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LOL I agree with you Sister Summer my neighbors wife drowns their clothes and yes I can smell when she is doing the laundry its gross..I switched to the dryer balls and put a tad bit of Do terra oil on it. Black Spruce is nice....But I do not like saturated things especially my clothes. I think the first fake food I noticed was the watermelon back in the Mid Nineties. Then the awful peel able romaine lettuce back in 2017 a lot of weird things with the California radishes they looked great outwards but cut in to themm and they had black looking pieces it was gross!!

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Well i'm glad i'm not the only one with a working nose!!!! So funny that people were terrified of the c-v cooties jumping six feet, and i could smell the Bounce on them from 20 or more feet away! Honestly, most people these days say they simply can not smell the laundry stench, which is amazing to me. Once i was on a windy big hill far above a new vinyl village subdivision and the Bounce stink was even evident way up there, wafting up from all the clothes dryer vents! It often just hangs in the air in my neighbourhood for hours and i have to go indoors. FOR WASHING CLOTHES the best thing is to put some washing soda and/or borax in the washer with the clothes, no soap or suds required. That's how clothes were cleaned for centuries before Tide and co came along to poison us. All the natural salts are great cleaners, as is white vinegar. And yes the dryer balls are great, but keep in mind that the only reason the clothes are full of static is becos they are made of plastic and artificial acrylics rather than natural fibres. Problem, reaction solution -- artificial clothes get statick,y, we want the problem solved, so instead of returning to real fibres, they invent poisonous dryer sheets!!! And BTW static electricity greatly interferes with our body's own electrical system.

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I think AXE body spray has something particularly awful in it, and it was the first thing I ever smelled that made me sick to my stomach! I can smell that a mile away, and yet girls are attracted to that? And the guys love wearing it? Ugh! 🤢

If you want to explain to anyone why they need to De-"Fragrance" their lives, tell them to watch the documentary, STINK.

I make my own fragrances...I make my own almost everything. My sister says it's like, she imagines, she's talking to 'Dr Quinn Nedicine Woman'. So sad.... that's a bad thing?

Hubby says my organic diy laundry powder doesn't clean his work clothes, so he uses All Free and Clear, so I don't sick. I get migraines and physically sick from this stuff now. However, he wants some "smell" in his clothes, and we found one dryer sheet that I can tolerate(barely). That only addresses the smell, not the chemical toxins, endocrine disrupting, hair loss, Dementia and cancer agents in these products. He says "I don't care!" .

Sadly that is the attitude of most. Even my family, my Mother and Sister and husband tell me, "I know, but it's all about quality of life, to me. I want to enjoy what time I have left, eating what I want and living as I have." I reply..."I just don't want to see you suffer with what these things cause, because I love you." BUT, they don't see or hear or understand.

We grew up on a family farm, years of clean homegrown food, and deep well water, far out in the rural "wilderness".

My Mother moved off the farm in 2021, into a "retirement village", just blocks from DowChemical. There is a 5G antenna on a roof, across from her Patio door. Because she always drank tap water, she drinks it there. Needless to say, she's going down hill fast.

We can only pray that our fellow HuMans wake up fast, but each day it's less likely. The onslaught of evil comes from all sides. Stay Strong friends, and stay in the Truth, and never stop trying to help others see through the veil.

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Yes i did put a recommendation somewhere in the comments about the excellent documentary STINK. It's too bad he didn't get into laundry products in particular, but he did get into the "fragrance" fraud. Apparently that AXE (it's all in the name eh?) stink is used a lot by adolescent boys due to adversising, and it probably attracts and STERILISES adolescent girls! I saw a documentary about a teenager who suddenly began having deadly anaphylactic shock episodes at school, he would have to be rushed to emerg every time, and eventually it was tracked down to Axe being used by other students. He was so sensitive it only took the slightest distant whiff to set off one of these attacks and he could no longer go to school (which isn't necessarily a bad thing!!!)

Gosh i think i'd have to get a divorce if my husband wanted his clothes to smell!! Like you, i can smell the laundry products a long way away, which means the molecules or whatever they are of this toxin are about to float around in the air a lot further than any virus ever did! I have to air out my house when someone (like my daughter and grandkids!!) have been inside. It's amazing enough when you see a young stud of a guy get out of his car in the parking lot and put a MASK on, but it is equally bizarre when men of all ages and types including studs are exuding a powerful stench of perfumed laundry poison

Very sad story about your mother. I have now come to a place where i realise that everyone here has come with their own soul journey, and it is not for us to interfere. We can act as signposts, offer information, but in the end they have free will, and we all plan this life before we come here, with our own lessons to learn. Letting go of feeling that it is up to me to try to save others close to me, let alone save the world, was the biggest weight ever lifted off my shoulders. However it can still be very hard to have to witness people we care about making themselves sick or even killing themselves, as with the jabs. And i'm sure your mother's downhill spiral will be attributed to "old age" and not to the toxic environment she is now in.

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yeah I used clothe diapers too...and I have used Borax also thansk for the response Sister

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