I identify as a human cockroach immune to their filth.

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People will be fooled, easily led to their own demise, and go willingly...yet try getting a person that's been misled into believing that they've been fooled.

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PT Barnum understood...funny how much this whole thing is like a 3 ring circus.

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Since viruses don’t exist & Covid not natural issue, can we call Covid a man-made pathogens 🦠,

. Stopped all my synthetic vitamins about 6 months ago .. thank you

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Looks like COVID is caused by Graphene Oxide and EMFs. And the main ingredient in the jabs is Graphene Oxide. It was also in the masks and tests, and many other places. Why am I not surprised? Read this substack for the story: https://covidproject.substack.com/archive

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If it has graphene, it’s not a vaccine” Sabrina Wallace on Psienergy on Odyssey… learn how to get your energy/chi working .. may be our only option to fight these new technologies off .. it’s better than nothing..

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Exactly...I love SW...wish I were as smart as she so I could understand everything she says. Not even close...I still try though. It was NOT a "virus" and it's definitely NOT a vaccine.

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Awesome link …. How did I miss this all this time … 🙏

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I don't even remember how I found it but I read it all in 2 days. Now have ordered electrodes to test water and magnets to look for graphene in anything and everything. I knew about La Quinta Columna for a couple of years (and SW mentions them often) but never was convinced that graphene (+EMF) was the cause of it all until now. That and the people with the "buttons" playing us like a video game. I really hate this world...but it's all for OUR health, right?

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Thank you for reporting this. I have included it in my comprehensive list of methods of global control and depopulation:


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Just think of all the "Health Freedom" Poseurs selling expensive chemical 'supplements'...

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I must say... I’m quite cautious about this theory. If bacteria cannot infect us and virus do not exist then how can bacterial infections occur, and how do people get infected with viruses like chicken pox, mononucleosis, or any number of other communicable disease occur by way of contact. I am late to class here but I am sincere in my postulation as it is all I’ve ever known to be true per my proper brainwashing growing up...

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

There are no 'communicable diseases'

These are ALL of the human trials done in history, where they tried to get sick people to spread alleged communicable diseases through natural pathways to healthy people, it ALWAYS FAILED. There is not a single experiment/study/observation in history where you put a sick person, in a reasonably controlled environemnt, next to healthy people, to try to get them sick, and succeed. They literally all failed to transmit disease through natural routes:


There is absolutely no evidence of communicable diseases through natural routes

Note how it's important to stress that it be through natural routes. Natural routes means that you breathe in other people's air or touch each other somehow and *transmit* the alleged 'pathogen' through close contact.

It's important to stress this because many people try to fool you into thinking contagion exists through studies that do unnatural interventions, like injecting foreign substances into animals' brains, or injecting stuff up people's noses and then finding out they get a runny nose (shocker!). These methods of intervention are completely unnatural and would never happen in nature. And, more importantly, it is not how *germ theory* is supposed to work. Germ theory alleges that you breathe in other people's bugs, or at least come into close contact with them from other people, not that someone comes up to you and injects something up your nose and that's why you get sick

A natural question that arises from this is, "But my friends/family and I all got sick at the same time.. How do you explain that?"

People getting sick at the same time doesn’t mean a disease was spread. If that were true, we’d think scurvy was infectious bc it used to appear in groups that ate the same bunch of crap

Same environment = same disease

If you and a group of friends all drink until you all get sick, we wouldn’t say the intoxication spread to everyone

What happens is the toxic conditions that got everyone sick were experienced by everyone

If contagion were really a thing we’d have tens, if not hundreds, of simple well-controlled experiments where sick donors got healthy recipients to show the symptoms of disease through natural routes of exposure

These don’t exist. Yes, really, they don’t exist. Why?

What we have is the opposite: A bunch of experiments that show sick donors cannot pass disease symptoms to healthy recipients through natural routes

If anything, the (reasonable) hypothesis has been reasonably rejected

Also, something that is very important is that if this is correct vaccines are at the very least useless, and at worst poisonous and deadly.

If you look into the literature, you can find that vaccines did absolutely nothing at large scale to prevent deaths from the diseases they were supposed to be tackling, which is in line with the idea that contagion through natural pathways of diseases doesn't exist. This is all government-sourced data that shows how vaccines are at best useless at large scale:


It's all a psyop and there's enough literature and resources to understand that germ theory is nonsense, bacteria don't make you ill, and viruses don't even exist. It's a psyop and a half that supports a trillion dollar industry of pharma + medicine

Also, specific antibodies are nonsense (also in line with the idea that jabs don't work), but that's a little more complicated. More on that here:


If anyone else wants to go down the rabbit hole, here are some great resources where you can probably find answers to any questions you may have:




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And if they’re aren’t viruses, why did my antivirals work when I had shingles?

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Yes still figuring that one out too. Quite convoluted to say the least.

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At least Merck got Ivermectin out into the world (even though they tried to pull it back during C19.)

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How much safer is methylcobalamine than Cyanocobalamin? Or do you think all synthetic vitamins are poisoning us?

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@Charles Maybe you meant viruses? Because that’s true. Viruses don’t exist. Here’s a great video that should clear up that nonsense.


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Big pharma is always experimenting with murderous substances to kill off their potential customers. This is how dumb these companies really are. Is Pig Pharma going to get richer when there are only about 60-70 million Americans remaining and half of them are anti-human bio-jerks? Is US business going to thrive with 250 million less people? I guess they plan on importing a whole new crop of sick and diseased people from other parts of the world. Zoo time.

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Excellent work

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Great info, just don't fall for the germ theory psyops. It's all nonsense. Bacteria can't make us sick, no matter how much you 'genetically modifiy' them (more nonsense). That's why they would use *chemicals* to poison ppl, not biological agents

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Bacteria is real and can make us sick. They use bacteria in vitamins, vaccines and bioweapons to grow a "culture". The culture is then poisoned. Then it can be aerosolized, injected, fed to us through food, supplements or the water supply and we do get sick. Then they call it a virus and dis-ease (disease) and sell us injections and prescriptions.

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Yes, bacteria are real. Nope, germ theory is nonsense and bacteria *themselves* don't make you sick.

It seems like bacteria come *after* the 'disease' has started.

Here, these 2 sources show how Dr Fraser had people ingest millions of bacteria from diphtheria, typhus, pneumonia, tuberculosis (the supposedly most contagious/deadly one), meningitis, and none of the people got sick. Notice how not only did they not get the supposed disease from these supposed 'causal agents of disease', they didn't even get sick. No 'flu' symptoms, no diarrhea, nothing.



It seems like bacteria are harmless in and of themselves. This doesn't mean that if someone releases a 'cocktail with bacteria in it' nearby you, it won't make you sick. This 'cocktail with bacteria in it' may have other chemicals that might trigger a healing/decontamination response (which we recognize as disease), but the bacteria themselves won't make you sick, as far as any evidence/experiment/trial/study has ever shown.

Also, and more importantly to make the case that germ theory is nonsense and a complete psyop and close contact with bacteria doesn't make you sick (remember, the bacteria themselves won't, but if you lace the bacteria culture with some other shit, perhaps that will get you sick), here are 50+ human trials/experiments/studies that tried to get healthy people sick, but they ALL FAILED. These studies are mostly of 'viral illnesses' but there are some 'bacterial illnesses' in there. If bacteria made you sick, you'd think there'd be at least one experiment of the sort that showed how if you put a sick people next to a healthy person, that healthy person will become sick. It doesn't exist and it's been tried hundreds of times. Germ theory is nonsense and a psyop


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Thank you

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I agree with Charles. I think the bacteria are a cover story. People think that it is the mold in the house that's making them sick, not the damp rotting materials releasing chemicals during decomposition. The fungi are there for custodial duties just as they do in the forest.

You said it best. "The culture is then poisoned". My educated guess is that mostly "biological weapons" should more appropriately be called chemical weapons. Deadly germs has a nice ring to it for the fearful... but nature just doesn't work like that. That's why they have to put all those hazardous lab synthetics in the supplements...

Also, how do I get a copy of that gluing plastic on the bird meme you made? That is too hilarious not to steal and pass along.

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Yep, that's what I think happens with mold making people sick. The mold is there for a reason. Most likely there's some building material that's toxic and the mold appears to process it. It may then itself excreet stuff that's toxic (not sure about this, but I think it happens), but the culprit is not the mold, is whatever shitty/toxic construction material is in the home

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Well said! But this this is fundamental back n forth of virus pushing folks and no virus folks ..... is bacteria traceable?

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deletedMar 8
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Actually, it’s an absolutely brilliant marketing ploy. Threaten to “regulate” the supplement industry, buy up all the little guys who panic, get free publicity and it doesn’t matter if the regulations go through or not.

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deletedMar 10
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There is a lot to be desired with Dan Wigington, and it is my belief the spooks would have killed him long ago if he were real. They kill everyone. He ignores you as I found out years ago (almost 20 years), asking why he never mounts any protests at major USAF bases...not rocket science to know which bases the planes fly from. I even joined Facebook years ago (I didn't last long at FB), and one of his followers answered for him saying: Too dangerous for Dane, he would be killed. Yup. The screws told him I'm evil incarnate (how I prove people talk to this occupation government) he ignores every video / picture /email I've ever sent. Still, I post his website to red pill the sheeple and look at videos. Yes, you are 100% right.

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deletedMar 11
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Yep. That's it.

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