Yea. We can’t escape the jabs they put on the meat. But at least we can go to the local ranch and buy half a real cow, like I pointed out. You should tell your husband to give carnivore a go, it’s great for guys. I do feel like women do need some carbs here and there because of their cycle and all, but it might be a good idea to put Mr. …
Yea. We can’t escape the jabs they put on the meat. But at least we can go to the local ranch and buy half a real cow, like I pointed out. You should tell your husband to give carnivore a go, it’s great for guys. I do feel like women do need some carbs here and there because of their cycle and all, but it might be a good idea to put Mr. Agent on a real meat diet. And if you do, skip the pork. Do ruminants only. That’s what we are adapted to eat. Pork ain’t the best. I can testify from experience. I stopped eating pork a while ago (it didn’t leave me satisfied at all; I felt hungrier than usual after having it)
Yea. We can’t escape the jabs they put on the meat. But at least we can go to the local ranch and buy half a real cow, like I pointed out. You should tell your husband to give carnivore a go, it’s great for guys. I do feel like women do need some carbs here and there because of their cycle and all, but it might be a good idea to put Mr. Agent on a real meat diet. And if you do, skip the pork. Do ruminants only. That’s what we are adapted to eat. Pork ain’t the best. I can testify from experience. I stopped eating pork a while ago (it didn’t leave me satisfied at all; I felt hungrier than usual after having it)