Military "CYBORGS 2050" DOCUMENT: Tax-Funded TRANSHUMANISM 🤖 Removing Eyeballs & Implanting Sensors
The elimination of the human race. This sh*t is terrifying... and they say it will be arriving between 2030 - 2050.
“A cyborg’s activity is presumptively recorded and that data may be stored or transmitted… Unless one specifically engineers a cyborg to resist such collection or interception, it will by default facilitate surveillance. In the event a cyborg is engineered to resist surveillance, data are still created. In other words, a world of cyborgs is a world awash in data… As the pace of technological development accelerates, human/machine enhancements become a reality in the years leading up to 2050” -Our Cyborg Future: Law and Policy Implications
I am going to publish a multi-part series that thoroughly outlines the Transhuman Agenda, but I thought this is a great starting point, because its a chilling document that few have seen, but all need to be aware of.
The militaries CYBORGS 2050 document reveals the goal, essentially, to eliminate the human species by 2050. What lies ahead for us is a terrifying existence, in which nothing natural can remain. When you combine this with the steps they have already taken toward Transhumanism, it’s very clear that, not only is this already in progress, but it’s going full steam ahead. (2 minute video)
Human Rights are for humans. If people are no longer human, they no longer have Human Rights… and they know this… and they have been discussing this since, at least, 2012. They danced around the human-nonhuman topic at the Cyborg Soldier 2050 Workshop. Let’s dive into the document:
The term “Cyborg” was first used by NASA in the 1960’s to describe an organism that is optimized by dynamic interactions of its organic (flesh) and biomechatronic (machine) parts.
In 2018 and 2019, the US Army authored a 42-page document titled, “Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DoD”. This document discusses, “current and emerging technologies relevant to assisting and augmenting human performance”, which are, “technically feasible by 2050 or earlier”.
The publication mentions the militaries partnership with NATO, who is also onboard with the Agenda. It frequently discusses their need to get the public on-board with Cyborgs, in addition to the concern that Religious beliefs are a challenge because religions tend to frown on stuff like this. Therefore, a Psychological Operation (PSYOP) is needed to change the publics views, ASAP.
This is what they’re working on, folks. They plan to have all of this ready for public rollout soon:
Ocular (Vision) Enhancements: According to the document, there are two ways Science can alter vision abilities. The first is, “Data streams would be overlaid against the retinal wall”. The data would then be sent through the optic nerve to the brain, where it will be recorded and uploaded from the brain, which is synched to the Cloud. The second method is far more terrifying, “the eyeball itself is completely replaced, and data feeds pass directly into the optical nerve bundle behind the eye.”
They claim, “The enhanced individual would be programmed to be part of the expeditionary unit and would be capable of performing functions autonomous of external data feeds”, and state that this technology should be ready by 2030.
Muscle Enhancement: This enhancement involves implanting a bunch of different sensors beneath the skin, “in the body areas that need to be controlled”. The implants work with with external sensors that will be worn by the Cyborg. These external sensors can be located in boots, or wearables, such as a watch. These wearables will be “linked to a central computational controller”. They have already been heavily investing our money into clothing with sensors and GPS location devices. Check out my Substack post, “Gov Funded Clothing that Tracks, Monitors and Records You”
Auditory (Hearing) Enhancement: For this enhancement, they will modify or replace the middle-ear bones and the cochlea. This technology will be made for “the general population by the year 2050”
Neural (Brain) Enhancement: Perhaps one of the scariest yet, this enhancement is for “two-way data transfer”, meaning the Cyborg can send, and receive data directly through its brain. The Cyborgs brain will be seamlessly connected to computers and “machines”. This will allow the Borg to control drones, weapon systems and more through thoughts. “Brain activity will be monitored noninvasively through electrodes placed upon the scalp or skull or more invasively through the direct implantation of electrodes to the brain surface or deeper structures and networks” They plan to have this technology available by 2030.
Dear government,
If you have to turn me into a cyborg, can I at least have a cat to drive around in?
Thanks in advance,
The Cyborg Soldier 2050 Workshop
During the Cyborg Soldier 2050 Workshop, numerous legal questions were raised, in which they dance around the topic of Human Rights, without using that exact phrase. While you read this scary sh*t, keep in mind, the workshop was for Cyborg Soldiers, but the questions they are pondering seem to be geared toward the general public being transformed into Borgs. Here’s some of the questions they brought up:
If an enhanced warfighter is caught and captured, does he have the same protections under the Geneva Convention, and will his enhanced status alter the treatment he is likely to receive?
Can a person be prevented from having or using an enhancement under special circumstances (such as entering a bank or sensitive compartmented information facility, gambling in a casino, taking a test, or negotiating a contract)?
Can an employer discriminate against an enhanced or non-enhanced person? Can a business refuse to serve an enhanced person? Can the enhanced person be paid more for services than a non-enhanced person working in the same capacity?
Are an enhanced individual’s capability to monitor, record, and communicate conversations and images bound by the same legal frameworks that govern wiretapping and privacy laws for cell phones and other recording devices?
Is the misuse of enhanced technology on the part of an employee grounds for deactivation? (GROUNDS FOR “DEACTIVATION”! WE ARE TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE! WTF!)
Is there a legal precedent for passing laws that restrict or modulate technology integral to our bodies?
Who is liable for any accidents caused by malfunctioning of the technology? (Basically, when your neighbor, who has the government-implanted laser eyes, burns your house down to the ground, who is responsible for this? The government? Or your homeowners insurance? Or you? Maybe you can sue Cyclops on Judge Judy?)
Can a person sign away legal authority or control over something inside his body (i.e., akin to a delegation of authority or responsibility)?
Will people be required to disclose the presence of enhancements within their bodies? If so, when, why, and to whom?
Can someone be screened to reveal an enhancement that is NOT visible through the use of a metal detector or body scanner? What is the expectation of privacy for enhanced individuals and the people interacting with them?
I imagine this will be the new definition of “coworkers” in 2050:
(4:26 video)
5G, 6G, altering the earths FREQUENCY for transhumanism: (1:46 video)
This presentation is from 2012 and covers the “Body Area Network”. I’ll admit, I have not watched it. (40 minute video)
As mentioned, we will be diving deep into the Transhuman Agenda very soon, which includes shocking revelations, such as the police already discussing how DNA tracking will work when humans are no longer humans, so be sure to subscribe!
The nano tech is already in everyone. We may never know at what point we become "enhanced". It's happening without our knowledge or awareness.
The disturbing thing is that some may think this is cool. They think that we'll become like those characters in Ghost In The Shell but in actuality we'll be more enslaved like the Borg in Star Trek.
Enhanced Lives Matter!!!!
Great stuff.