Crazy! So, I’m wondering… while I’ve never gotten fake produce, if I did, I would return to the store and confront the store manager about it. Not to be a b*tch about it, but to inform (and get a refund). So has anyone done this? Has anyone taken the fake food back? I think if enough ppl did this and the store began losing shoppers, maybe they would change suppliers?
Exactly my thought. If I come across any of these weird foods, which thankfully so far I haven’t (or wasn’t aware if I have), I’ll be bringing it straight back to the store and telling the person at the store the situation.
And that fake food will still be sold, because those managers aren't the buyers and don't need to stir things up at headquarters only to lose their jobs when other customers don't notice and the FDA certainly doesn't care. Only systematic testing and documentation of the plastics and toxins in produce and food products and a class-action lawsuit against them and their suppliers might catch their attention, and, hopefully, not enough to have you de-banked and stalked.
A protocol of volunteer buyers and comprehensive testing by independent labs is what we need, if not for a lawsuit, for finding sources of genuine food for our families. Even farmers markets have been compromised in various ways, such that it's still an act of faith to believe their foods are non-GMO, organic, and raised by them when they say they are, as opposed to having been bought from commercial vendors for resale at the markets.
We really should invest in unadulterated seed and grain and make our own soil for the greenhouses, chicken coops, rabbit hutches, and undercover fish ponds we build and that have superior air and water filtration. All we would need for such an undertaking is the time, money, space, know-how, and permits, if we live in the city.
Thing is, they're already starting to restrict food gardening in towns and communities across Agenda 30 America.
You have a lot more faith than i do about lawsuits........ The legal systems in the "western" world and beyond are ALL in on the crimes.......... so good luck with that route!
The route I would prefer is independent testing by a consortium of concerned citizens. Of course, the just us system is rigged and has been for a long time.
Agreed much corruptions and good judges override,but some success most successful is Leslie Moonikians law firm in area of vaccines and mask's and such..few big wins made headlines recently in anti vaxx camps.
I believe her technique involves ignoring there conspiracy to big player connections and getting them on technicalitys of laws being infringed..They need to respect bit of that to keep illusion it's a fair system.If goes to nation al security stuff with to big to fail evil entities killing n such they'll stop the proceedings..In short you play the game their way by their rules and you know their methods you can counter play them and win..go in saying their trying to harm everyone not a chance even if true. Why set yourself up for guaranteed failure, very questionable!!!leslie got mask mandates lifted!!-to some extent - huge!Copy her! She's legally meticulous and settles for winning battles,not entire war,the only way gang!
More frightening to me is the gene editing shots for animals or humans..I guess various methods for frankenfoods but is there a test Agent to see if the gene transfer was successful? Their inferring 100 % Success changing genes with shot that's suspect.
Considering how labor intensive it is to shoot up each plant as well it seems they may be using the access to the plant with needle to effect our genes,simple poisoning with a slow action poison also cones mind .
good question! agent131711 lteraly tried everything with all the fake food he could get. From feeding ants, letting it rot under the sun, left for bigger animals who didnt touched any of it for months....but never did he brought it back for refund( logical since he was wanting them for testing, but heh, refund is a test to! hehe)
If anyone have the bad luck to get one fake stuff and refund i would be greatly interested to hear about the answer of the bizness owner.
You bet I did and loudly proclaimed to the customer service staff, as I slammed the jar of fake honey down on her counter, that I wanted my money back and that I would be reporting the fact that they are selling fake honey.
She was very quick about giving me back my money and I educated everyone behind me in the line.
I just can't wait for April to come so I can plant my garden with my saved seeds!
No need to maybe get tossed out of store or do anger thing even,better results from diplomatic methods: Alert manager in charge of product supply and that you'll be following up on his efforts to rectify and spreading the word of his good efforts..IMPLYING BAD EFFORTS WILL BE SPREAD AS on your face- grease's the system and us all...he's a victim too ya know,their sneaking it in everywhere!
The FDA isn't there to protect our health, they're there to assist in the depopulation agenda and make us think food is okay to eat if they say it's okay to eat so we don't investigate any further. Hopefully as awareness rises about this stuff, they'll not be able to get away with this.
Please, please, please everybody! Find a farmers market near you. Get to know your local farmers. Find the ones who are committed to growing organically, or even biodynamically. This is when it is worth spending extra on your food. Support these hard working, dedicated people. Our food is our medicine.
Unfortunately some of the local organic growers still use BTK, which is glyphosate by another name, and was given approval in 1961 to be used in organic farming. So that's another thing to ask producers. Also BTK is what is sprayed in many areas every spring using low level airplanes supposedly to kill "gypsy moths", so even us home gardeners and those who don't directly spray it on their produce can still be effected if they are in a spray zone.
I am on the west coast of Canada. Our organic farmers are for real. Some grow organically but are not certified. They tell me it is very expensive, so some small farmers just cannot afford the certification. I agree with you that it is good to ask questions. We totally deserve to know what is in our food.
Thanks Bhavan, please inform those farmers that they can 'self-certify' by adhering to organic practices for at least 3 years and then create their own certificate and post it publicly.
I say three years because that is what the organic certification require, that no pesticides or chemical fertilizers were used for at least three years. A record must be kept of all farm inputs (compost, natural fertilizers, etc.)
Anywhere. It's just my idea. The certificate could say something like 'grown organically using heirloom seeds'. Basically self-certification. You could have it notarized or just put your family crest/seal. Similar to a family trust, private family law. The trust creator calls the shots, and its a private document. Having it notarized makes it a self-proving trust.
A long time ago, we shopped from an organic farm, who did all the right stuff, but lived too near a big highway to get certified. Their food was fantastic anyway.
I suggest you get in touch with Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, Brighteon.Com and see if he is interested in putting different pieces of fruit and vegetables that appear to be adulterated with something unsavory through his forensic food lab protocols. It is not enough to "take a look" with the eyes to determine the identity of any substance. This is a mistake that has been occurring all over the truther community particularly with looking at photos of blood slides and declaring the identity of what the naked eye is seeing.
This rather clunky non-method of identifying substances has reached a fever pitch of hysteria in the Anti-Vaxx community. As a scientist (which I am not) said, This kind of "science" is what we call 2 + 2 = 5.
I bet Mike Adams is already aware of the many posts on social media, btw. He has a large staff and, no doubt, has a researcher or two whose job it is to bird dog information like this and bring it to his attention.
Mike has made a huge fortune off his "prepper" foods that supposedly last for 20 years (maybe cos they are actually plastic?), and he also supposedly does an awful lot of "lab testing" which thanks to Agent i am now very suspect of.......... just sayin'
Seeing videos of "fake" food is interesting and entertaining, but these things NEED to be tested. I can't believe no one has done this to any extent. Without real evidence it just becomes another conspiracy theory.
I don't need "real evidence" through lab testing to determine that the food I am buying isn't the same food I have been eating my whole life, and I don't need video examples from social media. I have gotten rock hard avocados from Costco that never ripen, watermelon that is pale and tasteless, watermelon that turns to mush when left on the counter, and food that is rotten on the inside. These products were mixed in with others that were just fine. A produce company can save (and earn) millions of dollars by introducing small amounts of fake or low quality products into their supply chain. That is one of the reasons I eat mostly grass fed beef. My family hates it because it tastes "gamey", unlike the cardboard beef they get at a restaurant that needs to be salted and doused in sauce to taste good.
Yes, I absolutely agree. I also have experienced crappy food from Costco and other outlets. But if we're going to stop it, we need real data from a lab verifying man made ingredients masquerading as real food that can be shown to people when they ask "where's your proof?" Otherwise it's just a story.
Since I was infected with some kind of covid over a year ago, I have not been able to taste or smell normally. It was bothering me this a.m. but it is what it is.
What really bothers me now with these fake foods is I am not able to tell if something tastes right or is a little off now.
We really need to learn how to grow our own food and in small spaces for many who live in apartments. I may have the space, but it doesn't matter because what good is it if most are not able? I prefer to go down with the ship or guns blazing...
I am an optimist at heart. Knowing too much really sucks but I'd rather know.
At least I had a great childhood because reality bites.
"covid" doesn't actually exist, but radiation poisoning does, and many lost their sense of smell and taste either temporarily or permanently as a result of the 5G radiation attack known as "covid". See my earlier post on how our senses are purposely being dulled or destroyed so that we can more easily be poisoned. These senses are meant to be part of our poison alert systems.
Just look up the symptoms of radiation sickness, and you will see an identical list of c-v symptoms, including loss of smell and taste., as well as respiratory, clotting and oxygen issues. Obviously people's bodies will react differently to the radiation, experiencing a variety of those symptoms.
Have you tried Dr Ardis's nicotine dosing to retrieve small,taste? Let me know if it works! Seems to be 25 percent results few days 25 percent in 7-10 days and 25 percent in 2-3 weeks and 25 percent failure to help.
The cabbage vid was incredible. Interested to know how they did the egg shell though. They already openly fake vegan food as chicken etc. Pushing veganism has prob helped them refine the techniques used to make fake food for meat eaters. I remember the big scandal in the UK when they found out they were using horse meat from France for beef burgers.
The goal to produce synthetic meats and other foods was announced decades ago b/c Overpopulation (tm). That most of the syn food they've been manufacturing surreptitiously or openly marketing to us is rather toxic is just a "coincidence," if one still wants to believe in their good intentions.
I found your food experiment interesting. The animals are more in tune with poisons than we are. Since we are being slowly poisoned since inception, we don’t know the difference it seems. Lol.
For a few years I’ve noticed more and more sweet potatoes purchased in multiple stores have some sort of artificial strong rosemary extract odor on the peels. As I have an extremely heightened sense of smell and taste, I find this disconcerting. Even after peeling, they aren’t quite the same as a few years ago. This rosemary fragrance on sweet potatoes cropped up at around the same time frame as rosemary extract being introduced as a supposed natural preservative in many purportedly healthier food manufacturers’ offerings. Rosemary sounds harmless. It’s an herb after all. But this is not natural. The word “extract” these days has become a red flag for me. As it translates to more chemical than natural. My reaction after consuming these items eg. Simple Mills Almond flour Crackers or all the mayos with that horrible fake rosemary aftertaste is similar to when I used to eat anything with msg in it. I am forced to be a consummate label reader because of health intolerances to wheat, dairy and additives, flavorings, and dyes. Anything with natural flavors or spices on the label and not listing the exact spice or item is anything but natural. I have started to become suspect of Costco practices in the past year. And thought that it was just me that thought their bananas and avocados seemed off kilter, since I am so food sensitive. Read recently that they no longer utilize APeel as a preservative on their produce, which is a smart move. But, someone in their corporation is playing mad scientist with some of the food. As an example, they offer Siete brand almond flour tortillas for those who can’t consume gluten. But if you look at the label it includes other ingredients not offered in the manufacturer’s line of tortillas sold elsewhere or on there site. Fermented extract of oregano, flaxseed, and plum has been added. And the tortillas leave a bad aftertaste behind. Not to mention side effects after consuming… I know that those ingredients sound natural. But how is the fermenting and extracting being done? For over a decade I have dropped most processed foods and stopped all medications in an attempt to improve health issues. Now I can’t even rely on going to the organic produce section or purchasing free range grass fed meat and getting “real” food. We live in interesting times. Why can’t the powers that be ( but soon won’t be) just attack us on one front? Instead of a strategic poisoning of all requisites for health. Air, water, food, meds, supplements, emf’s and the list goes on.
They say Ignorance is Bliss. And I sometimes long for that time when I believed everything I was told from authority figures and media and allopathic medicine. But if I didn’t wake up when I did. I’d be dead. Perhaps blissful. But not in the physical. 😉 I appreciate you sharing all your findings with us. I look toward a future where sometime soon, you can take a deep dive into something that brings us all hope. Know we still have some shadow work to do first. But it will come! Blessings to All! Especially if you read all of my rambling message . Lol . ✨💕💫🌎💫💕✨
Our senses have purposely been so dulled that many can not see well enough to notice the food doesn't look real, just blindly (sic) trusting the experts who provide the food supply and govt agencies that "regulate" it. Most people's taste buds now prefer tasteless bland food (preferably fried in toxic oil) rather than anything alive with flavour.
And re dulled senses, I seem to be the only one i know who can acutely smell things, in particular the toxic hormone-disrupting sterilising poison "fragrance" in laundry products (Tide and Bounce are good examples) which people happily smother their bodies in 24 hours a day. I can smell this toxic crap a mile away (including from the neighbour's dryer vent) and it gives me headaches and make me feel sick, yet the wearers believe this is the smell of fresh clean clothes (thanks to ad propaganda), altho most report that they can't smell it at all and have no idea what i'm talking about.
Alarmingly people have become so dulled to this stench that it is now being liberally doused on things like groceries, particularly plastic wrap on cheese and all kinds of plastic containers, and even directly on produce, but no one else seems to notice, and it can't be washed off (eg. it is FOREVER stuck on to them). The local Superstore seems to be pumping this stench out of the ceiling vents filling the store with it, so you have no choice but to breathe it in. Perhaps they are fed the story that items need to be "sanitised" becos of all the germs and viruses from handling?
And in the last couple of years most of the books i've ordered from A-mason and elsewhere stink of this chemical "fragrance", as does much of the packaging material included in ordered parcels, and often the actual item too. Again perhaps this goes under the umbrella of "sanitising" everything??? We have acquired a vacuum extractor for smaller items, but it is such a FOREVER chemical that it is often impossible to even remove it that way, so just imagine it permanently glued onto your nasal and lung mucous membranes forever, releasing its poison.
Anyway, there has been a concerted effort to ruin the eyesight of the masses thru screens (some tiny, like phones), LED lighting, and lack of outdoor time, all beginning in childhood, so dependency on glasses keeps the "vision experts" in business for life, and of course the jabs made millions (particularly older folks) go blind due to clots in the small capillaries of the eyes.
However, could it be that one psyop about the fake food is to scare people away from eating altogether? Those with no access to growers would perhaps starve themselves if they became afraid of the food, so either way they've got them where they want them -- eg. DEAD.
And then there's the subject of all those toxic body products -- sunscreen we know about, what what about shampoos, soap, tooth products and all the other contaminated stuff we use? This Great Poisoning of Humanity is more like a DUMB underground tunnel system than a rabbit hole!
Oh yes, and don't forget disposable diapers and wipes -- what a great way to infuse chemicals and sterilise people 24/7 starting at birth, and for the first several years of life. Thankfully i used real cloth diapers and washcloths for my kids, which i washed in my wringer washer.
LOL I agree with you Sister Summer my neighbors wife drowns their clothes and yes I can smell when she is doing the laundry its gross..I switched to the dryer balls and put a tad bit of Do terra oil on it. Black Spruce is nice....But I do not like saturated things especially my clothes. I think the first fake food I noticed was the watermelon back in the Mid Nineties. Then the awful peel able romaine lettuce back in 2017 a lot of weird things with the California radishes they looked great outwards but cut in to themm and they had black looking pieces it was gross!!
Well i'm glad i'm not the only one with a working nose!!!! So funny that people were terrified of the c-v cooties jumping six feet, and i could smell the Bounce on them from 20 or more feet away! Honestly, most people these days say they simply can not smell the laundry stench, which is amazing to me. Once i was on a windy big hill far above a new vinyl village subdivision and the Bounce stink was even evident way up there, wafting up from all the clothes dryer vents! It often just hangs in the air in my neighbourhood for hours and i have to go indoors. FOR WASHING CLOTHES the best thing is to put some washing soda and/or borax in the washer with the clothes, no soap or suds required. That's how clothes were cleaned for centuries before Tide and co came along to poison us. All the natural salts are great cleaners, as is white vinegar. And yes the dryer balls are great, but keep in mind that the only reason the clothes are full of static is becos they are made of plastic and artificial acrylics rather than natural fibres. Problem, reaction solution -- artificial clothes get statick,y, we want the problem solved, so instead of returning to real fibres, they invent poisonous dryer sheets!!! And BTW static electricity greatly interferes with our body's own electrical system.
I think AXE body spray has something particularly awful in it, and it was the first thing I ever smelled that made me sick to my stomach! I can smell that a mile away, and yet girls are attracted to that? And the guys love wearing it? Ugh! 🤢
If you want to explain to anyone why they need to De-"Fragrance" their lives, tell them to watch the documentary, STINK.
I make my own fragrances...I make my own almost everything. My sister says it's like, she imagines, she's talking to 'Dr Quinn Nedicine Woman'. So sad.... that's a bad thing?
Hubby says my organic diy laundry powder doesn't clean his work clothes, so he uses All Free and Clear, so I don't sick. I get migraines and physically sick from this stuff now. However, he wants some "smell" in his clothes, and we found one dryer sheet that I can tolerate(barely). That only addresses the smell, not the chemical toxins, endocrine disrupting, hair loss, Dementia and cancer agents in these products. He says "I don't care!" .
Sadly that is the attitude of most. Even my family, my Mother and Sister and husband tell me, "I know, but it's all about quality of life, to me. I want to enjoy what time I have left, eating what I want and living as I have." I reply..."I just don't want to see you suffer with what these things cause, because I love you." BUT, they don't see or hear or understand.
We grew up on a family farm, years of clean homegrown food, and deep well water, far out in the rural "wilderness".
My Mother moved off the farm in 2021, into a "retirement village", just blocks from DowChemical. There is a 5G antenna on a roof, across from her Patio door. Because she always drank tap water, she drinks it there. Needless to say, she's going down hill fast.
We can only pray that our fellow HuMans wake up fast, but each day it's less likely. The onslaught of evil comes from all sides. Stay Strong friends, and stay in the Truth, and never stop trying to help others see through the veil.
Yes i did put a recommendation somewhere in the comments about the excellent documentary STINK. It's too bad he didn't get into laundry products in particular, but he did get into the "fragrance" fraud. Apparently that AXE (it's all in the name eh?) stink is used a lot by adolescent boys due to adversising, and it probably attracts and STERILISES adolescent girls! I saw a documentary about a teenager who suddenly began having deadly anaphylactic shock episodes at school, he would have to be rushed to emerg every time, and eventually it was tracked down to Axe being used by other students. He was so sensitive it only took the slightest distant whiff to set off one of these attacks and he could no longer go to school (which isn't necessarily a bad thing!!!)
Gosh i think i'd have to get a divorce if my husband wanted his clothes to smell!! Like you, i can smell the laundry products a long way away, which means the molecules or whatever they are of this toxin are about to float around in the air a lot further than any virus ever did! I have to air out my house when someone (like my daughter and grandkids!!) have been inside. It's amazing enough when you see a young stud of a guy get out of his car in the parking lot and put a MASK on, but it is equally bizarre when men of all ages and types including studs are exuding a powerful stench of perfumed laundry poison
Very sad story about your mother. I have now come to a place where i realise that everyone here has come with their own soul journey, and it is not for us to interfere. We can act as signposts, offer information, but in the end they have free will, and we all plan this life before we come here, with our own lessons to learn. Letting go of feeling that it is up to me to try to save others close to me, let alone save the world, was the biggest weight ever lifted off my shoulders. However it can still be very hard to have to witness people we care about making themselves sick or even killing themselves, as with the jabs. And i'm sure your mother's downhill spiral will be attributed to "old age" and not to the toxic environment she is now in.
In Canada they advertise Gain and to me it stinks like the women in the old days who use to bath in cheap perfume.
They sell an additive to the rinse now to kill the chemical smells from plastic clothes that eventually off-gas. They claim that washing clothes normally doesn't get the 'stink' out because it is urine, or whatever. But the truth is that the clothes are plastic and chemicals mixed into something that can be sewen together. but it degrades and off-gases and that's what stinks.
Pure linen is the healthiest of all materials to wear, then organic cotton. Everything else is fake and health damaging.
I agree, pure linen or cotton, but of course that can be adulterated with dyes, bleaches etc. HOWEVER at least it doesn't produce static electricity like polyester, and you will find that nearly all sheets have polyester in them. Our bodies do NOT function well with static electricity!
Here is an excellent and shocking documentary from more than a decade ago, made by a chap who, after his wife died of cancer, decided to dig into the "fire retardants" on his kids pyjamas and found an enormous rabbit hole. While it covers so many poisons, and exposes "fragrances" it doesn't go into laundry products per se, and in my opinion the laundry stench factor has multiplied greatly in the last decade.
I grew some organic squash and did the same thing.
I didn’t know what it was.
My sister told me it was a protective mechanism of the plant. When you cut it, they almost appeared to coagulate. It is a self healing mechanism.
“When plants are cut, they do not coagulate in the way that blood does in animals. However, plants have a mechanism to seal off the cut area and protect the rest of the plant. This process involves the buildup of a substance called callose, which acts to seal the cut and prevent the spread of pathogens or the loss of nutrients. Callose is a type of polysaccharide that plants use to close off damaged areas, similar to how blood clots form in animals to stop bleeding.
The process of sealing the cut in plants is more akin to cauterization rather than coagulation. When a plant is cut, it can direct nutrients and minerals away from the damaged area, effectively sealing it off. This helps protect the healthier parts of the plant from infection or further damage. The callose builds up around the cut, blocking bacteria and other pathogens from entering the plant’s vascular system.
In summary, while plants do not coagulate when cut, they have a sophisticated system to seal off wounds and protect themselves from further harm.”
My initial thought was the same—our homegrown squash does this when cut, and the beads harden, just like Agent has shown here. Also, there are so so many heirloom varieties of melons and squashes, much more flavors and colors than folks here are used to because diversity has been lost many decades ago. So, out of season, coming from somewhere far away, and a different variety, closer to squash, which does the same thing when cut and would have thicker skin.
But, the no water when he salted it, that’s not typical. And some of those vids and other stories are very suspect, and I have also found pieces of plastic in food, so while some of the examples may be explained away, we all know there’s serious issues with the food supply!
It’s great to be observing and documenting! One idea would be to get the samples tested to see if they’re silicon or something else. We have folks looking at “spider silk” under a microscope and we’re finding weird shit..(it’s not spider silk). Back to the cucumber: is it the “season” for cucumbers? Best bet is to eat organic and “in-season” produce. Also, I wouldn’t trust WF food after Bezos stepped in. I’ve avoided for a couple of years now. Local markets are the way to go. And of course, your own garden. :)
Growing your own food would be ideal, preferably with heritage seeds! For those who don't have a garden, buying from local farmers is the way to go. I don't trust any of the grocery chains, especially Whole Foods.
That's definitely a strong possibility since Jeff Bezos acquired the chain. It wouldn't surprise me that they'd test their weird food experiments on their customers, who probably just assume all their offerings are of good quality based on the reputation of the store before ownership changed in 2022.
What a great post! I've been looking at produce with a high quality bright and darkfield microscope and doing research on the widespread use of nanotechnology in agriculture. I thought I'd done a good job of researching the subject, but this post filled in some significant gaps in my understanding of what's happening to our food. Thank you so much!
When things get really small or really big, that is the frontier of fraud that is difficult to disprove. Through a telescope or a microscope, the greatest frauds have come to us. What is amazing is it was the Jesuits, through the catholic church, who promoted the heliocentric model. Before that, we lived on the realm, on a Plane with no other Plane(ts) involved. Piglet is a small pig, planet is a small plane. See.
Just go carnivore. We don't need to eat plants. They're full of toxins and can be made fake like you just saw. I've been on a carnivore diet for 6+ years. As you know, docs are full of it, and say we need to eat rainbowed colored stuff. You should go down that rabbit hole. Stop eating shit that harms you: all the fruit and veggies you eat.
Maybe they can make fake meat too, but then just go to your local ranch and buy half a cow directlyl from them. Easy peasy. Saves some bucks too
Ten years ago, when I was cooking for my parents and they still expected meat, I saw store packages of meat that looked fake or lab-grown. When I got them to try a vegetarian diet, they shed excess weight, no longer needed BP meds, and Mom's diabetes resolved itself. Their bloodwork tests showed excellent results. Perhaps people respond differently to carnivore and herbivore diets, but I believe the meat they were buying at their local stores was gross and changing their diet eliminated much of their systemic inflammation.
Did you even watch the vids linked above with the fake meat and eggs they've been making for quite awhile? And, haven't you read how most livestock will be continually "vaccinated" via the needle and feed for every imaginary virus they make up, simply to toxify the meat we consume? And, what about the micro-plastics and pesticide residuals found in even "organic" meats?
Even if you know an accessible farmer or hunter for cleaner meat, the wilds are being contaminated through chem-trailing and poisoning the water and food chain from the ground.
It's not so easy peasy, after all, even for vegans, because there's nothing they won't adulterate for the global genocide.
For anyone looking to be pure carnivore, here is the current pork vaccination schedule insanity: - And, being that they are feeding pigs literal plastic waste because pigs are the only species who will eat it, we are screwed there. (Yes I do eat pork)
--> "Organic" meat does NOT count vaccinations.<-- The requirements for organic meat are "must be fed 100% organic feed and forage, and are not administered antibiotics or hormones." - that's it. (which is still better than fed trash but nonetheless they can be pumped full of Pfizer)
Go to TikTok and search for "Fake Meat" and you will see it is every bit as bad. The powers that be didn't only target produce.
I hate to admit defeat because I am an optimist but think they cornered us from all sides. The upside with produce is that we can see strange silicone oozing out of our cucumber whereas we cannot see the chemicals inside of meat. Maybe we can find Amish farms for meat? Don't the Amish not vaccinate? I could be wrong.
Yea. We can’t escape the jabs they put on the meat. But at least we can go to the local ranch and buy half a real cow, like I pointed out. You should tell your husband to give carnivore a go, it’s great for guys. I do feel like women do need some carbs here and there because of their cycle and all, but it might be a good idea to put Mr. Agent on a real meat diet. And if you do, skip the pork. Do ruminants only. That’s what we are adapted to eat. Pork ain’t the best. I can testify from experience. I stopped eating pork a while ago (it didn’t leave me satisfied at all; I felt hungrier than usual after having it)
Yes, exactly. It's a terrible pickle we find ourselves in, and by pickle I don't mean to champion fake cucumbers over fake meat.
For me, I see two things: the carnivore diet has been super promoted over the past several years on the conservative side of the political spectrum, as seen in comments here despite this post's links to fake meat, which makes one wonder why the cognitive dissonance; and, the fact that veggies are also easily faked and polluted, but easier to grow with good seed and practices than are livestock for most non-farmers stands out to me. In my dream scenario, adding a few untainted egg-laying hens that eat untainted feed would be ideal.
We can't all find trustworthy organic farmers willing to stand up to the corruption of our food supply, but most of us can grow a few things at home. This fact alone has the rotten system trying to ban backyard gardens which we really need to push back against. We can grow produce in backyard greenhouses which would be plausibly safer rather than relying on constant testing of potentially tainted food in markets.
I have no problem promoting growing things at home. Have been forever. Teaching my daughters too. Working with the soil is good for us and seeing the circle of life with everything puts more appreciation into things But I even teach to do sprouts as it can be done if you live in an apartment. I can, dehydrate, bake etc. I pick wild herbs and grind up in addition to saving my own herbs. California has an abundance if people learn. But my family have increased our meat consumption a lot. We buy part of a cow yearly too. I shop at Grocery Outlet which often have great deals on organic animal proteins, ie chicken, beef etc. I buy most vegetables from our local farmers market. Hoping to grow more this year since we got some of watering systems fixed and my soil has had time to regenerate. We are in a city and only have a small space outside, but things can be grown in pots too. It's a lot of work, but so worth it.
Idk man. It’s worked wonders for me for the past 6+ years. Whenever I eat organic strawberries from my buddy's farm where he doesn’t use pesticides I get all inflamed. I don’t like it. I’ll stick to the meat I’m buying, which I think is real. But hey maybe the one in your local grocery store isn’t. Idk… you do you. Carnivore is great regardless of what conservatives promote
Hey Agent,Greg here,the guy with the crazy theory you checked liked that vitamin D was created to suck not just calcium out of food and Bones but other minerals too in similar proven fashion to rat poisons proven effect there with main ingredient choliciferol that at extreme dose sucks calcium out of rats bones,into veins and dehydrates-kills rat.. first stage of calcification... My Theory goes perhaps they noticed soil was too depleted of minerals ie 72 of them to keep body healthy so only solution was to vamp our own bones of microminerals and claim it was just about sunshine photosynthesis as it was too extreme and ugly a statement against modern farming/society to discuss truthfully.C
Choliciferol drug fit the bill ( it's a drug!). After human worker slave functions in elite designed society for 50 -60 years taking synthetic D in supplements and food the calcification of veins causes disease and then after milked a decade or so with medical bilsl death in avg human at 78.
Cholesterol does little to no damage without synthetic calcium in play largely as it has toxic components natural calcium doesn't.
I'm not betting the farm theory on all points is correct but potential line of logical dots are connecting there it seems.
Anyway do you know exact mechanism of vitamin D softening tissues so fast as it may play into my theory or not.
Here goes my best try;The vitamin D pulls the calcium out of the bones and on the way to the veins it passes thru the smaller micro veins ie meaty flesh creating micro tunnels that can then collapse ,creating softer,micro drilled meat!.
And or: heavier minerals,metal particles are sucked thru same way but create tunnels that later collapse or are flimsy,torn up from vaccine effect,creating softness.
While I did discover science articles stating other minerals are hormonally sucked along with calcium,I couldn't verify if heaviest metals like uranium are effected (might burn right thru meat even more so then calcium).
Both articles disappeared from internet soon after and from my save! Suspicious! How can vitamin D famously pull calcium yet no talk virtually of pulling or not pulling other minerals WTF!!- suspect! Then blanket public with it's merely a sunshine energy translator- nothing else to see here-- also virtually no well explained pulling of calcium out of human bones only rats talk nearly of weakened human bones lacking calcium(or other minerals)-doesnt seem like honest revealed science..IS IT A MICROMINERAL PULLER FOR TIMED HEALTH BENEFIT DECADES REVERTER TO CALCIFICATION #1 KILLER ONCE ELITES DONE WITH YA STEALTH DRUG?!-OH MY MAYBE!! I'm not sure,but worthy of a deeper dive by the master deep dives,Agent1317111!
Anyway softness effect of D may well be caused by something else entirely but could be of interest to us humans if it's drilling us at higher doses w fast mineral particle pull or if it's just making us soft,as soft sounds closer to disease and perhaps weakness of muscle ie heart muscle? Etc..Too much mystery on non true vitamin D hormonal or just straight out strange drug toxins mechanisms that cause specific dramatic effects far from pushed skin/sun photosynthesis ALLEGED effect..
Evidence that skin effect largely dependent on cholesterol sulfate actually,not D,they even admit there is a mere D supportive tie in to C.sulfate..Vitamin D still has secrets that need deeper dives,I don't have your research abilities,maybe you can figure it all out,you know why they lie so much about D at each stage of things in history and mechanisms,good luck!
Thanks Brother Agent I will stay on the Carnivore and pray over the decent meat I do get I really appreciate all your efforts I wish you could send me a priavte email so I could send you a direct donation. I do not like public payment places. Peace
If they are poisoning the sky and water, how is vegan diet better? I tried vegan, made me hungry all the time. You are eating carbs all day long. I had to snack to not feel hungry. I grew up eating lots of fish and standard meat and potatoes. My mom lived to be in her late eighties and hardly ate vegetables most of her life. I am from Europe too where back then you would be considered crazy for eating tofu all the time. Tofu has zero taste by itself. You have to cook other vegetables with it and add lots of seasoning to make it taste good. You like it, good for you, but I hear so many other stories of people being helped on a more animal protein diet including severe diseases. We are all being poisoned so let's focus on that and helping humanity to healthy foods and whatever choices we all want. Expose the facts and truths instead of arguing over what each one wants to eat. Peace and health.
I wrote that different people respond differently to meat and plant diets. Please read above.
I was also responding to commenters who were representing carnivore as the superior way to go by way of offering up some personal experience where such wasn't the case, which should be considered an example of "exposing the facts." Your way isn't always the way for others.
I have been focusing on ideas here and elsewhere, but thanks for the sanctimony. And, please don't eat the tofu. I certainly don't.
Excerpt: "Powered by fuels or sunlight, they will be able to make almost anything (including more of themselves) from common materials. Living organisms are also powered by fuels or sunlight, and also make more of themselves from ordinary materials. But unlike assembler-based systems, they cannot make "almost anything"... Genetic evolution has limited life to a system based on DNA, RNA, and ribosomes, but memetic evolution will bring life-like machines based on nanocomputers and assemblers... Assemblers will be able to build all that ribosomes can, and more; assembler-based replicators will therefore be able to do all that life can, and more. From an evolutionary point of view, this poses an obvious threat to otters, people, cacti, and ferns - to the rich fabric of the biosphere and all that we prize. Among the cognoscenti of nanotechnology, this threat has become known as the "gray goo problem." Though masses of uncontrolled replicators need not be gray or gooey, the term "gray goo" emphasizes that replicators able to obliterate life."
Crazy! So, I’m wondering… while I’ve never gotten fake produce, if I did, I would return to the store and confront the store manager about it. Not to be a b*tch about it, but to inform (and get a refund). So has anyone done this? Has anyone taken the fake food back? I think if enough ppl did this and the store began losing shoppers, maybe they would change suppliers?
Exactly my thought. If I come across any of these weird foods, which thankfully so far I haven’t (or wasn’t aware if I have), I’ll be bringing it straight back to the store and telling the person at the store the situation.
And that fake food will still be sold, because those managers aren't the buyers and don't need to stir things up at headquarters only to lose their jobs when other customers don't notice and the FDA certainly doesn't care. Only systematic testing and documentation of the plastics and toxins in produce and food products and a class-action lawsuit against them and their suppliers might catch their attention, and, hopefully, not enough to have you de-banked and stalked.
A protocol of volunteer buyers and comprehensive testing by independent labs is what we need, if not for a lawsuit, for finding sources of genuine food for our families. Even farmers markets have been compromised in various ways, such that it's still an act of faith to believe their foods are non-GMO, organic, and raised by them when they say they are, as opposed to having been bought from commercial vendors for resale at the markets.
We really should invest in unadulterated seed and grain and make our own soil for the greenhouses, chicken coops, rabbit hutches, and undercover fish ponds we build and that have superior air and water filtration. All we would need for such an undertaking is the time, money, space, know-how, and permits, if we live in the city.
Thing is, they're already starting to restrict food gardening in towns and communities across Agenda 30 America.
You have a lot more faith than i do about lawsuits........ The legal systems in the "western" world and beyond are ALL in on the crimes.......... so good luck with that route!
The route I would prefer is independent testing by a consortium of concerned citizens. Of course, the just us system is rigged and has been for a long time.
Agreed much corruptions and good judges override,but some success most successful is Leslie Moonikians law firm in area of vaccines and mask's and such..few big wins made headlines recently in anti vaxx camps.
I believe her technique involves ignoring there conspiracy to big player connections and getting them on technicalitys of laws being infringed..They need to respect bit of that to keep illusion it's a fair system.If goes to nation al security stuff with to big to fail evil entities killing n such they'll stop the proceedings..In short you play the game their way by their rules and you know their methods you can counter play them and win..go in saying their trying to harm everyone not a chance even if true. Why set yourself up for guaranteed failure, very questionable!!!leslie got mask mandates lifted!!-to some extent - huge!Copy her! She's legally meticulous and settles for winning battles,not entire war,the only way gang!
More frightening to me is the gene editing shots for animals or humans..I guess various methods for frankenfoods but is there a test Agent to see if the gene transfer was successful? Their inferring 100 % Success changing genes with shot that's suspect.
Considering how labor intensive it is to shoot up each plant as well it seems they may be using the access to the plant with needle to effect our genes,simple poisoning with a slow action poison also cones mind .
Everybody send photos of suspect produce!
good question! agent131711 lteraly tried everything with all the fake food he could get. From feeding ants, letting it rot under the sun, left for bigger animals who didnt touched any of it for months....but never did he brought it back for refund( logical since he was wanting them for testing, but heh, refund is a test to! hehe)
If anyone have the bad luck to get one fake stuff and refund i would be greatly interested to hear about the answer of the bizness owner.
You bet I did and loudly proclaimed to the customer service staff, as I slammed the jar of fake honey down on her counter, that I wanted my money back and that I would be reporting the fact that they are selling fake honey.
She was very quick about giving me back my money and I educated everyone behind me in the line.
I just can't wait for April to come so I can plant my garden with my saved seeds!
No need to maybe get tossed out of store or do anger thing even,better results from diplomatic methods: Alert manager in charge of product supply and that you'll be following up on his efforts to rectify and spreading the word of his good efforts..IMPLYING BAD EFFORTS WILL BE SPREAD AS on your face- grease's the system and us all...he's a victim too ya know,their sneaking it in everywhere!
The FDA isn't there to protect our health, they're there to assist in the depopulation agenda and make us think food is okay to eat if they say it's okay to eat so we don't investigate any further. Hopefully as awareness rises about this stuff, they'll not be able to get away with this.
Please, please, please everybody! Find a farmers market near you. Get to know your local farmers. Find the ones who are committed to growing organically, or even biodynamically. This is when it is worth spending extra on your food. Support these hard working, dedicated people. Our food is our medicine.
Unfortunately some of the local organic growers still use BTK, which is glyphosate by another name, and was given approval in 1961 to be used in organic farming. So that's another thing to ask producers. Also BTK is what is sprayed in many areas every spring using low level airplanes supposedly to kill "gypsy moths", so even us home gardeners and those who don't directly spray it on their produce can still be effected if they are in a spray zone.
I am on the west coast of Canada. Our organic farmers are for real. Some grow organically but are not certified. They tell me it is very expensive, so some small farmers just cannot afford the certification. I agree with you that it is good to ask questions. We totally deserve to know what is in our food.
Thanks Bhavan, please inform those farmers that they can 'self-certify' by adhering to organic practices for at least 3 years and then create their own certificate and post it publicly.
So this is true in Canada, or do you mean the states?
I say three years because that is what the organic certification require, that no pesticides or chemical fertilizers were used for at least three years. A record must be kept of all farm inputs (compost, natural fertilizers, etc.)
Anywhere. It's just my idea. The certificate could say something like 'grown organically using heirloom seeds'. Basically self-certification. You could have it notarized or just put your family crest/seal. Similar to a family trust, private family law. The trust creator calls the shots, and its a private document. Having it notarized makes it a self-proving trust.
I love your idea, Tony.
A long time ago, we shopped from an organic farm, who did all the right stuff, but lived too near a big highway to get certified. Their food was fantastic anyway.
This might be true in some countries but I'll check this out tomorrow at my local organic farm.
I started noticing that many things don't taste/feel the same a couple years ago. Just awful...
I suggest you get in touch with Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, Brighteon.Com and see if he is interested in putting different pieces of fruit and vegetables that appear to be adulterated with something unsavory through his forensic food lab protocols. It is not enough to "take a look" with the eyes to determine the identity of any substance. This is a mistake that has been occurring all over the truther community particularly with looking at photos of blood slides and declaring the identity of what the naked eye is seeing.
This rather clunky non-method of identifying substances has reached a fever pitch of hysteria in the Anti-Vaxx community. As a scientist (which I am not) said, This kind of "science" is what we call 2 + 2 = 5.
I bet Mike Adams is already aware of the many posts on social media, btw. He has a large staff and, no doubt, has a researcher or two whose job it is to bird dog information like this and bring it to his attention.
All the best ....
Mike has made a huge fortune off his "prepper" foods that supposedly last for 20 years (maybe cos they are actually plastic?), and he also supposedly does an awful lot of "lab testing" which thanks to Agent i am now very suspect of.......... just sayin'
Oh yeh, and he makes sure to keep the FEAR FEAR FEAR messages at a very high level, becos he makes a lot of money on people being afraid......
Seeing videos of "fake" food is interesting and entertaining, but these things NEED to be tested. I can't believe no one has done this to any extent. Without real evidence it just becomes another conspiracy theory.
I don't need "real evidence" through lab testing to determine that the food I am buying isn't the same food I have been eating my whole life, and I don't need video examples from social media. I have gotten rock hard avocados from Costco that never ripen, watermelon that is pale and tasteless, watermelon that turns to mush when left on the counter, and food that is rotten on the inside. These products were mixed in with others that were just fine. A produce company can save (and earn) millions of dollars by introducing small amounts of fake or low quality products into their supply chain. That is one of the reasons I eat mostly grass fed beef. My family hates it because it tastes "gamey", unlike the cardboard beef they get at a restaurant that needs to be salted and doused in sauce to taste good.
Yes, I absolutely agree. I also have experienced crappy food from Costco and other outlets. But if we're going to stop it, we need real data from a lab verifying man made ingredients masquerading as real food that can be shown to people when they ask "where's your proof?" Otherwise it's just a story.
Since I was infected with some kind of covid over a year ago, I have not been able to taste or smell normally. It was bothering me this a.m. but it is what it is.
What really bothers me now with these fake foods is I am not able to tell if something tastes right or is a little off now.
We really need to learn how to grow our own food and in small spaces for many who live in apartments. I may have the space, but it doesn't matter because what good is it if most are not able? I prefer to go down with the ship or guns blazing...
I am an optimist at heart. Knowing too much really sucks but I'd rather know.
At least I had a great childhood because reality bites.
"covid" doesn't actually exist, but radiation poisoning does, and many lost their sense of smell and taste either temporarily or permanently as a result of the 5G radiation attack known as "covid". See my earlier post on how our senses are purposely being dulled or destroyed so that we can more easily be poisoned. These senses are meant to be part of our poison alert systems.
I believe that it gives flu like symptoms but does it give a person a light cold? It felt like a regular cold and I lost my smell and taste.
Just look up the symptoms of radiation sickness, and you will see an identical list of c-v symptoms, including loss of smell and taste., as well as respiratory, clotting and oxygen issues. Obviously people's bodies will react differently to the radiation, experiencing a variety of those symptoms.
Have you tried Dr Ardis's nicotine dosing to retrieve small,taste? Let me know if it works! Seems to be 25 percent results few days 25 percent in 7-10 days and 25 percent in 2-3 weeks and 25 percent failure to help.
The cabbage vid was incredible. Interested to know how they did the egg shell though. They already openly fake vegan food as chicken etc. Pushing veganism has prob helped them refine the techniques used to make fake food for meat eaters. I remember the big scandal in the UK when they found out they were using horse meat from France for beef burgers.
Nice catch on your hypothesis that vegans clamoring for hamburgers helped to supercharge the production of the Beyond and the Impossible burgers.
The goal to produce synthetic meats and other foods was announced decades ago b/c Overpopulation (tm). That most of the syn food they've been manufacturing surreptitiously or openly marketing to us is rather toxic is just a "coincidence," if one still wants to believe in their good intentions.
I found your food experiment interesting. The animals are more in tune with poisons than we are. Since we are being slowly poisoned since inception, we don’t know the difference it seems. Lol.
For a few years I’ve noticed more and more sweet potatoes purchased in multiple stores have some sort of artificial strong rosemary extract odor on the peels. As I have an extremely heightened sense of smell and taste, I find this disconcerting. Even after peeling, they aren’t quite the same as a few years ago. This rosemary fragrance on sweet potatoes cropped up at around the same time frame as rosemary extract being introduced as a supposed natural preservative in many purportedly healthier food manufacturers’ offerings. Rosemary sounds harmless. It’s an herb after all. But this is not natural. The word “extract” these days has become a red flag for me. As it translates to more chemical than natural. My reaction after consuming these items eg. Simple Mills Almond flour Crackers or all the mayos with that horrible fake rosemary aftertaste is similar to when I used to eat anything with msg in it. I am forced to be a consummate label reader because of health intolerances to wheat, dairy and additives, flavorings, and dyes. Anything with natural flavors or spices on the label and not listing the exact spice or item is anything but natural. I have started to become suspect of Costco practices in the past year. And thought that it was just me that thought their bananas and avocados seemed off kilter, since I am so food sensitive. Read recently that they no longer utilize APeel as a preservative on their produce, which is a smart move. But, someone in their corporation is playing mad scientist with some of the food. As an example, they offer Siete brand almond flour tortillas for those who can’t consume gluten. But if you look at the label it includes other ingredients not offered in the manufacturer’s line of tortillas sold elsewhere or on there site. Fermented extract of oregano, flaxseed, and plum has been added. And the tortillas leave a bad aftertaste behind. Not to mention side effects after consuming… I know that those ingredients sound natural. But how is the fermenting and extracting being done? For over a decade I have dropped most processed foods and stopped all medications in an attempt to improve health issues. Now I can’t even rely on going to the organic produce section or purchasing free range grass fed meat and getting “real” food. We live in interesting times. Why can’t the powers that be ( but soon won’t be) just attack us on one front? Instead of a strategic poisoning of all requisites for health. Air, water, food, meds, supplements, emf’s and the list goes on.
They say Ignorance is Bliss. And I sometimes long for that time when I believed everything I was told from authority figures and media and allopathic medicine. But if I didn’t wake up when I did. I’d be dead. Perhaps blissful. But not in the physical. 😉 I appreciate you sharing all your findings with us. I look toward a future where sometime soon, you can take a deep dive into something that brings us all hope. Know we still have some shadow work to do first. But it will come! Blessings to All! Especially if you read all of my rambling message . Lol . ✨💕💫🌎💫💕✨
Our senses have purposely been so dulled that many can not see well enough to notice the food doesn't look real, just blindly (sic) trusting the experts who provide the food supply and govt agencies that "regulate" it. Most people's taste buds now prefer tasteless bland food (preferably fried in toxic oil) rather than anything alive with flavour.
And re dulled senses, I seem to be the only one i know who can acutely smell things, in particular the toxic hormone-disrupting sterilising poison "fragrance" in laundry products (Tide and Bounce are good examples) which people happily smother their bodies in 24 hours a day. I can smell this toxic crap a mile away (including from the neighbour's dryer vent) and it gives me headaches and make me feel sick, yet the wearers believe this is the smell of fresh clean clothes (thanks to ad propaganda), altho most report that they can't smell it at all and have no idea what i'm talking about.
Alarmingly people have become so dulled to this stench that it is now being liberally doused on things like groceries, particularly plastic wrap on cheese and all kinds of plastic containers, and even directly on produce, but no one else seems to notice, and it can't be washed off (eg. it is FOREVER stuck on to them). The local Superstore seems to be pumping this stench out of the ceiling vents filling the store with it, so you have no choice but to breathe it in. Perhaps they are fed the story that items need to be "sanitised" becos of all the germs and viruses from handling?
And in the last couple of years most of the books i've ordered from A-mason and elsewhere stink of this chemical "fragrance", as does much of the packaging material included in ordered parcels, and often the actual item too. Again perhaps this goes under the umbrella of "sanitising" everything??? We have acquired a vacuum extractor for smaller items, but it is such a FOREVER chemical that it is often impossible to even remove it that way, so just imagine it permanently glued onto your nasal and lung mucous membranes forever, releasing its poison.
Anyway, there has been a concerted effort to ruin the eyesight of the masses thru screens (some tiny, like phones), LED lighting, and lack of outdoor time, all beginning in childhood, so dependency on glasses keeps the "vision experts" in business for life, and of course the jabs made millions (particularly older folks) go blind due to clots in the small capillaries of the eyes.
However, could it be that one psyop about the fake food is to scare people away from eating altogether? Those with no access to growers would perhaps starve themselves if they became afraid of the food, so either way they've got them where they want them -- eg. DEAD.
And then there's the subject of all those toxic body products -- sunscreen we know about, what what about shampoos, soap, tooth products and all the other contaminated stuff we use? This Great Poisoning of Humanity is more like a DUMB underground tunnel system than a rabbit hole!
Oh yes, and don't forget disposable diapers and wipes -- what a great way to infuse chemicals and sterilise people 24/7 starting at birth, and for the first several years of life. Thankfully i used real cloth diapers and washcloths for my kids, which i washed in my wringer washer.
LOL I agree with you Sister Summer my neighbors wife drowns their clothes and yes I can smell when she is doing the laundry its gross..I switched to the dryer balls and put a tad bit of Do terra oil on it. Black Spruce is nice....But I do not like saturated things especially my clothes. I think the first fake food I noticed was the watermelon back in the Mid Nineties. Then the awful peel able romaine lettuce back in 2017 a lot of weird things with the California radishes they looked great outwards but cut in to themm and they had black looking pieces it was gross!!
Well i'm glad i'm not the only one with a working nose!!!! So funny that people were terrified of the c-v cooties jumping six feet, and i could smell the Bounce on them from 20 or more feet away! Honestly, most people these days say they simply can not smell the laundry stench, which is amazing to me. Once i was on a windy big hill far above a new vinyl village subdivision and the Bounce stink was even evident way up there, wafting up from all the clothes dryer vents! It often just hangs in the air in my neighbourhood for hours and i have to go indoors. FOR WASHING CLOTHES the best thing is to put some washing soda and/or borax in the washer with the clothes, no soap or suds required. That's how clothes were cleaned for centuries before Tide and co came along to poison us. All the natural salts are great cleaners, as is white vinegar. And yes the dryer balls are great, but keep in mind that the only reason the clothes are full of static is becos they are made of plastic and artificial acrylics rather than natural fibres. Problem, reaction solution -- artificial clothes get statick,y, we want the problem solved, so instead of returning to real fibres, they invent poisonous dryer sheets!!! And BTW static electricity greatly interferes with our body's own electrical system.
I think AXE body spray has something particularly awful in it, and it was the first thing I ever smelled that made me sick to my stomach! I can smell that a mile away, and yet girls are attracted to that? And the guys love wearing it? Ugh! 🤢
If you want to explain to anyone why they need to De-"Fragrance" their lives, tell them to watch the documentary, STINK.
I make my own fragrances...I make my own almost everything. My sister says it's like, she imagines, she's talking to 'Dr Quinn Nedicine Woman'. So sad.... that's a bad thing?
Hubby says my organic diy laundry powder doesn't clean his work clothes, so he uses All Free and Clear, so I don't sick. I get migraines and physically sick from this stuff now. However, he wants some "smell" in his clothes, and we found one dryer sheet that I can tolerate(barely). That only addresses the smell, not the chemical toxins, endocrine disrupting, hair loss, Dementia and cancer agents in these products. He says "I don't care!" .
Sadly that is the attitude of most. Even my family, my Mother and Sister and husband tell me, "I know, but it's all about quality of life, to me. I want to enjoy what time I have left, eating what I want and living as I have." I reply..."I just don't want to see you suffer with what these things cause, because I love you." BUT, they don't see or hear or understand.
We grew up on a family farm, years of clean homegrown food, and deep well water, far out in the rural "wilderness".
My Mother moved off the farm in 2021, into a "retirement village", just blocks from DowChemical. There is a 5G antenna on a roof, across from her Patio door. Because she always drank tap water, she drinks it there. Needless to say, she's going down hill fast.
We can only pray that our fellow HuMans wake up fast, but each day it's less likely. The onslaught of evil comes from all sides. Stay Strong friends, and stay in the Truth, and never stop trying to help others see through the veil.
Yes i did put a recommendation somewhere in the comments about the excellent documentary STINK. It's too bad he didn't get into laundry products in particular, but he did get into the "fragrance" fraud. Apparently that AXE (it's all in the name eh?) stink is used a lot by adolescent boys due to adversising, and it probably attracts and STERILISES adolescent girls! I saw a documentary about a teenager who suddenly began having deadly anaphylactic shock episodes at school, he would have to be rushed to emerg every time, and eventually it was tracked down to Axe being used by other students. He was so sensitive it only took the slightest distant whiff to set off one of these attacks and he could no longer go to school (which isn't necessarily a bad thing!!!)
Gosh i think i'd have to get a divorce if my husband wanted his clothes to smell!! Like you, i can smell the laundry products a long way away, which means the molecules or whatever they are of this toxin are about to float around in the air a lot further than any virus ever did! I have to air out my house when someone (like my daughter and grandkids!!) have been inside. It's amazing enough when you see a young stud of a guy get out of his car in the parking lot and put a MASK on, but it is equally bizarre when men of all ages and types including studs are exuding a powerful stench of perfumed laundry poison
Very sad story about your mother. I have now come to a place where i realise that everyone here has come with their own soul journey, and it is not for us to interfere. We can act as signposts, offer information, but in the end they have free will, and we all plan this life before we come here, with our own lessons to learn. Letting go of feeling that it is up to me to try to save others close to me, let alone save the world, was the biggest weight ever lifted off my shoulders. However it can still be very hard to have to witness people we care about making themselves sick or even killing themselves, as with the jabs. And i'm sure your mother's downhill spiral will be attributed to "old age" and not to the toxic environment she is now in.
yeah I used clothe diapers too...and I have used Borax also thansk for the response Sister
In Canada they advertise Gain and to me it stinks like the women in the old days who use to bath in cheap perfume.
They sell an additive to the rinse now to kill the chemical smells from plastic clothes that eventually off-gas. They claim that washing clothes normally doesn't get the 'stink' out because it is urine, or whatever. But the truth is that the clothes are plastic and chemicals mixed into something that can be sewen together. but it degrades and off-gases and that's what stinks.
Pure linen is the healthiest of all materials to wear, then organic cotton. Everything else is fake and health damaging.
I agree, pure linen or cotton, but of course that can be adulterated with dyes, bleaches etc. HOWEVER at least it doesn't produce static electricity like polyester, and you will find that nearly all sheets have polyester in them. Our bodies do NOT function well with static electricity!
Here is an excellent and shocking documentary from more than a decade ago, made by a chap who, after his wife died of cancer, decided to dig into the "fire retardants" on his kids pyjamas and found an enormous rabbit hole. While it covers so many poisons, and exposes "fragrances" it doesn't go into laundry products per se, and in my opinion the laundry stench factor has multiplied greatly in the last decade.
I grew some organic squash and did the same thing.
I didn’t know what it was.
My sister told me it was a protective mechanism of the plant. When you cut it, they almost appeared to coagulate. It is a self healing mechanism.
“When plants are cut, they do not coagulate in the way that blood does in animals. However, plants have a mechanism to seal off the cut area and protect the rest of the plant. This process involves the buildup of a substance called callose, which acts to seal the cut and prevent the spread of pathogens or the loss of nutrients. Callose is a type of polysaccharide that plants use to close off damaged areas, similar to how blood clots form in animals to stop bleeding.
The process of sealing the cut in plants is more akin to cauterization rather than coagulation. When a plant is cut, it can direct nutrients and minerals away from the damaged area, effectively sealing it off. This helps protect the healthier parts of the plant from infection or further damage. The callose builds up around the cut, blocking bacteria and other pathogens from entering the plant’s vascular system.
In summary, while plants do not coagulate when cut, they have a sophisticated system to seal off wounds and protect themselves from further harm.”
My initial thought was the same—our homegrown squash does this when cut, and the beads harden, just like Agent has shown here. Also, there are so so many heirloom varieties of melons and squashes, much more flavors and colors than folks here are used to because diversity has been lost many decades ago. So, out of season, coming from somewhere far away, and a different variety, closer to squash, which does the same thing when cut and would have thicker skin.
But, the no water when he salted it, that’s not typical. And some of those vids and other stories are very suspect, and I have also found pieces of plastic in food, so while some of the examples may be explained away, we all know there’s serious issues with the food supply!
Tha doesn't really make sense if a particular fruit or vegetable behaves/feels/tastes markedly different than it typically used to.
It’s great to be observing and documenting! One idea would be to get the samples tested to see if they’re silicon or something else. We have folks looking at “spider silk” under a microscope and we’re finding weird shit..(it’s not spider silk). Back to the cucumber: is it the “season” for cucumbers? Best bet is to eat organic and “in-season” produce. Also, I wouldn’t trust WF food after Bezos stepped in. I’ve avoided for a couple of years now. Local markets are the way to go. And of course, your own garden. :)
Growing your own food would be ideal, preferably with heritage seeds! For those who don't have a garden, buying from local farmers is the way to go. I don't trust any of the grocery chains, especially Whole Foods.
Yes, Whole Paycheck is a CIA front, just like Amazon.
That's definitely a strong possibility since Jeff Bezos acquired the chain. It wouldn't surprise me that they'd test their weird food experiments on their customers, who probably just assume all their offerings are of good quality based on the reputation of the store before ownership changed in 2022.
I see this self-healing every time I prune my heritage, organically-grown Empire Apple tree, as well as my tomato plants.
What a great post! I've been looking at produce with a high quality bright and darkfield microscope and doing research on the widespread use of nanotechnology in agriculture. I thought I'd done a good job of researching the subject, but this post filled in some significant gaps in my understanding of what's happening to our food. Thank you so much!
Don't forget about the secondary food market, which has no oversight and can freely repackage and relabel foods with new expiration dates at a whim.
When things get really small or really big, that is the frontier of fraud that is difficult to disprove. Through a telescope or a microscope, the greatest frauds have come to us. What is amazing is it was the Jesuits, through the catholic church, who promoted the heliocentric model. Before that, we lived on the realm, on a Plane with no other Plane(ts) involved. Piglet is a small pig, planet is a small plane. See.
Jesuit order - documentary “The Entire History on ‘The Jesuit Order’ & The Plans Of World Domination located on YT per @movado242
Just go carnivore. We don't need to eat plants. They're full of toxins and can be made fake like you just saw. I've been on a carnivore diet for 6+ years. As you know, docs are full of it, and say we need to eat rainbowed colored stuff. You should go down that rabbit hole. Stop eating shit that harms you: all the fruit and veggies you eat.
Maybe they can make fake meat too, but then just go to your local ranch and buy half a cow directlyl from them. Easy peasy. Saves some bucks too
Ten years ago, when I was cooking for my parents and they still expected meat, I saw store packages of meat that looked fake or lab-grown. When I got them to try a vegetarian diet, they shed excess weight, no longer needed BP meds, and Mom's diabetes resolved itself. Their bloodwork tests showed excellent results. Perhaps people respond differently to carnivore and herbivore diets, but I believe the meat they were buying at their local stores was gross and changing their diet eliminated much of their systemic inflammation.
Did you even watch the vids linked above with the fake meat and eggs they've been making for quite awhile? And, haven't you read how most livestock will be continually "vaccinated" via the needle and feed for every imaginary virus they make up, simply to toxify the meat we consume? And, what about the micro-plastics and pesticide residuals found in even "organic" meats?
Even if you know an accessible farmer or hunter for cleaner meat, the wilds are being contaminated through chem-trailing and poisoning the water and food chain from the ground.
It's not so easy peasy, after all, even for vegans, because there's nothing they won't adulterate for the global genocide.
For anyone looking to be pure carnivore, here is the current pork vaccination schedule insanity: - And, being that they are feeding pigs literal plastic waste because pigs are the only species who will eat it, we are screwed there. (Yes I do eat pork)
Cattle vaccination schedule: What makes matters worse, cattle is injected with high dose vitamin D right before slaughter to soften its meat, tendons and ligaments. (Yes I eat beef)
--> "Organic" meat does NOT count vaccinations.<-- The requirements for organic meat are "must be fed 100% organic feed and forage, and are not administered antibiotics or hormones." - that's it. (which is still better than fed trash but nonetheless they can be pumped full of Pfizer)
Go to TikTok and search for "Fake Meat" and you will see it is every bit as bad. The powers that be didn't only target produce.
I hate to admit defeat because I am an optimist but think they cornered us from all sides. The upside with produce is that we can see strange silicone oozing out of our cucumber whereas we cannot see the chemicals inside of meat. Maybe we can find Amish farms for meat? Don't the Amish not vaccinate? I could be wrong.
Yea. We can’t escape the jabs they put on the meat. But at least we can go to the local ranch and buy half a real cow, like I pointed out. You should tell your husband to give carnivore a go, it’s great for guys. I do feel like women do need some carbs here and there because of their cycle and all, but it might be a good idea to put Mr. Agent on a real meat diet. And if you do, skip the pork. Do ruminants only. That’s what we are adapted to eat. Pork ain’t the best. I can testify from experience. I stopped eating pork a while ago (it didn’t leave me satisfied at all; I felt hungrier than usual after having it)
Yes, exactly. It's a terrible pickle we find ourselves in, and by pickle I don't mean to champion fake cucumbers over fake meat.
For me, I see two things: the carnivore diet has been super promoted over the past several years on the conservative side of the political spectrum, as seen in comments here despite this post's links to fake meat, which makes one wonder why the cognitive dissonance; and, the fact that veggies are also easily faked and polluted, but easier to grow with good seed and practices than are livestock for most non-farmers stands out to me. In my dream scenario, adding a few untainted egg-laying hens that eat untainted feed would be ideal.
We can't all find trustworthy organic farmers willing to stand up to the corruption of our food supply, but most of us can grow a few things at home. This fact alone has the rotten system trying to ban backyard gardens which we really need to push back against. We can grow produce in backyard greenhouses which would be plausibly safer rather than relying on constant testing of potentially tainted food in markets.
I have no problem promoting growing things at home. Have been forever. Teaching my daughters too. Working with the soil is good for us and seeing the circle of life with everything puts more appreciation into things But I even teach to do sprouts as it can be done if you live in an apartment. I can, dehydrate, bake etc. I pick wild herbs and grind up in addition to saving my own herbs. California has an abundance if people learn. But my family have increased our meat consumption a lot. We buy part of a cow yearly too. I shop at Grocery Outlet which often have great deals on organic animal proteins, ie chicken, beef etc. I buy most vegetables from our local farmers market. Hoping to grow more this year since we got some of watering systems fixed and my soil has had time to regenerate. We are in a city and only have a small space outside, but things can be grown in pots too. It's a lot of work, but so worth it.
Idk man. It’s worked wonders for me for the past 6+ years. Whenever I eat organic strawberries from my buddy's farm where he doesn’t use pesticides I get all inflamed. I don’t like it. I’ll stick to the meat I’m buying, which I think is real. But hey maybe the one in your local grocery store isn’t. Idk… you do you. Carnivore is great regardless of what conservatives promote
Hey Agent,Greg here,the guy with the crazy theory you checked liked that vitamin D was created to suck not just calcium out of food and Bones but other minerals too in similar proven fashion to rat poisons proven effect there with main ingredient choliciferol that at extreme dose sucks calcium out of rats bones,into veins and dehydrates-kills rat.. first stage of calcification... My Theory goes perhaps they noticed soil was too depleted of minerals ie 72 of them to keep body healthy so only solution was to vamp our own bones of microminerals and claim it was just about sunshine photosynthesis as it was too extreme and ugly a statement against modern farming/society to discuss truthfully.C
Choliciferol drug fit the bill ( it's a drug!). After human worker slave functions in elite designed society for 50 -60 years taking synthetic D in supplements and food the calcification of veins causes disease and then after milked a decade or so with medical bilsl death in avg human at 78.
Cholesterol does little to no damage without synthetic calcium in play largely as it has toxic components natural calcium doesn't.
I'm not betting the farm theory on all points is correct but potential line of logical dots are connecting there it seems.
Anyway do you know exact mechanism of vitamin D softening tissues so fast as it may play into my theory or not.
Here goes my best try;The vitamin D pulls the calcium out of the bones and on the way to the veins it passes thru the smaller micro veins ie meaty flesh creating micro tunnels that can then collapse ,creating softer,micro drilled meat!.
And or: heavier minerals,metal particles are sucked thru same way but create tunnels that later collapse or are flimsy,torn up from vaccine effect,creating softness.
While I did discover science articles stating other minerals are hormonally sucked along with calcium,I couldn't verify if heaviest metals like uranium are effected (might burn right thru meat even more so then calcium).
Both articles disappeared from internet soon after and from my save! Suspicious! How can vitamin D famously pull calcium yet no talk virtually of pulling or not pulling other minerals WTF!!- suspect! Then blanket public with it's merely a sunshine energy translator- nothing else to see here-- also virtually no well explained pulling of calcium out of human bones only rats talk nearly of weakened human bones lacking calcium(or other minerals)-doesnt seem like honest revealed science..IS IT A MICROMINERAL PULLER FOR TIMED HEALTH BENEFIT DECADES REVERTER TO CALCIFICATION #1 KILLER ONCE ELITES DONE WITH YA STEALTH DRUG?!-OH MY MAYBE!! I'm not sure,but worthy of a deeper dive by the master deep dives,Agent1317111!
Anyway softness effect of D may well be caused by something else entirely but could be of interest to us humans if it's drilling us at higher doses w fast mineral particle pull or if it's just making us soft,as soft sounds closer to disease and perhaps weakness of muscle ie heart muscle? Etc..Too much mystery on non true vitamin D hormonal or just straight out strange drug toxins mechanisms that cause specific dramatic effects far from pushed skin/sun photosynthesis ALLEGED effect..
Evidence that skin effect largely dependent on cholesterol sulfate actually,not D,they even admit there is a mere D supportive tie in to C.sulfate..Vitamin D still has secrets that need deeper dives,I don't have your research abilities,maybe you can figure it all out,you know why they lie so much about D at each stage of things in history and mechanisms,good luck!
Thanks Brother Agent I will stay on the Carnivore and pray over the decent meat I do get I really appreciate all your efforts I wish you could send me a priavte email so I could send you a direct donation. I do not like public payment places. Peace
If they are poisoning the sky and water, how is vegan diet better? I tried vegan, made me hungry all the time. You are eating carbs all day long. I had to snack to not feel hungry. I grew up eating lots of fish and standard meat and potatoes. My mom lived to be in her late eighties and hardly ate vegetables most of her life. I am from Europe too where back then you would be considered crazy for eating tofu all the time. Tofu has zero taste by itself. You have to cook other vegetables with it and add lots of seasoning to make it taste good. You like it, good for you, but I hear so many other stories of people being helped on a more animal protein diet including severe diseases. We are all being poisoned so let's focus on that and helping humanity to healthy foods and whatever choices we all want. Expose the facts and truths instead of arguing over what each one wants to eat. Peace and health.
I wrote that different people respond differently to meat and plant diets. Please read above.
I was also responding to commenters who were representing carnivore as the superior way to go by way of offering up some personal experience where such wasn't the case, which should be considered an example of "exposing the facts." Your way isn't always the way for others.
I have been focusing on ideas here and elsewhere, but thanks for the sanctimony. And, please don't eat the tofu. I certainly don't.
+1 on carnivore. Just marked eight months vegetable, alcohol, and starch free, and it’s changed everything for me.
Yep Charles
That’s what I do…… I’m still alive and kicking 🥩
It is from the nanotechnology sprayed all over earth as well, the Grey Goo I addess in my latest Substack TRANSHUMAN NAPALM
Excerpt: "Powered by fuels or sunlight, they will be able to make almost anything (including more of themselves) from common materials. Living organisms are also powered by fuels or sunlight, and also make more of themselves from ordinary materials. But unlike assembler-based systems, they cannot make "almost anything"... Genetic evolution has limited life to a system based on DNA, RNA, and ribosomes, but memetic evolution will bring life-like machines based on nanocomputers and assemblers... Assemblers will be able to build all that ribosomes can, and more; assembler-based replicators will therefore be able to do all that life can, and more. From an evolutionary point of view, this poses an obvious threat to otters, people, cacti, and ferns - to the rich fabric of the biosphere and all that we prize. Among the cognoscenti of nanotechnology, this threat has become known as the "gray goo problem." Though masses of uncontrolled replicators need not be gray or gooey, the term "gray goo" emphasizes that replicators able to obliterate life."