Corona is a non-communicable sensor disease spreading worldwide through misusing of processed radio frequency. So far higher authorities of health services are facing the undesirable escalating causes of coronavirus towards human beings as a very scientific puzzle comprehensive issue. The study aims to evaluate the maltreating of wireless sensor networks that affect individuals within the body boundary area. Wireless sensor data were collected from individual’s profile, diagnosis and sensor node records at laboratory experiments. The study shows the effect of processed sensor nodes among individual’s body organs to compare with the existing environments. The study illustrates all individuals suffer from sensor disease due to reflecting of wavered sensors at open eyes sights with high speed electromagnetic-radio tracking systems. The overweight and obesity patients are sick from corona disease at less sensor time in a dark environment than that of light conditions. These findings replicate the severe global one health security that the expert provides in active eyes within geographic locations. Systematic healthcare awareness is essential for treatment with medical technological devices but such consciousness is poorly recognized and medication supports are still below par. The study suggests upcoming healthcare paths of a new dynamic alternative approach to promote global public health security concerning Sensor Health Policy and Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

This is from a scientific peer reviewed paper 2021 with over a 100 cited resources...


Good Luck and enjoy this paper!

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The demonic, sub-human, featherless bipeds behind this, as well as those willing participants, should be stripped and placed in the cages they are reserving for the animals they intend to experiment on. Then kindly leave their fate in my gentle hands.

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Considering that it goes much further…. It plots on the bell curve.

On the left are 12 to 15 % of us with insufficient IQ to enter the military; natural selection hierarchy. incompetence

On the right 16.25 % are smart enough to figure it out and don't take action; self preservation, forgiveness, fear

62.5 % will not speak truth to the de facto: they have family, business, job; life consumes their time, TV, internet, drugs, cognitive dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome.

That leaves 3 to 5 % on the left; the Khazarian mafia, industrial-military-legislative - judiciary - executive - UN - Nazi - Communist- Satanist etc etc complex, that controls, the stupid, BLM, antifa, incorporated governance on the left side-most labor Unions

3 to 5% on the right to take back our Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. www.orsja.org I am unable to duplicate on this text the graph.

Consider responding. All of us, need a Jural Assembly. I made a statement at what point did sensible enter into this? To walk away is sensible, to acquiesce Quisling, inability to say truth to the de facto makes up 62.5 % plus of the population, there is a large dispossessed population, a very small percentage will do Athens, Tennessee 1946. I drew a line, "not one infringement on my unalienable rights granted by my God will go without challenge." it is codified on the land and soil of The United States of America's Constitutional republican form of government circa 1859, original jurisdiction.

May I speak with you about: original jurisdiction? It is found in the de jure Constitutional republican form of government as juxtaposed to the de facto, color of law, incorporated governance that you are part of: the illegal or illegitimate United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. Government is not incorporated. The benevolent or malevolent form of martial law / Lieber code / FEMA being served up to their subdivisions, such as: the State of Oregon's Salem oligarchy in the current social democrat era.

www.orsja.org All of us On Oregon implemented ex parte Milligan. This nullified martial law with our Civilian Court of record. This in turn led us to our Grand Jury on Oregon as ARTICLE I Section 1 a social compact, Oregon’s provisional de jure government. A government with an Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction found in Amendment VII lawfully and legally on Oregon in 2022. This was accomplished by the Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka ARTICLE I Section 1. Signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service properly, and then published www.orsja.org. These were acquiesced to by: USDOJ, USMS, FBI, USMC, State of Oregon aka STATE OF OREGON's executive, legislative, judiciary, 36 sheriffs and 38 prosecutors, Provost Marshal and JAG; defaulted to many times over.

This same process is available to the other 32 states and commonwealths and the 17 Territories and we need to establish de jure as the law form as opposed to the de facto currently existing, incorporated, color of law, form of the City of Portland is a subdivision of the County of Multnomah is a subdivision of the State of Oregon is a subdivision of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc with forts, ports, armory and needful buildings.operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / Communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be. So, we took them out on Oregon. November 2022.

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IMIC Iatrogenic Military Industrial Complex, in action!

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Just in time for Spars! Isn't that 2025- 2028?

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I am sitting in the location I found in Golden where the lab is listed and there’s definitely not a lab anywhere near here. After looking online, I think the confusion is with the name RCMC and it’s in Montana. Montana state just voted in November to strip state funding of it. Not sure what is going on, but it’s not in Golden, CO.

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