunshine… And I noticed because my child got a new telescope in March and we FINALLY had a clear night in July to use it for the first time.

Gardening where I live is popular, and I doubt they’ll come for that. Yeah I stopped gardening almost 2 years ago because of the chemtrails, they were killing everything. So that’s why I was thinking about putting a greenhouse in the garden instead.

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My wife also has mason bees for our garden. She usually refrigerates the sticks after they are plugged.

As for insects, I'm sure GM insects are in the works. After all, they have been released to fight invented pathogens like the West Nile "virus." GM insects are being used for "vaccination" (https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/no-need-for-any-more-vaccinations), spreading Lyme and the like, and even for culinary purposes. The objective is the usual globalist one: total dependency on the (sooner or later global) "government."

Government involvement in chemtrailing started in 1947, and geoengineering entails a lot more than one could imagine:


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The radiation from the wireless grid and everyone's wireless devices is what is killing not just the bees, but all the insects (and birds too), and this has been documented over and over again in multiple studies that I have cited in my book, "Are Wireless Devices Really Safe?". You can find the book only here since Amazon has banned my books for telling too much Truth: https://birthofanewearth.com/2019/07/are-wireless-devices-really-safe/ Here's a brief excerpt from the intro:

Due to the ever-increasing cell tower density that now envelops our world, combined with our own personal use of cell phones, cordless phones, WiFi devices, Ipads, smart meters, baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, smart TVs, smart watches, Alexa devices, smart appliances, smart alarm systems, smart cars, solar electrical systems, and more, our world is now awash in a sea of ultrasonic and microwave radiation that is bringing living systems to the point of collapse. The environmental destruction was most evident to me while I was living on Long Island during the year 2020. At that time, I saw approximately a dozen butterflies and even fewer honeybees during the entire spring and summer season that I spent there. The lack of insects was vividly apparent thanks to the well-established butterfly bushes that stood right outside my front door. Just a few years before, those bushes attracted dozens of butterflies per day and dozens of bees and other insects per hour. Yet during 2020, the bushes stood eerily quiet, with an occasional moth or other flying insect coming to visit. Moreover, our garage and basement would normally be overrun with crickets during the summer. Yet in 2020, I saw a total of three crickets in my basement and zero in the garage. Cicadas, spiders, and lady bugs had also gone sadly missing. And this type of insect loss was occurring all over the Earth.

Moreover, in 2020, cell towers and 5G “small cells” were being rolled-out by the thousands all over Long Island at warp speed. Some of these noxious devices were positioned perilously close to bird nests, causing some birds to abandon their nests while others become aggressive, sterile and/or dead. A colony of parrots (that someone had obviously set free from their homes) had been visiting our bird feeders for several years. Yet in 2020, I saw not a single parrot, nor woodpecker, nor bluebird. All of the birds had seemingly disappeared. My heart ached for the loss of these beautiful beings, yet those around me (most of whom were wearing masks and keeping their heads tilted down toward their phones) appeared completely unfazed.

Similar to insect loss, bird deaths were and are happening all over the world. For example, in 2018, hundreds of birds were seen falling dead out of the trees in the Netherlands when 5G transmitters were turned on nearby. Dozens more were seen dropping out of the sky in Australia, screaming and bleeding from their eyes and beaks and wailing in agonizing pain as they experienced a slow, torturous death. Hundreds of thousands of birds dropped dead in southwest America during 2020, many at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico where an AT&T 5G transmitter is/was in operation. Here is what one person had to say about this massacre:

‘It’s just terrible,’ NMSU biologist Martha Desmond told CNN. ‘The number is in the six figures. Just by looking at the scope of what we’re seeing, we know this is a very large event, hundreds of thousands and maybe even millions of dead birds…’ Desmond first noticed the die-offs last month at the White Sands Missile Range... ‘The birds seem to be in relatively good condition, except that they are extremely emaciated… They have no fat reserves and barely any muscle mass…’ The dead birds include various insect-eating birds such as sparrows, blackbirds, warblers and bluebirds. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so horrible in my life,’ Desmond told local station KRQE. A lot of these species, they’re already in trouble and they’re experiencing declines, and then to have this type of event occur on top of it, it’s devastating.’ The birds have been seen acting strange before their deaths, according to experts at NMSU. Many species that typically perch in trees or bushes have been spotted hopping around on the ground. The birds have often appeared dazed, and many have been hit by cars because they’ve been too slow to get out of the way.”

Additionally, hundreds of thousands of birds each year accidentally collide with cell phone towers and wind turbines and drop to their death from the impact. Tens of thousands more literally catch on fire as they fly over solar power plants as the technology is causing their bodies to ignite into flames. When all of the above is combined with the fact that birds are also starving due to a lack of insects to eat, it is clear that our “clean” and “green” technologies are in fact lethal, and they are threatening the survival of many living things.

While I lived on Long Island, I myself had no wireless devices in or around my home. Nevertheless, I was surrounded by neighbors with WiFi, satellites, cell phones, baby monitors, smart meters, cordless phones, etc. According to www.antennasearch.com, during the year 2020, there were 34 cell towers and 133 antennas within a three-mile radius of my house! Talk about overkill!!! My entire neighborhood was awash in a sea of microwave radiation, causing dozens of plants and trees to become sick and/or dead, with some trees sprouting very few leaves during the summer while others had their leaves turn completely brown and die (especially those located on the side of a tree that is facing a cell tower or microwave antenna). Even inanimate materials were being affected by the noxious radiation. Due to radiation-induced rapid-aging, cement and other foundational building materials were simply breaking down and crumbling into dust. Wooden decks, sheds, and shingles were chipping and rotting away. Mold was growing profusely over aluminum siding in areas where mold had never been a problem before – and that is because microwaves cause mold and fungus to proliferate. Moreover, as radiation levels increase, the likelihood of deadly mycotoxins being released by the mold also increases, and this can make myriad life forms, including humans, very sick.

Mold spores grew at 600 times their regular rate due to the radiation exposure… molds are highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields...

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Great comment, Jeanice! Yes, we and nearly all biologicals are living in a miasma of thick electronic smog, but most of us aren't concerned because it's invisible, (except for the effects), and wireless is just so convenient, stylish, and modern.

Also, wireless just happens to be immensely helpful to the surveillance State, sickness industry, disaster weather and quake industry, and to the mind and body controllers who have uploaded us and many biologicals to the Internet.

I'd cry for us, but too few will allow ourselves to hear the truth. We don't want to break away from the new normal lifestyle. But the birds and the bees and our fewer babies have no say. May there be tears for them and then us taking action.

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Beautifully said Miss Parker and 100% spot-on! I love meeting other people who actually understand what we are up against with these noxious technologies.

Also, I see you are trying to send me a private message here on Substack. Can you send it to my email instead? jeanicebarcelo@yahoo.com That would be very helpful. Tx.

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With your permission, I'd like to post this entire comment on a Stack.. (theparalleluniverse.substack.com), with full credit naturally.

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Oh please do!!!! Share, share, share!!! Also, please lead them to my radiation website at: http://RadiationDangers.com Tx.

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I'm in the UK, in the South. Normally I would have so many cucumbers and tomatoes that I would give them away. This year, my tomato plants gave me a couple of handfuls per plant and then the plants died. The cucumbers gave me two cucumbers per plant, and then they died too. My potato plants died off earlier than normal. The apple tree (which is over 100 years old), despite being well watered because it's basically rained all year here, had plenty of fruit - so the pollinators were around - has since suffered several catastrophes. Either the fruit started to rot on the tree before the apples ripened, or the birds have pecked at the apples until they drop. I concluded that lack of food (bugs) meant that the birds had to look for an alternative source of food to keep them going. The only vegetables that have grown well are parnsips and black radish, which are still in the ground. A family member who lives in cornwall has had it worse than me. Nearly everything she planted was either stunted or never grew at all.

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We're in Gloucestershire, and my partner, who is quite the horticulturist told me that no food is growing in the garden. He has picked some strawberries from the greenhouse, but no raspberries grow anymore in the garden. Deer have eaten the apples

He is the only activist on the planet who doesn't believe that chemtrails are real. I see them sprayed every so often over us here.

My 21st edition is all about the weather. See http://www.truedemocracy.net/td21/index.html and the go to the very last link where the unique feature is of my work, The Demands for the Government page which gives you control over the government that may be spraying the chemtrails, the government in Washington D.C., my government. That page is a boycott of the USA for tourism and products.

I love my country, but despise the government, and it won't get any better after the election either as both candidates are rotten.


Arlene Johnson



To access the rest of my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.

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i live in floriduh, NONE of my crops are growing...usually we don't even have to plant, things will just pop up in our beds at random from the last season, NADA, ZERO, NOTHING. we had 4 tomato plants growing, starting to flower and even starting to fruit, welp the two hurricanes snapped them all. we have NOTHING. aaaaaaaaand NO BEES. the other night i pulled in the driveway, i had the top off the jeep and there was this BIG, beautiful, soft and velvety yellow jacket or bumble bee the really big ones, anyway he was dead in my driveway 💔😡 and i never see them so to see this baby dead was infuriating, i YELLED, STOP SPRAYING YOUR FUCKING LAWNS YOU CROGEDY OLD FUCKS because i live around a bunch of OLD people who SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY theyre POISON OBSESSED, and they were outisde looking at me but i dont care, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! and yes, we have had NO BEES either when usually we are BRIMMING with them and i LOVE my bees, i have such a connection with them, i have rescued many from our pool, from our patio, i give them molasses water and put them in the sun and blow my hot breath on them and sit with them until they fly off, they crawl on me and show me their gratitude for saving them, not this year, i barely saw a handful 😞😞😞 and because of these MANUFACTURED HURRICANES and all the standing water, theyre BLASTING US land and sky with mosquito control 😡😡😡 which yes we know is another big fucking hoax so all the wildlife and my yard, WITHOUT MY CONSENT are being GASSED TO DEATH 😡😡😡 this article has me weeping, i am so so so so sad for us, for humanity, for my MOST BELOVED ANIMALS (i am an ethical vegan of 14 yrs - eating animals is LITERALLY INSANE, sorry NOT SORRY!!!) i am just soooooooooooooo gutted that they are doing this to us, it's maddening, i'm shaking writing this, i want to SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS but everyone thinks i'm CRAZY 😞 so i stay to myself, no friends, no family, i can't relate to anyone anymore, their compliance, their complete and udder DENIAL of shit thats happening RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES 😡👹 i have no more nature to enjoy, they've ruined it all for me here in fl, toxic skies, toxic oceans from all the garbage/debris/chemicals/sewage from these storms, i mean i wouldn't put my big toe in the water at this point, toxic air, toxic food, TOXIC PEOPLE ☠️ what do i have to look forward to?!?!

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Jamie can you not go and explain to them?. I love bees😔so sad.

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it is so sad 😞 i could go to the hoa meetings but i dont have evidence other than my creator given intuition/my knowing that any of this is happening, i am not a researcher, more of a feeler/intuitive...they would all just think i was crazy.

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I so feel you. don’t ever bring up chemtrails at Xmas unless someone else just mentioned 9-11, then it’s ok. You can look fwd to moving to Central America w someone like me, living in the jungle near a beach, endless avocados, mangoes, coconuts, insects and sunsets. And no chemtrails or wireless towers 🏄🐥🐌🙏😍

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I am in Ohio. Early in the growing season, I noticed a lack of bees—all my produce was “baby” with no developing seeds. I, too, was pollinating by hand. We learned that our next door neighbor had sprayed for mosquitoes.😢. After nearly a month, we finally had produce that included seeds, and regular sizes. I put up a bee house—not one tube was filled! But I did get enough tomatoes to can several batches, and ate green and yellow beans, and zucchini and golden squash, and eggplants and cucumbers. I’ve noticed for years the sky grids and X marks the spot in our skies. I feel like crying for the world😢

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Did you not go and confront her?.

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That confrontation over poison pesticides is difficult to satisfactorily resolve with smart but brain-dead neighbors whose idea of outdoor time is hosting BBQs or renting ski condos in Aspen.

I've tried, only to get scared looks from them. It's as if we live in separate and unequal worlds of knowing and caring about things beyond selfish ourselves.

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The self absorption of people is rampant by design.

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Oct 18·edited Oct 18

I want everybody to know that the Charlotte area, where I've lived 32 years (coming from Chicago area) has not had chemtrails for 3 years now. I have been aware of them from the get go because I am a master gardener and a conspiracy theorist . The sun in Charlotte was normally blazing year round. I wore my bathing suit to pick weeds on New Years Day it was so warm- often days in the 70's annd higher in winter.

It went to dusky overcast very suddenly for decades after that, however the sun is back and not going away. We no longer experience the storms or dangerous weather.

The year before we got here, Hurricane Hugo brought the city to a halt having no electricity for a week and that with all utilities buried underground, in addition to the loss of trees that also damaged homes in our official "Tree City USA".

For the first several years we did experience regular weather damage: severe flooding that brought a freight train on a tressle crashing into a ravine, 90' trees down from severe winds that damaged homes, caved in roofs and cars. Then hail damaged all roofs, we had wind sheers that lifted a heavy picnic table off a neighbor's balcony to a place unknown, constant lightning storms, a storm that brought a huge passenger plane down near the airport, killing friends of airport employees who live here.

We had constant bee and wasp problems, building multiple nests on houses & in attics. Bats as well.

Turn the page and now we have no such thing, not even close when the bankers made Charlotte the #2 banking city in the U.S.

People with all skills or no skills worked for them and the turnover rate was exceedingly high. This area has continued to be one of the fastest growing areas in the country since before we moved here 32 years ago and it is still one of the fastest growing areas in the country.

The chemtrails was the most obvious change a few years ago and I eventually put 2 and 2 together when I found that it did not go away anywhere else in the country that I'm aware of.

It had already killed off the bees & most all other insects but ants. Wildflowers, and multiple bird species disappeared. They are all slowly coming back.

Thanks to a neighbor who raises bees I see dozens of bees on my humming bird feeders. Unfortunately they threaten the hummingbirds.

We still experience what I consider manufactured weather, however during this last deadly hurricane we only had a low level storm. I was oblivious to stated damage and astronomical deathrates elsewhere in the Carolinas until my husband told me what the mainstream news covered in depth.

It wasn't on any independent news sight I visit online and I believe the death statistics are exaggerated.

My sister on the west coast of Florida, whose home was predicted to be underwater, had no damage but her electricity was out for days. My neice in Tampa stayed in her home scared to death by the reporting but only had electricity go out for days. They couldn't stay in communication because their cell phones lost charge.

Maybe this is a plan to put us back to sleep here, then surprise us with a real live catastrophic event we might poo poo after so many threats fell flat.

Who knows and who cares at this point? I don't. If It happens it happens, and I am not going to stock up again for two years to let it sit in the basement for 4 years again.

To me this life of fear and false threats, blatantly fake news worsening each year, is purposeful. I have been forced to look inside myself for what is worth investing in, and that is me. I am all I have that I need to be responsible for. It is the same for every individual. Once you focus on the purpose of life your opinions and goals change. If this earth is not our home then look at it that way. There are other valuable assets that don't try to destroy you when you invest in them.

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worst harvest year ever. Seattle suburb...oppressive muggy heat ...no insects compared to previous years...we had mason bees all killed by birds so we had to keep birds away from the bee houses. It is all so sad

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Terrifying stuff. Bad enough that they feel like they need to flex their muscles and block the sun, but taking out the bees is beyond stupid, it’s suicidal. We let the powerful be powerful, gave them whatever they wanted generously, and now it’s time to pay for it.

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Thought only God could block the sun.evil people l hate gates!😡

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I wish only God could do that. Too many of us don’t know our place anymore*. Gates is just the most visible cretin at the top of the food chain. What about Fink at Blackrock, or the DuPont family and our friends at Monsanto? Etc etc etc

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God has a plan . don't worry 🙂♥️

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Although I’m not conventionally religious, I do Believe. I look to your words with joy, not only because I believe them to be true, but because the only way we’ll come out of this alive and ready to serve His higher purpose is by having Faith. Faith that He does have a Plan. Faith in boatloads. Faith overflowing like the abundance of Eden. The kind of Faith science can’t touch, that needs no proof. All else is gutless and cowardly, IMHO.

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I wonder how Gates thinks he's going to feed the world bugs when they are all gone?

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He doesn’t plan to feed many, it’s a genocide after all.

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artificial GMO-ones, probably. totally controlled production.

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Hate him !😡 Evil Sociopath!. GOD WILL STOP YOU ,YOU BASTARD!!

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I to am from Michigan and I was saying the same thing!! No bees no crickets or other insects. Crazy how they are destroying our eco system thinking it's helping us. Our government hates us and wants us dead.

Also have you noticed that a brownish/rust color on your shoes when u walk in the grass??

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Yes my feet are black even after rain. I used to think it was because it was dry and we were surrounded by farmers with dusty fields. But when we get rain of over an inch in one day and my feet are black then I wonder. We are also in Michigan and get the rust in the fall in the grass for years

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Southhwest England same. No crops. No veg grew--handfuls at best--Sun blocked constantly hundreds of chem flights daily. Bees dying on ground. Hardly any bees. It is sad ro watch it happening. Animals suffering due to freak amounts of 'rain' which leaves soil hard as concrete and their fur wool or feathers stripped of natural oils. . If you use a plant identification app, it identifies that nearly every tree, bush, and plant on our hillside, "your plant looks sick!"

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I’ve been researching GeoEngineering and watching the sky for 12 years. It’s beyond sad and frightening. The spraying has gotten so much worse in the past few years.

What are we supposed to do? I’ve been trying to wake people up. I know collectively we need to stick together and do something.

I feel so bad for the animals, insects, oceans.. all the ecosystems. I feel bad for all the children. They don’t deserve this.

The ‘powers that shouldn’t be’ are beyond horrific.

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big TQ Agent. this is one of the saddest posts I've ever read. many farmers here, including gardeners, over the past few years managed to rethink and rearrange their former ways of producing (using lots of pesticides etc) in favour of more natural ways of production, but now the battle is against massive buy outs and subsequent urbanisation. it's absolutely vicious what's being done against gardening and agriculture. the culling of the bees, weather-/geo-engineering and the disasters follwing that need to get exposed for the crime it is.

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I'm in the woods of NW NJ and can confirm a masive reduction in bees, spiders, butterflies and dragonflies over the past 3 years. Also saw crinkled dead green leaves from white oaks this summer, and they did not leaf out as normal. My property is historically deep shade under 70-90ft oaks and 60ft maples, this year dappled sunlight covered the forest floor.

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