The entire corporate structure is Satanic. It's all based on usury, a part of Babylonian money magic. Magic is done by Magi (priests). When you buy stock in a company you lend money at interest. This provides a layer of insulation between the funder of the company and the evil that must be done to secure the profit. It's possible to own stock and to not know that you are complicit in evil. Anglicanism is the religion of the stockholder, who profits from foreign evil. The stockholder is the Pontius Pilate, washing his hands of evil in the basin of the Hell he has built for himself and his progeny.

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Very excellent summary. I like it. Dabbling in mutual funds is equivalent to trafficking in human flesh. Research the CUSIP number assigned to every case processed by the courts.

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Thank you, agent.

Eugenics is the real religion of this world.

Brickshire Hathaway and Microsoft, lovely partnership.

The giving project. It just keeps on giving.

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noun: eugenics

Eugenics is a word we inherited from our ancestors the Greeks.

The word eugenics comes from a Greek word that means “wellborn.”

Eu - the first syllable translates as “good”.

Genics - the second syllable translates as “born”.

The term eugenics was coined in the 1880s'.

a. It refers to the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable.

b. a social and political philosophy, based loosely on Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory and Francis Galton’s research on hereditary genius, that seeks to eradicate genetic defects and improve the genetic makeup of populations through selective human breeding.

c. Positive eugenics is directed toward promoting reproduction by individuals with ostensibly superior traits,

d. whereas negative eugenics is directed toward preventing reproduction by individuals with traits that are considered to be undesirable.

The battlefield is language.

Eugenics is noble and kind and seeks only to improve the human race by adding in more genes for beauty, health and intelligence.

Negative eugenics by sterilization seeks only to reduce the number of criminals, malformed and retarded creatures that plague our beautiful earth.

As far as the intelligent people of the earth are concerned “eugenics” is a word that describes a concept that means - “good genes”, as per its definition in the dictionary of the English language.

The people you would like to reach are not impressed with use of definitions for words that would give the opposite affect.

For example:

war = peace

up = down

hot = cold

debt = wealth

eugenics = premeditated mass murder

Eugenics has nothing to do with murdering anyone just because they happen to be defective in mind, body or spirit.

At its root, the very word eugenics means: good genes.

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You mentioned Coca-Cola as a spermicide. In the mid-1960s, the awesomely weird NYC band The Fugs recorded "Coca-Cola Douche", complete with fizzy sound effects. These guys, headed by Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg, also recorded a track that remains one of my anthems to this day: "Wide Wide River", dedicated to LBJ, the MIC, and federal politics in general. I recall seeing The Fugs in a dive of a club in the Village late in 1969. Sanders opened the show by rising from a coffin onstage. Nobody ever accused The Fugs of promoting good taste.

[Warning: Potentially offensive lyrics]



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Fascinating article about our diabolical government. Thank you. I do want to say that in Maine (where I live) SNAP/EBT credit is accepted by vendors at farmers markets. See here:


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Its not your government. Hello? "They" are trying to kill you in 1,001+ ways. Thanks for sharing the link. Glad to hear. Not all poor people are stupid. Poor is a 'setup'. Its a result of the fraudulent monetary system. Government is your enemy.

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Good points.

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They used to call this "shopping at the company store", where the script paid for cheap slave labor can only be spent in house...it recycles the "wages" back to the robber barrons.

When you play Monopoly and the game is over (last man standing), all the pieces and money go back in the box. When you play it in real life, the winners loot and kill the losers.

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Did you know Kraft is the Norwegian word for power?

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Thank you for inspiring my article today. I tried my best to add further details, including Agent's previous ones, and put it in a global perspective:


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And the icing on the cake. . . I believe I got this from Ray Horvath, The Source, here on Substack.

I am sure some of you have seen this document, actually a slide-show from 2001.


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Apex Useless Eaters is my new favorite term! Haha brilliant!

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The other part is who issues those cards and what fees do they get. This is an old article https://www.thedailybeast.com/jp-morgans-food-stamp-empire

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Thank you, Mr Agent Man. Good work. However, I believe that Sam Walton oversaw POW camps, not Japanese internment camps. You might want to correct that, as even the link you provided makes this clear.

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Agent was close enough for government work as the saying goes. Much closer to the truth than the story circulated by the Mormons (the most gullible people on the planet) about the guy who had the opportunity to invest in Walmart at it's inception but chose to buy a lawnmower instead. Pure malarky.

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And if the Coke fails to reduce fertility, there’s always the abortion clinic around the corner. No abortion clinic desert there.

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