If you are serious about the coffee mug , I’ll be happy to make it for you.

Did you know that there is a old time natural recipe for chloroquine? My grandmother used to make it every winter for colds and flu. Since this whole debacle I keep a jar in my fridge for when my husband and I get sick. It has always worked for us!


5 limes

5 lemons

3 grapefruit

(If you want to kick it up notch add 1 heaping tablespoon of Cinchona bark)

Remove the fruit and put the rinds in a metal or glass pot cover with water (about 1/2 a gallon; this will reduce down to a little more than a quart). Bring to a boil, PUT A LID ON, and simmer for 2 hours. Strain and the liquid left is CHLOROQUINE.

It will keep in the fridge for 9 months.

2oz (a shot glass) twice a day for 2-3 days should work.

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Hi, do you have a chemical analytic report denoting it is CQ?

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Nope, it’s what my grandmother called it and that’s going back to the 60’s! We called it “yuck” as kids. Tastes terrible.

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That’s what I do… so are they comparable? My recipe is 2 lemons and 3 grapefruits. So the pulp contains the quinine. My uncle got Malaria in WWll in New Guinea and was sent to a hospital in Australia. Everytime they tried to send him back he would get drunk and get jaundiced again. 😂🤷‍♀️

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This is both brilliant and incredibly helpful:

"If it’s made in a lab, it’s probably bad. If it comes from God, it’s good for your bod."

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"Mr. Alexander R. Surrey (hero without a cape dude) saw hope in it and refused to let it die, cuz Malaria. You see, they needed to make a drug that would save people from the illness caused by the mosquito-born virus"

👉FYI, Malaria is officially said to be from a unicellular parasite Plasmodium, not a virus. Otherwise good post.

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My God, you're a tiger at research! You are injecting documented truth and searing logic into a truth movement that has been politicized, commodified, and compromised. Your articles should be hard-copied on archival paper and placed into bomb-proof home vaults, not only for the information but also as case studies in institutional and weaponized deception for the ages to come!

I was hoodwinked by the Ivermectin Miracle Drug(tm) and used a little bit of it, but never got around to getting a scrip for the HCQ. A huge thanks for the disclosure.

Re the nanometal materials put into too many products, air, soil, and so forth, do you recommend chelation or moving to some hypothetical place on earth without artificial EMF fields?

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Man… i was looking forward to the next part in that story 🙈 another 15 day wait… 😩🫣🤣🙏🏼

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me too! I was thinking the other day "did I miss the ending to the Uvalde story"????? glad it's still comin. my brain getting more ancient by the day...

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Yep me too! I actually went on specifically looking for it when i remembered the date 🙈🤣 as u say at least its still coming lol 🙏🏼

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Your research is incredibly valuable and very much appreciated.

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What I’d like to know is just which Whiskey & just which Cheese you eat that fuels your own bad self.

Where can I get some?

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Already read this but it jumped out at me again today. Remembered a book I read earlier in the year, which goes deep into the scam. It discussed the HCQ topic (even saying Trump had stocks in HCQ and Gates in Ivermectin). But one big thing I remembered from the book. A few years ago we had a very public horrific murder of 2 school girls here in the UK. The school caretaker was found guilty and sentanced. I won't name them, but a quick search should bring them up. Well, according to the book I read, their bodies were found in a ditch alongside a US military base. It is known in military records that taking HCQ (it's issued when being stationed abroad to combat malaria) can cause psychosis, amongst other things. Some military personnel have killed their wives and/or children. Now putting two and two together, can you imagine the uproar if it went public that US military personnel stationed over here brutally murdered 2 english schoolgirls whilst under the influence of HCQ? (especially if they want to keep the toxic affects of that drug quiet for - I don't know - future use?) So was the caretaker just a patsy? May be, who knows.

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You have opened my mind, particularly with respect to what agents may be added to drugs like CQ and HCQ. We should be skeptical about all of Big Pharma, not taking manufacturing for granted.

I kept track of a lot of CQ/HCQ stats during the pandemic. I read 500+ papers on these medicines, talked to authors, and performed the statistical analysis on the Tyson/Fareed paper myself. While it is possible that the summary of all such research was rigged (I found evidence that the most negative papers were rigged), it is harder to believe that thousands of people might participate in the rigging of such studies in a coordinated way.

So, I have an open mind, but I still suspect that the bark of the cinchona tree has medicinal properties that are not a psyop. Sadly, the worst psyops might be to take anything good (education), then taint it with poison.

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I added your article to my CQ/HCQ graph, though this is not my current focus.


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More excellent research. It is clear that these compounds are made of other toxic compounds. However, it begs the question: why does Oxycodone work? It surely is another concoction of toxic stuff though I know nothing particular about that. It does kill pain temporarily, however, as intended.

Might HCQ and IVM, even though toxic, have some short-term benefits as many in the MFM movement claim, for treating acute respiratory distress and/or some vax injuries?

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Don’t buy HCQ. Just use the recipe to make it. The only thing you actually would purchase premade would be tonic water because it’s got quinine… but you can actually leave that out and just drink the citrus drink you’ve concocted. DRD on Telegram has the recipe.

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I admire all your hard work and understand the research that goes into everything you do. Everything is a conspiracy. I had watched a Rumble video showing how many times Trump said things like "we have not seen anything like this since 1917" and media calling him out it was 1918. I had never heard of John Cullen, he believes covid is the bird flu, but you can't test for it if your not looking for it. Found that interesting to research a bit. It took me several attempts to finally find the information. Freedom Dr's that I have seen in the past have not once mentioned, let alone Congress. Why screw with something so deadly. Bird flu has been around for many years bird flu from 1917 connected with the 1918 pandemic tells me this is all a show while they reach their population dream. H5N1 mentioned too.

10/7/2005 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.310.5745.28 Resurrected Influenza Virus Yields Secrets of Deadly 1918 Pandemic and https://www.nature.com/articles/437794a The team got permission to do the work from CDC head Julie Gerberding and Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, based in Bethesda, Maryland. https://fnih.org/press-release/dr-julie-gerberding-named-chief-executive-officer-of-the-foundation-for-the-national-institutes-of-health/ In 2022 she came back to roost at the CDC after working for Merck pharmaceuticals. Publish and be damned? The other potential threat comes from the availability of the full genome sequence, which has been put on the GenBank database a condition of the paper's publication. Anyone can order DNA to be made to a certain sequence, points out Jonathan Tucker, a policy analyst at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Washington DC. There are currently no governmental controls on what sequences can be used, says Tucker, although some DNA synthesis companies now screen their orders for pathogenic sequences. If someone wants to reconstruct the virus, says Taubenberger, “the technology is available”. In 2003, he points out, a SARS virus escaped accidentally from a level-3 lab in Singapore, and in 2004 two further escapes occurred from such labs in Beijing. Ebright also believed that using an enhanced biosafety level-3 lab for the work was inadequate. Tumpey counters that enhanced level 3, which requires upper body suits and respirators, is safe enough. Disgruntled employees aren't a concern either, he says, because he is the only one who works with the virus. The few researchers with access to the lab undergo extensive background checks, and retina and fingerprint scans are used to prevent any unauthorized entry to the lab.

He adds that even if the virus did escape, it wouldn't have the same consequences as the 1918 pandemic. To top it just recently learned of the: Speech by Comrade Chi Haotian Vice-Chairman of China's Military Commission. Another telling and showing of the powers that be. Like reading a thriller. Don't want to destroy America, just rid the people and take over. They actually say they founded America. Where do the lies start and where do they end? Gates and a few others named at that time for a meeting for their 21st century elite dreams, only they refer to the people as garbage instead of useless eaters. I guess I'm just rambling, but darn everything circles back to what is happening now.

No wonder so many people are dumbed down.

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No such thing defined as a "virus" (by virologists and other fake scientists) has been discovered using the scientific method (and proved transmissible & pathogenic human to human or anything to human) via natural routes of exposure, so you don't have to worry.

Just keep your eye on the bouncing chemical ball. "virus" is the scapegoat and the cover for poisoning. Virology is a marketing industry to sell toxic drugs.

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Just want to make sure that we all IN FACT ARE ON THE SAME PAGE...

In no way am I defending the practices of pharmaceutical labs by saying the following, and I am sure most of you are aware...but in fact just want to again make sure we are on the same page.

Much like any recipe that calls for anything that isn’t itself the end result, doesn’t necessarily mean that said ingredient is actually part of the finished product. If we can all agree on that fact alone then we are good. However, if the lab producing a product has DEI hired lab techs, most likely gonna end up with batches of toxic af pharmaceuticals sold to the masses.

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Jul 16
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Shhhhhhh, stop noticing!

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Jul 20
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Good goy

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