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It is from the nanotechnology sprayed all over earth as well, the Grey Goo I addess in my latest Substack TRANSHUMAN NAPALM eatingtoascend.substack…
Excerpt: "Powered by fuels or sunlight, they will be able to make almost anything (including more of themselves) from common materials. Living organisms are also powered by fuels or sunlight,…
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It is from the nanotechnology sprayed all over earth as well, the Grey Goo I addess in my latest Substack TRANSHUMAN NAPALM
Excerpt: "Powered by fuels or sunlight, they will be able to make almost anything (including more of themselves) from common materials. Living organisms are also powered by fuels or sunlight, and also make more of themselves from ordinary materials. But unlike assembler-based systems, they cannot make "almost anything"... Genetic evolution has limited life to a system based on DNA, RNA, and ribosomes, but memetic evolution will bring life-like machines based on nanocomputers and assemblers... Assemblers will be able to build all that ribosomes can, and more; assembler-based replicators will therefore be able to do all that life can, and more. From an evolutionary point of view, this poses an obvious threat to otters, people, cacti, and ferns - to the rich fabric of the biosphere and all that we prize. Among the cognoscenti of nanotechnology, this threat has become known as the "gray goo problem." Though masses of uncontrolled replicators need not be gray or gooey, the term "gray goo" emphasizes that replicators able to obliterate life."