Nice work. I received one of those letters telling me they were going to upgrade the meter a couple months ago. I opted out which means I have to pay for a non-smart meter (dumb meter) and a monthly charge for someone to read it. The meter is actually about 100 feet from the house.

I did notice in one of the videos done by a Maui real-estate agent that was doing the best work on informing and investigating - that one of the photos was a fire at the meter but only a limited area burned. I had wondered if the non-affected buildings had an industrial surge protector and if it is possible to intentionally run a surge of power to a building to burn it. But none of these looked like typical electrical fires - so for these effects accelerants may be needed.

I believe there are special coatings for military aircrafts that make they virtually invisible - also not sure at what altitude these planes could function at - I would think there would be field effects (like seen on 9/11- burned vehicles blocks away). Not noticing a plane is not that big of a deal - so many folks don't even observe chemtrails - and once a nice layer of haze forms - the flights above it can only be observed where there are breaks in the cover. But given the smoke in the area - don't think many would have noticed if an army of planes flew over. When a fire starts - people tend to focus on that action and fail to observe or ignore what is happening outside of that focal point. The beam of energy used with DEWs are probably not visible. I think microwaves best explain what was observed here and those many fires on the west coast and I think spraying may enhance it. We also know they immediately secured the area from outside observers and prohibited drones. Despite all the ruins to clear - they initially focused on pulling out metal drain pipes and replacing them with plastic or concrete. I found this video helpful:. If houses burn but trees do not, is it really a forest fire?


Thanks -Stay free

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There are approx. 1,400 cops of all kinds in the District of Criminals. Visitors to the congressional building are allowed on a regular basis. After being made to go through metal detectors and lined up single file before entering the chambers, they find themselves surrounded by cops wielding machine guns. The head cop informs them that if anyone threatens or even intimates violence, they will shoot to kill. He also emphasizes that in the rooms lacing the chambers there are similarly armed cops with cameras and audio monitoring everything and possessing the same shoot to kill orders at any sign of disturbance. Considering all of this makes it glaringly obvious (as if it wasn't anyway) that Jan. 6th was a fabricated, pre-meditated, contrived psy-op, as phony as a federal reserve note, and all of the scumbag, slimy System players and actors were in on it, most notably the despicable, lying clown, Donald Trumpowitz.

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Of course, if it is Hunter's coke in the White House, like Sgt Schultz of Hogan's Heroes, then it is "I know nuttttthhhhing!""

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So the Donald did it in order to stop the chamber from raising questions about the vote? Good one.

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The so-called vote is a joke of the Cryptocracy. If voting could effectuate real change, they would do away with it overnight. It's three card Monte for hucksters and fools. Trumpowitz played his role as he was instructed to, no other reason. His wire pullers don't give a flying fuck if he was any objections to it, and believe me he doesn't.

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Pepper spray is noticeably a more yellow color and not the more dark mustard color as in the training video.

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Sorry posted on the wrong story.

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